#I mean... There is a tiny link but nothing really big related to the wttmv cast's lore
*puts Barnababy in another room so he doesn't hear me curse, then grips onto Solver's shoulders*
Solver, I have been losing hair over this shit, and I beg of you to answer this one question.
What the HELL are the Out Of Bounds?!?
"Ah, you mean the 'in between'! It is true that some call it that way... For example miss Keeper does! I think I did answer before... But it is pretty much the place between worlds and realms... A sort of void yet filled with things... Sometimes lost people, other times decors or vegetation that got scraped or just that got leaked from some ripped world!"
*He explains calmly*
"I do repair rips and holes in it, so I do witness sometimes seeing other travelers in there or on the other side of those holes! Tho, I never tried to really get in contact with those, unless they are in need of help!"
Creator's note under the cut:
(Note as the creator, I am not part of the wttmv group! Even if we do interact and might make stories up, Solver is barely linked to them!)
(The one I'm closest to is Peacekeeper's creator as our aus ended up being linked in a way (helping other aus and all) and we are good friends! Nothing much! If you have questions regarding the wttmv go ask the actual group, I think they even made a list of who's in it! Have a good day ^^)
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