#I might be able to find that phoenix fan essay again. Maybe if someone is interested enough I'll go look for it
nerdnag Β· 3 months
Sure, let's go! πŸ₯‘πŸ¬πŸ”ͺ🦷🐝🧩?
Yayy!! And sorry this took so long! My adhd refused to let me answer it yesterday 😬
πŸ₯‘ β‡’ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@wild-moss-art without question. They always offer good advice and also they would probably most definitely know how to get rid of a body
🍬 β‡’ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Waah πŸ™ˆ I normally avoid this kind of question like the plague because it makes me so uncomfortable to expose myself to Potential Discourse, but I'll give it a shot!!
Since we're both in the AA fandom... I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is since I have seen others mention it, but. I much prefer AA4 Phoenix to his other versions, and I'm sort of disappointed he seemed to revert back to the old Phoenix in AA5. I think AA4 Phoenix is freaking awesome. My kinda guy. (I did read a sort of fan essay recently though about how Phoenix was actually always AA4 Phoenix in some manner, and always will be, and that a lot of the difference in AA4 comes from the fact that you are barely inside his brain/POV at all, which makes him look more mysterious and random and incredibly freaking cool when we all know deep down how he's mostly just very lucky, lol. And that did convince me somewhat that it wasn't just a one-off thing, but still. I think his secretive, will-do-whatever-is-necessary, smug-ass attitude was incredibly interesting to engage with and it's sadly absent in the other games.)
πŸ”ͺ β‡’ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I'm running out of things to say to this question. XD Uhhh. Oh! I went deep into Brazilian favelas in 2016!
🦷 β‡’ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Alright, here's some personal wisdom courtesy of Sara von Nerdnag-Nuvelle!
I try to think of being wrong as something positive. So although I was very defensive when I was younger and still sometimes struggle not to be, I've managed to reprogram myself so that I usually instinctively respond by admitting to being wrong whenever I see a chance to do so. (I still struggle to do it in emotional situations though, it's easier when it's something more factual.)
And if it feels difficult to admit to being wrong, here are some reasons why being wrong is great, actually!
You get to learn new things and improve as a person.
Other people will view you as humble and tend to like you more.
Also related to the previous point: In the cases that you do not admit to being wrong, people will tend to take you more seriously since they know you're not just being obtusely defensive.
Each time you admit to being wrong and therefore learn something new, you get a cool new sword that you can then defeat other people with!! (Metaphorically speaking)
🐝 β‡’ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I've already tagged Nic and Eifie, who are the two biggest supporters for my writing, so I'll answer from the perspective of my art instead! And in that case, I'd say @wild-moss-art is likely my biggest supporter!! They found me on tumblr because they liked my Constance art, and I was so intimidated at first because oh my god artworld beyoncΓ©. Their art - especially the Constance art - is so good!! And not only that, they turned out to be incredibly cool and helpful and thoughtful. They leave such nice comments on my art, and have helped me several times to fix anatomy or other stuff I wasn't getting right. Also they're really nice to talk to. πŸ’•
🧩 β‡’ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Ooooh, hm. There are probably a few things, but if I'm choosing just one, I guess it would be that I see immediate signs of it being a little too badly/awkwardly written for me to be able to get through it. And... I'm not entirely sure what these signs are, but I know they are very instinctual and I can usually catch them within a few paragraphs at most.
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