#I realize I am mildly spamming the tag
peachyfnaf · 2 months
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what if i cry what if i just break out in a cartoon waterfall or tears what then huh followers (< shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, full of love)
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oddogoblino · 9 months
Hallo! Hi! I'm Odd, the goblino whomst owns this blog!
Basic Info
•Age: 19
•Pronouns: he/him it/its
I mainly post about
•Camp Camp
•Saiki K
..And other little fandom things I remember I like every now and then
My Main Tags
•oddito ramblinos <- my casual text posts
•oddito answerito <- my answered asks
•OddityGoblity <- my art tag
•Forlorn Half-Lights AU <- DCA focused au
Sonic AU Tags
•Words Hurt AU <- a sentient zombie apocalypse au
•Labhog AU <- an au where sonic's entire hero life has been artificial & planned to combat eggman
•Boom!Hog AU <- an au where Boom!Sonic has found out he is a born werehog hybrid
Characters You Can Send Asks To
•The Stars (DCA ocs)
•The Two (cough cough Eclipses)
•Sergio (nightguard oc)
•WH!Sonic & friends
•Labhog!Sonic & "friends"
•Boom!Hog Sonic & friends
•My listed OCs in this post in general tbh-
•Ehehhh- I mainly made this bc I realized how unorganized my blog is otherwise ahaa-
•I have issues of maladaptive daydreaming
•I struggle with art commitments
•I am fine with notif spam and mildly sexual comments on things I post but don't be graphic abt it
•I'm cupiorose and on the nonbinary spectrum.
•All hail our lord and savior Sonic The Hedgehog.
• If the DCA or Sonic wouldn't support what youre into/doing, why would I? Aka, basic dni list of no predatory or oppressive people of any sort, whether the matter be against races, sexuality, gender, disability, age, etc.
•"Pr*shippers"/C*mshippers/M^Ps. Disclaimer, i mean this for the ones misusing the label as a Trojan Horse to justify sexualizing children (fictional AND real life) as grown adults. The ones that go by the actual definition are fine. I'd just rather leave the label in the dni rather than leave room for ppl to consider I support that stuff.
•I usually block default PFPs and PFPs of pretty women bc they're always bots unless they like my posts beforehand
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note-boom · 2 years
Getting Around Here...
All right, we’ve reached the point where I’ve been told I have 1000 posts on here, so I’m gonna make a navigation/what’s this blog about post so I don’t go insane...
What’s This Blog About?
Basically this started as a realization that I was saving way too many BSD-related links on the app I use to keep track of all my obsessions, reactions to things, etc. So I figured a Tumblr blog would be the solution, and now this is my archive of things I would usually just save as a link elsewhere (plus some thoughts of my own to spice it up a bit.)
Navigation Stuff
Now how do I tag things for future explorations?
Fandom Tags: #bsd, #bungo stray dogs, #bungou stray dogs (will be updated if I switch/tack on other fandoms)
Character Tags: In general, I just use [acronym] [character’s most used name]. Like #bsd atsushi. Sometimes, I use two like #bsd edgar allan poe/#bsd poe or #bsd gogol/#bsd nikolai gogol but only when I’m not sure what their most used name is. There’s also #bsd characters (for unnamed characters or just incorrect quotes) this one (when there are too many characters to tag) and group specific tags (armed detective agency, port mafia, bsd guild, soukoku, shin soukoku, there’s no naming consistency)
Meta Tags: #bsd musings (for literally anything that contemplates bsd) #bsd theories (for theories, specifically) #character analysis (metas about characters)
Specific Media Tags: #bsd official art, #manga things (anything that features the manga panels) #anime things (anything that features anime screenshots and the like) #light novel things (anything referring to the light novels) #stage play things (anything featuring stuff about the stage play) #bsd fanart, #bsd edits, #bsd gifset, #bsd fanfic. Of course, there will also be tags for the light novels specifically, which is usually just bsd [light novel name], and wan.
Additional Tags: #humor, #alternate universe, #crossover, #random fandom spamdom (generally fandom related either because of my tags or the post’s contents itself) #bsd fandom slander (mostly a subset of humor that lovingly slanders the characters) #not fandom spam (has nothing to do with the fandom specifically) #spitting nonsense (my posts) #rambling in the tags sorry (when I get a bit TOO carried away) #note re-reblogs (currently nonexistent but the time will come...i advise blocking this tag lest you wake up to find 50 posts rereblogged because I didn't want to queue them...)
Spoilers tags will be tagged bsd spoilers (for all of them), manga spoilers/bsd manga spoilers, and anime spoilers/bsd anime spoilers.
In (Rambly) Conclusion
Why am I writing this like a three-point thesis...ah never mind.
And that’s how I sort out my obsession with this stupid show. If any other piece of media seizes me by the throat like BSD has, then I’ll probably start posting about it here (but my fixations are usually short lived and thus onto main sideblog they go).
I tend to...ramble in the tags a lot, which I mildly feel bad for (there’s a reason why I generally just privately save things). So if you’re seeing this because I spam reblogged you and you wondered who in the world was crowding your notifs with tags, I’m sorry. I also try not to crawl out of the tags too much, though, just do so if they don’t fit my rambles (oops....)
I try and lessen the blow by slapping most everything on the queue (but I don’t tag what I queue, let there be CHAOS), so maybe that helps a bit?
That said, I DO love tags, so feel free to spam reblog whatever you want from here and comment-tag as much as you want...I LOVE seeing people say stuff (whether I agree or not, this IS just for fun). I don’t usually use the comment/reply section or the like button because I don’t actually do anything in my main blog (I just work off sideblogs, heh), so I’ll likely abuse the reblog button a lot or just hope my vibes of appreciation are psychically felt.
OH RIGHT!! Asks are always open. Feel free to scream at me about literally anything, ask anything, or share cool links and shiny stuff I can reblog/save (the last one especially because I am a magpie of fandom things). I generally have to be asked things to talk about them, so I do warn you that the right ask can really get me going.
And with that, back to spamming I go!
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 years
Tag Me :)
rules: answer these 30 questions and then tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better.
tagged by: @starcourtdingus 
name/nickname: mag, I suppose, but magatha also seems to have taken hold
gender: female
star sign: sagittarius technically
height: tall
Time: 1:16pm
birthday: it’s in December
favorite bands: Red Molly, Cereus Bright, Old Blind Dogs, Delta Rae, Twin Forks, Blondie which is mildly embarrassing, and I’m including the Hadestown OBC on this list
favorite solo artists: Jeff Victor, Sarah Vaughan, Etta James, Julie Fowlis (honestly dare someone to look up the artists/groups ive mentioned and try to guess my music taste)
song stuck in my head: “Boston Town” by Della Mae
last movie i watched: Notting Hill for the umpteenth time
last show: Parks and Rec babey
when did i create this blog: mid-October 2020 I think? not long after the show came out and I realized I didn’t want to spam my wayhaught blog with bly haha
what i post: my writing, other people’s writing, random bits of analysis, fic recs/hunting/prompts, reblogged gifs & art 
other blogs: lmao yes I actively have 8
last thing i googled: wordhippo which is the thesaurus I swear by
do i get asks: yes sometimes and I love each of them so much pls send me asks
why i chose my url: because I have not stopped thinking about the 80s ghost lesbians for even one second and I love plants
following: 373
followers: 1,043 which baffles me but hello I love u guys
average hours of sleep: 8ish
lucky number: 13
instruments: ukulele and I guess I sing sometimes if that counts
what am i wearing: my favorite grey shirt with embroidery that says “thank the phoenicians” over the spaceship earth ball
dream trip: I want to go to Scotland so badly. also: Canada
favourite food: I actually don’t like food which sounds fake but it’s true
nationality: american (unfortunate)
last book i read: “A Survival Guide for Stage Managers” by Mary Ellen Allison
top 3 fictional worlds I'd like to live in: someplace with magic and that’s all I’ve got 
favorite color: lavender
thank you for the tag!! I do not know 20 people but I’ll throw it over to @vegetablefarts @briightcopperkettles @moonflower-sun @pro-found-axsthetic if y’all haven’t done this and want to :)
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cncoh-damn · 5 years
Late Night Calls
Summary: As much as you love talking to the guys, late night calls with them isn’t always the best thing, especially when timezones are in the way.
Word count: 4,993
Tags: @richukisbb @quierick @mamacamacho @erickspretend1 @whymyeyeslikethat @zaddydejesus @zabdielsdimples @cncownerxcr7 @streamdecero @cncoxpmxvibes @marveloucnco
Wanna join the taglist? 
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Ah, tests. No matter how good you were at school, there would never come a time when you’d look back on them with a smile. Of course, with this being the last year you’d have to take them (at least, until you decide to go to college), you just can’t afford to flunk a single one. Despite several protests from both your own squad and the boys, you promptly locked yourself in your room with nothing but several cans of Red Bull and one too many snacks that definitely didn’t count as dinner. Of course, you couldn’t really ignore the repeated knocking on your door (courtesy of Elodie, the twins, and Alex) nor could you ignore the buzzing of your phone, no doubt caused by the guys trying to convince you to take a break and actually eat something that didn’t come from a vending machine, so with a sigh, you get off your bed and unlock the door.
Unbeknownst to you, Alex stopped banging on the door roughly half an hour ago, and she’d been put on update duty; sending pictures and telling Zabdiel–who would then tell the others–how things were going on their end. Zabdiel did the same, although he still sent you messages every half hour or so. By the end of your five-hour study session, you swear there would be little grooves on your door from where one of the girls’ bracelets or rings hit. Checking your phone for the notifications, you’re mildly impressed to see the number of messages and missed calls you got, most of them from Erick and Chris. Probably something about your unhealthy habits, but really, you’re not about to listen to them; those two were sometimes worse than you after all.
And that’s how, ninety minutes later, you went back to your room after a somewhat excruciating–but delicious–dinner. As she came from a family that put a premium on academic achievement, Alex was the most sympathetic to your wanting to spend the rest of the night studying, though she was quick to tell you to not “study until you pass out” again. Slipping on a stolen hoodie (probably Christopher’s judging by how it wasn’t too baggy on you), you put on your studying playlist and get lost in your textbooks, a feat more difficult than it would seem.
The hours pass in a blur of flash cards, ink smudges, notes scrawled messily in the margins of a page, and several breaks for you to pop the knuckles of your hand when it feels like it’s about to cramp up from writing so much. By the time you finish, it’s already nearing eleven in the evening, and judging by the lack of noise from beyond your door, the others were already asleep or out. (E/c) eyes glance over the mess on your desk, papers and books and pens strewn around your laptop. You then glance over to the vanity-turned-extra-desk-space in front of your bed, brows furrowing at the mess. Not really the most ideal set-up, especially when everything you needed had to be within arm’s reach, but you could fix it later on. Or once your tests are over, something that seems more likely than the former.
Stretching your limbs, you let out a yawn before your eyes fall upon your phone, a notification light blinking to alert you of, well, unseen notifications. Placing your thumb over the home button for it to acknowledge your fingerprint, you rub your eyes with the other hand as your phone unlocks to show everything you’ve missed.
Thirty missed WhatsApp calls from the guys.
Several puns from Erick telling you to stay hydrated and take care of yourself.
Memes from both Chris and Erick that are related to the subjects you currently had.
Khan Academy videos from Zabdiel and Joel.
And finally, a group selfie from Richard, with all of them looking like kicked puppies. You have no idea who came up with the caption, but you were sure the dorks were trying to guilt you into studying and looking after your health. As much as you wanted to deny it, the fact that they all cared enough to spam your phone with messages telling you to take care of yourself warmed your heart. Needless to say, that picture gets saved to your gallery, where you’ll keep it to look at every time you needed a reminder to look after yourself it’ll stagnate and probably end up buried under the copious amount of memes and videos you save from your chats with the guys.
Noticing that your phone’s about to die–you both love and hate them for spamming it, because that meant your battery got drained quicker than it normally did–, you snag one of the many phone chargers on your bedside table, plugging it into the socket behind your table lamp and leaving it there. Next, you stretch some more before you pad over to your bathroom, fully intent on taking a shower before falling asleep. Hey, you might even get the chance to try out that new body wash you and Joel got from Lush the last time you hung out with him.
You step out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, shea butter-scented steam wafting into your room. Mental note to self, (Y/N): thank Joelito next time you see him, because shea butter smells so good. Plus it felt great on your skin, a bonus that usually came with the skincare products you bought. Yes, where most people bought skincare stuff for the sake of making their skin better, you buy the stuff because it smells good. After you wring out the excess water with a towel, you plonk down on the stool in front of the bathroom counter, a hairbrush in one hand and the hair dryer in another. Five minutes is all it takes for your hair to be just a little damp, and you set the dryer down to brush your hair until it’s no longer wet. Once that’s done, you brush your teeth and rush through the five step skin regime that Iana and Joel set up for you. Yeesh.
By the time your head hits the pillow, you don’t bother with anything aside from getting the blanket over your head as sleep claims you. Too bad you’re not getting the uninterrupted eight hours of sleep you wanted.
CYOA: Pick Your Boy
Christopher Velez:
maybe it wasn’t a good idea for you to set one of the most iconic songs in your music library as his ringtone
but really, Sk8r Boi was the song for him
plus it was the first song you two ever jammed out to, so it’s got a special spot in your friendship
as much as you love Avril Lavigne, you weren’t fond of waking up to the guitar riff you always played when you got your hands on an electric guitar
honestly you were tempted to let it go to voicemail because DAMN IT BRYANT, YOU WERE SLEEPY
but you figured that Chris wouldn’t call you at fuck knows what time in the morning if there wasn’t a reason
so you pick up, pulling the micro-USB connector from your phone’s charging port before pressing it into your ear, half your face smooshed into your pillow
now normally the hyper ball known as Christopher Velez wouldn’t annoy you by simply saying one word, but… you were tired
so you grunt before speaking. 
“Hola, Chris.”
bear in mind you were rudely awakened by his ringtone playing, so you’re not in the best mood rn
but he deadass doesn’t pick up on it
so he’s babbling on and on, switching between Spanish and English way too quickly for your still-sleepy mind to comprehend
just as you’re about to yawn, he stops mid-sentence
“(Y/N)? Cuál es tu color favorito?”
you actually yawn while he’s asking, and it takes a second or so for you to realize he asked for your favorite color
“Uhh (f/c),” you say, yawning right after.
he doesn’t say much to you after, and you’re about to let the background noise from his end lull you to sleep
just as you close your eyes, he makes this triumphant little noise that wakes you up again
and really, you don’t want to rain on his parade (even if he’s keeping you from your precious sleep), so you pull the phone away to let a tiny groan out
(Y/N) wants sleep
pero Christopher, el loco, just had to call you. smh
once you press the phone back to your ear, you barely just get the tail end of what he was saying
and really, you missed the guys (and Chris’ crazy laugh, but shh), but you needed sleep
so you yawn again before interrupting him
“Dude, I miss you and all, pero estoy cansado, chico.”
on one hand, he feels bad. but on the other, your sleepy voice is hella cute so… he has no regrets.
maybe a little guilt bc he knows you needed sleep to help with your test
so he’s all like “Ah, lo siento conejito. Go back to sleep, si? Just call me after your test!”
too bad you fell asleep in the middle of his apology lmao
he was waiting for a verbal response, but then he heard a snore
headass wanted to record it for blackmail purposes but nah
so he just hung up
gracias mucho, Christopher
(Y/N)’s circadian rhythm salutes you
also you called him as soon as school let out so you could tell him you did decent on the test
when you got it back, you sent him a picture. perfect score, hell yes.
lowkey you had to beg him not to post it on his IG. it’d be awkward af, plus it’d fuel some rumors that really wouldn’t be good for anyone
Richard Camacho:
okay, so you really had to set a punk rock song for this somewhat emo lil bish’s ringtone
but rn, you’re regretting it
no, Ronnie Radke, (Y/N) (L/N) doesn’t know why good girls go for bad guys now please shut it
it really suited Richuki tbh, what with him definitely pulling off the bad boy daddy dom look, but goddamnit it was loud
also Good Girls Bad Guys was the first Falling In Reverse song he ever listened to (courtesy of your emo phase that didn’t quite end, just turned lowkey) and he liked it
2012 (Y/N) is thrilled that 2018 (Y/N) has a friend who’s willing to listen to punk rock with her, even if said friend is a bit of a flirt
so he calls you around 4 am your time
you’re still a lil grumpy, but since you were in NREM 1, you woke up pretty easily
doesn’t mean you’re happy about it though
adios eight hours of uninterrupted sleep
but you figure this would happen sooner or later, especially since you and the guys have this sibling-like dynamic now
you pick up ofc, bc you’re already awake and you really don’t like sending any of your friends to voicemail
and he’s just surprised you picked up
there’s a little tremor in his voice and it makes you worry because you’ve never known his voice to not be even because of anything other than anger
or so you thought
now that he sounds upset, you’re a little more awake than before
“Que pasa?”
you usually switch between Spanish and English when talking to them, and it stays that way no matter how sleepy you are
there’s silence on his end for a while, and while it does make you worry more, it makes you a lot sleepier
you swear you’re about to fall asleep before he speaks up again
“No es nada. Just go back to sleep, okay?”
as tempted as you are to do just that, you��re not about to. bitchass had the guts to call you before dawn and make you worry before saying it was nothing? nuh-uh
you love sleep, but you love your friends (and your hobbies) more
“Don’t give me that bullshit Camacho.”
using his last name? he screwed up, and Richard knows it
he’s kinda quiet on the other end though, and you! don’t! like! it!
“Yashel? Richuki? C'mon man, what’s wrong?”
blame it on the fact that it’s like 4 am, that’s the only reason you’re being a softie rn
“It’s nothing. Sorry for waking you.” And then headass fucking hangs up
much to your chagrin
he calls you before the asscrack of dawn, makes you worry, then decides that it’s nothing before hanging up on you? R U D E 
like, screw the fact that you only had four or so hours of sleep, something was up with Richard and you’re determined to find out what
so, against your better judgement, you call him
he picks up bc headass didn’t set a different ringtone for you even if you’re friends hmph
“What happened?” literally no hesitation or beating around the bush here; if something was wrong, then you sure as hell wanted to know about it, especially since he called you
“It’s nothing (Y/N). You have a test tomorrow, just go sleep.” and then he hangs up on you AGAIN
by this point you’re cranky and mildly insulted, so you plug your phone back in to charge before you go back to sleep
you didn’t wake up in the best mood that day, ngl
lil bit snappy, kinda sassier than usual
basically your mood was like Joel’s every time he was on Twitter
the bad mood followed you all the way through your test, and it was pretty obvious from how tightly you were holding onto your pen
after school, though, you call him again and hope he doesn’t hang up on you
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong now?”
“Am I a good dad?”
oof this was not something you were prepared for
“The hell are you talking about? You’re a better dad than most are, man.”
as it turns out, he misses Aaliyah and worries that he’s not doing the best he can as a father
and you’re like “???” because the fact that he and Yocelyn are co-parenting means that he’s doing his best
especially given that he’s away on tours and doing promo stuff a lot
and he’s slowly spiraling into this really dark space and you! refuse! to! let! it! happen!
“Dude, listen to me. Yes you’re not around as much as you want to, and yes you may miss some parts of her life, but look at it this way: you’re making an effort to be part of her life, and that’s way more than I can say for most of the guys who accidentally knock up their girlfriend. So chill, okay?”
soft hours have been extended all bc Richuki doubted himself :((
by the end of the call, he’s feeling a lot better
“Gracias, nena.”
“De nada, dude. Next time though? Don’t call me sounding all upset and shit and then hang up.”
he laughed at that, but then apologized, so you’re not annoyed at him anymore
lowkey you’re considering changing his ringtone but… nah
Zabdiel de Jesus
if there was anyone of the guys you thought would know not to call you when you’re supposed to be asleep, it’d be Zabdiel
but nOPE
he called you probably thirty minutes after you fell asleep
and even if Britney Spears is a guilty pleasure, you don’t want to wake up to Womanizer blaring from your phone
sorry Elodie
but it’s blaring and you’re rudely awakened and now you’re sleepily squinting/glaring at the stupid thing as if it would make it stop. it doesn’t.
so now you’re picking it up because damn it, what the fuck could Zabdiel want?
you yawn as you accept the call, laying on your side so you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear
you didn’t expect to hear loud ass bass and what was probably a party on the other end
but you did
and now you’re trying to keep yourself from cussing at him. you two weren’t that close yet, and no way were you going to risk offending someone because they called you at lord knows what time in the morning.
so you take a page out of his book and take several breaths to calm yourself before repeating the question
“Cometí un error,” he groans, and you’re so tempted to just yeet your phone away because fucking hell, he’s drunk! or somewhat intoxicated.
either way, you are not in the right state of mind to speak to a drunk person
“¿Qué hiciste?“ It’s a struggle to not let the annoyance in your voice show, but you barely even manage to hide it. Thankfully, he’s too drunk to notice.
“I screwed up, (Y/N).” The way he says it is almost too pathetic and you sigh.
“Si, you said that. What happened?” There’s mumbling on his end and all you could make out is a name: Gwen. it takes a while before you piece it together, and you facepalm once the puzzle pieces slot together.
he was upset about his ex
his ex that, according to rumors, he cheated on
and then, for some reason, he figured you were the best person to talk to? okay, not the best person, but one of the first people he should call. 
you were not equipped for this. nuh-uh.
“Zabdi, that was a whole year ago. Hell, maybe even more.” Really, you wanted to ask why the fuck he was thinking about this now
it’s been a Y E A R
“I really liked her,” he continues slurring into the phone, and you muffle a groan with your hand. did befriending an entire boyband mean that you had to listen to them talk about their exes even if it’s been a year? even if they were probably the cause behind the breakup in the first place?
can you resign from being their friend now? (you say this despite knowing you wouldn’t go through with it. you love the dorks too much)
“Zab, you can’t do anything about it now.” You’re trying to be a nice and comforting voice of reason, you really are, but damn it the bass is too loud and you still have a test later in the day
you don’t know what’s happening on his end, but you think you hear something that sounds suspiciously like a sob
cue another eye roll
“Escúchame, Zabdiel. It’s in the past, si? Nothing you can do about it other than learn from your mistake and no lo hagas de nuevo. Lo tengo?”
there’s a bit of scuffling on the other end, and your brows furrow. the hell was happening?
you get an answer when Clara’s voice comes through, and you blink. huh, guess they were bringing him back to the hotel. or his room, who knows.
“Lo siento (Y/N), the rest of the guys thought he went off with a girl,” she explains, and you muffle a yawn.
“It’s okay, Clara. Just–”yawn, “Make sure he doesn’t puke or something. G’night.”
you hang up before she does, plugging your phone back in before you finally conk out again
during dinner that evening, you ask the girls how to deal with a friend who’s an emotional drunk, just so you’re prepared for the next time he calls you when intoxicated.
after that, you send him a few feel-good texts. mostly stuff that siblings would send each other, so you’re really living up to the familial nature your friendship has begun to take on
Joel Pimentel:
just so we’re clear, the only reason you call Joel more than any of the other guys is because he rarely checks his messages, groupchats or otherwise
that said, you’re surprised when, instead of the first of your alarms, The A Team plays from your phone
it’s weird that he’s the one calling you and not the other way around, but you shrug it off
at least he’s calling around the time of your first alarm
“What,” you deadpan into the phone
“When the fuck were you going to tell me you were at the Infinity War premiere.”
whatever it is you were expecting to hear, this ain’t it folks
“Uhh… never?”
and cue a cranky Joelito ranting about you getting to be there and not telling him so he could’ve tried to get tickets 
to which you needed to cut him off
“Bitch, my parents got tickets. Besides, my godfather invited us.”
“Who’s your godfather?”
and cue the silence
“I’m not allowed to say.”
“W H O .”
it goes from this to you deflecting the topic until you decide to bring up your test.
he knows you’re trying to change the topic, but he’s going along with it. he’s been there before.
you start spewing out random facts, both to keep his mind from going back to anything Marvel-related and so you can see how much you remembered from last night’s study session
for the most part, it works.
Joel’s listening to you talk about facts, and every now and then he’d interject with a question, to which you quickly launch into an explanation that spawns even more questions from him
and so you two talk through the next two alarms you set, with you explaining concepts that would probably (hopefully please please please) show up on the test later
“You think I’m going to pass?”
“Hey, if I understood that because you managed to explain it to me, I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah, unless it doesn’t show up on the test.”
“… Don’t jinx yourself.”
you two hang up around the same time, and you’re in a considerably good mood considering he called you to ask how you managed to be at the Infinity War premiere
also it’s shocking how you two didn’t sass each other much during it
come to think of it, what time was it there when he called?
meh, you’ll figure out later. right now, you have to get ready for school, and that uniform tie isn’t going to tie itself.
ANYWAY, you get to school and shit, breeze through most of your classes until last period
test time
you’re shaking with nerves bc the teacher for this one is notorious for giving college-level tests to his AP classes
and even if he’s been your teacher for the past three years, you’re still terrified of failing any of his tests
but one look at the questions had you breathing a sigh of relief.
those were the things you explained to Joelito! you were going to pass!
ngl, you nyoom through the multiple choice questions and double check your math for the ones that need calculations
once school lets out for the day, you find a nice, secluded area near the botanical garden (again, private school feels) so you could call Joel and tell him you’ve got a good chance of passing the test
but when he picks up he sounds groggy af
oh, how the tables have turned
but you’re sympathetic bc he needs to look pretty; his face is one of his main selling points after all
“Hi, sorry I woke you, but I think I’m definitely gonna pass. Thanks for a while ago, bye, love you dude! Get some more sleep!”
how you managed to say that in one breath, no one has any idea.
meanwhile Joel’s just staring at his phone in confusion before realizing you thanked him for helping you recall what you studied
you two didn’t acknowledge the “love you” that got dropped in that quick, minute-long call and you never will
later that night, he calls you again because he saw another picture of you at a Marvel premiere
and this time, you two sass each other until you fall asleep
sass buddies til the end of the line
it’s back to your regular, sassy program with (Y/N) and Joel. except for when tests come along, especially midterms and finals.
you two have late night calls just for him to help you study
Erick Brian Colon:
after a bit of shifting around in your bed so you can comfortably nestle in your blankets, you finally drift off to sleep, dreaming of getting an Academy Award in the future
as you were about to accept said award, the dream gets shattered when the fucking Guachineo begins to play
along with the shattering of that dream (because damn it, it’s been a near constant goal since you were a kid) comes a rude awakening not even thirty minutes after you fell asleep
as much as you loved Erick (PLATONICALLY), you were going to throttle him, pretty eyes or not
at least, that was the plan until you hear his voice
who knew someone could sound so shaken up over the phone?
okay that was rude and insensitive af but you weren’t expecting this
he literally sounded like he was about to cry, and damn it, this was the baby! this was little bebito Erick on the phone sounding like he’s about to cry and you’re not going to hang up on him.
to be fair, you wouldn’t hang up on any of your friends, but least of all Erick.
so in the sleepy voice you swore never to let anyone but the rest of your squad hear, you yawn out a “Que pasa?”
he’s practically sniffling, and even if he doesn’t quite want you to hear him cry, you’re one of the first people he thought to call, especially since the guys were out at the club 
“Extraño a mi familia,” he admits, voice shaking and you just want to wrap the guy in a blanket and cuddle him.
sure you don’t really get homesick much since you don’t live far from your parents, but it’s a wholly different thing for Erick
for one thing, he has a tight bond with his family. for another, he was what, 14 or 15 when CNCO was formed. it was probably the first time he was away from them for a long period of time, and sometimes, it didn’t get easier to bear with the passage of time
“No llora, bebito.” You’re trying to comfort him and all but you’re not exactly the best person to go to when you need emotional support. Hell, you can barely support yourself emotionally.
which brings you to the question: why me
and why when you had a quiz the next day
but this was Erick. not only was he your fellow group baby, but he was little bebito as well
you’re not about to let him be upset like this, not when you could do something about it
one problem though: you have no idea what to do about it. nice.
thankfully, he keeps talking.
as it turns out, it’s not just homesickness he’s dealing with
it’s also the pressure he puts on himself to be as good as the rest of the guys are
to be as charming as Chris, as good of a dancer as Richard, as intellectual as Joel and Zabdiel
and suddenly, you get where he’s coming from. mostly
it’s like an inferiority complex, but also, not really
as the youngest, you two had the most to prove
you two had the most expectations ahead of you
so it’s natural that you’ll end up pressuring yourselves to meet and exceed those expectations
now you know what to do, BUT you don’t know what to say
“It’s okay to feel like that, bebito,” you start, sitting up and pulling your knees to your chest. “Pero you need to remember that you don’t have to be like them. Dejaste de competir con otros when you guys won La Banda. Now, the only competition you need to worry about is yourself, si?”
you really want to baby him, especially with how soft and watery his voice sounds over the phone, but you know he’s not going to like it
as the youngest, you two end up being babied by those who know you as a member of your respective groups
and it gets annoying after some time because you just want to be treated like an adult
so you’re not going to baby him completely
you kind of stick to a soft voice the whole time you two talk
and when you feel a yawn coming on, you muffle it with your hand bc you don’t want him to feel bad
it takes a while before you ask how he’s feeling
but when he says that he’s feeling better, you immediately feel relieved
not just bc this meant you’ll be able to sleep soon, but bc it meant he wasn’t as upset anymore
a crying and upset friend always made your heart sad, but a crying and upset Erick? you were half-tempted to book a flight to wherever they were and give him a hug, exam be damned
“Gracias mucho, nena.”
“You promise you’re okay now?”
“Si. Good night, (Y/N).”
Yawn. “Good night, bebito.”
so you go back to sleep, then wake up when your alarms go off
the school day passes by in a blur, but you’re hurrying to go home bc you wanted to check in on him via FaceTime
so you do, but he doesn’t pick up
instead you just leave him a message in his voicemail
hopefully he listens to it bc as his fellow group baby, he needed to know that you were gonna be there for him when he can’t share stuff with the other guys
literally though, he’s the only one to always bring out your soft side.
but at least you love the dork.
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foodtrails25-blog · 5 years
Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies.. buttery chocolate cookies spiced  with flavorful Indian Gram Masala
  How about some chocolate cookies with warm tone of Garam Masala. Enjoy the sweet spicy and chocolaty taste with your favorite hot cup of Ginger Tea or Coffee  for grownups an milk for kids.
In these delicious Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies,I bring you two of the very unusual ingredients, the Indian Garam Masala and Chocolate. You must have seen recipes with Chai Masala(Tea Spice Mix) like my Chai Spiced Whole Wheat Apple Cake or another spice mix Thandai Powder like these muffins  Chocolate Mawa Thandai Masala Flavored  Muffins. Cardamom, and  pumpkin spice mix are the other favorite spices used in baking.
Chocolate Cookies with Garam Masala??
You must be wondering why why this combination of Chocolate and Garam Masala in cookies!!?? It’s because it is Monday and in my facebook Foodie Monday Blog hop group, the theme this week is Utla Pulta(means upside down). This interesting theme was suggested by Kalyani. She suggested that the participating members should make add a savory ingredient to sweet dish or vice versa.
I thought about it and had a few idea in mind like baking muffins with garam masala but then I had send quite a few muffin recipes for the group post earlier too. Then, nut trail mix with honey and sriracha sauce came to mind but the I postponed for the next post as realized that I am out of sriracha sauce for the recipe. So zeroed on these cookies as there is a nip in air, weather is changing and these comforting cookies are perfect for the weather with a cup of hot chai.
So here I am with Garam Masala Cookies, where I have used Garam Masala which is used mainly in savory dishes and used it for flavor in chocolate muffins.
Meanwhile do checkout Kalyani’s blog Sizzling Taste Buds where she has some very interesting and easy gluten-free and healthy recipes for every age group.
Garam Masala 
Garam Masala, one of the most important spice mix in Indian especially North Indian cuisine, is a blend of flavorful spices that enhance the taste of dishes. It not only enhances the taste but also has some health benefits (keeps body warm)when added to dish in moderation. Like any other spice, right balance of this spice is also required in a dish as it can make or mar the dish.
With a cup of garam adarakwali chai(Ginger Tea), these cookies are so comforting. Even kids love to have these with there turmeric milk. With mild garam masala flavor in cookies these were palatable for my 8 year old. My teenage daughter love these cookies with a warm tone of Garam Masala along with her favorite Chocolate. .
I keep on experimenting with different flavors in my cakes and cookies. These mildly sweet , mildly spiced cookies are complete hit at my place. Hubby loved these with his evening chai when he returned from work. Most of the Indians can’t do without there morning and evening cup of Chai and Rajeev is one of them!! He also needs something light to go with it, and these were perfect with his ginger tea.
Ingredients for Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies
I have used a mix of Whole Wheat Flour and Almond Flour for the recipe. You can make these cookies with either of the flour. Cookies with Almond Flour will be on the softer side whereas whole wheat cookies will be on the denser and crisp kinds.
All purpose flour can also be used in place of Whole Wheat Flour and Almond Flour. I have stopped using it at least in cookies and cakes that I bake for my kids as it doesn’t have any nutritional value, though it gives the bakery kind of result in bakes.
I have used butter in these cookies for the buttery taste as I like cookies with  butter. You can substitute butter with oil for vegan version. For the same substitute milk in recipe with any plant based milk.
For sweetener I used Coconut sugar, you can add castor sugar as per choice. You can also use brown sugar in the recipe if you don’t have coconut sugar.Coconut sugar is little sweeter than the normal castor sugar. Adjust the amount as per your preference. If you like mildly sweet cookies, the amount given in recipe is perfect.
Let’s see now how to make these delicious Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies
Sift together Whole Wheat Flour, Almond Flour, Coco Powder, Garam Masala and Baking Soda.
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In a bowl, whisk together melted butter, sugar and vanilla essence.
Add flour mix and fold lightly.
Add milk to bind the flour cookie dough. add very little amount, 1-2 tbsp at a time.
Fold and mix the dough very lightly and keep it to refrigerate for about 30 minutes or overnight.
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When ready to bake, preheat the oven at 350ºF or 180º C. Take out the cookie dough, make small balls, line on the baking tray with parchment paper.
#gallery-0-12 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-12 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Bake for 12 mins for softer cookies and 15 mins for the crisp.
Take out, cool completely on wire rack and store in an air-tight container.
Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies
Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies.. buttery chocolate cookies spiced  with flavorful Indian Gram Masala..
¾ Cup Whole Wheat Flour
¾ Cup Almond Flour
½ Cup Cocoa Powder
1½ Garam Masala
½ Cup Coconut Sugar
½ Cup Butter(melted)
1 tsp Baking Soda
Sift together Almond Flour, Coco Powder, Garam Masala, Baking Powder.
In a bowl, whisk together melted butter, sugar .
Add flour mix and fold lightly. add milk if the dough is too dry.
Fold and mix the dough very lightly and keep it to refrigerate for about 30 minutes or overnight.
When ready to bake, preheat the oven at 350ºF or 180º C. Take out the cookie dough, make small balls, line on the baking tray with parchment paper.
Bake for 12-15 minutes. Take out, cool completely on wire rack and store in an air-tight container.
Substitute butter with oil and milk with any plant based oil for Vegan version.
  Do make these Spicy Chocolate Cookies with hint of Garam Masala in it. As I mentioned above also, kids will love to have these with hot glass of milk or pack in their lunch for snack time.
   Do make this and let me know your feedback.
Say Hello to me on my social media accounts.. FB, Pinterest and Instagram. Whenever you make this, do post on my FB page or tag me on Instagram.  Pin the recipes for later use.
If you like my work, then do hit the follow button and subscribe to the blog to get notifications on new posts and share the blog with your loved ones. I promise won’t spam your mailbox 🙂.
Thanks for stopping by!! Keep coming back!!
Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies Chocolate Garam Masala Cookies.. buttery chocolate cookies spiced  with flavorful Indian Gram Masala How about some chocolate cookies with warm tone of Garam Masala.
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writteninlucidink · 7 years
the salty af munday meme
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Spoilers without tagging, NSFW without tagging (I browse at work and I’ll unfollow sooner than lose my job), spam my feed,  post racist things especially things that pretend to be a victim of one race to promote racism against that race, spam my feed with garbage so I have a ton of scrolling before I see any of my other friends posts, too much political stuff, radically changing what they post about (I joined for the skelton rps, but now most of the posts are about how much you hate your family and I... am going on tumblr to get away from irl drama. I somehow subscribed to more) rp blogs that involve self harm / pity plots to try to get attention.
But mostly not tagging spoilers. 
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
It depends on what that encompasses. If it’s only what happened IN the RP, being force shipped when I didn’t want to be and then having my muse murdered when we tried to get out of it. Murder was preferable over continuing the ship ._. It was bad and my muse and I were both really uncomfortable and unhappy at being put in that situation. If it extends beyond that, having a back story interwoven with muses/muns I don’t RP with anymore so it makes things kind of... difficult in more ways than one. 
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
When people start an RP with me and have no idea what they’ll do or where they’ll take the story and basically make me the content generator. Responding to things I put fourth is great, but if that’s all my partner does and doesn’t add anything interesting to it or built on the story, only gobbling up the ideas I give to them... that RP isn’t very fun for me and is just draining. I try to end it pretty quickly if they never give any content back and only just ‘respond’ without giving me a springboard back or build on the scene. 
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
People were making inks when I asked them not to (I was still making the guide and the M!A cheapened it and people were playing them wrong.) Others made spinoffs of inks so yeah.
 Not counting RP, Gaia stole my item idea, entered it in a contest and it didn’t win but they had the idea by that point and copied it for one of their evolving items. They changed the name I gave it and didn’t even give me credit. I stopped entering contests because I realized it was just a way to generate content ideas without giving credit (if you submit to the contest you lose rights or some bs). But then they copied my interactive profile fish tank idea and made a f*ck ton of $$$ off that and... screwed me in other ways including one of the devs commissioning me, collected donations from members of a guild for the comic I was making... then took the money and ran. I pretty much lost interest in the site. I had other games take my ideas. And a fanfic steal my art to use as a cover- complained to Amazon, Amazon said they’d take it down. It’s still there. Friggin’ Amazon.
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
Being lied to, or feeling like I’m being abused, or abusing my friends. If I feel like I’m being mistreated I’ll lash out so that it stops. 
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