#I realize I've got a ton of headcanon I'm probably never going to elaborate on
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NICKNAME[S]: Rocket, Ranger Rocket, Rocket Raccoon, Rocky (best pals only), Rodent, Fur Face, it goes on and on and on...
SEX: Male
CURRENTLY LIVING: Crew mate and owner of the Milano
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English (United States), English (United Kingdom) (formally. it’s a long story), Integrated Galactic Translator covers all bases.
EDUCATION: Extensive AI augmentation.  Universal knowledge on engineering, first-aid, piloting, tactical strategy and a scut load of everything else.
HAIR FUR COLOR: Dirty, dirty brown. 
EYE COLOR: Brown, Red at the right angle (think Blade Runner)
HEIGHT: 3’5”
WEIGHT:  Flark you.
PARENT[S]:  Nada
CHILDREN: Sweet Hala no.
PET[S]: Kammy, (frankly, not wanted. Available for sale.) Peter Jason Quill (human team mascot, same offer applies)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Male leaning Demisexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Your scutbaggin' mother.
SINCE WHEN:  D’ast off.
TAGGED BY: @paragonrising
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"Once again, Dan. I find myself doin' the dirty work that you send me. And by dirty work, I mean paperwork, which I think goes without saying is the worst, most boring kind of work."
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"--but I'm sayin' it anyway because you keep. Sending. It."
TAGGING: "Why the hell would I be sadistic enough to send this crap over to anyo--?"
"...wait, never mind. I'm forwarding it to Moon Knight ( @thesilverandjetsystem ) again. Ha. That never gets old--!"
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isa-ghost · 8 days
INLTBH Crumbs & Phil Headcanons!
For anyone confused, INLTBH stands for I Never Left The Birdhouse, it's the new angst fic I'm working on! :D Here's the premise, but it's been developed even more now.
I'm trying to keep a handful of things secret for the moment, because my goal is for people to have fun theorizing and pointing out hints that Phil is a ghost, since I'll be sprinkling many of them in the chapters. Eventually, I'll post somewhere all of the hints I included.
I'm really wishing the inspiration for the fic didn't START with the idea of Phil being dead because that would've been a bomb ass reveal, but unfortunately the concept of "what if he died in there" is what started this whole thing, so I'm compensating by keeping the signs he's a ghost, and HOW he died a secret instead. And other stuff.
But here's what I feel confident sharing about Phil!
I'm very autistic about the paranormal and ghost hunting, so I'll be using my knowledge about it to characterize Phil and his behavior! :D Unfortunately a lot of that pertains to the signs he's a ghost that I said I was keeping secret soooo you'll have to wait for that infodumping later!
I'll give a freebie ghost hint: Sometimes you can detect the presence of a spirit or demon because there will be a strong smell in the air. Common ones include roses and sulfur. I've given Phil the scent of roses & smoke, as a nod to wither roses, given that he's the Angel of Death!
He doesn't know what happened to him, all he remembers is the canon lore, aka the initial luring to the Birdhouse and then being trapped inside & abandoned by Cucurucho.
I'm taking the derealization we didn't get a ton of elaboration on and fucking RUNNING. Unrested spirits WOOOOO.
Missa doesn't realize he's dead at first because he can still touch and interact with Phil as usual. Reapers can physically interact with the dead, whereas the living cannot. :')
As for INLTBH in general, here's what I will share:
Missa, Fit, Pac, and Foolish are DEFINITELY involved. BBH will probably have a cameo.
I have 5 chapters planned so far, hopefully it won't be more than 10 when the whole thing is done.
Some CWs include: major character death (bc, yknow, Phil's dead), descriptions of a corpse/death, vomit, and derealization.
The Federation is conducting... business as usual. (derogatory)
ALSO, multiple people have already asked me for songs I'm going to reference or muse to while working on the fic, so here's what I've got so far:
OBVIOUSLY I'm using WYOYL, it's THE Birdhouse song.
Echo is very fitting for the ghost/derealization themes, and some lyrics will be chapter titles!
Floating Dream & An Ordinary Day are also canon Phil lore songs that are related to Phil's derealization (and EK/Rose but that's irrelevant here)
Circles & Secret Garden's lyrics are pure Ghostza pain. :)
Carousel's chorus is primarily what's doing it for me here, but even if it isn't a perfect fit, it's a fucking BANGER and this is a good excuse to share it.
Metronome's lyrics are INLTBH Deathduo :')
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