#I really should watch that vikings show forreal
sweetpxsin · 6 years
Stray Kids During Valentines
Member: Strays Kids
Plot: Stray kids during Valentines
Genre: explosion of uwu = Floof
Note: Literally no one fucking asked for this but your welcome and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LOVE Also wazzup my single bisses!!!
[ Masterlist ]
[ C H A N ]
•if y'all thought Chan ain’t doing the most you’re absolutely wrong
•he has been waiting for this special moment for a whole ass month
•taking mental notes of things you really like/want and items that are popular on valentines
•but just to deceive you he’ll just send a “Happy Valentine’s Day, Love” with your guys special heart emoji
•and as soon as you walk out of your apartment to run some errands Chan would let himself in and set to work
•being the sentimental little shit he is, as soon as you walked into your apartment he’d have your guys song playing with rose petals leading to him and the romantic dinner he had ready for you
•and it doesn’t even end there sis
•after a cute little dinner and maybe some slow dancing Chan would lead you to your bedroom where his biggest gift was
•on your bed would be your favorite flowers along with a couple of gifts accompanied by a huge teddy bear
•and to tie it all off he’d give you his goofy little grin before hugging you close
•ending the night with the both cuddled nicely together just enjoying each other presence
[ W O O J I N ]
•so you know how his nickname is bear?
•expect an abnormally large bear sitting on your living room couch
•and expect it to attack you in a hug...well attempt to...
•it’s kinda hard to hug someone when there’s a huge stuffed bear between you
•though after he’d gotten rid of the bear he’d hug you real right in his arms before telling you to get ready
•he’d already have a big day planned out for the both you in advance
•and when you came out all dressed and cute Woojin would have no problem with showering you in compliments and maybe  some kisses before taking you out on his adventure filled day
•he’d take you out for lunch at your favorite café and then take you to the new  amusement park you had been raving about
•and there he’d probably let you take as many of those corny couple pictures as you’d like
•because today was all about you and Woojin wanted to make sure that today was like no other
•after the amusement park he’d take you to that fancy restaurants he’s been meaning to take you to and have a romantic dinner with you
•which would probably consist of some flirty and reminiscing on when on you guys first started dating
•and end the night with you cuddled nicely in his arms
[ M I N H O ]
•he about to hoe this one out- I’m kidding...but am I?
•no but forreal he’s been planning this one out for a while
•except he wouldn’t let you know and simply act like he planned out a pretty simple date with you
•like he’d arrive at your apartment with a typical bouquet of your favorite flowers along with a  large teddy bear you had been raving about for months and your favorite movie in hand
•but half way through the movie he’d suddenly get up insisting you stay in bed while he goes tend something
•and while you continued to watch the movie he’d begin to set up for the romantic dinner just for the two of you
•He’d cook your favorite dish and have the dining room table nicely decorated with candles and flower petals neatly scattered on the table for some accents just like he had seen in the movies
•And when you finally came out to check on him the soft sound of a piano would hit you and lead you to your kitchen where your man stood a wide grin on his lips
•”Happy Valentine’s Babe.”
[ C H A N G B I N  ]
•Not wanting to be predictable Changbin would opt for a more toned down Valentines that he knew you’d still enjoy
•Changbin would get up super duper early and sneak into your apartment and make you breakfast that you could eat in bed, because his baby needs to start the morning off right
•and after he’d give you your morning kisses and tell you to get ready because he wanted to explore the city with you, even if he knew it like back of his hand
•He’d be super sweet the whole time too, like holding your hand in his coat pocket if it got to cold, talk to you cutely and gush to the old lady who ran the stand about how much he adored you
•Changbin would probably also take you to places that meant a lot to the both of you
•like where you both shared a lot of memories together
•to like reminisce and poke fun at your younger selves
•and afterwards he’d probably take you to the market and attempt to make a nice dinner with you (and try not to burn the apartment down)
[ H Y U N J I N ]
•Hyunjin had been listening to you closely for the past month or so
•and decided to no do all the cliche things on your guys first valentines
•since he’d rather do something he knew you’ve been wanting
•which is exactly why he showed up at your apartment in sweatpants, your favorite hoodie and a bag filled with your favorite movies and snacks
•of course he’d still bring a bouquet along with a new teddy bear to add to your collection
•but his main point for this valentines would be to cuddle you and watching movies and maybe sneak some kisses if you let him
•and he made his point pretty clear when he cutely buried his face into your neck before picking you up and rushing into your room
•he’d gently sit you on the bed before asking which movie to watch
•and when that is decided he’d jump onto the bed before cuddling into you, his head rested cutely on top of your chest
•and from there the both of would stay in each other’s arms, snacking on some sweets, having cute little conversations
•till eventually you both fall asleep in each other’s arms
[ J I S U N G ]
•being super soft for you meant he would do anything for you, even if it meant going on the Viking  
•but luckily for him going to the amusement park wasn’t exactly on your list of things to do for Valentines
•though honestly he would rather spend time with you than do all the  typical things couples did
•chilling in bed while playing games and watching movies felt the most ideal as long as you were okay with it
•plus he had a much bigger surprise for you that he had been working on for months
•since this year he decided to stray away from traditional valentine activities he decided that his surprise should be original as well
•and he’d probably show you his surprise when you guys were taking a break from your movie marathon
•like just out of nowhere “here listen to my new mixtape
•and it’s not even a mixtape it’s a fucking love song dedicated just for you uwu
•it’s kinda sappy but that’s okay cause it’s still a bop and only you can have it
[ F E L I X ]
•the moment he arrived at your apartment, to take you out, he’d be hauling a huge teddy bear on his back
•honestly the softest for you and even softer on this day
•you see it you like it you want it he bought it (I’ll go kms)
•no but forreal this boy is gonna shower you in affection
•anything you wanna do that day he’s like okay with actually heart eyes
•couples around you are shaking cuz it literally looks like you have Felix hooked and whipped permanently periodt
•like hoes better stay in their lane (I’m takin to you Karen)
•though besides going around town
•Felix would be a little bit more romantic and take you to an amusement when it got a bit darker outside
•and he’d win prizes for you, let you hold onto him during rides and kiss you at the top of the Ferris wheel
•and afterwards he’d take you to a cute little restaurant where the both of you can be that disgusting mushy couple
•that the old lady running the store would gush over
•and after all that he’d spend the rest of the night chilling you with either watching movies or playing video games
[ S E U N G M I N ]
•Being sentimental and wanting to be a photographer if not a singer really worked in this boy’s favor
•because yes he’d take you out on that typical cute teenage date
•where he arrives at your apartment with flowers  and your favorite sweeties before taking you out to all your favorite places till the sun sets but that wouldn’t be his highlight
•and the moment you walked into the dorm you’d know something was going to happen
•partly because the typically noisy boys were nowhere to be found
•Seungmin would hurriedly leave your side telling you to take a seat on the couch while he fiddled with his laptop and the tv
•and before you’d even have time to question, your guys song would cut you off along with the sound your own voice
•while processing the video playing before your eyes Seungmin would plop down right next to you a goofy grin on his face
•not really minding when you aggressively punched his arm in half surprise and disbelief, having prepared himself for this moment for months
•after all he did make you cry on valentines, with this little film of all the precious moment you guys spent together, ranging on the spectrum of goofy to sentimental
[ J E O N G I N ]
•Have it be your guys first valentines he’d be nervous but since  he absolutely adores you he’d want  to make it the best
•so this cute little bean would take the time to make you a handmade card and pick out an arrangement of all your favorite flower in a bouquet  before making his way to your apartment
•but rather than arriving and wanting to take you out on some fancy date or some cliche adventure he’d rather take you somewhere where you guys fancied
•like the park that you guys had visited a lot together
•he’d set up a little picnic with your guys favorite snacks and nice background music ( courtesy to Chan )
•and afterwards probably run around the park with you
•take turns pushing each other on the swings
•being that cute yet gross couple that kisses underneath the slide
•taking cute couple picture just to capture the moment
•and when it got late he’d walk you home where you both would probably fall asleep watching movies
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