#I remember having a problem finding the list of providers ON THEIR GOD DAMN WEBSITE
clarabosswald · 5 years
okay so someone on twitter dug up this absolutely outstanding uhhh “”article”” on his dark materials in general and the golden compass movie specifically by one david j stewart and i just. i HAVE to break down at least some of it because it’s an absolute gem
(this is a bit long - there is a LOT of stupidity to cover here)
first of all, the url
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i could honestly just end the post here because that line right there is a masterpiece by itself. screw eurovision, hellivision is the next hot thing
There is no movie any more evil than THE GOLDEN COMPASS.
that’s the first line of the article. what a first line. the most amazing thing is that in an entirely different context i can kind of agree with this claim
Philip Pullman is a sinfully proud, God-hating, militant atheist.
militant! oh wow. is the hdm fandom actually pullman’s secret army? like dumbledore’s army in hp? do we have secret meetings? i want in
The movie has been dumbed down
yet again i find myself agreeing with mr stewart
in the end the children kill God and everyone can do as they please.
people having free will? good lord, the horror. 
The movie is indescribably evil.
damn dude yet again you’re right but you’re kinda preaching to the choir here at this point
The word "demon" is repeated several dozen times throughout the movie, as each child has it's own lovable demon. 
this is the first time in the article that mr david j stewart stubbornly refuses to understand that there’s this thing called “concept” and “artistic license” and that in the context of the hdm world, pullman used his artistic license to change the common meaning of the word d(a)emon.  NOT TO MENTION that pullman hardly made up the concept of a daemon as a positive creature - “originally referred to a lesser deity or guiding spirit”, literally the first line in the wikipedia article about the classical concept of daemons. but yeah i’m unfairly expecting mr dave to do his research so i guess that’s kinda mean of me.
Witches by the hundreds are featured in the movie, and are portrayed as being good, helpful and rescuers.
for a moment i wondered what mr dave’s opinion on harry potter is like, but i can imagine it quite vividly.
The star character, a little girl named Lyra Belacqua, loves her demon (who takes various animal forms), and she has named him "Pan" (short for Pantalaimon)
somewhere inside of me, my inner hdm myth fanatic is screaming in rage at all the gross misunderstanding of the basic plot of hdm, but well we’ve got more serious problems here
Pan is the pagan god of sexual rape, lust and fertility.  Statues of Pan are often displayed showing him with an erection.
you know what’s EXTREMELY ironic here? pantalaimon isn’t named after that pan. he’s actually named after the greek saint pantaleon.  (mr dave now provides a link to his rage fest over narnia. good to know he’s against even blatantly pro-christian fiction.)
NOTE: Pullman uses the word "daemon." A "daemon" is just another term for "demon."
...no, honey, they really don’t, but we already know you didn’t do your research.
In the movie THE GOLDEN COMPASS, there are at least 50 references to a child's "DEMON."
imagine this grown up dude sitting in a movie theater watching a kids’ movie and counting the number of times the word “daemon” is said dkgsdaoighs
In one part of the movie, a missing boy (Roger Parslow) is found, but he is out of his mind and looks distraught because his DEMON has been taken away from him. Talk about twisting the truth around. The little girl who stars in the movie, Lyra, vows to find and return the boy's demon.
aslkdghsaodigho yeah this guy was definitely too busy to count “daemons” to actually pay attention to the plot
Pullman is hoping that unsuspecting parents will take their children to see the movie
no i actually think that at this point pullman didn’t want anything to do with the movie
The title for the trilogy comes from a line in John Milton’s Paradise Lost and Pullman views his trilogy as a re-telling of Milton’s poem (which means that His Dark Materials is in reality Pullman’s re-telling of the Genesis story in fantasy form)
no, not really, not as literal as that, but artistic subtleties seem to escape you quite frequently, my dear dave
In the trilogy, a young girl becomes enmeshed in an epic struggle against a nefarious [extremely wicked] Church known as the "Magisterium."
iooisadhgosdiahgosa i LOVE how dave made the EFFORT to explain the meaning of “nefarious” to the reader
Pullman's books are a work of darkness that every Christian needs to diligently expose (Ephesians 5:11)
damn dude can you believe hdm got so popular it’s referenced in the bible
America was founded upon faith in God, and the Communists are trying to rob it from our children
at this point in the article mr dave finally decides it’s time to talk about the story of the golden compass in mere two paragraphs. spoiler: the first paragraph is yet again dedicated to anti-pullman ranting. so much for that plot summary.
In the books, Pullman represents God as a decrepit and perverse angel who captures the dead in a “prison camp” afterlife.
damn the dude says he’s gonna talk about the plot of the golden compass and then goes ahead and spoils the amber spyglass just like that. where are your internet manners, dave
The story centers on Lyra, a young girl living at Jordan College in the Oxford of an alternate world where everyone is accompanied by a daemon, a physical representation of their soul in animal form.
this is the ONE time dave refers to daemons as what they ACTUALLY are. but i suspect he just copy-pasted this bit without actually reading what is said in it. 
One morning, Lyra's school Master
yet again someone was too busy counting words then remembering the plot/characters
Lyra then finds herself in a world where she must fight against evil, and here lies the controversy. Lyra is the "chosen child" who must do battle with evil. But in this story, the things that are good are evil (the church is the Magisterium, the bad group trying to gain control of all) and evil is good (daemons and witches are allies.)
it’s almost...... as if......... it’s somewhat........... symbolic.......... you know, that artistic device? symbolism? yeah? no...?
our darling dave then links to this piece as the source of his info on the plot of tgc and god that’s a whole nest of wasps i can’t even begin to deal with here. but it’s p entertaining how in only briefly reading the thing i can already recognize whole sentences who got copy-pasted by dave for his own magnificent piece of critique
Satan's Bid for Your Child
oh, WHAT a title for the next segment of the article. i’m hooked
Even though the books are strongly anti-God and anti-church, they’re getting a strong push in the godless public school system as curriculum resources.  First the God-hating Communists introduced the lies of Evolution into the public school system.  Then they kicked God's Word and prayer out of the public schools in 1962 and 1963.  Now they want to teach our children homosexuality and witchcraft.
communism! evolution! homosexuality! witchcraft! god, i’m trembling
dave goes on for a while without mentioning the movie again, just ranting against the world in general. parts of it are still amusing, though:
Evolution is in fact a religion, as is humanism, witchcraft and Satanism.
yeah man i miss it when in school we used to pray to darwin every morning before class started :(
It requires faith to believe Evolution because there is NO proof, or even evidences to permit study. It is tragic that young people today are being taught a theory that has NO proof whatsoever.  In sharp contrast, the Word of God is supported by an overwhelming abundance of scientific, historical, archeological and astronomical evidence.
Public school children are being taught religion; but it's the religions of Humanism (i.e., man is his own god), Evolution, New Age and now Demonism.
are daemians aware that daemonism is being taught in public schools as a whole ass religion??? damn
With the rise of the New World Order since the 911 attacks
holy shit dude dave is diving deep into the waters of conspiracy at this point
Surely Satan is already panicking, knowing that he must accomplish much in a very short time frame.  This explains why we see a flood of demonism, witchcraft and apostasy sweeping the world in an effort to destroy Christianity.  Have you heard about the new FLY Pentop COMPUTER for kids, which features witchcraft?  Did you know that Toys-R-Us sells a VooDooz doll for children?  It comes complete with a spell book, and pins to stab your VooDooz doll with.  I was at Barnes and Noble bookstore and saw a Teenage Witchcraft Kit.
THIS DUDE IS FUCKING WILD i imagine he started yelling at some poor employee for having witchcraft in that store
Doesn't anyone love God anymore?
this is sad.
The Bible condemns all forms of witchcraft—Voodoo, charms, spells, divination, incantations, palm readings, Ouija boards, psychics, witchery, sorcery, wizards, magic, potions, good luck charms, astrology, necromancy, spiritism, magic candles, mesmerism, hypnosis, astral projection, levitation, and anything else that invokes the power of Satan.
he actually............went through the trouble of listing all of that. from memory, no doubt
Instead of presenting the trailer on the homepage, The Golden Compass website uses audio to introduce the characters of the film and their respective demons, and then provides a prompt to "Meet Your Demon."  Twenty questions are presented which promise to reveal "your true character and the form of your demon."  Once you complete the questionnaire, you can send your resulting demon to your friends, presumably to build a community of young demons who will all later commune at the theater.  This is pure Satanism and it's being directed at our children.  Satan wants your child.  The Golden Compass series glorifies demonism, witchcraft and divination; while blaspheming God Almighty.
Satan Wants Your Child
In the movie THE GOLDEN COMPASS, children are being kidnapped by a mysterious group called the Gobblers and taken "to the North" where they are tortured by having their daemons separated from them.  This is the Satanic garbage that film producers and book publishers are vomiting upon our children.  Towards the end of the film, the starring little girl deliberately destroys the machine that was robbing children of their daemons.  Literally, the movie portrays the little girl as a hero for ensuring that all the other children can continue to be daemon possessed.  This is one sick movie, straight out of the pits of Hell.
it’s fucking ASTOUNDING how this paragraph could straight up pass as magisterium propaganda
How about you?  Our time on earth is short my friend.  This life will be over before we know it.  Is your heart right with God?  Are you saved?  Have your sins been washed away by the precious blood of Jesus Christ?
this dude got so fucking emotional over one bad movie he grossly misunderstood i am INSPIRED
our dearly beloved dave now goes on to quote yet another highly reputable source on the evil of the golden compass
"His Dark Materials" by atheist Philip Pullman
is “atheist” a title at this point? now that pullman is a sir, do they call him “atheist sir pullman” or “sir atheist pullman”?
Unsaved Heathens and Apostates Praise Pullman's Works of Darkness
do i get to officially call myself “unsaved heathen and apostate” because that’s one rad fucking title
Satan truly is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), and he has many servants.
this is such a confusing fucking statement. how can satan be the god of this world if there is only one god? or two, because there is god and there’s also jesus? god i don’t know christianity never made any sense so this statement isn’t actually that surprising
Why would any professed "Christian" support Pullman's works of darkness, which he admittedly calls HIS DARK MATERIALS?
esteemed article writer dave is unaware of the existence of the concept of “references”
Sadly, ChristianityToday magazine promotes this vile filth, giving it a rating of 2 1/2 out of a potential 4 stars.  I give the movie a ZERO rating, and so should you if you love the Lord Jesus Christ!
yeah guys! we must purify this dirty world by giving bad ratings to hollywood movies! this is the only way to show jesus our love and devotion! 
Movie writer-director Chris Weitz has said he wants to make the next films more "iconoclastic," so consider this bit of sacrilege a taste of what is yet to come.  The word "iconoclastic" means "Characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions."  In other words, the sequels to The Golden Compass are going to blaspheme God and attack Christianity much worse than the first movie.
man.... chris had good intentions. too bad new line fucked him over with how bad they butchered the movie in post-prod.
If we don't complain, then who will... the atheists?
this line is so confusing and meaningless and yet so timeless and iconic. wow
The Golden Compass is a Sicko Movie
i can’t breathe this sounds like an early 2000s compliment coming from a middle school bad boy who does tubular tricks on his skateboard
For Pullman, sexual experience is an essential part of becoming a full-grown human, despite the confusion and pain it can cause.
Children Using Divination to Confirm Guidance from Demons? "Lyra tries to consult the alethiometer to see if the daemons are right.”
Things Taking Wildly Out Of Context Making No Sense?
Kill God?
after reading this torturous rant? yes absolutely. next
Of course the idea in a trilogy is to read the second and third books, and not just the first.  Naturally Scholastic is selling nicely packaged boxes of the trilogy.
i love how dave felt the need to explain to us how trilogies and bookselling work. what a sweetheart
Blasphemy!  Children are being taught that killing God is quite a desirable thing to do.
will anyone ever understand that WILL AND LYRA NEVER INTENDED TO KILL GOD, AND WHEN GOD DIED IT WAS BY MISTAKE AND MADE THEM UPSET AND SAD? i mean this guy won’t, but people who actually read the books???
God and the Church Are Awful and Pathetic?
dave at this point in reading your rant i hate the whole of christianity. yes. next
Summoning Witches? “Serafina and her witches decide that they need to summon other witch clans....”
Mr Dave Is Unaware That The Word “Summon” Has Got Several Meanings
“He is so weak and old that he blows to bits with the first breeze, but his dissolution comes as a relief. It is as though God does not want the burden of leadership. In the end, Will and Lyra don’t kill God. Instead, they free him, and he becomes one with the universe again. The fact that God dissolves just like the newly freed ghosts suggests that perhaps God is simply the spirit of the living.”
i love how dave quotes this whole bit - ACTUAL GOOD ANALYSIS OF GOD’S DEATH IN HDM - without absolving any of its meaning
Conclusion The Golden Compass is evil.
i love this
children today are being challenged to hate Christianity, and are being invited to join ranks with the Devil's army.
damn i totally missed that bit about joining satan’s army in hdm
All we hear about nowadays is how religion throughout the ages has caused wars and suppressed people's rights.
it’s almost as if it’s true!
Increasingly, children today are being brainwashed to view Christianity as a power-hungry "MAGISTERIUM" (i.e., the evil organization in The Golden Compass), which seeks to suppress the rights of homosexuals, Wiccan witches, Evolutionists, abortionists, feminists and other degenerates of society.
WHAT a sentence!!!!!
The grave danger of Harry Potter and The Golden Compass
that sounds like one hell of an au
Christians are commanded not to associate with any professed Christian who is a drunkard, chases women, lives for money or lives in unrepentant sin.
and yet donald trump is president of the united states! go figure, davey
Public school children are being taught that the sin of homosexuality should be accepted; BUT, God says "No."  Now you know why homosexuals hate God's Word so much.
we’re almost at the end of the rant and dave didn’t reference balthamos and baruch even once and i feel ROBBED
Women in the 1960's embraced feminism, because they were told (just as Eve) that the higher powers were trying to suppress their rights.  Satan lied to Eve, thus creating a sinful power-struggle between her and God.
damn why won’t women just understand that men are like god :\\\
Satan is recruiting.  Satan has a bid for your child mom and dad, and he will stop at nothing to recruit your child's soul.
gotta admire the determination there
Again, The Golden Compass is evil.  It is not just a fantasy for children.  The author of the series (Philip Pullman) is a militant, God-hating atheist who has openly stated that his goal is to "undermine the basis of Christian belief" in the mind's of children.
dave decided that the best way to end his rant is to quote a line that already appeared in the text at least 2 times before. man, if you ever think you’re a bad writer, remember that at least you’re not as bad as this dude.
moral of the story is: dave probably needs some sleep. and professional help
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loser-circle · 6 years
How Meditation Saved My Mind
So get into this, I have been in therapy for a little over 2 months and it has seriously been one of the things that have kept me above ground, among other things. During one of my session, my therapist asked me to engage in some meditation and mindfulness practises. I teach these practices at my job but never really done them myself and so when I said yes I'd look into it when my therapist asked I seriously had not intended on doing either of the two. And so left that session, went to work the next day and met with a client of my own and asked for her to engage in some mindfulness activities. I even went over a detailed list of things that she can do over the week until we meet next week. I have this bad habit of telling people how to live their best life (kinda) but I am terrible at doing this for myself. I am not sure how it went about but there was one day I was on the App Store and I was looking for some game app and then I had a thought that was like, “you should look up some meditation apps,” and so that is what I did. I download about three or four apps to try them all out to see which one would be a good fit. I am now down to two and when I chose those apps I really only used them for nature sounds so that I could do my work. It was helping a bit but I continued to find my emotions getting the best of me. As someone with a mood disorder, my mood fluctuates but my emotions also fluctuate. It was interfering with my productivity at work and when I went home chile, I was an emotional mess crying and carrying on, it was truly a mess. 
Then, one day I went on one of the apps called Zen and there were some free features and so I was like you know what I will try them out and see. I had this idea in my head that I don’t care how good the app is I am not buying the full version of this app, no way! So there I was listening to some of the free music, chants, mantras and whatnot and I was seriously digging what I was hearing. So I would listen to the free sounds or audios and I really never went to the meditations and what not because in my head I just did not have the time to meditate. I can remember going out about day feeling like I was functioning but in the back of my head, I felt like I was running myself into the ground. I felt like why am I so overwhelmed when things seem to be going a little bit better. It was literally making no sense at all to me and I prayed on it and prayed but The Most High was quiet on this situation. 
So, something that I have not mentioned before, I have gotten into reading my horoscope and I do it usually daily. I don't always take it seriously even when I am told things that are exactly what I am going through, I usually do not take it that seriously. So one day I was on this website that I usually go on and I was reading my horoscope and it was cute or whatever and then I see this link to a sister page that showed you tarot cards and what not. Again, I do not think of these things as being super serious but I went over to that website anyway and I began to mess around the site to see what tarots it would give to me day to day. Stick with me, I am going somewhere here! There was one day I was reading a horoscope and tarots and it said something to the effect of, 
incorporating a daily practice of mindfulness and meditation will lead to doing me some good. It had said that almost every day for a week and it was like okay, one of the things I have been challenging myself is being opened to what the Universe/The Most High is providing to me. So that is what I did!
I pulled up that Zen app and I remember being furious about something minute probably and I just could not calm myself down and I remember there was guided meditation for when you feel angry. So, chile, I had 15 minutes before I had to go to some meeting at work and it was about 8:35 am and I proceeded to listen to guided meditation, challenging myself to be fully present with this process. That was about a month ago and I get chills at how my life is so different. 
I don't think y'all understand, like I meditation every day now! Like I have been telling the ex, to tend to his breathing and to meditate as often as he can. He reported back tome that he has been cool and calm at work when he is usually flying off the handle. Not my problem, but I thought I could help. I meditate several times a day like I will go into my office during breaks and just meditate before my next group. I will go in there not so anxious and ready to have a good group no matter what. I was in this really good space, but then my negative thoughts figured they’d make an unwanted appearance. So, my illness presents itself a few ways and one of those ways is having this flood that seems like it will never stop of negative thoughts and emotions usually about myself. Those negative thoughts were telling me that I would only do this for a spell and then I will forget about it to only do it 5 years later, you know sorta like this blog, shade! Those negative thoughts also said to me that I would retain any of this mediations anyway so what was the point of doing them. That I would only do them when I got to work and that would only be when I would meditate. I began to think that those negative thoughts had a point. I was starting to believe them, chile, I am glad that I did not believe those thoughts all the way. 
One day, I was on my way to work and I was having one of those days when my mood was more depressed. I was oversensitive and people were starting to get on my nerves early in the morning and I was getting really angry. Then I was like let me turn on this anger meditation and listen to it, that it seemed to help when I was at work it will sure work in this case, right? Yes, by the time it was over I was relaxed and calmed. Like I fully committed to this guided meditation and I did not care if people were looking at me breathing in all heavy or what not, bitch I was trying to help myself from setting this whole train ablaze, assholes! It was about a 2-5 minute guided meditation and as I said before, I was so relaxed and calmed and I was like I might need to do this every day when I am on the train. So, that has been exactly what I have been doing. I do my guided meditation and then I start my studying on the train to music that helps me to concentrate. I have noticed a change in my demeanour when I get to work. Don’t get me wrong, like I still have my attitudes and what not but like I know that if I tend to my breathing and remember those guided meditations I will be okay. Like I truly believe that, honestly. 
So how has it saved my life, well I will tell you. I had a psychiatric consultation on Monday 11/19/18 and my driver was a complete fucktard and usually, I would have snatched this man up and it would have been a problem. I was still upset, but I said to him “if you put me out in a neighbourhood that I do not know, I am going to report you, sir, I am not going to go back and forth with you, I am simply going to report you.” This man looked me in my face and gave me very much, you need to get out of my car and so I did just that. I did even get a few feet from the man's car and I was already on the Lyft app reporting his ass. I remember being furious at the situation but outwardly I was cool, calmed, collective, and in control of me. By the time I got to the hospital for my psychiatric consultation I wasn't even bothered, I was walking like this never happened. But not in one of my suppress something like it never happened! Like I was aware that it happened but I was not going to let this piece of shit driver ruin my day. I had been having a good day so far, I took the day off and I was in a great mood and I would be damned if this driver was going to ruin my mood! That was my decision and no one is going to take that choice from me! 
But, while I was talking to driver I was tending to my breathing, and I was playing in my mind a river guided meditation that I did (I won't get into the meditation here, maybe for another day) and I realised that I was meditating right in this very situation with no guidance just from my previous experience. I was meditating and I was able to (at end of this) get my money back from Lyft! The consultation was many things but it went well all the same! I realised then, that this meditation thing really helped me. I was practising mindfulness (mundane task focusing) before I was put out of the car and I realised that mindfulness was helping me as well. I remember saying to myself as I left the consultation, the shit that I teach these clients actually works! 
Doing something simple as tending to my breathing, has been one of the things that have saved my mind. It was one of those things where I reflected on the fact that while I am alive I am breathing and thought no big deal of that, I mean I was thankful for being alive and breathing but it wasn't something that I paid to much attention. Yet, I am always reminding myself to tend to my breathing not only when I am about to read the eyes out of someone but just when I sit on the train, talking to someone, on the bus, walking down the road, etc I am reminded to tend to breathe. My mind, smh I am out here trying to save my mind. Practising meditation and mindfulness daily (it is one of the daily goals that I write for myself) and it has been so life changing. I reflected today while in prayer and it moved me to tears that I almost lost my mind after my ex left me. I remember putting up a post on Facebook not too long ago something to effect of, “you don’t know how valuable your mind is until you almost lost your mind.” Breathing is a sign that you are alive, but I wasn’t alive. I was alive in the physical but not in the mental and tending to my breathing through meditation and mindfulness(more so meditation) has helping me to recognise that I am not only breathing because of I am alive but I am breathing because I am living! I thank God for my breathing.
Blessed Be, T. Wilkie-Palacio
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