#I say 'it's a fic'. it's a 240k word fic I've been working on for like 1.5 yrs lmao
wykart · 9 months
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Aloy and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad (???)
(it's a fic btw)
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asshlyyyy · 1 year
End of 2022 Writing Wrap-Up
Thank you for tagging me @venus-haze, I think this is such a cool idea. Especially because people are of the Elvis/Austin!Elvis fandom came into play around July. I removed favorite thing I read because my brain doesn't remember half of what I read.
Total Words Published: After doing some math, 233k words, but give or take some for the hundreds places, around 233-240k I would say. Which is like- Okay- I can see at the end of this year it will be much more crazier.
Additional Words Written: In headcanons there is 9.3k words. For WIPs, give or take 5-10k words. I don't exactly have WIPs... if that makes sense.
Grand Total of Words: Give or take 250k or more.
Fandoms: When I first started, The Quarry. Mainly Elvis, Austin Butler, and most recently Top Gun Maverick. Marvel is also another I happen to be in. I have an imagines book over on my wattpad. If you want to check it out my username is Ashlerber.
Highest Everything (raw hits, kudos, comments): This took awhile to find, mostly because when you look at your notes in full, I'm pretty sure it shows the highest for the month... So thank you Tumblr for sending me on a wild goose chase. Lucky, I know relatively which ones would be at the top.
Just The Nurse Pt. 1
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio: This one is easier because it tends to be the same one as above, so if you guessed correctly, it would indeed be...
Just The Nurse Pt. 1
New Things I Tried: I've been writing for quite some time. Every time I join a new fandom and I write for them, I lead into that 'new thing I tried'. The man thing I think I would say... is that I wrote a fic where the reader and Elvis were both dead and they were ghosts.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On: The one I spent the most time on is definitely the one that is in a sense my longest? I am not counting series because those obviously take longer. With that being said it is...
Help, I Need Somebody
Favorite Thing I Wrote: I tend to like everything I write. Because if I cannot like it myself how is anyone else? I could be basic and say it is Just The Nurse, but I've written so many. Here are the top three that are the favorite things I wrote.
No. 1 Expiration Date
No. 2 Number Deux
No. 3 Habits
Writing Goals for 2023: I want to try out new things definitely. What I mean by that is I want to do some more serious things. I want to do some darker things. I really want to see what I am capable of.
New Works: As of right now, the ones that I have planned are as listed. There is no particular date that these will come out. I am hoping throughout January. I will not be including the 12 Days because... that is done... It just needs posted.
Nothing really new...
Trying to finish up some series, do some part twos that I planned.
Do some request.
Throw in some new stuff here and there.
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Uh- I'm going to tag one person who will 100% not do it, but I will still tag just in case. @babyhoneypresley
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bamfspock · 1 year
12 and 17. love your work btw! :)
Thank you so much!! 💜
12: How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
In terms of what I hope to get posted in 2023, that's gonna be 4, all AOS AU's. Three of them look like they'll be around the length of 'A Weary Traveller', somewhere in the 20k to 40k range, though one of them may be closer to 60k.
The fourth is gonna be another mega-fic (or chonky monster (affectionate)) as my lovely beta on KAYE, @pkrosche likes to call it 💜 I'd say I'm about...60 percent through it, and it's just passed 240k words. Would not be surprised if it ends up similar in length to Know All Your Enemies. This one I'm going to do my best to get out this year over anything else.
I actually also have a Daredevil (Netflix) fic I've been working on of similar length, a post-Defenders AU which I'd also like to get out this year, but that's very much up in the air. Like KAYE and my current Star Trek mega-WIP, it's full of plot and conspiracies and the like, and that one has a big cast of core characters (I've got everyone from the Defenders to the Avengers involved lol), so there's a lot of rewriting again and again to make sure it all actually fits together and makes sense.
17: Your favorite character to write this year?
If I include the Daredevil WIP, then I have two.
As far as Star Trek, I'd have to say Bones, both for KAYE and the WIP. I do love Jim very much, and the WIP mostly centers around him like KAYE did, but writing Bones is just so much fun. And there's such a great complexity to writing him, too - trying to get his voice down and his friendship with Jim and how he can be so gruff on the surface but also feels so much, so deeply. Second runner up would be Jim, and then after him probably Pike, both for the WIP and for KAYE and Weary Traveller. We get Pike from Academy years to the present in the WIP so I got to have a lot of fun with him and showing character development. Also, AOS Dadmiral Pike has my heart ❤️
As for the Daredevil fic, it's Spiderman (MCU), especially his internal thoughts when it comes to Matt and the friendship they develop. So many fun rambles. So many feelings. There are a few scenes of the two of them where I cry every time I read over them lol.
Apologies for such a long answer, and thank you so much for the ask and lovely complement!
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queerofthedagger · 3 years
Hello! I do apologise if this has been asked before but I've had a look and can't find it. I really really love your fic 'Veritas Vos Liberit' and it seems to have been hidden on Ao3? I know sometimes this happens because someone's added it to a collection and there's some sort of glitch? But it's been gone for quite a while so I'm thinking that you might have deleted/hidden it? Either way, I just wanted to say that it was one of my favourite favourite fics (and I've been reading HP fic...
Hey nonnie,
so, I got a fair few asks and messages about this, so Imma sum the questions I usually get up:
Yes, I'm the one who wrote Veritas vos Liberabit.
Yes, it's hidden on ao3 on purpose. While I still love the basic premise of the fic, it was my first project after I came back into fandom. I could write a whole lot about why I first went on hiatus and then took it from public view altogether, but the simple fact of the matter is that I outgrew it. The plot, the tropes, the characterisation, and last but not least, my writing. At the time I took it down, it was at nearly 240k words, and I don't have the patience to go back and edit it into something I'd be happy with.
No, I won't repost it as it was. I might one day rewrite it from scratch, but VvL as it were will not be going back up, or at least it is extremely unlikely.
No, I also won't send it to people, mostly because I might rewrite it one day, but tbh also because I'm simply not happy with it anymore.
I know a lot of people loved the fic, and don't get me wrong, I'm beyond grateful for all the support the fic got, and that people are still asking about it. The truth of the matter is though that there's something bittersweet about it when one of my most popular fics (at least as far as ao3 stats were concerned anyway) is also the one I consider my least good work. It's not that I hate it - I poured a lot of heart into it, I learnt a lot while writing it, and it will always be what got me back into writing - but right now I'd rather I'm the only one who gets to see it.
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