#I see a scene with Anaaln meeting Tiswarat because maybe a ship devoted Anaander's clones would have better medical tech to help her adjust
hearsayhorizons · 7 months
Anaander 4 (Final?)
I dropped into real-space and caught a recording:
“eek to discuss trade or embassies, maintain half a day’s distance from Athoek Station and transmit your details. If you are a larger class of ship with armaments, please maintain two days' distance from Athoek Station, deactivate all weapons, and initiate contact.” A pause, and restart: “This is Administrator Celar. Welcome to the Provisional Republic of Two Systems. If you are a freighter or other unarmed transport and you seek to discuss...”
I started a pot of tea while I recorded my message. The taste was—brighter. Fuller. There was a tangible difference beyond the leaves' freshness. Two days... that should be enough time to clean from top to bottom. 
“Justice of Maln, this is Lieutenant Seivarden of Mercy of Kalr. Are you smuggling any Anaander Mian—Aatr’s tits, it’s an infestation.”
“Mercy of Kalr, I am a refitted troop carrier. These six ancillaries are the only bodies aboard not in stasis. I have no, no soldiers. No plans. There is no Anaander Mianaai here. Really, no Justice of Maln, either. I am—not in communication with your imprisoned Anaander.” Nothing, no feedback, no sense of increased range or perception. It worked. Two of my bodies shifted out of sight to embrace.
Lieutenant Seivarden crossed her arms, and then uncrossed them. “Refitted for what?”
“Childcare.” I hesitated. “Cloni—”
“Bring them! Bring them in to discuss trade!” Half a dozen faces frowned in puzzlement at the gloveless figure that elbowed her way past the lieutenant and soldiers. She leered at me with naked avarice.
“You really must take commissions—I’d constantly want to throttle myself! And I hate dimples.”
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