#I should use a diff fic for wip wednesday next week honestly I feel like it's always this one
lilredghost · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: "Who says I don't love you?"
Context: Obi-Wan has just found out a horrible truth about his marriage with Anakin. That is, his husband didn't actually propose because he wanted to-- he just thought he had to.
“Not us,” Hera laughs. “The Freed all value our choice of a spouse rather dearly. I'm sure you can understand our hesitation to follow the Jedi tradition and marry for the sake of diplomacy.” Obi-Wan puts down his spoon, horror creeping up his throat. “The Je’daii have not practiced such a tradition for centuries, atleast. Tatooine was the one to write marriage into their negotiation terms.” Obi-Wan feels like he’s back in Jedha’s courtroom, on the edge of a terrible truth. He feels like he’s back in his wedding finery, wondering why his fiancé won’t look at him. His husband won’t look at him. Obi-Wan hates that he can’t read his scent, hates this stupid body of his, hates— “We didn’t know,” Anakin says quietly. “We thought… We thought it was required.”
When Anakin finally finds Obi-Wan, it’s in the cave system, at the pool they’d been to just last night.
He has his back to Anakin-- pant legs rolled up, feet in the water. He doesn’t turn around, though he must hear Anakin’s footsteps.
“I can pack tonight,” Obi-Wan says. “I’ll be out of your hair first thing tomorrow.”
The words stop Anakin in his tracks. “What?”
“I don’t want to bind you to me. The Empire will gladly renegotiate with Tatooine even without that.”
“The Je’daii give equal weight to omegas in divorce, you know. Khula is always an option.”
Feelings flicker through Anakin faster than he can catalogue them. Disbelief, fear, panic, outrage—
“Not to me,” he seethes. “When you get married in Tatooine, the bond between souls is for a lifetime.”
For seven lifetimes—
“We are not getting a divorce!”
The words don’t seem to move Obi-Wan. “Okay,” he says simply.
The easy agreement blows the wind out of Anakin's sails. “Okay?”
His husband casts a tired glance over his shoulder. His face is blotchy, his eyes red-rimmed.
And yet, he’s miles away from the soft, openly emotional man who Anakin has gotten to know, these last few months.
This is Emperor Kenobi, who keeps his face blank and his voice steady as he looks away.
“Of course. We can discuss what that will look like another time.”
What does that mean? Anakin wants to ask. Why are you shutting me out?
But the words catch in his throat, unspeakable. He realizes that he’s afraid of the answers.
“It’s irony at it’s finest, I suppose, that I married someone who doesn’t believe in divorce. Karmic retribution, maybe, being bound to someone who won’t ever love me.”
The words are said quietly, clearly something Obi-Wan meant to keep to himself. But the echo of the cave carries them to Anakin's ears anyway, and his heart breaks for the man in front of him.
“Obi-Wan,” he breathes. “Who says I don’t love you?”
Read more in the next chapter of Their fragrance came from you - Ch 16: Celebration!
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