#I still feel like I'm being cringey for talking about my ocxcanon ships
arcadiahoney · 4 years
OTP Question Meme
I was tagged by @bimollymauks​ a little while ago, tysm Kit!!
Posting this on my oc blog, since I still feel goofy talking about them even though I love them so very much.
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I have these vampires on the brain. I took out a few questions that didn’t work well for them. Here we go!
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Both of them, but never shouting or yelling. Just a little louder to emphasize their point.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Neither. That’s a huge thing to say and neither would ever do that.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Who trashes the house?
Neither would do that.
Do either of them get physical?
How often do they argue/disagree?
They butted heads a little on anarch stuff back when they first met, but now they pretty much agree on most things. If they argue now, it tends to be about one of them being reckless (usually Audrey).
Who is the first to apologize?
Could be either. They don’t like to stay mad at each other for long.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
They can’t have kids, can’t even adopt being what they are and the life they live. This makes Audrey sad sometimes, since she had wanted them at some point in her life before her embrace. 
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Audrey would have wanted like three.
Who likes to cuddle?
Audrey openly loves to cuddle, and though he may not ever admit it, so does Nines.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Audrey slightly more so because she’s a pretty handsy person and always loves to be close but Nines often finds himself having to keep from reaching out to her. They settle for more subtle touches. They tried to keep their relationship on the down low in public for a while unless around close friends who already knew (it got out anyway). But when alone? They don’t hold back.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Audrey would stay like that forever if she could, and he certainly wouldn’t complain, but of course, they have a lot to do.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity?
Taking walks around downtown, fighting something together, just hanging out alone or going to a lookout over the city.
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
The couch in their apartment.
I’m gonna break with the vt/m canon regarding how vampires sleep/torpor, because I can! :))))
Who snores?
Seeing as how they don’t need to breathe, I don’t think they would snore?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
They share a bed after Audrey finally convinces him to move into her apartment with her.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
They usually are cozied up in some fashion. It took him a little while to get used to it, because he’s slept alone for so long, but now he loves having someone that close. Someone he trusts that much.
What do they wear to bed?
Audrey wears a tank top and shorts, sometimes a cute matching pj set or a big oversized t shirt and her underwear. He wears pj shorts or boxers and no shirt or a tank top
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
No, they wouldn’t work or need them anyway.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Both, it just depends on the night.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
These vampires can move in their sleep/torpor in my canon, so they both do. Audrey thinks his ruffled-up bed hair is so cute.
Who wakes up first?
Almost always Nines, because he’s been a vampire far longer and is just more acclimated to the whole vampire sleep thing. Audrey was a late-sleeper as a human, too.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Sadly, no breakfast in bed for them.
What is their favorite sleeping position?
Audrey likes to lay her head on his chest, and he will wrap an arm around her. Otherwise, cuddled up on their sides.
Do they set an alarm each night?
They don’t technically need them.
Who has nightmares?
Both, Audrey more frequently.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Yes, though they rarely use it. They’d rather sit in the living room for that, and Nines doesn’t watch much tv anyway.
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Audrey, which she loves regaling others with.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Nines, through he swears its unintentional.
Who makes the bed?
They both make their side of the bed. They have to do it as soon as they wake up or it would never be done. As a consequence, many days it stays unmade.
What time is bed time?
Dawn, as soon as that sun starts to rise its lights out for vamps.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Just the usual, showers, putting on pjs, curling up together and sometimes talking a little.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Audrey. It takes her a little while to adjust to being awake.
Who is the busiest?
Probably Nines, since he has a lot to take care of. But Audrey keeps very busy, too, with her own responsibilities.
Who rakes in the highest income?
I guess Audrey, since she owns half of Confession and Nines doesn’t actually have a paying job. I know he has the Last Round as a haven, but I don’t know if he actually owns it. ?
Are any of them unemployed?
Technically Nines, and pretty much Audrey, too. They dedicate most of their time to the anarchs. How these anarchs raise any money for necessary expenses without some kind of stable income I don’t know. At least the Camarilla+Ventrue have that sorted out!
Who takes the most sick days?
They don’t have to worry about getting sick, but Audrey likes to take some time off from her anarch duties for “fun days.”
What are their jobs?
Nines is the leader of the LA anarchs. Audrey is a prominent member of the anarchs, and also co-owns a club downtown, Confession.
Who sucks up to their boss?
Neither, since they don’t really have a boss. Technically Nines is the boss, but he already doesn’t like people to think of him that way, so he wouldn’t like for others to try and suck up to him.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Audrey, but only around 10 mins late at most. She’s always on time for meetings and the like, but a trip into the warrens or something less appealing? Perhaps she will be running a little behind.
Who stresses the most?
Audrey, but only ever after the fact. Some of her impulsive antics do stress him out, though.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They both are very dedicated to LA, and wouldn’t imagine doing anything else.
Are they financially stable?
I would guess so. Audrey should make enough with the club to pay her rent, but I wonder if the Camarilla owned the apartment building and had paid for her apartment? If so, now that they are gone, who owns it? I have no idea pfffft
Domestic vampires!!!! WW is too cowardly to give us domestic vamps, but I’m not babey!
Who does the washing?
Audrey, since Nines probably doesn’t even know how to work a washing machine.
Who takes out the trash?
He would do this as a trade off.
Who does the ironing?
Either of them, if they needed to iron something, they would just do it. Though Audrey hates ironing.
Who does the cooking?
Neither, since they can’t eat. But Audrey handles making sure they have a supply of blood bags as needed.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Back when she was human, Audrey was terrible at cooking.
Who is messier?
Nines. He’d be more likely to leave something sitting out because he “needs it later.”
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Miraculously, they both usually manage not to do this.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Audrey would be the one to lose her keys, and they’d probably be right in front of her.
Who answers the telephone?
They only have cellphones, but if they had a home phone neither would answer it lol. Audrey is more likely to answer her cellphone, but only if she knows who it is.
Who mows the lawn?
They live in an apartment, so no lawn to mow!
Who does the vacuuming?
Now that’s a funny picture. They both would put it off until it absolutely couldn’t wait any longer. Then Audrey would suggest they flip a coin or something similar for it.
Who does the groceries?
Audrey would shop for necessities on her own most of the time, but would drag him along at every available opportunity. She likes doing human things, and all the better if she’s doing them with him :(
Who takes the longest to shower?
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Audrey, for sure. Always gotta make sure she looks cute even if she’s about to go into the sewers :/
Is money a problem?
They certainly aren’t rolling in it, but I think they’d have enough for what they needed. And they are both happy with that.
How many cars do they own?
He has his motorcycle, Audrey has some sort of transportation eventually, since she gets tired of taking a cab. Maybe a small car, but she only uses it for longer distances.
What’s their song?
Currently its Hanging by a Moment by Lifehouse
Do they live in the city or in the country?
They live in downtown Los Angeles.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
They rent (?) that apartment, I assume. Boy, now this is going to bother me not knowing ajsklsks
(me trying to figure out these vampires’ finances is like that meme of charlie from iasi/p at this point)
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
As much as someone can enjoy living in LA. But really they do love it, for all its faults. LA is home.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
For Nines, whatever anarch business he needs to attend to. For Audrey, her own anarch duties, shopping, and checking in on other anarchs like Isaac.
Where did they first meet?
Technically the night in the Nocturne Theatre downtown when Audrey was supposed to be executed alongside her sire. First time face to face was after Nines saved her from the Sabbat.
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Audrey, but its usually something like a new sword or something silly like a cat shirt or a mood ring. Nines isn’t the type show off anything, but he wouldn’t mind if someone happened to admire his motorcycle.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Both are pretty stable on their feet, but neither would find it funny per say. It would just be like, “you alright?”
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Audrey is not a fan, but doesn’t like killing them. Nines tries to point out to her that you know, she’s a vampire and its just a little bug, but she won’t have any part of it.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Audrey convinces a slightly exasperated Nines to take spiders outside. 
Do they have any fears for their future?
Both of them have similar fears. Namely, that they will not be able to defend LA if someone tries to take it from the anarchs again. That’s always a very real fear. Also, they both fear losing each other, because they know that’s a possibility with the life they lead.
Their favorite place?
The (werewolf-free) overlook they go to for some peace and quiet, as well as the roof of the Last Round.
Who pays the bills?
Audrey would handle it.
Who’s the tallest?
Nines (I headcanon him at like 5′10 ish maybe???, Audrey is 5′5)
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Audrey. She never gets any complaints.
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Both would.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
What do they tease each other about?
Audrey definitely teases him about his age and his cool guy routine from when they first interacted. He teases her about her aim.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
She doesn’t cringe, but does try and get him to change up his fashion sense. He still dresses like its 1949 for goodness’ sake. He doesn’t even question the sometimes wacky things she wears anymore. He’s just used to it by now.
Who crushed first?
Probably Audrey, but not for too much longer. They didn’t start crushing for real until after the events of the game.
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Who swears the most?
Nines. Audrey doesn't swear that much, but when she does, you know she means business.
if anyone read all of this rambling I am so sorry askskjajskal but you have all of my <3<3<3s forever 
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