#I think I read a lot of the major fandoms except anime ones (no judgment meant I just haven't watched them)
tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! I have a dilemma. Warning: talking about medical stuff
1. I might be finally getting a diagnosis for the adrenal problems! 2. It’s because I tested low on one thing, but it’s not the thing I thought I’d test low on 3. If I have the thing that being low on cortisol can mean, I not only *finally* have a diagnosis after more than a decade, I get the good meds 4. The good meds (a replacement for a different hormone than the one I’m already on) will almost definitely help literally all my other health problems, and there’s a chance that if I take them long term, I might not have allergies anymore?* 5. the problem: stress raises the levels of cortisol. Testing low on cortisol is how I get a diagnosis. I need to not panic before/during this blood test, and it involves being in a room for an hour and a bit because they have to take samples at different times to see how I react 6. It is very very difficult for me to not panic, knowing that if I *don’t* test low again, I will not get the diagnosis, and without the diagnosis I do not get the good meds (because if you don’t have Addisons, long term steroids are Very Bad for you in several ways, including messing up your immune system)  7. but if I DON’T have Addisons, and I am on the good meds, my immune system will be messed up in the middle of the pandemic 8. so I am stressing about potentially testing low, getting a diagnosis, having it be wrong and increase my covid risk, while also stressing about *not* testing low and being left a medical mystery again after coming so close to finally getting a diagnosis. It’s been twelve years since the first doctor told me I had salt issues, and nearly a decade since they got bad enough to affect my quality of life severely. I really, really want a diagnosis.  9. Either way, I really really need to not stress so that my levels are accurate, whatever they turn out to be So, tl;dr: I am stressing, and, for medical test reasons, it is very important that I not stress out for the next two days (so, until 6/22/22). To help me not stress, I am asking today for fanfic recs, and if y’all can send me like cute animal pictures and/or quilt inspiration on Wednesday morning? I’ll post about the cute animal pictures/quilt inspiration request tomorrow night so I can look at them in the morning *one of the roles of cortisol, as I understand it, is helping your body process histamines. I do not have IgE mediated allergies, I have “excess of histamine” allergies, so if I can process more histamine I might, functionally, be allergy free
#long post#medical mention#the person behind the yarn#I simplified some of this because I tend to go waaaaay into jargon when talking about my health issues#if anyone has any questions I'm happy to clarify I just wanted to de-jargon it as much as possible#Addisons disease is a kind of catch-all term for adrenal insufficiency. I have a family history of Addisons#I also have pretty severe stress reactions to most doctors for reasons I will not get into here#which means...my stress could have been tainting my test results the whole damn time (I have been tested for Addisons several times)#which is not helping my current stress levels lol#the 'good meds' I mentioned a few times are glucocorticoids (it could be one of a few different medications)#I am currently on a mineralocorticoid#both are steroids but are also artificial versions of hormones our bodies usually produce#if you take them and are low on them they have basically no impact on your immune system (as I understand it)#but if you take them and aren't low on them they are immunosuppressants (I am not a doctor though so don't take that as medical advice)#I unfortunately also get stressed out being in rooms with closed doors. Like rooms in doctor offices.#I have no explanation for that one? it doesn't bother me in bathrooms but absolutely does with kitchens/bedrooms/offices/etc#I think I read a lot of the major fandoms except anime ones (no judgment meant I just haven't watched them)#and probably not any based on games? again no judgment I just can't play a lot of games because they make me dizzy
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clumsyprophet · 6 years
Cinderella Phenomenon as Tarots
Welcome, welcome!
So, as the title said, this is an analysis that attempts to link each Arcana to someone (or something) from Cinderella Phenomenon. Why? Well...I like tarots, I like Cinderella Phenomenon and I like rambling, in no particular order. It's not an original idea by any stretch of the word 'original': pretty much every fandom has done it, but it's still an interesting analysis to make! The Arcana are archetypes, something ancient and universal...and their message can be found basically everywhere, assuming you are willing to reflect a bit to notice the links.
I'm not an expert Tarot reader (or scholar) by all means, so I'm more than willing to hear critiques, suggestions and whatever you think might improve my analysis. Also, I would definitely not object if someone wanted to use this as a base to draw the deck/an Arcana: if you want to go ahead, this is not private property, it’s just something I made for fun and then decided to share.
With that being said, some final notes:
I am only considering the Major Arcana...it would be nice to have a full deck, but I'm afraid there's not enough material to fill 56 cards in addition to the 22 described below.
I tried to include all named characters without repeating them. Lucette is an exception, since she appears from 2 to 4 cards...but she's the protagonist, so that's kinda expected. Another exception is Rumpel's ex (which doesn’t appear), a bit because I forgot about her and a bit because when I remembered she still didn't fit anywhere. Village man #2, Child #1 and their faceless friends are also not included, for rather obvious reasons.
This will contain SPOILERS, no way around that. So, if you haven’t finished the VN what are you waiting for, go and finish it read at your own risk.
So, without further ado, let’s start!
Lucette (riches to rags version) / Lucette (w/ Mr Broom)
Ah, the Fool, number 0 (or XXII) of the deck, the child, the wanderer, the...well, fool. This card is a card of beginnings, of a journey that is about to start with all the wonders and perils (often dictated by inexperience) that such an adventure brings by default. So, who else other than the Ice princess, who has just woken up having lost everything, can represent this card? While she lacks the enthusiasm the fool usually overflows with there's no denying that she has a long journey in front of her, one full with danger but promising a shining happy ending. Hopefully...have you seen how easy is to get bad ends?! *Ahem* Anyway...another option would be having the scene where Lucette is swept away by Mr Broom...same reasoning (journey just started) with an emphasis on the 'Fool' part of the Arcana.
...I swear not all the cards I chose are this literal. Ahem...either way, the Magician is a card of potential applied, will shaping reality as the Magician desires, the male (or active) principle of creation, the Yang to the High Priestess Yin. Also, even if I'm rather reluctant to bind powerful cards such as the Major Arcana to rather mundane elements (but hey, someone does) the Magician can represent a young, willful man. So...well, Waltz. He's even a witch, what more can you wish for.
As I mentioned above, the High Priestess is the counterpart to the Magician: where the Magician is a willful, active force of reshaping reality the High Priestess is an intuitive caretaker of hidden secrets and intimate knowledge of the universe. So, why Delora, you ask? The High Priestess knows, but she will reveal only when the time is right, when you are ready to accept the truth she is offering. I considered Parfait for this card, but I believe Delora fits better (and we have the nice symmetry of two witches, one male and one female, holding the complementary positions of Magician and High Priestess).
The Empress is a feminine card like the High Priestess but, unlike the third Arcana, the aspect she focuses on is not intimate, intuitive knowledge but rather 'motherhood': creation and nurturing. She is Mother Earth, offering to her children endless affection and sustenance, forgiving their slights when they hurt her because her love is just so deep. So, well, Ophelia might be a Queen and not an Empress, but she has all the other characteristics of this Arcana.
King Genaro
...Okay, maybe quite a lot of cards are rather literal, but it's not my fault they fit so well. The Emperor is the Father to the Empress Mother, to no one's surprise: he loves his children no less than the Empress, but the gift he gives are rather different. The Emperor is a card of unbreakable will, like the Magician, but this time applied not through creation but through laws. He is strict and can appear, at times, rational and cold, but that's his way of protecting his children...and have no doubt, he will protect them. He wields power, but he will never be corrupted by it. So, well, here we are, our beloved King.
The Hierophant, much like the Emperor, is an Arcana of law and order. Unlike the Emperor, however, his domain is far more focused on the society as a whole, his objective being upholding a system of belief and/or traditions. If that system is fair, just and peaceful then good, if it's not...well, you get Alcaster and his plans for a 'better' Angielle.
...Too many to count, TBH
Aight, this is one easy card to explain, since it's exactly what it says on the tin: an union (90% of the time a romantic one) between two persons, working harmoniously together towards a goal. Said goal can be living together, bettering themselves...you name it. Sometimes it's a reminder to choose between two persons, but the usual meaning it's the first one I explained. The problem with this card it's that there are simply too many couples that can fit even discarding my first idea, Garlan and Jurien, since they are already taken for another Arcana. Candidates are Viorica and her fiancee, or Lucette in her Evermore outfit framed in a way that makes ambiguous who the LI is. No shipping wars, thank you.
The Chariot is an Arcana of emotional control. Much like the driver depicted in all decks is guiding the horses in front of them to lead them to their destination, a person blessed by the Chariot will (ideally) guide their emotions without suppressing them but instead using their tumultuous strength to reach their goals. Of course, this card could also means that you are controlling your emotions too much...don't look at me like that, I never said the Arcana have only a favourable meaning. So...well, Prince Rod, case closed.
Much like the Chariot, the Strength is a card dealing with controlling oneself. With quiet determination and unwavering patience most cards depicts a maiden taming a lion, animal representing the wildest, darkest side of her. If you aren't getting what I'm implying go back playing the game, because seriously, just replace the lion with a wolf and the symbolism becomes as subtle as a punch on the nose. Fritz, full stop.
Hans Grimm
I'll admit it, this was an hard Arcana to assign, but I believe I found a rather nice match. The Hermit represents, unsurprisingly, the need for a withdrawal from the world. Maybe it's because you need to reflect alone on your life...or maybe because you feel extremely guilty because your stories (unwillingly) caused a war and countless death, who can say!
Yes, you read that right: you (the player) are the Wheel of Fortune. Chances, situations shifting, choices with uncertain outcome: all are the domain of the Wheel. You are fate, you are the force that sways the path of the Fool, you are, in the end, the difference between a bad and a happy ending. Sadly, it's a bit hard to represent 'the player' in a tarot, so I'm proposing the closer thing that can be easily put down in visual terms: a stained glass wheel (or, well, circular window if you want) with all the routes' symbols (referencing the main menu), maybe with Lucette's slippers in the middle, to represent the biggest choice a player makes while playing (that is, which route will they follow).
Jurien and Garlan
Remember when I said that I considered our favourite knight couple for the Lovers, but in the end I changed my mind? That's because they equally fit the Justice...and no one else does fit this Arcana like them. Justice is the herald of Judgment, a reminder that Karma (not, not him) exists and will reward you as you deserve. Alcaster, dear, thought you could get away with your coup? Bitch, please! Also, the Justice can represent a fair and just attitude, doing the right thing no matter what...well, I don't need to say anything else, right? That's our noble knights, right there.
The Hanged Man, like everybody who has some knowledge of Tarots symbolism will tell you, is Odin, hanging upside down from the branches of Yggrdrasil so he could gain the knowledge of Runes. Rumpel and his quest for knowledge (well, memory, but it's still some form of knowledge) fit nicely. The Hanged Man also warns us that in order to gain something it's often necessary to give up something else: in our case, give away his old habits that ruined him so he can gain a true happy ending.
Parfait (end of Waltz' route)
Death is, probably, the most misunderstood card of the whole deck, though I have to admit lately its true meaning has become more and more known. Death is a card of endings and change (and, unlike the Hanged Man, this change is often forced instead of voluntary), but with the promise of a new beginning. Death is winter, with the implicit promise of a new spring. While Parfait dies at the end of Waltz' route, hope is still alive: her niece will uphold her legacy and a new era will be born, one hopefully devoid of the hate that destroyed the last one. It's sad, to see her go, but she has no more regrets, her story ended: now it's time for a new tale to be told.
Temperance is, by definition, a card about balance and restraint. What does that mean, you ask? Well...other than the obvious meanings, it's a card that encourages solving conflicts with grace and diplomacy. Life will slap you hard in the face (life, and people), but it's (usually) not a good reason to fly off the handle. Keep your wits with you, stay calm, breathe: you will find a way to go on. Don't bend backwards, of course, but do try to let hatred flow away like water in a stream. I have to admit, I had a lot of trouble with this card...then I thought about Annice. True, she can't remember Lucette firing her for something she didn't do (thus she has no reasons to 'fly off the handle'), but she is still a composed, hard working girl. Also, I considered the Lucis and the Tenebrarum for this card (emphasizing the whole 'balance' aspect)...but, in the end, they got roped as candidates for another Arcana (more about that later!) and besides, I wanted Annice to be somewhere in the deck, too.
The Devil is, in short, a powerful reminder of our dark side. Our inner desires, our negative: the Devil appearing in a reading often means that, right now, your worst enemy is none other than yourself. With that being said, this is still part of you and you have to accept it: both stubbornly ignoring your dark side or being completely dominated by it are harmful; that's the message of the Devil. So...that's literally our wolf man, here.
The Tower is known as the card of ruin and, to be honest, this reputation is often well deserved: like a lighting bolt striking a previously (apparently) intact tower, this Arcana warns about sudden, violent changes often revealing flawed bases. Death can be seen as the natural conclusion of a situation: maybe the ending itself was rather sudden, but there were very clear signals about the outcome...not the Tower. Mind you, this change can be a positive one (and since it tends to let everyone see how flawed the previous status quo was it's not entirely harmful), but it's sure shocking! Now, with that being said, if Hildyr and her resurrection is not a lightning bolt destroying the apparent peace in Angielle I don't know what that is!
The Star is one timid Arcana, it's message one of quiet optimism but boy how much strength can the maiden of the Star bring! Thanks to her strong heart and her unwavering hope she can walk through the night unharmed: maybe she will stumble, from time to time, but she will never give up. She will face darkness both external and internal but she will still go forward, her heart unwilling to even just consider the idea of giving up. Even if Emelaigne's trust in herself is far lower than the Star would suggest her heart and faith in others make her an almost perfect fit for this Arcana.
The Moon is a card of illusions. Things aren't like they appear, maybe because someone is pulling wool over your eyes or even because you are doing it, unwilling to see the truth. Still...never trust what you are seeing in the light of the Moon, because it's distorting reality. Of all the character, Mythros immediately comes to mind: he fooled the entire court for years and played Lucette like a fiddle in Fritz' route...with disastrous results (for Angielle. His plan was rather successful). He's not the only manipulative character, but he's surely the one who has 'deception' as his whole modus operandi.
You survived Death, the Devil, the Tower, you endured the deception of the Moon...but you have won. This is a card of victory, and surely not a quiet one! Forget the timid light of the Star...the Sun is full of life and confidence (someone may say full of himself...not entirely wrong, I'd respond), blazing in the sky for all to see. Even reversed this card promises that setbacks are only temporary, no matter how bad things look. After all the night seemed to be dark and full of terrors (cit.), but look at the sky now! So, Karma. Yep.
Lucette (breaking the curse)
The Justice warned you that a reckoning would not be postponed indefinitely (cit.)...and now the moment has come. You are about  to reap what you have sown, buddy. So, if you are a bad guy Karma is about to kick your ass (no, not that Karma. ...Maybe? I mean, Karma kicks a lot of ass)...but what if your efforts were put into, say, being a better person? Well, your reward is going to be great indeed! Lucette is no longer the Fool she was at the beginning of the journey: through sacrifice and pain she has earned an happy ending.
The Lucis and the Tenebrarum, in harmony / Lucette (Queen)
The World is, like the Sun, a card of victory. The journey has ended and you have found whatever you were searching for: sure, you will probably depart again soon, but for now you are complete. This equilibrium is not the unstable one we saw being destroyed in the Tower: it's an hard fought victory that is destined to last. Bask in the joy of the World, accept its message of harmony: you deserve the prize, after all you did to obtain it. With that being said...I can't still decide which one of the two proposals I like more: both are the symbol of the end of Hildyr's reign of terror and generally a big fat 'CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE GREAT', but other than that...eh. I'm slightly leaning towards the Crystal, to represent in the deck that important part of the story, but I would not object to either choice.
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reconditarmonia · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
Hello, lovely writer!
I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3 (and have been since LJ days, but my LJ is locked down and I only have a DW to see locked things).
General likes:
-- Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
-- Loyalty kink, whether commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms, and the trust associated with it. Sometimes-but-not-always relatedly, idealism. I guess the two combined might be, in general, the idea of nobility of character and what that means.
-- Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
-- Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff.
-- Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
-- Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
-- Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
-- Eucatastrophe.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; Christmas/Christian themes; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex.
Fandom: Dòu Máah Dáan | Peking Opera Blues (1986) 
Characters: Tsao Wan
This film is so much MORE than I ever dreamed. More hilarious, more shippy, more dramatic. I think what I want most from this fandom is something on a similar emotional scale - not necessarily something where the plot itself has a national or international scope, but something that has room for opera slapstick, corpse puppetry, and torture; material concerns, and high aspirations; saving each other’s lives, and having sleepovers. Thematically, I’m really interested in the way the film shows friendship and familial love sometimes dovetailing with ethics and ideological goals and sometimes conflicting with them, and in the various ways women can find, or seek, their own independence.
Tsao Wan is the only character I’ve put in my request. I was fully expecting to come out of the film with femslash ships, and instead I have a big OT5 and a huge crush on Brigitte Lin (okay, that part I could see coming), so I’d be happy with any combination of the main five, including the two men, who were not nominated, as long as Tsao Wan is there. Some combination possibilities: how do any of them meet up again after the events of the film, whether by chance - do Bai Niu and/or Sheung Hung happen to be making a tour stop somewhere Tsao Wan has a mission? does Tsao Wan and Ling’s work take them near Tung’s village farm? - or intentionally - how would a new opera about Tsao Wan and Ling’s exciting adventures be created by Bai Niu and/or Sheung Hung, in terms of research and role creation? Or maybe Tsao Wan needs Bai Niu’s skills for a mission. In fact, maybe she needs everyone’s skills for a mission. Recruitment road trip! Some solo possibilities: what was Tsao Wan’s time in Europe like? Was she involved in any political activity there? What does she do post-film as History continues? In anything set post-film, I’d like to know that all five characters are important to each other, even if they’re not actually in the fic and/or sexually involved.
If you want to get really plotty, I love heist and con stuff like Leverage, Ocean’s Eleven (remake), and The Italian Job (original), where there’s a Plan with steps and roles, and then it plays out. If straight-up casefic isn’t your style, it could be fun to throw some shippy tropes at this canon (fake marriage where Tsao Wan is pretending to be the husband? hurt/comfort or sickfic? hell, I’d read accidental baby acquisition), but tropey stuff is not necessary - I’m just trying to throw out some ideas to get things moving. Ideally there’d be at least a figleaf of plot in the background, even if it’s not casefic.
Fandom-specific DNW: Explicit references to torture are still a hard DNW (I covered my eyes during the scene in question when watching the film), but I recognize it’s part of canon and consequently might be part of the world of the fic. If someone is tortured or creatively executed in your story, it’s fine to mention it but I do not want to know how.
Fandom: Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
Characters: Bathsheba Everdene
I didn’t nominate this and it didn’t occur to me that it would be in the tagset, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it! One thing that always sticks in my mind about this novel is the way Hardy calls Bathsheba “the young farmer” just as he refers to the men as farmers - which, just saying, is more than most people writing about this story can do - and so, that being the case, what I’m most interested in is something about Bathsheba as farmer. One day in the life or four seasons in the life or five plantings/harvests in the life, or pseudo-academic fic about a case study of a woman farmer in the Victorian era, or a conflict between the farm and nature that Bathsheba has to decide how to solve.
Feel free to bring in the other nominated characters or other major characters if it suits what you’re trying to do, but what I’m really looking for is a focus on Bathsheba’s work, determination, and process of learning. I’d also love to read something like a merchant ship AU (as the first alternate setting that came to mind where it would be not exactly the done thing for her to captain her inherited ship and make commercial decisions herself - although I do have to point out that contrary to popular belief, there were a lot of women on shipboard in the age of sail, may this be useful - but also where nature and luck/fate are as influential as they are in the original setting), or something in which the land, superstition, and ritual were more overtly magical.
Fandom: 月刊少女野崎くん | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Characters: Kashima Yuu, Nozaki Umetarou
Pick a trope. Have them fuck it up.
That’s one of the things that makes me love this canon - the simultaneous send-up of and indulgence in tropes, in a very good-natured way. (Another way I’ve described its genre: “nothing happens, but very dramatically.” Everything is shocking or devastating or the pinnacle of bliss.) Kashima and Nozaki are two of the characters whose propensity to do this is most likely to set a story in motion, due to Nozaki’s experimentation/observation for his manga and Kashima’s princely self-fashioning and going 120% on everything; I also love Kashima’s bifauxnen-ness, acting talent, and earnest failboating, and the way that Nozaki could have been written as a tall-dark-handsome-stoic cipher guy and instead is just as quirky as anyone else. That said, this is an OR request, not an AND, and I’d also be happy to read stories about pretty much anyone from the nominated tagset (except Mikoshiba or Mayu; I don’t know Mayu very well because I originally got into this through the anime, and Mikoshiba just isn’t my fave, although I have no objection to his appearing in the story).
There are all sorts of lists out there of common shoujo(/romcom/fanfic) tropes if you’re not sure where to start. And, because Nozaki is all about subverting gendered characterization and role-boxing, and also about people trying to make their lives conform to narrative, go ahead and apply those tropes to whichever characters you feel would be the most interesting or fun. Feel free to pick non-high-school-setting ones, too, if there's magical/historical/high-society shoujo you want to see them tackle, or to take a play that Kashima (and whoever else) is involved in as a jumping-off point.
As you may have gathered, I love the way the canon plays with romance tropes, but I would prefer no overt Shipfic. If you’d like to include a ship, whether slash/femslash or het, I’d like for it to be handled without much seriousness, and for friendship with characters who aren’t part of the ship to be a significant part of the fic, as per canon. I do really like the show’s variety of friendships between characters of different temperaments, interests, and sexes.
If you’re really getting a “why don’t you just rewatch/reread the canon, reconditarmonia” vibe off this, which I’m kind of giving myself, you could try sex comedy future fic? Give them magical powers? What I’m most interested in, wherever you go with this, is the playing-with-tropes thing.
Fandom-specific DNW: I love Hori and Kashima’s relationship, but I’d strongly prefer that her feelings for him not be written as overtly romantic. High levels of ambiguity/intensity/tropey-ness are fine and great.
Fandom: Monstrous Regiment - Terry Pratchett
Characters: Any (Alice “Wazzer” Goom, Jack Jackrum, Magda “Tonker” Halter, Maladict, Polly “Ozzer” Perks, Tilda “Lofty” Tewt)
Give me all the loyalty kink for this fandom. Characters rescuing each other from peril, risking their reputation or position or ethics to defend each other, accomplishing the impossible or sacrificing things without even thinking twice because one trusts the other’s orders or judgment. Or A not going off the leash or into danger to defend B because B said not to, to protect A’s conscience or life or reputation. Can be romantic or platonic - I ship Polly/Mal and Tonker/Lofty, but I would also be delighted with Polly&Jackrum, Wazzer&Polly, or other non-romantic twosomes or moresomes in situations of loyalty and trust. Maybe Polly sends Mal on a dangerous mission, or Tonker is captured after she and Lofty burn down another place where women and girls are being abused, or Polly protects Jackrum’s secret/s from someone who could reveal them, or Wazzer ends up in the field again with the general’s retinue and Polly and Mal rescue her from danger (or vice versa!!). What strengths or sacrifices do they have at their disposal for each other?
Pratchett-esque voices would be great. He’s really, really good at sucker-punching the reader with sincerity in an overall satiric mode, and I think that style lends itself well to this sort of thing.
I’m not going to lie, Polly is my fave. I like that this could have been a generic coming-of-age or women-in-war story, where the protagonist learns that she’s brave or worthwhile and then the crisis is past, but instead Polly learns that she’s a cunning bastard and a hell of a sergeant, and being a one-off hero in a country that’s at peace and making slow social progress isn’t good enough for her. That said, just because I’m better able to articulate what I like about Polly doesn’t mean I’d be less excited for fic about anyone else! I think that’s something I’d want to explore for any of the characters who enlist in the course of the story - what are these women good at? What lets them fulfill their potential? What do they want when their hand isn’t being forced? Or for Jackrum, who’s already gone through that whole process by the time the story begins, any more backstory would be fabulous.
If you’re going the Polly/Mal route, I also love ludicrous levels of sexual tension in a military context (I think it’s the unavoidable proximity + the presence of others making it hard to act on it).
Fandom-specific DNW: vampire romance tropes (such as turning and/or immortality) as focus; non-female pronouns/headcanons.
Fandom: Simoun (Anime)
Characters: Any (Aaeru, Dominuura, Halconf, Mamiina, Neviril, Paraietta, Plumbish Priestesses, Rodoreamon)
Simoun somehow ended up being a really weirdly meaningful show to me. I loved how all these women got to be flawed and fucked-up, noble and loyal. How, in the mold of all my favorite epic shoujo anime, it starts off beautiful and fine and then Shit Gets Very Real and that’s actually one of the themes of the show - we had a little debate a few weeks ago on FFA as to whether or not Simoun was a military canon, and the fact that circumstances have remade a team of priestesses in fancy quarters and magic flying machines who are there to pray to God, put off their choice of sex, use their talents, maintain or claw their way into a social position, into a military force involved in a war - that’s an idea that the characters themselves struggle with in the show. (Neviril’s scene in the hearing is one of my favorites.) How everyone gets character development, in the sense of learning and changing, and even what seem like annoying mandatory straight subplots actually end up serving that thematic or character development, to say nothing of the more focal relationships between the leads (not just Neviril and Aeru, but also Mamiina and Rodoreamon, Neviril and Paraietta...)
I’d really like to read a fic where an individual character’s development or two characters’ relationship is similarly tied in to plot developments; it doesn’t have to be a plotty fic as such, but I was very interested in the way the developments of the war and the pilots/priestesses’ actions in it precipitated changes in their relationships. So how might Neviril and Aeru’s relationship develop in the other world (what are they doing?), or Mamiina and Rodoreamon’s on the Messis when they’re not the narrative focus before Mamiina’s last mission and the braid thing? (Or if this is more your speed, dig into that and see how a character grows or the relationship between characters develops when that’s not being moved along by outside events in the same way, especially if they’re aware of that being an issue. When Neviril and Aeru are outside the normal flow of time, or Paraietta and Rodoreamon are civilians, for example.) I’m also interested in all the permutations of loyalty we see in the show - like loyalty to a position over loyalty to a side (as with the Plumbish priestesses’ siding with our Sibyllae), loyalty that develops before liking or friendship, the devoted loyalty to Neviril. I like the show’s military themes despite its magical-girl visuals. I think this is also a canon where it would make sense for sexual first times to be part of a fic - what does that mean for the characters you choose?
I should also say that due to all the magic and timespace warping in the show, I am more than okay with post-canon fic that gets characters back together who were separated by canon, if that’s what you want. You can resurrect Mamiina, or have Neviril and Aeru visit the main reality/timeline again. Or play with timespace even more - time loop fic? (Edit: This didn’t even occur to me until I found out about the IF post, but this fandom might lend itself to interactive fiction, too.)
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potatopierogi-blog · 7 years
Hack Summoners War
There are many phone rpgs with really good images and a lot of things to pick up, but most of them are not fascinating if you happen to in fact set out to engage in them. But the truth is, subsequently, after i got all the handle i was considerably thrilled. What in fact sets apart Bot Summoners War: sky world from all of those other phone mmorpgs could be the handle. |The tricky handle set up is a wonderful get for the membership. This doesn’t mean that 100 % free and getting to cover people acquire presctiption componen, but shelling out a portion, involving $25-100, would establish most people up for every powerful you can start, in which quite similar quest trainers can ask for continuing shelling out in There's a good amount of things to pick up and grind from runes to awakening product. I give Bot Summoners War: sky world an overall 4/5. The thing is them consistently from all application keeps, diverse from selling and buying greeting card membership formats to fandom tie-ins to blatant pok?n clones. Irrespective of the common aspects quite similar for most aspects 100 % free-mium and beast getting, Bot Summoners War: sky world will give a thing some additional. Resist set up combat resembles vintage console rpg trends that will every one device, your organization along with the enemy’s, consume a convert-located set up determined by their specified speed stats. Various episodes may cause level implications - virtually all of which are special, or at excellent, scarce within the rpg genre, like creating systems not able to end up being healed, or dealing cause damage to proportionate to one’s wellness (consider gravity special at the ff collection). |Every one variant important features unique extraordinary competence and stats and each awakens directly into a very dedicated special device. 1-2 stars are effectively just fodder for history, but if you only as being a beast good enough, any 3-star or more extensive could possibly be changed and awakened to a few complete 6-star beast. Runes are embeddable options that spruce up your monsters’ stats. Aside from that, it doesn’t injured that now and again, you will get lively camera motion whenever your device performs a vital struck. Summoners conflict chart the equipment offers a good amount of free stuff each once in a while. Summoners conflict line of business bottom line: exceptional (5/5) complete, Bot Summoners War: sky world is mostly a total be successful personally. Summoners conflict is mostly a convert-located mmog in which people pick up and summon a range of pests and monsters to battle. Com2us ios, android. Enthusiasts summon a large number of monsters and use those to combat their way having an ever more stronger amount of fights. |Like with, when your player was actually participating in not less than a couple of hours. Attacks are fancy and animate suitably. What precisely a concept! Bot Summoners War is mostly a suitably-rendered and finished rpg with numerous membership engage in that can be found and plenty of beneficial pattern judgments. " folks will have to If people enroll in the developer's hive community foundation, com2us corp. Upon the way, owners should buy equipment and upgrades with great money in your in-membership hold. On the other hand really it is dependant on handle, the nearby-nonstop overcoming is simply procedure to an surface texture. At this moment you be able of alter dependable evaluations directly into a sound tool and online marketing strategy. Most importantly he perceives there's a paywall for achievement, which produced a terrible study. Extra study documents can grant a sharper resolve. |Some people get out of very easily on concept. I do not thinking buying a membership title, though the kits you could buy are way to pricy for the purpose you'll get. Beware the ai is sort of dumb when utilizing aoe spells or ressurections some battles with fantastically unique strategic options need to be managed manually. Level monsters, standard nourishment to fuse your monsters to a different star standard (6 for most, along with the sixth happens to be tedious when you are weak), grind essences to awaken your keepers, grind runes (which will make a big difference) to provide and raise your monsters, grind scrolls of numerous leading quality to get probability for a lot better monsters, grind guild and world battles to utilize their more beneficial businesses. But the truth is after having a several stage, the marginal worth of total amount time waste dangling throughout is higher than the marginal help you to get at the time you attain a thing so It starts up receiving a tad repeating to help keep overcoming and turning up without getting a penny great. The tutorial is absolutely congratulations are in order, guiding you with suggestions within your comprehensive measures lifespan, rarely ever receiving awfully troublesome. Liquids, blowing wind, fire, mild, and dimly lit. |Optimism this helped! The most effective android / ios rpg/process quest trainers. A summoner is at the same time mage and broad, and need to mix together their wizardly may possibly with smart methods to beat the foe summoner on the other side within the combat. Call up wall structures of rock to guard you in handle and function special portals you will need to summon your people. Will the video game engage in furnished in summoner competitions transcend time, or has it'd its daytime? Continue reading to locate out… the whole components of the actual establish (minus helpful tips manual). Robust as basic as it will eventually get with membership pattern and you will probably discover no elongated holistic be successful ailments you have to be cynical of. Occasion notes allow you to do an measures in their targeted phase assuming that the wants could possibly be fulfilled. At the same time people contribute a 6-column, 8-row board (separated by fifty percent for every player) which has locations here for those outdoor patio, special stack, and throw away stack. Combat is settled by shifting dice. The throw away decisions routinely difficult, particularly if you get directly into a greeting card that can make excellent consumption of a earlier discarded greeting card. |I will tell really a feature looking 2nd as possible do added Holding them full of life a bit longer utilizing my wall structures say for example a buffer would routinely indicate my challenger will have to found me. When you investment and be your collection you could start to mix them by way of deckbuilding. The builders were definitely so satisfied when using the lover method they even owned the technique reproduced as holistic The only real issue you can't control could be the gamble which decides whenever your systems a guessing membership their goals, so people familiar with more extensive control of handle might need to forget about people anticipations now. A succession of very poor moves for pretty much all you have to do could make you in a very major problem - this is certainly suitably avoided now. Summoners conflict: sky world has a good deal that resembles quite similar produces just like brave frontier, inserting people learning to be a summoner who has the ability to speak to forth monsters to carry out their investing in a bid. Picking and getting new bases upon which you'll establish new, far better brawlers is obviously one of many game's largest charms, and this i stumbled onto me personally returning over and over to begin this as soon as i'd a good amount of This blend of outdoor patio-creating within the vein pioneered by special 2013 [] with strategic moving this way witnessed in hero academy [] and outwitters [] is mostly a powerful mix for gamers who're fans of at the same time types. |It is definitely an attractive design for iap, helping people who would like to get into the game to simply spend some money or maybe more, even while people who're truly serious can waste the greater big 8-10 money and get a good amount of membership with this. The guild dwarves are stalwart along with the cave goblins use swarm methods, though the attain people "usual" attributes with out of the ordinary knowledge, like ending adjacent foe systems motionless or receiving 100 % free episodes. (3) writing about guides, it shouldn't be unseen within a sub-selection. At present, it's too straightforward to by accident tap a creature you intended to repair and fairly destroy it. (9) the reason forfeits measured one at a time from losses? (10) there needs to be some evaluation set up enforced in order to game people of equal amount of technique. Let us acquire one issue straightforward - summoner competitions is actually exceptional - entertaining, appropriate, a great deal of factions, extraordinary pushes, large degree and range within a short membership. If you have a passing curiosity about tbsp . |choose a a good deal more deeply bet on it's sort all around the application hold. In While in just about any membership i've actually ever practiced, you in general achieve whatever foreign currency you possessed experiencing figures each spherical, in summoner competitions you don't achieve special is required to be new spherical has started. other people, thus positioning their dead device inside your special stack (that individuals consider stones !) 2nd, you are able to throw away notes from your own control at the surface texture of the use position them inside your special stack. You start the game with a large number of systems all around the board, and you'll have fantastically couple of (or no) converts that you diligently don't combat each other. A thing to say that's not a reliable neither a problem about summoner competitions could be the expandability within the membership. Concurrently, becoming more notes shows that you might more than likely you need to take more of their time looking in reverse and forwards getting rid of unimportant minions fairly of paying attention to the other person's summoner. Clearly do you know the mercenary and strengthening greeting card pieces? I very easily picked up the game every day somewhere around for a second time so haven't delved in still however it designs so intriguing. |If you are interested in where one can pick the expansions, you will evaluate little industry (advert onto the post) - i am just in fact thinking about buying the latest couple of a great number of solutions from their store some days prior! I'd selected at the reinforcements for 4 from Now that special: the product range greeting card tests established changing up on the internet, anxious people sensed that this world wide web was hastening the conclusion of the much-loved past time. A greeting card membership colby dauch rendered summoner competitions say for example a crossbreed boardgame/greeting card membership in '09. Every one faction is tailored many different strong points and techniques, giving you a great deal of choices to choose from. Regrettably, this means the non reusable-to-engage in type all around the application hold is dependant on nothing but an endeavor type with very easily one playable faction without multiple-player. Truly it is not necessarily the actual situation which you can only bet excess volumes as compared to the orcs cost-free. greeting card/board-membership vocation on ios... |Yes indeed, you bet, i realize that worn out adages… “don’t decide a journal by it is cover” “don’t decide a game title because of the carton art” “don’t decide a motion picture by the style of enjoy schneider within the cast” (suitably, that you will likely in fact already have some value) …and still i selected to ignore them and disregarded 12 a few weeks of quest trainers goodness. And, when you are prepared to bunch two decks jointly, there’s a good amount of space for those present-day summoner competitions decks within the carton - in spite of greeting card sleeves! (could this study be ever again geekified? Compartment put in like?!) also integrated are (obviously) the required dice & surfaces experiencing the game… accompanied by a sweet two-section top of the line board.
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