#I think it’s a crime that I haven’t drawn him for how much I love this man
brainrot-radio · 2 months
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Michelangelo Myers doodle posting
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alphajocklover · 17 days
I saw this super hot biker dude on my way home and I was wondering if you could make me like him? I’ve always been a nice guy but I want to experience life as a total bad boy. I mean everything, the muscles, the tattoos, the straight promiscuous sex, being in a gang doing crime. All the bad boy biker things. You think you could make me that way dude?
I actually haven’t done much with bikers. I don’t really know why, but besides that one wolverine based transformation I haven’t so much as mentioned bikers. I suppose it could be because I’m slightly obsessed with jocks and tend to focus on them more than others but it’s not like I haven’t reported on different transformations, like surfers, dilfs, and even greasers before. Yet I’ve almost never mentioned bikers before, and I’ve absolutely never turned someone into one. There's a first time for everything though, and bikers are really hot. However, before we turn you into a bad boy biker we need to figure out how you’re going to become one. Most of the transformation methods I have on hand are jock based. But… There is one thing I have on hand that would be perfect for you.
It’s a motorcycle. Yes I own a motorcycle. It’s not really mine, I’ve never ridden it or used it. I actually inherited it from an Uncle, but that’s another story. I haven’t got a clue on how to ride it, and if I was going to use a motorcycle I’d probably use something else. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a well made machine, and it looks cool as hell, but if I were to put the key in the ignition and start the engine… while you can probably guess where this is going.
It won’t happen all at once. It’s going to be a more gradual than you’d think. You’ll gain muscle slowly over the next few weeks, just slowly enough that it seems less like magic and more like an unexpected growth spurt. The mental changes will go at about the same rate, with you slowly losing old interest over the next few weeks, replacing your geeky hobbies with more… biker appropriate ones. You’re going to end up with a fascination with motorcycles, a love of beer, and a knack for getting into trouble. The most starling change will probably be the tattoos, as I believe they’ll just appear towards the end of your transformation. In a matter of weeks you’ll go from a skinny nothing to a beefy, beer guzzling, motorcycle obsessed, pussy fucking leader of a biker gang. Yes, you’ll be the leader. You’ll probably attract a gang quickly without much effort too. People are gonna be drawn to you, your sheer badass manliness.
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No more mister nice guy for you. From here on out you’re anything but fucking nice.
**hey there guys! Hope you like the Biker TF. It was nice to try something new. And it gave me an idea for the mystery uncle I mentioned. Enjoy!**
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fwakes31 · 4 days
The Acolyte - thoughts and theories
Theory from piecing bits of the Acolyte trailers together.
Firstly, I've really enjoyed the 2 episodes so far.  I’m a big THP fan and I genuinely really enjoyed it.  It feels much more filmatic than some of the other recent SW live action, but that's just my thoughts.
Anyhoo, enjoyment doesn’t stop the detective in me wanting answers!
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Others may know this already but I haven’t seen anything about this under #torbin
So let the hyperfixation commence…
SPOILERS BELOW! - Couple of new additions as of 9/6/24
I stayed away from the trailers as I wanted to be surprised by the whole thing.  Now I can’t help myself watching them over and over.  After having the following thought for 48 hours straight ‘What did baby padawan Torbin do to feel he deserved to end his life like that?’ What ‘Crime’ has he committed (or thinks he's committed) that he would rather drink poison than face the council? That, I don't have the answer to, but I think there are a few clues out there lurking in the 1 second splits of the trailers.
We see Torbin’s eyes go black, just like Mae’s and the clan/tribes that she is from.  (I’m getting Nightsister-type vibes from them myself mixed in with a bit of the open hand, anyway, I digress,  that could be a whole post on its own)
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I also found these flashes quite interesting as well. 
Kelnacca throws Torbin to the floor, note they both have their sabres drawn.
This nugget popped up in the trailer that dropped on the 7/6/24
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We can see that Torbin already has the wounds that leave him scared as we saw in EP2.  Was Kelnacca fighting him or was he helping him?  Trying to knock some sense into him or clear his mind so to speak?  Either way, Baby Torbin going against a Wookie - Ouch!
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What do we have here?  More Jedi on Jedi action…
Okay, these clips are all going to come from a flashback, that is certain, what order and perspective we are going to get them in is yet to be known.  My thinking here is that Torbin, maybe even Kalnacca, are possessed and are set against each other by the Clan/Tribe? Either way there are multiple clips of Jedi turning on Jedi
I also find it really dodgy that the whole twin thing was covered up, no record no nothing.  Not even Verenestra knew!  
And while I’m at it, how is Torbin a Padawan too?  (Cheak out @tremendouskoalachild post on info that has since been deleted off the SW website)
And is it me or does it look like Kelnacca could be one too?  
It could just be my ageing eyes, but it looks to me like he has a green Obi on under his belt?  It’s hard to tell I know, but if so are we therefore looking at two padawan master pairs, of which both padawans seek solitude after whatever goes down???  
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copiousloverofcopia · 5 months
I know it has been a LONG time since I updated, and I really appreciate all of you who have been sticking around to read my work. I promise I will do everything in my power to always finish a fic I start, and I am happy to finally have an update for Terzo and Mary!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Beautiful divider credit to @gothdaddyissues
Holy Mary
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Sister Mary Catherine was only weeks away from taking her vows when she has a chance encounter with a man. A man she finds out is the Pope of the Satanic church.
Chapter 9: The End Days
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven’t started yet? Read from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below!
Secondo and Primo waited impatiently outside in the hall. The sounds of their footfalls, echoing down the corridor as they paced the marble floor. The door to the infirmary was closed to them. The Ministry physician and Terzo on the other side, doing everything they could to save Mary and the child. 
Secondo’s heart was heavy. Filled with the guilt of coveting her. No longer envying his brother for the perceived honor he had been bestowed, but instead wounded by the knowledge of his brother’s pain. Feeling even more culpable having developed feelings for her. Still drawn to Mary, much as he supposed Terzo had been in the beginning. 
Called by her fair face and sweet disposition. The likes of which, Secondo would normally regard as begging for his personal style of corruption and obscenity. Lustful thoughts he now wished he could bury, strangle—kill off. Primo noticed it, his brother’s descent into his thoughts, becoming madder as the seconds passed. Ticking away on the monstrance clock down the hall.
“What are you thinking?” Primo asked him. 
“Nothing.” Secondo scoffed, folding his arms and continuing to pace. Primo hated being lied to, especially when they already knew he knew. Bringing his arm up to halt him with a jolt to the chest. Stopping Secondo in his tracks.
“Cazzate. So quando nascondi qualcosa. Pensi che sia la prima volta che mi menti. Che sono completamente nuovo alla tua stupidità?” he spewed, groaning in Italiano. Always faltering to his native tongue when he became flustered or angry. 
“It’s this whole thing.”
“Jealousy was always your downfall Secondo… you need to learn not everything belongs to you.” Primo snapped. Pissed that Secondo was still hung up on misplaced desires for their brother’s lover. Convinced that Secondo cared more about satisfying his cock than he did anything else. 
“I know, and for that I am sorry.” he sighed, a moment of true contrition from him. One Primo had not expected, when Terzo came from behind the door. Still covered in blood, but his face awash in relief. 
“She’s stable. For how long we don’t know.” Terzo explained, running his hand over his head. Allowing himself a moment to come down from the surge of adrenaline that had come from what transpired. 
“Did she receive the wound fratello? The wound of the spear?” Primo asked, hoping that if she had, and survived it, by Satan’s grace then maybe she would be spared the fate he had feared was destined for her.
“No…no she did not.”
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Hours later, Terzo refused to leave Mary’s side once more. His head hung low towards his lap. Pounding and spinning. Never before in his life had he felt such pain and anguish. Scared with every fiber of his being that Mary would pay the price for his own selfishness—his cowardice. He held her hand gently as she laid beside him on the bed—unconscious and lost.
“What’s done, is done fratello. You can’t change that.” Primo told him. His brotherly hand, placed atop Terzo’s shoulder. Trying to comfort the brother who he could not bear to see suffering. The greatness of it was unimaginable as the woman Terzo loved—who carried his child, remained somewhere in purgatory. Paying for their shared crime against Heaven—alone.  
“So I just sit here? Siediti come un fottuto idiota?” he lashed out. An action that would have normally elicited a slap from Primo, now leaving him despondent. Terzo clutching tighter to Mary’s hand. Hoping for some sign that she was going to be alright. That he could look to the future and see them thriving. 
Even now he imagined it—a small child and his Mary. Surrounded by the beauty of the gardens. Her smiling face, turning back to look at him as he followed closely behind them. All he had ever wanted, wrapped up in that one small fragment of hope still holding on inside him. 
“Of course, not Terzo. Come with me, let us go find Secondo and formulate a plan.” Primo suggested. Terzo looked up at him through his brows. Angry that all the answers had always led to more questions. Knowing just how dire the current situation had become and that their time had all but run out. Watching as Mary was slipping away.
“What, pray tell would he do to help? The man has practically been avoiding me since this all started. Something is going on with him. I have half a mind to think he has something to do with this.” Terzo groaned.
“While I admit there is more to his sulking than meets the eye, I hardly can believe that he is responsible for this. You know better than that fratello.” Primo reasoned with him. Terzo lamented, nodding his head in agreement. Primo was right, while he was certainly not innocent, Secondo did not create this problem.
Something felt off once more to Terzo. The words Primo had said stuck with him. Lingering a moment before he inquired about them. Asking his brother for clarification.
“What do you mean there is more than meets the eye.” Terzo asked, his curiosity piqued as Primo began rubbing at his temples. Exhaling through pursed lips as he realized what he had just done. 
“Terzo this really isn’t the time.” Primo explained, hoping that thing would just move on, but knowing full well that once Terzo had his mind set to ask there would be no getting around it. 
“Tell me now.”
“Secondo… he… well the stronzo has developed some feelings for…”, Primo began as he gestured towards Mary, “They are misplaced as usual and he will absolutely not act on them, but of course you know him. He always wants the toy he doesn’t have.” Primo explained, desperately trying to downplay the situation, when Terzo rose up from his spot on the bed. The vein on his forehead, bulging as he went to leave the room.
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Secondo came drifting out of the confessional booth. Following a very disheveled sister of sin, who seemed to be in a hurry to leave, as Primo and Terzo approached him. Primo rolled his eyes as he watched Secondo adjusting his slacks. 
“I hope we aren’t interrupting. Terzo hissed. His eyes filled with fury. Ready to tear Secondo apart. His resolve barely held together as Secondo replied. 
“I needed to get some things off my mind.”
“Yeah… I know exactly what it is you need to relieve yourself of you stronzo!” Terzo growled. Secondo, looking over to Primo for answers before dodging a punch. 
“Che cazzo stai facendo?” Secondo yelled, ready for Terzo’s next move. 
“He knows fratello.” Primo explained.
“Knows what?” Secondo groaned as Primo did his best to stop Terzo from lunging at him once again. Terzo’s chest heaving and teeth clenched—ready for a fight. 
“Cazzo! You think I don't know what you are thinking? That I can’t see the things you think are hidden. The truths I know you have uttered in darkness, behind closed doors. Vile things spit from your mouth under the veil of anonymity. I had my suspicions, but the confirmation… you disgust me.” Terzo growled, grabbing hold of Secondo’s chasuble. Ready to kill him with his bare hands. 
“Now is not the time, Terzo. You need to think about Mary. You needn't be worried about this fool. He knows he is out of line. I assure you.” Primo proclaimed, pulling Terzo off and pushing Secondo back from attempting to swing on him. 
“Va’ a farti fottere.” Terzo said, spitting in Secondo's direction as he took off towards the gardens.
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Terzo reached the greenhouse. Desperate for the fresh air, to remove himself from his conflict with Secondo. Primo would keep watch over Mary as he tried to clear his head, but he was a man on fire. Rage, building up inside him. Digested with his brother and even more so, his own feelings of helplessness. 
He sat at the wrought iron table just outside the greenhouse. Storm clouds hanging high overhead, threatening a downpour—a cosmic reflection of how he was feeling inside. An imminent crash and burn steadily ahead. Terzo was falling apart. 
It was in this, his darkest of times that it appeared to him. Like in the Nazarene’s moment of weakness, he first heard the sound of leaves crumbling under pressure. The howl in the wind, chilling him before finally the appearance of a black, slick scaled serpent. Slithering along the soft bed of grass. 
Its eyes, a wicked golden glow. It was silent as it crawled along its belly. Disappearing slowly behind one of Primo’s prized red rose bushes. Only to reappear—transformed as a dark, mysterious woman. 
Soft form, draped in black fabric. Fabric that seemed to move as if it were floating in water as they approached him. Eyes filled with Hell fire, lined in charcoal black lashes and the rubiest of red lips. Their beauty, unlike anything Terzo had ever seen. Who? What was this?
“Dilecte fili mi dulcissime. Plenus vae, ut te salutat benignus deus tuus.” the woman said as they reached him. Terzo freezing up in their presence. Pupils blown wide and the beating of his heart, echoing in his ears.  
“Who are—” he tried to ask, feeling the sensation of his bones being chilled by an icy fire inside him. Both freezing and burning up in the being’s presence. The sounds of thunder, beginning to rumble in the sky. 
“I am called many things.” They smiled. It was then clear to Terzo in that moment exactly who they were. This temptress—this ethereal being was Lucifer him…herself.
“You're him, her…” he said, the words halting as they left him. 
“I can be whatever you desire...” they began, perking up an eyebrow at him, “...and what we all know you desire, Emeritus, is and always will be—a beautiful woman.” Lucifer smirked. Terzo shook off the initial shock, trying to pretend he didn’t feel the immense discomfort from merely being this close to them.   
“You’re not wrong…but that woman is Mary.” Terzo hissed. Lucifer’s face turned to that of annoyance. Taking a seat beside him at the table as if they were two old friends. Enjoying the afternoon in each other's company. 
“Terzo… please. Why can’t you be more like your brothers? Settle down that defiant streak. It doesn’t suit you.” they told him.
“I mean… look what listening to me has done for you. A beautiful lover, and a child. Some men couldn’t imagine being worthy of obtaining such fine things.” Lucifer boasted. Watching as the look of anger and betrayal washed over Terzo’s face.
“You tricked me into obeying you, knowing that you would tear it all from me.” he roared. 
“I have done NO such thing.” Lucifer growled. The darkness inside them, beginning to show through the well placed veil of beauty. “It is her God that makes you suffer… not me.” 
“But you chose me… us for this. Had you picked Secondo and one of his lovers, God’s attention would be placed elsewhere. YOU said it had to be her. YOU sent me to take her knowing it would usurp his wraith.” Terzo cried before his Dark God. Dropping to his knees before them. Head bowed and fists grasping tight the fabric of their dress.
“Get up Emeritus… groveling will do nothing for you.” Lucifer explained to him. Terzo, raising up as he was told. Meeting with Lucifer’s stare.  
“Please choose someone else.” Terzo begged once more. The Dark one letting out a sigh. Feeling themselves a pushover—always having had an affinity for the youngest Emeritus son.
“I will consider it—”
“Oh…oh thank you Lucifer. Thank you.” Terzo interrupted, too soon it seemed when Lucifer held out their hand to stop his praises. 
“But you must do something for me.”
“What?! Tell me! I’ll do anything to spare her and our child from this chaos and pain.” he cried, ready to give up his own life if Lucifer should only ask of it. Lay down on Hell’s vorpal blade and allow himself to be extinguished at the Dark one’s hands. The love he felt for his child and Mary, giving him the strength to end it all. Knowing that in return they’d be safe in his stead. 
“I require a sacrifice. If I agree to withhold the evil that is set to inhabit your child. If I release your woman from the peril that plagues her…then I want you to…”
“Please, anything!” Terzo cried again, Lucifer smiling as they took his face in the palms of their hands. Holding him deceivingly gentle, as if they didn’t hold his life—his family’s lives in their grasp.
“You will kill Secondo.”
Cazzate. So quando nascondi qualcosa. Pensi che sia la prima volta che mi menti. Che sono completamente nuovo alla tua stupidità?- Bullshit. I know when you are hiding something. You think this is the first time you've lied to me. That I am brand new to your foolishness?
Che cazzo stai facendo?- What the fuck are you doing?
Siediti come un fottuto idiota?- Sit here like a fucking fool?
Va’ a farti fottere- Get fucked.
Dilecte fili mi dulcissime. Plenus vae, ut te salutat benignus deus tuus.- My dear sweet child. Full of woe as your benevolent god greets you.
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xmasterofmunsonx · 2 years
Hey you! I saw you are still taking request (i hope) and since i don't see that many Eddie X Powered!Reader (which i totally love) was thinking if you could do something like this? Like taking place in s4 and she also escaped the lab and is like rock chic, sarcastic but hasn't interacted with Eddie much so maybe they get to know each other at the beginning of s4 or little before and then she is the one who saves him from the bats? of course Eddie has to be all mushy for her :)) Thank you!!!
Fall on Me
Eddie Munson x powered!fem!reader
Warnings: language, upside down violence, fluff
Author’s Note: Reader escaped the Hawkins Lab and is powered! like El. This takes place in season 4, and contains spoilers so beware if you haven’t watched yet. Starts out with a lot of backstory and it’s all as best explained as I can make it. Some of these things didn’t happen, I had to make them to make this work for my writing. Thank you for this request- it really challenged me and I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
You missed your friend- phone calls and letters just weren’t enough. It was hard being the “one” left behind in Hawkins when you knew she was out in California with the Byers. Nancy, Steve, and Robin had taken you under their wing after the split happened and you felt safe with them, especially since they knew about your past, just like Eleven’s.
You understood Joyce had to leave to keep Will safe, and after El lost her powers, it made sense for them to move on and try to start a new, safer life. You had laid low- lower than El, on the radar of everyone who went to Hawkins High. You never wanted anyone to know you had powers, for fear of being the “outcast” or worse- captured again for more experiments. Because of your lack of schooling, you had been held back once making you 18 for your junior year.
It was junior year spring break for you, and you were riding along with Nancy to do some of your own investigating about some suspicious activity at your friend Max’s trailer park. The authorities let you in, and you could immediately feel a shift in the air there.
“Nancy, I haven’t been out here much- but… but I think something bad is happening again.”
You watched as Nancy’s grip tightened on the wheel, and she drove to the trailer across from the one that had been taped off with yellow police tape. You couldn’t look away, it was practically calling your name.
“We’ve got to get in there.” You said to her, as you pretended to look like you were making yourselves busy.
“But it’s a crime scene.”
“Yeah, no way. How can you tell?” You said sarcastically, and Nancy cut her eyes at you for making a joke about something so serious. “Is it the police tape or…”
“Shut it.” She slapped your arm and you faked that she had hurt you worse than she did. “You’re gonna draw attention.”
“As if us being dressed as polar opposites isn’t enough.” It was true, Nancy was well dressed as always, in her pastel palette of clothing. You always opted for the darker side of things, a pair of black jeans, black shirt and a flannel shirt were today's choice.
“While you figure out how to get in the Munson trailer, I’m gonna go talk to him. It’s his uncle.”
“Who?” You asked, securing your backpack purse onto your shoulders.
“Eddie. He’s a senior, for like, the second or third time maybe? Remember the stunt in the lunchroom the other day. Him. He’s the one wanted for this murder.”
You thought back, the dramatic scene wasn’t unusual for the boy. You played a little dumb to Nancy, you actually knew exactly who Eddie was. You’d had a small crush on him for a little while, but you didn’t want any more attention drawn to you and talking to him would get you just that. He was handsome, tall, and something about him was so interesting to you. You neared the trailer with the yellow tape, sneaking from car to car, and you made it to it completely unnoticed. You peered around the corner and the cops were more focused on Nancy’s interaction with Wayne than anything else.
You checked the back door, and it swung open entirely too easy for a crime scene. And a crime scene it was. You gagged as the door opened, the smell of old blood filling your nostrils. But something- something wasn’t right here. You looked up.
“Well, fuck me. I thought we were done here.” You saw the crack beginning to form and you knew exactly what it was. You peeked around the rest of the trailer looking for any clues- you wound up in Eddie’s bedroom, of all places. His room was disheveled, dirty, and didn’t look like the room of a killer. Just a dirty high school boy. You found nothing of interest there, and knew your time was ticking before they found you so you snuck back out and made your way over to Nancy and Mr. Munson.
“Hey Nance.” You waved at the pair sitting on the covered picnic table.
“Hey, this is Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.” Nancy introduced you two- he had kind eyes just like Eddie did. Or, from what you could tell the few times you’d run into him at school.
“Hi Wayne. I know Eddie from school. He’s a grade above me.”
“Well, probably a few, isn’t he?” He chuckled to himself a little. You saw the worry on his face and your heart twinged a little.
“Yeah, so I’ve heard. I was held back too though. They just want the best ones for a few extra years.” You smiled kindly at him and felt Nancy’s eyes on you. “Hey, listen. There is no way he did it. Nancy will make sure nothing bad is written about him- I’m sure we-someone’s going to find him soon enough. He’s probably just scared of this town starting a manhunt for him.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” He sighed, rubbing his face with a tired look in his eyes.
“We can help. Won’t get anyone involved that doesn’t need it, alright?” You two left the park, and Nancy briefed you on everything Wayne had told him- about Victor Creel and how these murders had happened before.
“But Victor’s got something to do with the upside down, if this is him. In their trailer- there’s a crack in the ceiling. Looks just like another gate.”
“But El-”
“Yeah, I thought it was closed off too. But I think that’s what I felt. As we’re driving away, I don’t feel it anymore. I think another gate is opening somehow.” You sat, looking out the window of Nancy’s car as you made your way back to town.
“You think he’s here? Of all places?” You looked at the semi-questionable house with a boathouse beside it. “All based off of Steve’s Family Video customer base?”
“Yes. It’s gotta be here. There’s nowhere else in town he’d be.” Dustin spoke confidently, leading all of you down to the boathouse. You looked around, your surroundings were unfamiliar and you felt unsettled.
“Well, he’s not here. So let’s go!” You said within seconds of entering the decrepit boathouse.
“Not so fast, if we need anyone here- it’s you.” Steve grabbed your arm as you tried to walk away. “Please?”
“I know he’s not your friend, and he’s a little weird, but he needs our help. Your help. If you say something with the Upside Down is going on again, he needs to stick with us.” You rolled your eyes at Dustin, that little turd of a kid could be so annoying but he had the biggest heart of all of them.
“Fine. But I’m staying by the door.”
“Good, be the lookout.” Max assigned your role to you as you peeked out the door, then back to your friends as they were poking and prodding around. A loud noise happened behind you and before you knew it, Eddie was holding a broken glass up to Steve’s throat.
“Hey, uh, a little help here?” Steve looked at you, he probably wanted you to use your powers on him but you wouldn’t.
“Eddie, we’re here to help you. We’re not going to tell on you, or take you in to the cops.” You gently placed your hand on his arm and he jumped, making Steve jump again too. “Hey, put that down.”
Eddie was breathing heavily through his nostrils as he battled with what to do. You flicked your head a little, and made the bottle fly out of his hand.
“Thanks.” You said to him, and nonchalantly wiped the small dribble of blood off of your upper lip from your nose.
“Wh-what? How?” His attention was off of Steve as he followed you around like a lost puppy to the front door of the boathouse. “Are you, are you a witch?”
“Listen, someone else wanna summarize this? It gets really old.” You gestured your hands to your friends and they all looked around, “He plays D&D. C’mon, he’ll get it. But you might want to sit down.” You guided him to a chair, and he sat down as he listened to the explanation of everything. To everyone else’s surprise but yours, he believed it all.
“So you’ve got special powers?” He pointed to you as he spoke slowly.
“Yep, and I’m not afraid to use them.”
“So like-”
“I can’t read your mind, but I can get inside of it. And I can move things, I can also throw you across the lake if I had to.”
“She will, I’ve seen it happen before.” Steve spoke to Eddie, he was still in shock and a little traumatized from everything that had happened in the last day or two.
“How’d you know he plays D&D?” Max asked as the group of you, minus Eddie, were walking back to the car.
You fumbled over your words as you hid the blush that crept onto your face, “Because he’s in that club with Dustin and that’s all they do.” You stated as if it were a common fact. She looked up at you with a grin, and you nudged her to get her off of your case.
Days went by, more and more happened. More people were killed, and you had figured out that every time someone died by Vecna, it was opening another gate.
You and your friends were currently climbing into a boat in the middle of the lake. You had spent your day trying to locate Eddie who had run after Jason was killed in front of his eyes over the lake.
Eddie and Steve had hopped into the boat first before Nancy and Robin, and you were the last one in. Eddie held his hand out to you, and you motioned you didn’t need his help. Your foot slipped as the boat rocked and he caught you, as you landed in his lap.
“Stubborn.” He quietly muttered in your ear, sending chills down your spine.
“I’ll throw you across the lake, don’t try me.” You craned your neck back at him and smirked, before you realized you were literally sitting in his lap now for no good reason. You stood up and sat on a different bench on the boat and you all paddled out to the center of the lake, where you could see the gate glowing.
“So, why are we here, and not at the gate at Eddie’s trailer?” You asked, scratching your head.
“Because the one in his trailer isn’t big enough yet according to Max.” Steve said, stripping down to his jeans.
“And you’re gonna swim?” You asked him, as he tossed his clothes to you.
“What, you think you can do better than me?” Sighs and grumbles were heard all around the boat at your bickering.
“Who’s the one with powers? I’m going with you. You’re not going in by yourself.” You stood up, following Steve’s lead and stripping down to your sports bra and jeans, not wanting your sweater to weigh you down extra. You handed your black sweater to Eddie, “You lose this, and I’ll definitely throw your body across the lake.”
He grabbed the still warm garment of clothing from you, and tucked it under his arms. “I’d be honored.” He winked and you rolled your eyes.
The two of you had started some banter over the last little bit, your personalities meshed together better than you thought and you enjoyed his company. You wished you’d started talking to him sooner, and little did you know, he was thinking the same thing.
With a grunt, you and Steve fell through the gate onto the ground. Immediately you were being swarmed by creatures, and Steve reached for a makeshift weapon that was an oar as you fended off the ones you could with your powers. Moments later, your friends joined you and you could feel yourself growing weaker as you were exerting everything you could to get rid of the demobats.
Steve was ripping apart the bats, abandoning his oar, Robin and Nancy were pulling bats off of him, and Eddie was trying his best to whack them away too. You suddenly started to feel the blood gush from your nose- both nostrils this time and knew it wasn’t looking good for you. Closest to you was Eddie, and you yelled his name with the little bit of fight left in you before everything went black.
“So maybe we should try the other gate? At my house now?” You heard Eddie’s voice as you were waking up, everything felt blurry and heavy.
“Hey, she’s up.” Steve rushed over to you and helped you sit up. “You good?” You looked down at yourself- you were covered in blood and nasty Upside Down filth.
You couldn’t believe this was happening, again. You wanted your sister-like friend’s help now more than ever.
“Yeah, just not feeling my best.” You ran a hand through your dark hair and felt the mats that had formed from grime. “Everyone make it out okay?”
“You barely did.” Eddie spoke from the end of the couch, your feet were resting in his lap and you hadn’t noticed. “But I, believe it or not, saved you.” You rolled your eyes, too tired to have a comeback.
“Alright, so we’ve come up with a plan.” Nancy sat on the floor near you and explained it to you- how you were all going to get supplies, then you were going to enter through the gate at Eddie’s trailer with the rest of the kids.
“W-wait.” You spoke up, suddenly remembering something. “I-while I was out, I think I had a dream, or I saw El.” You looked up to Max. “You saw her too, didn’t you?” She shook her head.
“No, what are you talking about?” You knew she’d been seeing the clocks, and everyone knew she was Vecna’s next target. She was going to play pawn in the plan to destroy him.
“N-nevermind. I must’ve just been dreaming.”
“You stay here with Eddie, and we’ll go get everything. Then, we’ll come back and pick you two up- we need you rested, of all people.” Nancy patted your back before she walked out of the trailer.
They left Max’s house, and you settled back down into the couch. Your eyes felt heavy but you didn’t want to fall asleep. What you had seen wasn’t good, and you didn’t want it to happen again, not knowing if it was a dream or a vision of some sort.
“Your nose was bleeding the whole time you were out.” Eddie spoke, staring straight forward at the wall.
“Yeah, I kept having to clean it for you so it didn’t get everywhere.” His eyebrows were wrinkled together, “what did you see?”
“El- Eleven. She was listening into everything. I don’t know how though, she lost her powers.”
“Maybe she’s got them back?” Eddie shrugged, you wished you could contact her but the Byers phone had been unreachable this whole time, and you knew trying to find her again would drain you too much before going into the Upside Down.
“Maybe so. Guess we’ll just have to find out.” You shrugged it off and laid your head on the backrest of the couch, looking back at Eddie. His pale skin was scratched with marks, he had dried blood and grime all over him. His jacket and vest were missing- you notice Steve had his vest on earlier but where did his jacket go?
As if he were reading your mind, he spoke up. “Jacket looks better on you. Sorry I uh, we lost that sweater you had on. I figured you’d want to be covered up some.” Blush was tinting his cheeks and you looked down- you had on his leather jacket. “I’ll make my way over to my house once they’re back to grab some more clothes.”
“Thanks.” You said, squirming into your seat a little more. “For saving me too. You were all I could see before I blacked out, I tried as hard as I could to get those bats off of you all. I just, I couldn’t do anymore than I did. I’m not as strong as El is.”
“Hey, you were pretty badass back there.” Eddie patted his hand on your legs, rubbing his thumb gently back and forth against your jeans. “I don't think any of us would’ve made it without you.”
You sat with him making small talk, the awkwardness hung in the air thick and heavy- but you couldn’t tell if it was that, or if it was the impending doom feeling of what you all were about to take on.
“Back again, bitches.” You said as you entered the gate through Eddie’s trailer.
“Alright, everyone know their part?”
“For the fiftieth time Nance, yes.” You rolled your eyes as you picked up your supplies. You reached to buckle your backpack onto your back, but felt a pair of hands already there.
“I got you.” Eddie buckled the clasp, then patted your shoulders. You blushed as your hands rested back on top of his, giving them a small squeeze.
“Alright, let’s go.” Steve motioned for you all to follow him once you were all ready. Your group exited the trailer, looking around at the unfortunate sight of the familiar grey, red, and flashy sky.
You heard your name being called, and you turned around to find Eddie running after you. You walked back a few steps to meet him midway.
“Yeah?” You were standing a few inches away from him, he was breathing heavy and so were you.
“Um, I just…” You raised your eyebrows at him I wanting him to finish his sentence. “Go kick some ass, yeah?” You could tell he wanted to say something else, but you didn’t pry.
“Only if you promise not to try and be a hero. This isn’t one of your games.” You poked him on the chest, and he reached up and grabbed your hand. He clutched onto it, giving it a small squeeze before raising it to his lips and placing a small kiss on your fingers.
“Promise.” He smiled at you, and you ran back to catch up with Steve, Robin, and Nancy. Robin shot you a look and you ruffled her hair.
“Shut it, Buckley.”
“You might wanna wipe that drool off your face before you slip on the puddle you’re about to make.” Steve spoke from the front of the group.
“Oh, come on! If I wasn’t saving my energy for this Vecna, I would launch all of you across this fucking town.”
Minutes in the Upside Down felt like hours, and your stomach was wrecked thinking about the fate of Dustin and Eddie being away from you. You felt pulled to them, like you needed to be with them instead of with Nancy, Robin and Steve. You were all crouched in front of the Creel house now, waiting for the moment to enter the house.
“You good?” Robin nudged you, as you two were huddled in your hiding spot.
“No, I shouldn’t be here. You all are going to be fine. Dustin and Eddie aren’t- I, I need to be with them.”
“You know more than we do.” Nancy piped in, “Go to him if it’s what you need.” You grabbed a spare handgun from Nancy, knowing that you likely wouldn’t need it but you might need it in case your powers were weakened.
“Good luck. We’ll see you on the other side.” Steve spoke as you ran back to the trailer. Within seconds of you starting your trek back, you heard it. Eddie’s guitar was sounding out over the air of creepy Hawkins, and soon the flock of bats were heading the same way as you.
“Fuck, fuck. Fuck.” You muttered out. The bats were distracted by the real noise- all was going to plan, and you would likely travel unnoticed but you weren’t sold on why you were going back now. They had the out- they had the gate to go back through if anything went wrong. You groaned as you kept running, testing your endurance as you didn’t stop. If only you could’ve made it to them a few moments sooner so you could be with them as the bats would make their attack.
You made it to the trailer to see them attacking the outside, they were paying no attention to you at all. In fact, they were disappearing into the trailer. That was not part of the plan, at all. You observed, being careful to not make yourself noticed because you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself- but where were Dustin and Eddie?
You watched as the front door to Eddie’s trailer swung open, and he grabbed a bike and pedaled as fast as he could- the flock of bats trailing behind him.
“Eddie, NO!” You screamed after him, running through the woods watching as he faded away further and further. He didn’t hear you- he couldn’t over the loud thunder and the bats making their screeches.
You caught up to him, only it was a little too late. The bats were swarming him as he was trying to kill them off one by one, and in turn, he was being attacked by them- they were ripping at him. He fell to the ground by their ripping, and he was brought to the ground accepting his fate. You held your hand out and screamed, exerting every bit of strength you could muster to attack the bats. In pairs, they were ripped off of Eddie by an invisible force, your force, and you heard Eddie’s name being called behind you- Dustin was hobbling over to you. Suddenly, the bats crashed to the ground and you two ran over to his bleeding body. You felt your nose gushing blood but you didn’t care, you collapsed on the ground, grabbing Eddie’s semi-lifeless body in your hands.
“Eddie, you- you can’t do this. You can make it. Come on.” You were puzzled as to what caused the bats to suddenly collapse, but you’d figure that out later.
“I broke my promise.” He spit out, blood pouring out of his mouth and wounds. “Henderson, I didn’t run.”
“Dustin, we’ve gotta get him some help, help me grab him up.” The two of you helped drag him back to his trailer, and ended up getting him through the gate in the ceiling.
As you landed back through to Hawkins, your body collapsed on top of Eddie’s, crying and using the rest of what powers you had left to help try to heal his wounds, then everything went black.
“Easy there, easy there.” You heard Eddie’s voice the calmest you’d ever heard it as you opened your eyes. You recognized the room as one in Hopper and El’s house in the woods, as you’d spent many nights here yourself, hiding with her. The door was closed, but you could hear others outside of it.
“Wh-wh-” you tried lifting your head up but gave up and snuggled back into the pillow underneath your head.
“You uh, you saved me. Like, I almost died and you saved me.” Eddie was blushing as he held your hand gently. He was tracing the veins on your hand and staring down at it. “We don’t know how you did it, but you did.”
“Is El here?” You asked, feeling that she was.
“Not even a few seconds awake and you’re already asking for her. Yeah, she’s here. Want me to go grab her?” You grasped onto Eddie’s hand and shook your head no.
“No, I’d like to sit for a little bit before everyone comes in here.” Eddie wiped a clean rag below your nose, and when he pulled it back there was some dried blood on there.
“Like a faucet, that nose of yours.” You sat up, and he helped you lean against the headboard of the bed. “They’re all itching to come take over watch, but I told them can’t leave you.”
“Who’s they?”
“Literally everyone. Joyce, El, Steve, Mike, Will, Nancy, Robin, Dustin-”
“Is Dustin okay? He hurt his foot coming back for you- I could-”
“He’s fine, he got a brace put on it.”
“Already? How long have I been out for?”
“Just like, three, maybe four days. All of Hawkins is split in half. Well, into fours. They’re saying it was an earthquake, but we all know it’s not. When Vecna got Max, the fourth gate opened up and-”
“Got Max, is she okay?”
He hesitated, “she’s in the hospital. She hasn’t woken up yet.” A silent tear slipped out of your eye as Eddie kept on talking, “El’s been switching up her time between being here and the hospital. She’s got to go undercover when she goes there, but she thinks Max might be coming around, she’s in a coma. We probably won’t know for a while. We’re hiding out here- me and you. They still want me for murder, and we can’t take you to the hospital because they know more about you now.” You knew exactly who he was referring to when he said “they”.
“So, sorry, but you’re stuck with me.” Eddie let out a nervous laugh. “I know I’m not Steve or anything, but-”
“I’d rather be stuck with you. You’ve got the better hair anyways.” You made him blush and reached for one of his curls. He’d clearly bathed since the last 4 days, as his hair was soft and falling in place like it usually was- not coated in blood and dirt anymore. “So, did I like, heal everything on you?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I’ve got some scars and some scabs but they wrapped me up, but I’ve got no internal bleeding or anything else seriously wrong from what they could tell. Thank you.” He pulled your hand to his lips again and pressed a slow, gentle kiss that gave you butterflies as his dark eyes met yours.
You didn’t know what your healing powers could fully do, but you were glad to know you had the ability.
“Ready to see anyone else?” You shook your head no again, feeling tired from being awake for just a few minutes.
“No, I’m tired and I know everyone will be overwhelming to me.” You could only imagine how everyone was going to be badgering you and asking if you’re okay, what happened, what did you need, etc. The care would be appreciated but you just weren’t quite ready.
“Here, drink some water, then you can lay back down, and we can hide in here a little longer.” Eddie handed you a bottle after he opened it, and you chugged half of it before handing it back to him. You scooted down in bed, and beckoned him to lay with you. “You sure?”
“Mhm. I don’t wanna be by myself.” He hesitated but climbed in with you, keeping a small distance between you two. You rolled onto your side and wrapped an arm around him, pulling yourself closer to him.
“This okay?” You asked his permission, and smiled into his clean shirt.
“Better than okay.” He put a hand on your head and started playing with your hair. “I think, I might like you.” He stumbled over his words.
Your cheeks burned, “I think I might like you too.”
“But don’t tell them out there. I gotta look like more of a badass than you.”
“You got a lot of catching up to do, Munson.” You gently squeezed his side as you felt your eyes closing.
“Believe me, I know.”
“And I think they might already be onto us. At least I know Robin is suspicious of me, I might not’ve been so smooth. I’ve kinda had a crush on you for a while.” You admitted to him.
“And poor Dustin’s had to listen to me talk his ear off about you for a few months too. We’ve got-”
He eagerly interrupted you, “Chemistry together, yeah I know. I didn’t even know you knew who I was.”
“How could I not? You’re so pretty, and sweet, but you’re spunky. I like that about you the most.”
“Just wait till I’m fully recharged, you won’t like that the most, I promise.” You felt him chuckle beneath you and you nuzzled into him a little more, his arm wrapped around your side and he started tracing shapes onto your soft shirt. “What happened to your jacket?” You asked, suddenly remembering you still had it on during the battle of the bats.
“We both almost died and you’re just worried about my jacket?” You nodded, “Well, it made it out just fine. Got it cleaned up and everything. Maybe if we ever are able to escape the cabin, I can take you out on a date and you can wear it, yeah?”
“Are you asking me on a date?” You picked your head up to meet his eyes that were already staring back at you.
“I am if you’ll say yes. If you’re saying no, then I’m not asking you.”
“Tricky. Hmmmm.” You pretended to have to think about the answer to his question, trying to hide your excitement. “Once we’re outta here, I’ll go on a date with you.” You watched as his eyes lit up.
“Can’t wait.”
You rested your head back down on his chest, a huge grin hidden on your face, “I can’t either.”
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rebelrebelwrites · 1 year
Fic Friday! ❤️ Rebel’s Weekly Fic Recs
As always, this week's recs are...
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic You’ve Heard Of But Somehow Haven’t Read Yet: The Waiting Game by Anonymous
What you need to know going in:
A classic if I’ve ever read one! This fic is a gorgeous one-shot that sees Galadriel and Sauron just on the cusp of the 4th Age, after Sauron is defeated by Frodo. Galadriel is preparing to leave for Valinor, and is visited by him for a final meeting. The melancholy; the knowledge of all the Ages they’ve been at odds, only to come to the end for a final goodbye… it’s stunningly sad, and breathtakingly beautiful. A must-read.
Complete, General
Read the story.
Follow the author I don't know where! But if you're out there, dear author, thank you for your lovely work.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: Beautiful Creature of Darkness by @pursuitseternal
What you need to know going in:
It’s a Phantom-inspired fic, y’all! Phantom of the Opera, that is. Set in the 1st Age, Galadriel chafes under her brother Finrod’s overbearing rule in Dol Guldur when she becomes enchanted by a mysterious, magnetic presence. Three guesses as to who it is. 😉 Galadriel becomes increasingly drawn to a very persuasive and persistent Sauron, despite the darkness that shrouds him — even as an unnamed threat shadows her brother’s kingdom. If you’re a fan of Phantom, this is a fun read for the Gothic romance and well-drawn parallels to the Leroux/Weber favorite. I’m intrigued to see where it goes!
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Shine and Lady of the Seas by eye_of_a_cat
What you need to know going in:
Another eye of a cat classic! For me, this series (and yes, you definitely should read both) was the first “Halbrand makes Galadriel her armor in Armenolos” fic. And, like all of eye of a cat’s works, BOTH fics are absolute bangers. I mean… do I need to say much more than he makes Gal her armor and Cat wrote it? 😂 I don’t think I do, but just in case, here’s what I’ll add: terrific sexual tension that’s well, well-rewarded in the 2nd fic in the series, and it’s all Sauron’s POV, so expect possessive, awestruck, utterly beguiled (and beguiling) deliciousness. You’re welcome.
Complete, Teen & Explicit
Read the series.
Follow the author on Twitter and AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): Pour Your Light In Me And Watch Me Dissolve by @maironiiel
What you need to know going in:
This S1-set fic gives a repentant-but-struggling Sauron in Numenor, simultaneously set ill at ease by Galadriel and her insistence he join her in the campaign to reclaim the Southlands, and irrevocably bewitched by her. But it’s not just Galadriel who calls to him—the Valar do, too, sending Ossë and others to appeal to him to return to the light in full; to Valinor for judgment. The result is a scintillating slow burn with promise for more, with a lovely expansion and interpretation of what we saw in the show, particularly in how the Valar and other Maia might react or appeal to this version of Mairon. A part 1 with one chapter left to go before part 2, I’m curious to see how this story evolves.
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
The Can't Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: se vis pacem, para bellum by @nenyabusiness
What you need to know going in:
This is another recent sub I added to my rotating reading list, so it’s just starting to heat up, but when it’s a John Wick AU, you know to expect a thrill ride right from the start—and the fic doesn’t disappoint! If you’re not familiar with John Wick, here’s all you need to know: Galadriel is a retired, renowned assassin known as The Daughter from a family of deadly assassins. She’s drawn from her retirement when her brother, Finrod, is killed by a rival crime family controlled by Sauron. In an attempt to curb her quest for vengeance, Sauron turns to subterfuge… and masquerades as an unwitting ally to gain her trust. Where they go from there? 👀 I’m excited to see, but so far, this is a perfect premise for this ETL pair to keep those thrills coming.
WIP, Mature
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr and AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Don’t see your story on this list yet? Keyword: yet. Please don’t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommend… ❤️
Until next week!
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flownintothesun · 8 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───     𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡?
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                            ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧. ( @florietiae )
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       𝐎𝐇 𝐆𝐎𝐃, 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 — the truth is that if I’m following you, then I’m happy to see you on dash! But I am not gonna skirt out of it that easily, am I? So, a disclaimer — I am capping myself at ten people (plus obviously the lovely Hayla herself who is joy and light incarnate!). Of course, I have a lot more than ten mutuals all of whom I admire and adore. I’m just going to take this moment to shout out some lovely humans but by no means all of them :
@batteredoptimist​ : Nonny is the reason almost all of my characters on this blog exist, and definitely to the capacity they do. This is my best friend / partner in crime and writing / most bestest human / absolute joy. They are a lovely human and an incredibly talented writer / worldbuilder / artist. I am so invested and have so much love for Nonny’s characters (and Nonny, too, of course!) and I am just...consistently blown away by their lore and writing and I just want to read a whole book or ten about James. Do I have the honor of writing with him most of the time? YES! Do I want more because I’m greedy? Also yes! And... if I don’t stop myself I’m going to babble for way too long. We’ve written 2.7 million words together in less than two years, and I cherish them and our stories and their muses DEARLY. Thank you for sharing your light and stories with me, Nonny! I am forever grateful.
@smokedanced / @dutyworn​ / @dochaes​ / @waywardfeathered​ : I wouldn’t be on tumblr without Havu. I wouldn’t be who I am now without Havu. They are so passionate about their muses (and also the enneagram and birds and math and science), we share a ton of inside jokes, and it makes me very happy to see them here because them being happy makes me happy too! 11/10 human, comes highly recommended.
@imprvdente​ / @hvbris​ : Chloé is just an all around amazing human being, to be honest. Fish is incredibly thought out, but so are ALL of the characters on the multimuse. Chloé’s writing is phenomenal and will one day be published, I’m sure of it (and Fish super deserves it). Also, she has been nothing but genuinely kind to me and has such a warm presence. I am very grateful to get to write with and enjoy her presence.
@voxvulgi​ : Sara is just a lovely human in all of the ways and when the dash is graced with her presence, all is right with the world. Her writing is exactly the kind that inspires you to give your response your all just because her works are masterpieces that deserve the very best. Her characters thouuuugh, and her writing, and just *gestures* the whole package.
@astremourante​ : Ami has built an amazing character that I am SO excited to write with (I am so angry at my queue right now). Also the vibes for both mun and muse are immaculate. Her posts always bring me joy to see on the dash whether IC or OOC and I am pretty sure I have hit the heart excessively because hello amazing human I think that you’re neat!
@angerworn​ : Zed is a bad influence! (Kidding, mostly!) We haven’t been talking for long, but I have been nothing short of consistently inspired by all of the characters that she brings to the table. Also, my muses are all making the biggest grabby hands and want to learn and explore all of the things. Also, Zed has really a really nice energy and presence and I like that a lot!
@tewwor​ : Ro has been with me for a very long time, and through many hiatuses on both ends. I remember even in the beginning being drawn in to how well she tells a story and somehow even more masterfully brings their characters together. From the first, I have just been immersed and amazed at the talent, and at how kind Ro is as a person, too. Can’t imagine myself not following a Ro blog, tbh.
@ofhope / @yourburningsoul​ : Olivia and I haven’t gotten the chance to write together much, and that’s all right because it’s just so easy to see the passion that she brings to her muses. The first blog I followed her on had me so utterly immersed I was sitting there reading posts even though I didn’t know the original media well! Olivia’s presence on dash is one of kindness, joy and light and I’m just so happy to be in her sphere.
@wehavefoundthestars​ : Eve and I have been writing together for years now, and that’s wild to me. This is one of the rare cases in getting so immersed in threads that your characters end up getting married and starting a family. And then...there’s Westley. Oops. Eve has so much love and compassion for Elio that I much prefer hers to the original and now know only one portrayal.
@innerwar : Tommy and I haven’t had the chance to write yet, but I am admiring from afar and am super impressed at how one person can write so many COMPLEX muses so dang well. Also, Tommy, you wrote a novel and that is AMAZING!? I just want you to know that I like your aesthetic, vibe and writing a lot an that there is definitely a post lurking in my queue for you.
  Can I just... can I list everyone? I have so many more people to say nice things to ;_;.
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
what are your top three favorite bnha/mha ships? (just askin for fun :-))
My top spot always switches depending on the main focus of the series at that time/how much fan content there is, so it’s always either Togachako or BkDk (bc ofc it is)
Rn that list would probably go somewhere along the lines of…
1: Togachako
2: BkDk
And surprisingly number 3 would have to be minachako. Which, quite frankly, it’s a crime I haven’t drawn fanart of them yet. Though minachako is also sometimes switched out for todobaku??? But that’s rare the fan content is just so good when you find it.
I ship pretty much everything though except for probably one popular ship. Izu//ocha I’m actually pretty okay with though lol.
I just love when characters are gay and in love I’m ngl <333333
My reasons for not liking a ship can be so stupid and specific though it’s a little funny. I stopped liking izu//ocha as much as I used to bc the ship was no longer something I could project whatever type of dynamic I wanted onto it (that fucking season 6 intro that gave her bkdk moments made me so mad for this reason, why not just keep the appeal that hetero shonen ships have and make it something everyone can like based on what they want yk????)
Todo//deku made me mad though bc the fics would always demonize bakugou and/or basically give him the same bitchass attitude that bakugou had except for the bullying. At least that’s how it was when I came into the fandom
I think the funniest part about me getting into mha was that I thought I just wouldn’t give a shit about ships bc I wasn’t really into shipping BEFORE mha but ig that backfired LMFAO
My younger self would be so disappointed at how cringe I am…
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ms-neens · 2 years
James May, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond in "Come what May!"
My longest comic about the Grand Tour so far ~♡ This time Jeremy, James and Hammond head off to Britain’s number one car show! Sadly heavy traffic and certain weather conditions give them a rough time on the road...but thank goodness it’s Friday!  *✦.°
All paintings, story and text by me (February 2022 - October 2022)
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Thank you very much for reading and I hope, as always, I could make you smile with it! ♥︎  This comic will be released as a real book together with my “The Long Way Home“ comic, my “Scandi Flick“ poster, more single artworks of the trio and a bit more in 2023! Please stay tuned if you want a copy of the book for yourself! ♥︎ I’d like to add the pre-release cover as well:
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A few words by the author (yeah, that’s me): This time my goal was to write/create/draw a sweet, funny, and heartwarming comic about the trio focused on a simple car ride. In typical fashion of all the comics I do, you won’t find any action based scenes or rude stuff (also I’m no native speaker, but you shouldn’t notice that while reading!). As a result the trio acts a lot nicer and definitely more helpful than in real Grand Tour episodes. The three guys have a super big place in my heart ♡ and because of that, once again, all I could create is something cute and adorable (I could never be mean to them!). Also not everything can be accurate, I have never been to James’s Pub, the Diddly Squat Farm Shop, inside Jeremy’s car or at a car show myself. I had a few reference photos, but 90% of this comic is drawn by memory and how I imagine environments. Anyway, I still hope that I got everyone in character, recognisable and enjoyable for you to look at! Stuff you might have missed:
On the outside of Jeremy’s farm shop you can spot Sansa and Arya, who were puppies when I started working on this comic, so I kept them that way…I am always happy when I spot a photo of the two on Jeremy’s Instagram! ♥︎
Actually everything in that comic takes part in the past, as I was working on it way too long...
Jeremy explains that it’s lucky to turn right at the start of a journey. Of course it’s from the Grand Tour Mongolia Special.
The numberplate on Jezza’s car is a pun on "Jeremy Clarkson 1 Diddly Squat Farm", in case you haven’t already noticed. I thought that’s funny.
James talks about fish finger sandwiches, he posted about them on his Twitter and FoodTribe accounts several times in the past and it’s a really nice and easy dish I like to eat as well!
The CDs in Jeremy’s glovebox are "Supertramp - Crime of the Century", "Yes - The Yes Album", "The Who - Who’s Next", "Genesis - Seconds Out", some album by Eric Clapton you cannot read and "Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon". Despite my age, these are all albums and bands I absolutely love and I think he does as well. ~♡
I had to make something up for the broken air conditioning, something like that is always happening on their journeys (especially in James’s cars!). I’m sure after the events of the comic, it was completely fine again! ^◡^
They always take photos of themselves sleeping and post it somewhere online, this time it was my chance to draw a scene of that! I enjoyed working on that one! Hehehehe...
Jeremy and James’s painful high-five I got from the Grand Tour Colombia Special
In James’s Pub Hammond gets served Spag Bol (yeah, I have this from "Oh Cook!") and Jeremy ordered the infamous fish pie. The reason why I’ve chosen two different meals is that Richard doesn’t like fish, a running gag I keep constant in all of my comics. Also it can be taken as a reference to "The Perfect Road Trip".
James’s apron I spotted in "Lochdown", I think it really suits him! ♥︎
And this time there’s even a moral of the story: Don’t drink and drive!
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
New(ish) Comics: Gotham War Edition
So I’m doing this hey. Going to read a few lead ins I haven’t got to yet then dive in.
Batman #136: Tim is baby here. Bruce is…not doing well. The set up for this conflict is actually reasonably entertaining (aka ‘both Bruce and Selina have been keeping secrets that are causing problems’, the scale of which really pisses off the other). Gosh, that family scene is very much calculated to be circulated as a panel out of context, and I’m wondering if it’s real at all.
I am NOT going to advocate that Bruce needs therapy (folks. FOLKS. The therapy Bruce has had previously has got us into this mess) but I am going to point and laugh at his mental state a lot.
Knight Terrors Batman #1-2: I’m on record as disliking the whole Zur-En-Arrh mythos but at least this storyline is actually revisiting all aspects of it? We got the sensory deprivation tank back. Apparently me reading the entirety of the Black Casebook was actually worth it for something. Golly, this nightmare is so BORING. It’s literally ticking the boxes – lack of control, everyone is dead, replay of Crime Alley, etc. The Gun-Bat (gun-bat. GUN-BAT. ffs) just isn’t convincingly scary. The only interesting twist at ALL was Bruce getting to play as Joe Chill for a bit.
The Arsenal backup – seriously the lack of creativity in everyone’s nightmares SHOWS. Not being able to use the Cry isn’t a nightmare for Dinah, it’s something she understands intimately and knows how to work around. (“Nobody listens to me” is slightly better but also if you just pop your earrings back in Dinah, I am SURE Babs would be happy to go back to obsessively stalking you and being available to talk at any or all hours) Roy being beset by the events of 2010 to present and accompanying costumes is at least meta but it’s still ‘I miss Lian’ (we know, we know, you already lived through your nightmare).
Batman/Catwoman The Gotham War – Battle Lines #1: Maxie Zeus my sweetie!!! Oh wait I’m supposed to care about everything else here, but the fact it’s Tim kicking around Maxie is very satisfying. Love to see Robins against their own period rogues (one of Tim’s first proper times working with Oracle was a Maxie Zeus case).
Okay fine, whatever, Selina’s pitch for how to stop violent crime in Gotham. It’s incredibly silly, as has been widely canvassed, and ignores basic common sense questions like ‘what happens when security increases’, ‘what happens when you run out of these low risk high value targets’, ‘who is fencing all this and how is the increased black market bearing the weight of a higher flow of goods without dropping prices too far’ and ‘how is the entire room of detectives who’ve been operating in Gotham unaware of any changes in crime levels’. The whole club scene is just clearly here to start fracturing the family (yay!).
Wow I hate this version of Montoya I hate it so much, this is so jarring after just having read Gotham Central.
Anyway Selina is getting handed the idiot ball hard here, which is unfortunate, given this issue literally goes ‘here’s the clear point you’ve ignored’ as the last few pages.
Batman #137: Vandal Savage causing problems on purpose! LOVE YOU SAVAGE. (He’s so annoying. Nice to have him as a change to Ra’s) So battle lines are drawn up with Jason in Selina’s camp, Damian in Bruce’s and the rest of them currently in the centre trying to work things out. I still think everyone is being a bit helpless due to this storyline, but we’ll see how it develops.
Catwoman #57: Ehhhhhhh. Jason is weirdly excited about jacking cars here? This is trying SO HARD to position the whole conflict on a classism front and it just doesn’t work for me. “We can just solve financial inequality by Robin Hooding!” uh it doesn’t quite work that way folks. You know what also helps get people out of poverty? Education, healthcare and steady jobs that AREN’T likely to land people in the prison system. Yes also a cash injection can help but your whole training is oriented at continuing to acquire money by criming.
Dick dropping by to go ‘hey do you realise you’re being an idiot? Think about it, Selina’ was cute though.
Batman/Catwoman: the Gotham War - Red Hood #1: (the name goes on a bit hey) Can’t believe I’m reading a Red Hood tie in.
It’s pretty ridiculous, but at least Jason is aware this plan is goddamn stupid and is just exploiting it for his own ends?
Ah and there we go, people using guns when they shouldn’t, aka the whole self-defeating part of this whole scenario.
Okay. About to start Batman #138 but will pop that in a separate post with even more spoiler warnings.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
He was Right there- Blackmadhi & Faraskye
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Recovery date: July 31st, 2020
Description: Nahyuta is dead, and Simon and Ema aren't quite sure how to deal.
Notes: Content warning for character death. An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. This entry was recovered with aid from Eleanorr and Yujinx from research lab designation Ao3. You can find the first entry here.
Word count: 881
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Simon sits silently in front of his sister. There’s a bit of a glare on the glass, and it hides some of Simon’s face. Still, Aura can see his sadness from his body language. He’s slouching slightly, and playing with the feather between his lips. She knows what’s wrong, Athena told her when she sent Simon to her. Aura knows what Simon’s going through, the pain of losing  someone you love. She just hopes she can keep Simon from the path she walked. 
Eventually, she spoke up.
“The princess told me what happened,” Simon flinched slightly, “ I- I know I haven’t been the best sister, but if you want to talk, I’m here. And she’s there for you to. I’m sure Mr. Edgeworth will give you time off if you need it, the princess said the funeral is in a week, you should take time off until then I think.” What did Aura know about dealing with loss properly? There were probably plenty of other people more qualified, and yet Athena had sent him to her.
“We were on the phone when it happened,” Simon finally said. Aura’s expression turned to shock, before she felt like crying. Athena hadn’t told her that, she probably hadn’t known.
Athena had told Aura that Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Simon’s boyfriend, was dead. She’d called Aura last night, saying Simon was flying back in from Khura’in. He’d been gone for almost a month, and Athena had stayed with him. At first, she’d followed him for moral support. He wasn’t even planning to tell her, he’d only returned to the apartment to grab a bag, and that’s when he woke Athena. Once in Khura’in he took on the investigation, and Athena stayed to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. After his murderer was caught, they’d stayed for the funeral, and Simon told her he wouldn’t be going back to L.A with her. Athena convinced him he had to at least go back to pack a proper suitcase.
What Athena didn’t know was that they had been talking when the gunshot went off. Simon had been working late, and Nahyuta was telling him to go to bed, while he and Ema made their way to a crime scene. In the background, Ema could be heard complaining about snow. Nahyuta was in the middle of telling her to dress warmer when he was cut off, and Ema screamed. The smile on Simon’s face had dropped, and he could hear Ema screaming at Nahyuta and some others. 
Simon kept calling her name, but he received no answer. All he heard was Ema yelling at Nahyuta to stay with her, and telling people to get help.
“I’m going back to Khura’in tomorrow. With-with him gone, they need more trustworthy prosecutors and… I want to help. Justice-dono has buried himself in cases, and her benevolence refuses to speak to anyone but her mother.”
“What about Ms. Skye, I can’t imagine it’s been easy on her.”
“Skye-dono has returned to the U.S temporarily. Her mercifulness insisted on it, I think she’d preferred I stay here longer as well.” Aura nodded.
“I’ll visit you, once my sentence is done. Until then, would it be too much to ask you to come by for christmas?” For the first time in the past month, Simon cracked a small smile.
“Not at all.”
Ema lays in bed, blanket wrapped tightly around her, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She’s in Lana’s guest bedroom,while Lana’s out getting groceries. There are empty bags of snackoos all over the floor, and the lights are off with the curtains drawn. A glass of water, science textbook, and her phone sat on the bed side table.
She’d left Khura’in yesterday with Athena and Simon, Apollo hadn’t left, but she had a feeling queen Amara would make him come back. While the queen was just as distraught over losing her son, she made sure everyone else was okay. She was probably trying to calm Rayfa right now. 
“Em?” A voice came from her window, making Ema jump. Looking up, she could see a silhouette against her curtains. “Ema?” The voice called again. This time, Kay stuck her head around the curtain.
“Kay, what ar-” Before she could finish, Kay was by her side and hugging her.
“Lana called me, and… Mr.Edgeworth told me what happened. I came to check on you,” Kay said, pulling far enough away to look Ema in the eye. Ema looked tired, and she was. She hadn’t gotten any sleep on the plane ride over. She’d been having nightmares since Nahyuta’s death, for some reason, it felt like she was to blame. “When was the last time you got proper sleep?” Kay asked, snapping Ema out of her thoughts.
“I don’t know. Lana asked me the same thing…”
“Here,” Kay said, shaking off her coat and pulling Ema to lay down with her. She pulled Ema into her chest and began to stroke her head, humming. “Get some sleep, I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“I’m going back you know. Not now, but they still need me,” Ema mumbled, sleep slowly over taking her.
“Mhm, maybe they could use a detective,” Kay hummed, although she didn’t expect an answer.
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writing-in-glitter-pen · 10 months
What are your opinions on the upcoming Fontaine characters? They're all so prETTY I CAN'T!!!
Ok firstly Neuvilette is my husband I’m calling dibs. His design is gorgeous and his characterization is so INTERESTING. He feels like a mix between Diluc and Kaeya. He has all of Kaeya’s prettiness and mysteriousness (not to mention his [[[SPOILER]]] Khaenri’ahness) and then he has the composed, stoic attitude and strong hand of the law like Diluc (I know Diluc is a vigilante but ya know what I mean like he is dedicated to justice.). In boyfriend vibes I feel like he’d be quite cold but conversely insanely protective. Like you can’t leave the house at all protective. I also think he’s immune to flirting in order to get your way. He’s not swayed by your attractiveness, it’s your beautiful soul that he is drawn to and so obsessively protects. Because, being the chief of justice, he has seen and judged the worst crimes of this world, and he can’t risk letting you fall victim to the monsters that haven’t yet been put away by him. Very interesting stuff. I literally can’t wait to write for him please send Neuvilette requests. Ray Chase is also such a good choice for Neuvilette's voice; our Chief of Justice boyfriend is literally Sukuna (⁽⁽◝(*꒫ *)◜⁾⁾) and Tengen. As if I wasn’t already head over heels for him.
Literally hate the rest.
I'm mostly kidding.
I am such a harsh critic of characters until I A) cosplay them or B) there is no B. Like I hated (hated hated.) Jean until I cosplayed her. 'Cause then I got to know her more in depth and found qualities about her to appreciate. And I know you're gonna ask, why do you cosplay characters you hate?
I dunno ♡
I'm gonna keep doing it tho.
With this in mind, I hate the archon and Lynette and Alereccino.
I think I expected the archon to be...cooler? I wanted the archon to have more of a mysterious, deep, underground-type character. Like, Fontaine is the hydro nation, surrounded by water so deep you can't hope to imagine, let alone see what lies at the bottom...shouldn't the archon reflect those depths? We know nothing about what hides in the impossibly deep underwater caverns of the world...shouldn't the archon be just as unsettling and require a mix of investigation and courage to explore? I guess I wanted her to better symbolize her element. And she looks like a child so...
I just hate catgirls so...Lynette.
I just hate Alereccino :/ kinda like how I hated Jean. So I guess I just have to cosplay her.
I find Lynney super interesting and honestly might pull for him! The leaks of his elemental skill and in-game movement style is really cool. He has a circus vibe :)
Freminet looks SO COOL. I love love love his design. I can't wait to learn more about him. He's def a 4 star I want.
Wriothesley has an obscenely difficult name to spell. And like, he's hot...but I don't get much more from him??? I'm sure I'll find out more about him later so right now I'm very neutral about him.
I haven't payed much attention to any of the other characters :P feel free to educate me in the asks if I've unwarrentedly bashed a character you love. I know I have hot takes :,)
CHILDE RERUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vgckwb · 10 months
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 164: Pain, Change, and Love
Haru came home after stealing her father’s treasure. She was nervous about what would happen, but the other Thieves assured her it would be alright. She walked in, and one of her servant’s approached her. Pardon me, madame Haru,” she said, “but your father came home about half an hour ago, and he was feeling unwell. He’s in his room as we speak.”
“Oh…” Haru said. “Do you think The Phantom Thieves got to him?”
“Perhaps,” the maid said.
“May I see him?” Haru asked.
“Ummmm, I guess so?” the maid replied.
Haru nodded. “Thank you.” She walked over to her father’s room.
There was a knock on Kunikazu’s door. “Who’s there?” he barked.
“...It’s me, father,” Haru answered.
“Oh…” Kunikazu responded. “Come in.”
Haru walked in. She hadn’t been in her father’s room all that much, so she was a little taken in by the mystery. However, the thing that shocked her the most was that despite having a huge bed, her father stayed to one side of it. She approached her father. “I was told you weren’t feeling well. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Oh…” Kunikazu replied. “Haru…” He sighed. “You’re too good for me…Everyone’s too good for me…”
Haru was stunned. “What do you mean?”
“Your grandparents are the nicest people I know…” Kunikazu said. “Your mother was an angel sent from Heaven above. And you are the spitting image of her. Meanwhile, I’m a petulant child, too afraid of the dark to not notice it surrounding me…”
Haru grew a little determined. “You can still make things right.”
Kunikazu was surprised. “I…guess I could…” He sighed. “I wish I had realized this sooner.”
Haru frowned. “I do too. To be honest, I feel like I’m partly to blame. I noticed you spiraling, but I didn’t do anything for a long time. I should have stopped this when I could.”
Kunikazu noticed his daughter’s pained expression through his own pain. “Haru…” he said. She looked up. “Don’t blame yourself. I wouldn’t have listened. You were in a no-win situation. I was a monster, and I wouldn’t listen to reason.”
Haru looked at her father. He was pale, shaking, apologetic, looking like a mess. The last time she’d seen him like this was when her mother died. Despite the somber tone of the conversation, Haru couldn't help but smile a little. “I’m sorry. It’s just… When you started to shift to that darker side of you, I was worried that I’d lose you too. You were so distraught after mother died, and then you went on as if nothing happened. At first, I thought you were trying to put on a brave face for me, especially since you still treated me like a person. But as time passed by, you seemed more and more distant…from me…from your dream…from mother…”
Kunikazu was a little shook. “Haru…” He coughed. Haru rushed to his aid, but he held his hand up. “I…haven’t really gotten over your mother’s death. I just kept pretending I did. It hurts, especially since it was no one’s fault. I had no one to blame, so I blamed everyone and tried to punish them for a crime no one committed. …I…need a bit to get my strength back, but I’ll be sure to tell everyone what I’ve done.”
Haru smiled again. “Thank you, father.” She started to leave, but she stopped. “By the way… I don’t think you’re a petulant child. I just think you feel things strongly, and you were dealt a bad hand.”
Kunikazu smiled back. “I can tell you feel things strongly too. And as much as I wanted to avoid my old bad hand, it seems like I’ve dealt you a new one.”
Haru teared up a little. “I’ve…made some new friends. So I feel like I’ve drawn a new hand.”
“Atta girl,” Kunikazu said.
“Do you need anything, father?” Haru asked. He heard her father start snoring. “I guess not…” She went to leave. “Goodnight, father.” She closed the door.
Makoto arrived home. As usual, she was there by her lonesome. She sighed. “Well, I can at least verbalize my thoughts. But how should I check on Hiroki without tipping our hand?” Suddenly, she got a call. She checked, and it was from Hiroki. “Hello?”
“Hey,” Hiroki said in a raspy voice.
“Are…Are you alright?!” Makoto asked.
“No,” Hiroki answered. “That’s why I’m calling. I’m letting you know that I probably won’t be at school for a few days.”
“Oh…” Makoto said. Well that’s convenient. “Do you need us to bring you anything?”
“Just my school work,” Hiroki said.
“I’ll be sure to bring it to you,” Makoto said.
“Thanks,” Hiroki said.
“Get some rest,” Makoto instructed.
“Of course,” Hiroki said. “Bye.”
“Bye,” Makoto hung up. She sighed, relieved. She then decided to message someone.
Ren and Morgana arrived in their room at Leblanc. “Another successful mission,” Ren said.
“Now all we have to do is wait,” Morgana said.
Ren looked around the room. “Hm. It’s hard to think that soon this won’t be my room anymore.”
“Well, a lot’s changed since we first met,” Morgana said.
“You’re telling me,” Ren said. “Although, I think one of the most remarkable changes has been within you.”
Morgana was embarrassed. “You’re…You’re just saying that…”
Ren shook her head. “I mean it. I think you’ve adjusted to your circumstances really well, all things considered.”
“Well…” Morgana said. “It’s because I had you and everyone else guiding me.”
“Well, that’s what friends do,” Ren said.
Morgana smirked. “You know, I was expecting to just assist you. I never expected to care too much. I thought if I cared too much, I’d get too sloppy and we’d lose. But over time you and everyone else made yourselves a permanent fixture in my heart. And I think that makes me better too.”
“Hm hm,” Ren chuckled. “Well, it shows just how good of Phantom Thieves we are.” Morgana chuckled back. “You know, I had a similar idea. I was expecting to take this whole ordeal on my own. I was so scared when Ann came in with me the first time we went to Kamoshida’s Palace. I didn’t want her to get involved in my crap. But like you said, over time I appreciated the assistance. And the friendship. I don’t know why I thought I could do this alone, but ‘alone’ was all I knew for a long time. But it’s better this way. I don’t think I’d make it this far without everyone.”
“Hm hm,” Morgana chuckled. “Well, we’re not out of the woods yet. We still need to take on whoever is masterminding these mental shutdowns. Not to mention Eris.”
Ren chuckled again. “Of course. And come what may, I’m sure we’ll be ready for it!”
“You said it!” Morgana agreed.
Magician-Morgana: Rank 9
Ren yawned. “Well, I’m beat. I’ve gotta get ready for bed, so if you don’t mind…”
“Of course,” Morgana said. He took his position looking out the window while Ren changed into her pajamas. Once she finished, she laid down in her bed, and fell asleep. Morgana hopped down and fell asleep as well.
Meanwhile, at the prosecutor’s office, Riko was doing some work, when Sae came by in a huff. “Is…everything alright?” Riko asked.
Sae paused. “NO!” she blurted. “Everything is NOT alright!”
Riko was stunned. “Uhhhhhh… Sorry…”
Sae sighed. “No. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t be yelling at you.” She sighed once again. “The Phantom Thieves sent a calling card to Okumura. I rushed over to see if I could catch them in the act. Even just a glimpse would be more than enough. I was with Okumura all day. And yet nothing.”
“So, did they fail?” Riko asked.
“NO!” Sae said, furiously. “After a while, Oumura started feeling unwell. He was…repenting. He fell over, and his security team took him home. The Phantom Thieves must have gotten to him somehow, but even after searching the perimeter, I found no indication of anyone entering the building that couldn’t be accounted for!”
“So, what does that mean?” Riko asked.
Sae sighed again. “I don’t know. They have to be able to do it without them being there. But how?” She huffed. “It frustrates me to no end!”
Riko stood up. “If you want, I know a good place to get some late night food if you just want to simmer down for a bit. Plus I know I think better on a full stomach.”
Sae calmed down slightly. “Very well. I’m always up for whatever food spots you know.” The two of them headed out.
Once they got to the restaurant and placed their orders. Riko said “This place is great!”
“I don’t doubt it,” Sae said. “...Listen…I’m sorry.”
Riko was a little surprised. “It’s alright. I get that this can’t be easy.” “Right, but…” Sae continued. “I feel like I’m starting to lose myself a little. And that every anchor I have to my sanity is slipping. It’s just…I want to show you who I am, but I feel like all I’m doing is showing you who I’m not.”
Riko reached out to Sae’s hand and grasped it. “Listen. I know things have been challenging. But that’s why I was hired, right? To help you lighten the load a little. Always remember that I’m here for you.”
Sae was taken aback by this gesture. She smiled. “Of course. Thank you. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, and I one day hope to repay that kindness.”
Riko giggled. “Can’t wait.” They sat there still holding hands, until they realized they were doing this. They got embarrassed, let go, and just sat awkwardly until their food arrived.“
You know, I always trust that you know the best restaurants,” Sae said, “but it always amazes me how good it is every time.”
“Hm hm, well, what can I say?” Riko replied. They continued eating, before going home for the night for whatever little night was left.
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hongism · 3 years
11 - c.san + mirror sex (18+)
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» c.san x fem!reader » 18+ dni if minor » language, explicit smut, infidelity!!!, rough sex, unprotected sex, spit play, hair pulling, dirty talk, buttplugs, anal, anal creampie, san threatens to do something that reader says not to do however everything is safe and consensual between the characters, not sane because i’m insane, again these characters are not good people nor are they meant to be, don’t do this. please. » wc 2.3k » link to masterlist
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you think that at some point this will come to a crashing halt, an ugly and gross stop that will have more than one relationship falling apart around you. in your mind, there’s not much of a chance to recover from the sting of adultery, nor would hongjoong have any reason to forgive you for such heinous crimes. that should be enough to stop you from what you keep doing time and time again, and yet — it doesn’t. if you’re greedy, then this is something you’ll chase. if you’re selfish, then it’s a thing you hope to cling to for as long as possible. if you’re evil? that’s something you’ll have to come to terms with when the time comes.
learning your lesson isn’t something you’re good at or want to do right now.
in a mutual agreement of sin, who is at greater fault?
san runs a hand over the bare skin of your shoulders, sweeping the blanket draped around them out of the way as he lowers himself to kiss between your shoulder blades. he’s deceptively sweet in this moment, a breath of peace and a false sense of security before the roughness comes, and you catch yourself thinking of hongjoong in that moment.
of your husband and the way he sinks his weight against yours in this very bed, arms around your waist and pulling you closer for lazy morning kisses and passionate rounds of love-making in the early hours.
it’s not a question of whether you love him or not — you think it’s impossible not to love a man like kim hongjoong, just as it’s impossible to resist the charms of a man like choi san. and sure it’s not the latter’s fault entirely that the two of you do this, but in all your efforts to find the reason why you keep being drawn back to this, you can only presume it’s because of choi san and the attraction he provides. the willingness and eagerness to give you things you haven’t had before and don’t get from hongjoong.
“you’re thinking too hard.” san dips his lips closer to your neck, nipping at the skin there until your gut flares with panic that he might leave marks. “am i not good enough for you anymore?”
“no, no. you are,” you insist as you turn over to get a better look at the man pressing you to the bed. he huffs air through his teeth, either unimpressed by your answer or entirely unbelieving. “sannie, you’re — please, can we continue?” san’s teeth graze a little harder over your skin, a nick and a mark that will surely stain into a bruise.
“sannie,” he echoes back, and there’s a slight edge to his tone that reads annoyance. “how can you sound so innocent doing such filthy things? is that how you sound when hongjoong is fucking you?”
“what’s gotte—”
“joongie. joongie, i love you,” he mocks into the shell of your ear, and you push your face into the mattress with a shake of your head.
“san, we don’t have time,” you mutter over your shoulder. the man understands the need for urgency in the very least, leaning to the side to pick up the lube left there. you’re clambering to grab hold of him when he swats your searching hands away from his body.
“want you against the mirror, baby, can you do that for me?”
the exhale you give is quiet. perhaps you should be surprised that he would ask for this, or even hate the notion of such an idea, but you don’t. you aren’t one to deny san much anyway, not that you would ever want to. which is why you pull yourself off the bed, slipping out from under his body to steady yourself on solid ground and step over to the mirror covering your closet door. there’s a bit of hesitance in getting to your knees before the glass, especially as your eyes trail over your reflection and at your own eyes. it’s a searching gaze, one that begs to understand why you’re doing this again, even after you promised last time would be the final time.
san appears over your shoulder, and his fingers slip down to your ass and press against the end of the plug he put inside you earlier. you jolt a little with the contact, falling forward enough to nearly knock your face against the mirror.
“look at you,” he murmurs, eyes wandering over your reflection as he drops his lips to your neck. his wet tongue works over your skin with little purpose.
“i know, i know.” he withdraws with a sigh and moves his hands to your shoulders. it’s with a gentle pressure that he urges you to your knees, and now you do so without the hesitation from before. it’s only when you’re on your knees that san grabs your hair, a fistful of it from the top of your head, and he rolls your head from side to side like you’re nothing but a ragdoll under his touch. “i want more time with you, y/n.”
“he doesn’t leave for his trip until next tuesday.” yet another confirmation that this won’t be the last, no matter how much logic and reason scream at you to stop this once and for all.
“then i’ll keep your bed warm the entire time he’s gone.” san tugs your hair enough for your neck to crane back. your eyes flit up to meet his, the upside-down view slightly dizzying at this angle. there’s too much affection in his eyes, you think. you’d say it’s finally gone too far, but that line was crossed a long time ago.
san eases himself to his knees behind you, taking your hips into his grasp and pulling you a little further from the mirror. when his fingers close around the plug nestled between your cheeks, you brace your balled fists against the mirror. the glass is cold when your cheek squishes against it. for a moment, you feel nothing else and all you hear is the click and snap of the lube cap before san’s hands return to gripping your hips with a bruising force.
“you’re so filthy for taking another man’s cock up your ass bare like this,” he hisses against the shell of your ear. the tip of his member teases your puckered hole, but there’s not enough force for him to breach you yet, even with your body trying to bring him closer. despite the venom dripping from san’s tone, you know he’s giving you an out if you truly want it — a chance to tell him no, get the condom, don’t fuck me without one — but your lower lip stays sucked between your teeth as you push your hips back against his dick.
“fuck me, already.”
“eager much?” san heeds your words anyway and pushes his hips further against your ass until his cock head breaches your ass and starts a smooth glide into you. he’s used an obscene amount of lube to prep you, and you can hear the squelch around his member like it’s wet enough to be your pussy. “so eager to have me inside you. raw and unprotected? should’ve just asked me to fuck your cunt, baby girl.”
your fists clench and unclench where they lie on the mirror. san snakes a hand up your spine, leaving a rush of goosebumps in his wake before he takes hold of your hair again. you’re pulled away from the glass a moment later but you don’t even have a chance to complain about the painful angle on your back when san grips your chin with his other hand and shoves to fingers over your tongue. your gag reflex protests endlessly as you choke around his digits, saliva dripping out one corner of your mouth as he leans over your face as best he can. there’s a split second where your gazes simply lock and nothing else happens — his cock halfway buried in your ass, your muscles trembling with the strain, and his hands keeping you firmly in place for him. then you watch with too much arousal twisting in your gut as a line of spit slowly drips from his full lips into your waiting mouth. it’s filthy and disgusting, another tally on the wall of questionable things you’ve done, but when he snaps your lips shut and tells you to swallow it all, you do so without any fight.
the shame and humiliation of it burn when the spit goes down your throat, and before you can tuck your face out of sight, san is holding your head firmly once more and angling you towards the mirror.
“look at yourself, angel.” you don’t need to see yourself to know how debauched you appear in the mirror. but again, there’s very little you wouldn’t do for san, so you stare forward at that sweating, drooling mess of a reflection when he tells you to. “god, you’re so fucking pretty like this. slobbering for my fingers and spit. does hongjoong not do this for you? does he not know what you like?”
“h-he does,” you argue, interrupted by the sensation of san’s cock shallowly thrusting into you.
“so he spits on you?”
“chokes you on his fingers?”
“fucks your pretty ass open like this?”
“san, san, no, he doesn’t, okay i—”
“then who fucks you properly?” san interjects, thrusting his hips harder against your ass until you’re whining into the glass before you. your breath fogs the mirror, harsh pants of breath that come with your moans as san fucks his length into you with reckless abandon. “who fucks you the way you deserve to be fucked? how you ought to be fucked?”
“y-you, you, only you!” san laughs between a litany of groans, sound breaking with his own exertion. if you look past your own reflection you can see his — the sweat on his brow, the tight draw between his brows, how his sharp eyes stare right back at you with so much lust and desire that his pupils nearly fill his whole iris. as always, these dances with san leave you lightheaded, and it’s not simply the overdose of sensations your body is going through. though when he reaches around your stomach and dips a hand down towards your cunt, your body does suffer another overstimulation of the senses because of how roughly he rubs at your clit. it’s enough to make you writhe against him, a sweetly painful pleasure that you want more of. you want your orgasm to crash over you now so you can feel the delicious euphoria that comes after when he fucks you through it, even if it’s not in your pussy this time. the drag of his cock inside your ass is something new, something foreign but addictive, and you aren’t sure you’ll ever ask for it any other way again now that you’ve tasted the feel of him fucking you raw.
“only me,” san all but growls, and you clench hard around. “i should fuck your cunt instead. fill you up with my cum and leave you dripping with it for hongjoong to find. or maybe he wouldn’t even know? does he even look? maybe he’d fuck you with my cum still inside you and not even know the difference. how fucking good would that be?” the man behind you laughs more to himself than to you, and you squeeze your eyes shut as your brain struggles to process the words. you know he won’t do it but some part of you clings to those words and imagines the scenario he’s placed before you for far longer than you should.
“wanna cum, sannie, please, m-make me cum.”
“asking so nicely, you’re so good.” the praise makes your hips stutter, and san simply forces you back with his fingers still pressed to your clit. that added pressure is what sends you to the precipice, then the next roll of his wrist makes you tumble over it with a moan so loud it must sound like a scream in san’s ears. his praises don’t stop, nor does the jerky thrusts of his hips as he fights to reach his own high. “that’s it, baby, cum around me, cum on my fingers like that, you’re so good.” you feel him trying to slip free of your ass, but you rush to reach behind your back and stop him.
“in me, please, please cum in me, we can clean it later, just — just need you in me, san, please,” you beg. frankly, there’s no shame left in your bones to stop you from begging more, but you don’t need to beg further than that because san is burying his cock back inside your ass and spilling his seed into you without hesitation the second you ask for it.
“fuck, fucking shit, y/n, where the hell did that come from?” he whines into the back of your neck, cock still twitching inside you even as he speaks.
“ask me later when i’m not fucked senseless.”
san manages nothing more than a weak chuckle, lips tracing along the top of your shoulder before he pushes his chin onto your shoulder. the gaze he gives you as his eyes find yours once more is far too soft to be natural for the two of you, but you can blame it on post-sex exertion. you have to before things fall further apart.
“hey, y/n sweetie, i’m home!”
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marvelcriminalhoe · 3 years
Stumbling West
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Chapter 8
The Next Step
Summery: Smut. That’s it. That’s the chapter. I know not everyone likes to read smut, so this chapter isn’t really anything else but that. You can skip it if smut isn’t your cup of tea and not miss anything regarding Aaron and Readers relationship. I just wanted to try writing something new and get out of my comfort zone. Idk how much smut I’ll actually write in the future because this was hard to come up with but, here we go :)
The case talk is from Season 7 episode 21. We are almost into season 8! One more chapter left of season 7!
Series master list
Word count: 2,926
TW: Smut. Badly written because I’ve never wrote smut before. Very little plot. Oral (Fem receiving). Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it dudes). I’d skip this if I were you, I hate it. 18+ Minors do not interact with this post.
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3 months.
You and Aaron Hotchner have been dating for 3 months.
After meeting Jack last month at the triathlon, you’re relationship has only grown. Aaron takes every opportunity given to him to have you over for dinner, or Saturday lunches, or Sunday breakfasts.
You were a bit scared that maybe it would take awhile for Jack to warm up to you, but that was quickly shut down the first time you had breakfast with them. He was immensely impressed with your knowledge of superhero comic books, something you had to thank your 2 nephews for, and was always excited when you came over for dinner.
While your relationship was moving forward in these areas, there was one area that hadn’t moved.
You and Aaron haven’t had sex yet. That’s not to say you don’t have any form of a physical relationship, because you do. There have been plenty make outs on the couch after Jack goes to sleep, and some heavy petting and groping, something that did surprise you.
Aaron Hotchner is a boob man.
Who would have thought.
Now this is not to say he doesn’t love your ass to, because he does. You’ve grown accustomed to getting your butt slapped at random times. You’ve even had to get onto him when he did it as you were leaving his office.
“Do not test me Aaron Hotchner.” You told him.
He only replied to you with a smirk, shutting his office door.
And he says I’m the trouble maker.
But regardless of the fact you do have physical affection for each other, sex is not something that has come up, but you have talked about it.
It’s been almost 5 years since Zach died. You’ve slept with 2 people since then. One was a one night stand, and the other was a relationship that ended up just running it’s course.
You were surprised when Aaron told you he’s also slept with someone since Haylee. Granted it’s almost been 3 years for him, you did not think Aaron Hotchner was a one night stand kind of guy. Apparently it was when he was in Pakistan, and you definitely teased him about it. All good natured-ly of course.
Honestly, it’s not like you are waiting to have sex, it just, hasn’t happened. Before you were introduced to Jack as his dads girlfriend, all your dates ended at the door. Since then, you have had a bit more, productive alone time, but you haven’t had a night alone, and the knowledge that your boyfriends 6 year old is in the next room over, is a definite off switch. So you haven’t spent the night together.
You’re drawn from your thoughts, by JJ’s comment, “Firing squad. That’s not something you see everyday.”
Right. You’re on a case. Copycat in Oklahoma.
Focus on something other than getting into your boss’s pants.
You’re very hot boss, that is sitting next to you on the planes couch, right now.
Stop it. Focus.
You look down to your file, reading the case notes, “Well, Garrett had the option of lethal injection, but he chose this instead.”
“Flare for the dramatic.” Rossi quips.
Hotch reads from his own file, “Initial reports indicate no forensic evidence at the crime scene.”
“What about the icepick?” JJ questions.
Derek is the one to answer her, “It was generic. No serial number or unique metallurgy.”
Hotch’s phone goes off, making him get up from the couch and walking to the back of the plane to answer it.
You watch him walk away, lingering on how his shoulders look in his new jacket.
God you need to get laid.
You shake your head, trying to, again, focus on the case and the information Garcia is giving the team over the computer screen, “I just got a transcript of Rodney Garrett’s last words, and first place to whoever can guess where they are from. ‘She comes like fullest moon on happy night, taped of waist-‘ “
“With shape of magic might.” Reid interrupts, “It’s from the ‘Thousand and One Nights.’ Not the exact translation I would have used, but it’s got its own merits.”
You and JJ glance at each other, shaking your heads with small smiles, as Emily pipes up, “And in a shocking non-upset, we have a winner.”
Hotch comes back to the group, hanging up his phone, “Another body’s been found a half mile from the first victim, same M.O.”
“Six hours later. This guys not wasting anytime.” You remark.
Hotch nods, “We land in 20 minutes. Reid you and JJ go to the latest crime scene. Rossi you and Prentiss talk to Garrett’s widow.” He gives out orders to the team, before looking at you and then Morgan, “You, Morgan and I, will go to the prison. If Garrett’s got a disciple, we need to find out who he is and fast.”
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You really need to focus. You know you do. But you can’t. Not when Hotch is standing like that, his arms crossed over his chest, making the muscles under his suit jacket stretch the fabric just enough to see the outline of them. How can you focus on anything when his fingers are taping against his arm in a rhythmic pattern.
His long. Slender fingers. The ones that could feel so good tapping against your-
You close your eyes, wiping your hands on your pants and shaking you head.
You. Are. On. A. Case.
When you open your eyes, Aaron is looking at you. He tilts his head a bit, raising his eyebrows at you. You send him a small smile to let him know you’re fine, though you can see he doesn’t believe you, by the hesitant nod he sends back.
JJ turns around in her chair, “It sounds to me someone just needed Rod Garrett out of the way.”
“But Garrett was on death row, confined to his cell 23 hours a day. How was he in anybody’s way.” Aaron Hotch, you are on a case for quite sacks be professional, asks, arms still crossed, muscles still bulging.
Rossi brings everyone’s attention to him, “Since we’re on the subject of things that don’t make sense, the cutting of the hair? And wouldn’t he want Garrett alive to show he could do better than him?”
The frown of Hotch’s eyebrows gets deeper, “We’re missing something.”
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You’re in the conference room of the local PD, going over Garrett’s file again, when Hotch slips into the seat next to you.
“Are you alright?” He asks softly.
You don’t look at him, instead keeping your eyes on the file in front of you, “Fine.”
You can feel his gaze burning the side of your face. He’s waiting, you know he’s waiting. Huffing air out of your nose, you turn to make eye contact with him, “I’m fine, really. Just a little distracted.”
“Anything I can help with?” He reaches out, grasping one of your hands that’s under the table.
At his touch you freeze. You’ve been craving his touch, and it’s taking all of your willpower to stay completely professional and not do something that could cause either of you to potentially lose your jobs. You know Aaron caught your body stiffen, and by the way his eyes widen and lips slightly turn up, he knows why you’re distracted.
“I see.” he clears his throat, eyes amused as he looks over you, squeezing your hand with his before retracting it back into his own lap, “Perhaps this is something we should talk about after the case?”
You nod, absolutely mortified, that your boss/boyfriend knows you can’t focus on a case because you’re horny for him. You force yourself to not grimace as you whisper, “That would be best.”
He nods, running his eyes over your figure one last time, before standing up and walking back over to where Rossi and JJ are talking.
Could you GET anymore embarrassing?
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The team was able to wrap up the case, catching the copy cat, and make it home in time for dinner, we’ll, a late dinner.
You just got done with your after action report, knocking on Aaron’s office door, waiting until he called you in.
“Here’s my report.” Putting it in his outstretched hand.
He looks up from his own report, placing yours on his desk with the others, before nodding to one of the chairs in front of his desk.
You sit down as he leans back in his own chair, arms crossing, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Out with it.” Your voice flat as you roll your eyes, too tired to care for his teasing.
“Out with what?” He jokes confusion.
You whine, dragging out his name, “Aaron.”
“Alright, alright.” He laughs, his arms unfolding and laying on his desk.
You both stare at each other, small smiles on your faces, yours evidently more flustered then his.
He breaks the silence, “Come over for dinner tonight.”
“It’s late.” You remind him.
“I know.” He nods, “But Jacks at a sleepover, and I would like to spend some quality time with my girlfriend that doesn’t involve hunting down a psychopath.”
Aaron’s idea of dinner, was boxed Mac and cheese, not that you were really complaining, you didn’t have much in your pantry either. Now you’re both cuddled up on the couch with a glass of wine, talking over the last case.
“Seriously, two serial killers obsessed over her. What type of vibes is she putting out there?” You put your glass on the coffee table in front of you, before laying your head on Aaron’s chest, looking up at him.
He puts his glass on the side table next to him, before wrapping both arms around you, one on the side of your ribs and the other in your hair, “Well I’m obsessed with you.” He grins.
You scoff, “Not the same thing.”
“No,” His face drawing closer to yours, “Guess not.”
His kiss is heated with want, quickly overpowering you. He pulls you closer to him as you move your legs to straddle his waist. Your hands cup his face, as his own roam your back, down to your butt, squeezing it and drawing a moan from you that he swallows. Aaron pulls back from the kiss, just enough to mumble against your mouth, “I’d like you to stay.”
His voice is a gruff whisper, sending chills down your spine. You can’t seem to find your own voice, but nod your head vigorously, before pulling him back in for another heated kiss. Aaron moves his hands from your butt to the back of your thighs, before grabbing you and standing up, earning a surprised squeal. He smirks into the kiss, as he makes his way down the hallway to his bedroom.
He closes the door with his foot and moves towards his bed, laying you down. You watch as he takes off his shirt before leaning over you, his hands moving under your own shirt and his mouth kissing up and down the junction of your neck.
You whimper at the scratchiness of his 5’o clock shadow he’s sporting, imagining what it would feel like on your thighs. His hands move to your back, unclasping your bra, before slipping them from your shirt. He pulls away from your neck long enough to remove your bra your top, before leaving a trail of sloppy kisses down the valley of your breasts.
He looks up at you, making eye contact as he brings one of them into his mouth, sucking on it, while one of his hands plays with your other nipple, rolling it between his fingers as he lightly bites down on the one in his mouth. You close your eyes, moans leaving you as he switches breasts with a pop of his mouth.
“What was it that got you so distracted?” You think you hear him ask, though you're so into the assault he's committing, you can’t be sure. You whine when you feel him stop and pull away, looking down at you at you smirking, “I asked you a question sweetheart.”
You breath out an impatient sigh, “You did.”
He hums, grabbing your hands that are trying to draw him back into you and pins them above your head with one of his, “What, exactly, baby?”
“Your hands. Your fingers.”
“My fingers?” He questions, drawing his free hand down your chest to the top of your pants, “What did you want with my fingers?”
You wiggle your hips, begging him to keep going, “I wanted them on me.”
Aaron raises an eyebrow at you, “Just on you?” He unbuckles your jeans, before sliding his hand under both layers of fabric you have own, stopping just short of where you actually want him.
“In me.” You whine, “I want your fingers in me, please Aaron.”
He kisses your neck again, drawing his hand even lower, to your awaiting core, “All this for me honey? I haven't even properly touched you yet.” He sounds surprised at how wet you are for him.
If only he knew he didn't even have to touch you to get you this wet.
That will stay a secret.
He raises above you, moving down your body and starts tugging your jeans and panties down. You raise your hips to help him, before they hit the floor below the bed. Aaron spreads your legs, both hands gripping your thighs, as he looks up and makes eye contact with you. He leans down, painstakingly slow.
He keeps eye contact as you feel the first strip of his tongue. Your eyes close involuntarily, head going back as he his tongue does another, even slower than the first, before diving in, taking your clit into his mouth. You buck your hips up, trying to create even more friction, chasing the feeling he's giving you.
You feel him slowly start to slide one finger into your warmth, curling up, “Aaron, please.” You beg for more, needing more. Your hands find a home in his hair, tugging on it gently, but with enough force to keep him going. Aaron moans around your bundle, sending sparks up your body before adding another finger, bringing you closer to the edge you are so desperately chasing, the edge you have been wanting to feel for the last 4 days.
You come with a loud gasp, back arching into one of Aaron’s hand and his mouth, as his other hand goes to hold your hips down, letting you ride through your high.
Aaron moves up your body, stopping as he reaches your face, “You are so beautiful when you come baby.” He whispers to himself, as if you weren’t meant to catch it, “So beautiful.”
You open your eyes when you feel Aaron get up from the bed, he stands above you, taking off the rest of his clothes. You drink in the figure of the man in front of you, your gaze traveling down his sculpted chest and the deep v of his hips. Your eyes widen when the reach the area you’ve been craving all week. Looking back up at Aaron’s face, the cocky smirk on his painting it, tells you he knows exactly what you were thinking.
He definitely has nothing to be shy about.
“Like what you see baby?” His voice husky and low, body climbing back over yours.
Good lord.
you grab his hips, bringing them down to meet yours, “God Aaron, you're so beautiful.”
He breaths out a laugh, shaking his head and smiling down at you, “Are you sure you want this?”
“I think you know how much I want you.” You smirk up at him and kiss his jaw.
He leans over to his bedside table drawer, reaching in before he sighs, head falling onto your shoulder with a groan, “I don’t have anything.”
“I’m clean and on the pill.” You tell him, almost desperately.
He kisses you before whispering against your lips, “I’m clean too.”
Aaron reaches down between your bodies, grabbing his hard cock and sliding it between your folds, gathering your wetness, and mixing it with his leaking own leaking from his head. You feel the burn of the stretch when he starts to enter you, slowly going further and further until he bottoms out.
His forehead lays upon yours with a rough grunt. Aaron breaths in heavily, giving you time to adjust, eyes staring into yours. His hand comes up to cradle your cheek, thumb rubbing over your bottom lip, “You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you like this.”
Your lips softly kiss his thumb, mumbling against it, “Show me handsome.”
He starts moving in and out of you, both of you moaning together. You wrap your legs around his waist, making him go even deeper.
“You feel so good sweet girl. So good.” He moans into your neck, leaving small love bites on your skin, that you will no doubt have to cover up.
Whimpers leave your mouth as you gasp, hands traveling to his back, bringing him as close as possible to you, nails sliding down his skin, “Aaron, harder. Please go harder.”
He starts thrusting at a brutal pace, chasing both of your highs as you squeeze around him, “You like that baby? You gonna come for me pretty girl?”
All you can do is nod, as you close you eyes, your body reaching its second climax of the night, back arching into Aaron, hips becoming impossibly close to his, as he follows after you. Warmth spreads within you as you both pant and gasp for air, Aaron drawing the bliss out for the both of you, whispering sweet words in your ear as you both come down.
You feel him pull out of you and hear as he goes into his bathroom, turning on the sink. You open your eyes when you feel a wet cloth between your legs, he gazes up at you, a small, euphoric smile gracing his face, one matching your own.
He discards the cloth in the hamper, before making his way back to the bed, pulling the covers out from under you and sealing you both in warmth. You turn towards him, laying your head over his chest and throwing an arm around his waist. He pulls you in closer, holding you tight, his legs intermingling with yours.
The only sound in the room being your beating hearts in perfect rhythm together, as you drift off to sleep, with a kiss to your hair, and an unspoken promise of the future.
Tag list: @bakugouswh0r3 @averyhotchner @rousethemouse
If you would not like to be tagged during smut chapters please just let me know and I will only tag you in the normal chapters :)
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Having asked your thoughts on designing Frankenstein's daemon, might I now ask your thoughts on bringing Count Dracula from the written word into illustration? (I'm definitely in favour of the 'Hairy Old Mountain Man of Horror pretending he's people' look from the original novel; one of the small tests too many Draculas fail to pass is an absolutely tragic lack of the Evil Beard and/or Wicked Moustache explicitly described by Mr Stoker).
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Unlike with Frankenstein, where I think the design needs to be painstakingly thought out in order to achieve the best balance of the creature's traits for horror and tragedy alike, I think with Dracula you can actually just take an approach of "whatever works". Because as I mentioned before, I think much of the appeal and longevity of Dracula is how the character's both a layered villain as well as a shapeshifting narrative force that can be tailored to whatever you want to do with. Granted, there are bad or dissappointing Dracula designs, of course there are, but in regards to the leeway you get for reinterpretation, you get a lot more of it with Dracula than with other literary icons.
Like with Frankenstein, I'm gonna bring up how I'd tackle a less grim, more comedy-centric Dracula first, one that's less a force of horror and more of a charismatic villain, and I think to that end I definitely agree that people are sleeping a lot on the hairy old man barely-passing-off-as-humanoid of the original story. Despite very much loving these performers, I'm actually not a fan of takes that mold Dracula too closely to people who've portrayed him, like Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee, partially because I think it's a waste of an opportunity to create your own Dracula design. Since I can't draw (yet), I'll do what I usually do and make a board of images to try and convey some of my thoughts on one way I'd design Dracula.
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(Pictured: Kiwi's design for Dracula, Hotel Transylvania concept art, Nandor, Castlevania Dracula, Charles Dance in Dracula Untold, Vladislav, a Transylvanian rug)
I used the images in my other Dracula post and I’ll post it here again because I absolutely adore @kiwibyrd's designs for Dracula and it's main heroes, in particular I love the way it strikes a good balance at making sure Dracula looks distinctly separate from the humans, but not too much that he couldn't conceivably operate in society as just a harmless old man. I also adore the mustache and bushy eyebrows and pointy ears and I think these three are wonderful features to keep on any Dracula design. I'm also very partial to the Hotel Transylvania concept art, even if it makes me incredibly depressed to look at all the great designs they had for Dracula that they threw in the trash because they somehow decided making him look like Adam Sandler was the idea to go with.
I deeply adore What We Do In The Shadows, both the movie and the show, and Jemaine Clement's Vladislav is one of my favorite (maybe even my actual favorite) on-screen Draculas. But I also enjoy Nandor just as much, and I think it's really great that as a character he's completely different from Vlad while also being ostensibly a take on Dracula, and in particular I bring up his Jersey look because "Dracula in common clothing" is a criminally underrated concept for a joke.
As a character, I'm very partial to comedy takes on Dracula that play him up as a decadent aristocratic supervillain, the kind that can get away with talking in third person. I also have this idea for a version of Dracula who dresses ostentatiously in finely-broidered Romanian or Transylvanian patterns, maybe even wearing a rug as a cape, claiming that he's carrying the legacy of his people on his back. And of course he's lying, he's not Vlad Tepes and he's not even Romanian, he is just a parasite pretending to have a history to be proud of, but good luck getting him to admit that. And finally, I'd like this version to be played by Charles Dance, and I consider it a tremendous crime against humanity that he has yet to play Dracula proper even despite being in a film with the character's name on the title.
So that's kinda how I would design a take on Dracula for something more comedic or more based around him as this guest character and personality on-set. Now, if we're talking a more serious version, I think the possibilities increase, and I won't be getting into all of them because I may prefer to keep them to myself, but I'll elaborate a few ideas.
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For example, the edition of Dracula I personally own comes with these really scratchy, really creepy B&W illustrations related to the story, that I can't find scanned online so I'm uploading them here so you can look at. They don't necessarily depict the scenes but rather some of the story's moments, like Van Helsing staking Lucy, Renfield in a straightjacket, Dracula as a coachman, and they are more focused on conveying the horror of the concepts at play.
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Dracula never looks the same way in any of the illustrations, in fact you kinda have to piece him out of them by trying to find teeth or capes or eyes or bat-features to see where he's hiding this time. In the first, it's the half-man half-bat, in the 2nd, he's the shrieking bat silhouette next to Renfield, and in the latter, he's the gaping jaws and eerily humanoid eyes in the wolf. The effect to me almost feels like if you were to look at a bunch of tv static and then see a humanoid shape form for a split second before everything went back to normal, something like you'd get from Slender Man or other modern creepypastas, and I’ve argued before that Dracula’s form of horror is a very modern one. 
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In terms of illustrations of Dracula that keep up the original traits while still pulling off horror, I definitely have to hand it to the one at the left of the image above, drawn by regourso on Deviantart (account deleted at present). Going back to Castlevania’s many takes on Dracula, two in particular that stick out to me would be Castlevania: Judgment’s armored dress Dracula, who’s got this great twisted heart/rose motif going on in his outfit, and Dracula’s final form in SOTN where he just sits in his throne and his cape twists into all these monsters, particularly how it’s depicted by witnesstheabsurd’s depiction. 
I’m not particularly a fan of how Dracula’s “final form” in these games is usually just some big demon, and part of what I like about his final form in SOTN instead is that, while it’s not a particularly challenging final boss, I do find it interesting the idea of us never actually getting to see what Dracula’s true final form looks like, only an ever-shifting pitch-black torrent of teeth and claws and bloody veins pouring out because that’s ultimately what Dracula is and brings to the world.
On the flip-side of the rotten old monster, we have the charming seductor Dracula, and while I’m really not a fan of how various adaptations have convinced people that “the point” of Dracula is that he’s a seductive force and an allegory for Victorian xenophobia and I’m reeeally even less of a fan of adaptations that make Dracula some misunderstood tragic hero (and I think I’ve made rather violently clear my feelings on interpretations that play up a romance between him and Mina), that the seductive force part exists is impossible to deny, so conversely, while on one hand we can have Dracula as the gargantuan whirlwind of predatory violence, we can also go for Dracula as the tantalizing lover.
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I’ve seen a lot of opinions proclaiming Frank Langella as the best Dracula because he was the best at actually being seductive while still playing Dracula, although I haven’t yet seen his performances. If I had to point at one picture I look at and do buy for a second the idea of Dracula as a romantic character, it would be that particular still of Raul Julia in the left of the above image. And it’s strange for me to think of Raul Julia as attractive because I mainly associate him with his brilliant comedy performance of M.Bison (I know it’s far from the highlight of his career but, look, I grew up with Street Fighter, I can’t help it) but those eyes are definitely looking pretty convincing to me, if nothing else. 
And I’ve included this still of Sebastian Stan in the right because, during a conversation between me, @krinsbez and @jcogginsa about who could be a good fit for Dracula, jcog suggested Sebastian Stan, partially because he’s Romanian, and I’ve learned recently that Stan was actually interested in playing the character in Blumhouse’s upcoming remake. And you’d think I’d hate this idea  considering how much I don’t care for tragic anti-hero Draculas, but who says that’s what he’d have to play? 
Do you have any idea how much actors, who are traditionally known for heroic or supporting roles, usually LOVE it when you give them a chance to cut loose as the main villain?
I’d want Sebastian Stan to put all of his charm, all of his talent, all of his good looks and etc, into playing the absolute most vicious, bloodthirsty and irredeemable Dracula put on screen. Someone who is exceedingly, eerily good at being a lovable protagonist, who’s all smiles and charming eyes and politeness mannerisms and maybe even a funny accent, and then it isn't as funny when he's flying through your window intent on kidnapping babies to feed to his brides, except he may take a moment or two to do so because he's feeling pretty hungry himself right now.
Now, admittedly this is kind of a lot to juggle in regards to a single character, which is why my answer for questions like these inevitably has to be “depends on what I’m going for”. That being said, if I was going to try and cast someone who I think could both look the part of Dracula, as well as respectively, play “cartoon aristocrat” Dracula, “mercurial embodiment of evil” Dracula, as well as realistically be an attractive, even seductive performer who can charm viewers even as the character descends into horrible villainy, and juggle these performances even?
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I think I’d have to go with Mads Mikkelsen. Not specifically because of Hannibal (I actually haven’t watched it yet), although it’s definitely a factor, the thing that actually made me pick him specifically is, other than his looks, his voice, his reputation for playing sinister characters, the fact that he loves the role and wants to play it, or how many people are deeply in love with this man, or that people already joke that he looks like a vampire, was watching him in Another Round, and specifically that glorious final scene where he’s just dancing to his heart’s content and just, moving with such spring in his step and such joyful vitality even though he’s past his mid-fifties, and that was the moment where, in regards to how much you all love this man, I went
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And now I am going to add “casting Mads Mikkelsen as a dancing Dracula” to The List of Reasons Why I Became a Filmmaker.
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