#I think next time Edelgard miscunderstands her confession she's gonna go for the ''pin her against a wall and kiss her'' method
laulink · 2 years
Mercedes, taking a deep breath : Ok. Dorothea, I have a favour to ask. Can I flirt with Edelgard to make Byleth jealous ?
Dorothea, after visibly short-circuiting for a few seconds : ... *takes a deep breath and holds her clasped hands in front of her before letting it out and pointing her hands to Mercedes* This is wrong on SO many levels. First off, making your crush jealous has to be number one in the top ten of stupid ideas. Why don't you just talk to her ? Also, why MY Edie ?!
Lysithea, holding her head in her hands to fend off a headache : Dorothea, for the tenth time TODAY, you and Edelgard are NOT dating. No matter how big your crush on her is, and how big HER crush on YOU is, even if she still doesn't realise it, she's not YOUR Edie yet.
Dorothea : STILL ! Gals before pals, girls ! Mercie, you know that !
Mercedes : All valid points. To answer your questions, I've tried pretty much everything else to get Byleth to understand my feelings, short of pushing her against a wall and kissing her that is, and since it could be considered sexual assault on a professor if it goes wrong, I'm not going to risk it. And I'm asking for Edelgard specifically because it would be VERY easy to find flirty comments to say to her ; if Byleth weren't there, and if you hadn't called dibs, I think I would have tried my chance with her.
Dorothea, standing up and slamming her open palms on the table : YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIFE-
Lysithea, screaming to the high heavens : FOR THE LAST TIME, SHE'S NOT YOUR WIFE, YOU'RE NOT EVEN DATING !
Edelgard, at the other side of the dining hall, watching the three girls make a racket while talking to Hubert : I wonder who that girl Dorothea has a crush on is.
Hubert, who's heard Dorothea say "I love you" to Edelgard more times than he can count : I have no idea.
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