#I tried drawing them as lego people but they didn't look right so I started over and drew them as humans instead
speeding-fox · 1 year
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Got into a new series and these two are my favorite boys.
Do not tag this as "ship" please.
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    Daniella smiled at her brother as he let go of her arm and walked to his spot. She took a deep breath before stepping under the curtains and standing in front of Cole. She handed her bouquet to Nya before taking Cole's hands. 
    Mystake led the ceremony and Daniella tried to focus on what she was saying but her mind kept drifting off into thoughts of the future, both far off and right after. Cole could see her drifting and would rub his thumbs over her knuckles to bring her back to the present. He knew that this big of a change was taking a toll on her as well as the amount of people that had accepted invitations.
    After Mystake had said her piece, she gestured that it was time for the couple to say their vows. Daniella looked to Cole, who nodded his head with a soft smile for her to go first. She rolled her eyes with a grin and started.
"Oh thank you for letting me go first. While my vows aren't long, I mean them with my entire being. I mean, how lucky am I that I get to call you mine? Every single day, you've made me a better person, just by being yourself. You've been there for all the highs and lows that fate as seemed to throw my way so far, and you didn't judge the decisions I made, or calls that I made that weren't the best. You make me feel like I am enough, even when the entire 17 realms tells me otherwise. I know that I can do anything, BE anything, with you by my side. I love you so much and I am so proud to call you my husband."
    Daniella took in a small breath and wiped her eye with one hand. Cole rubbed the knuckles of her other hand as he started his own vows.
"First of all, how am I supposed to follow something like that? You mixed sappy and sassy into the same breath and didn't even bat an eye. I should have gone first so that mine wouldn't sound so disappointing."
    Daniella giggled as she covered her mouth, trying not to interrupt.
"There it is. That laugh is one of the things that I want to hear everyday for the rest of my life. Even though I know that's impossible. We'll have our good days and our bad ones, but throughout all of it, you've been the strength that I didn't know that I needed. You're my rock, and no that's not an earth pun. You're the one whose shown me what it means to be a good man. When I showed you this ring in my dad's living room five weeks ago, I told you I wanted what my mom and dad had, and I meant it. I want that undying love that they had, with you. I want your endless cups of coffee, your endless adventures, your spontaneous naps. Give me your everyday, and I'll give you my love to make sure that everything will be alright."
    Daniella tilted her head and stuck out her bottom lip a little as he finished, trying to hold back the tears. Mystake motioned for Lotus to bring the ring pillow over and gave each of them the other's ring. Daniella slid Cole's wedding band on first before he gently slid his mother's wedding ring onto her finger. 
"Now with the power given to me by the First Spinjitzu Master, I know pronounce you husband and wife. Now kiss her before she leaves," Mystake said, nudging Cole with her elbow.
    Cole wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her in faster than she was expecting, cupping her face and gently pressing his lips to hers. She giggled into it in surprise and kissed back as lotus petals fluttered down around them. The others cheered as they pulled apart and placed their foreheads together.
"I want out of this dress so bad. It's heavy," she whispered. Cole laughed as he backed up and held out his hand to walk her down the aisle, this time as her husband.
****************************************** This one took so long but I am super happy with how it turned out!! And it's the first time I've draw a couple kissing like this. Normally it's just head kisses. But I think I might do this more often ^^
Daniella belongs to me Cole, Mystake, and Nya belong to LEGO
Please do not use my art or characters without my permission
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 3 months
if you feel like it, pls tell me about your crafting journey? first craft fixation? self-taught, learn from family/friends, videos, classes? subsequent enthusiasms? favorites? proud accomplishments? regrets, if any? stuff you crave trying in the future?
I come from a family, namely my mother's side, of artists and crafters, so keep that in mind. Painters, sculptors, wood workers, potters, quilters, all sorts. As such, all art was actively encouraged.
The first crafty thing I can remember was going to ceramics class with my mom. We would pick out statues we like, paint them with glaze and then have them fired again, or paint them with acrylic paint and take them home. I remember making vases and pots out of play-doh, building cities and towers with Lego blocks, paper mache masks with newspaper and balloons.
When I was nine (so in 1992) friendship bracelets suddenly became VERY popular. I saw a girl in class making them, so she showed me how. My mom saw.mw going through her yarn so I could make my own bracelets, so off to the craft store we went. She bought me 1/4" ribbon, cheap yarn, and a boom of patterns. Hyperfixation launched! A couple years later, while visiting my grandparents, my grandma gave me a couple books of macrame patterns. Hyperfixation evolved! I was using ribbon to make these until I discovered hemp when I was 14 years old. I became very picky about my materials when I was 16, and used the crappy hemp for practice or outdoor items. In my 20s, I started vendoring and doing art trades pretty regularly. That's also when I was introduced to cotton cord that looks and behaves like high quality hemp cord, but is super soft. I was nearly 30 when I learned better methods for creating clasps that don't look like a hot mess. A few people asked how I crochet jewelry because that's apparently what it looked like.
I stopped making jewelry in my 30s due to thr loss of a ligament in my right wrist, chronic pain, and burnout. The last time I tried making jewelry was in 2021, and it was like pulling teeth from a rabid tiger. I have since sold all my supplies, patterns, books, tools, and am very happy about it.
In my early 20s, when I was a uninstudent studying to be an art teacher, I took a watercolor class and Fell. In. Love. OMG I looooooooooooove watercolor painting. Unfortunately, all my paint solidified in their tubes years ago, and have since been tossed. My style is very...flow, dreamscape abstract, and big. I dunnonhow best else to describe it. You can purchase prints and other stuff eith my work though! I'm especially proud of thr two paintings at the top of my page here:
Landscapes and extreme closeups are my preference. Georgia O'Keefe is a major influence on my painting style. I miss painting, but good paint is expensive. I have what I like on my wishlist, so feel free to buy it for me.
Folks familiar with my quilts may see how much my previous work has played a role in my style. My family has mentioned more than once they can see macrame and watercolor in my quilts with how I use color and arrange blocks.
I'm semi-self taught. My mom didn't teach me how to quilt. I remember watching her, so applied that, what I learned in videos, and I regularly ask her for input. She's a terrible teacher and has little patience, plus we live nearly 3000 miles apart. I helped handquilt a lot of her quilts when I was growing up, so that part I had down.
I took classes for painting and drawing when I was hs and uni. I used to draw a lot, namely portraits and cityscapes, bit now I can barely hold a pencil for more than a couple minutes before my hand just...can't. Ligament removal has that effect. I can paint without issue though! The straight lines combined with the flow of light and color is so pleasing to me. It's like moss on a brick wall with powerlines casting shades with the colors of the sunset reflecting off windows and onto the surface of puddles. Visual poetry. I love that shit.
I dabble in photography, and will never claim to be a professional. Here's a picture I took in 2016, and it is by and far the best photograph I have ever taken.
You can have that printed on a variety of items available under it. Please click the link and scroll down. I'm still in awe that I managed to take this picture. I was in flip flops and went running outside when my husband hollered about the sunset. Grabbed my camera and ran in flip flops, hit a dip in thr sidewalk, and got a case of road rash on my right leg. Bleeding and in pain, I took that picture, and then cleaned tf outta the wound. I had a bandaid over it for a week, but I'm allergic to the adhesive and ended up with a scar from the bandaid. That thing didn't fade for five years! Anyway...
My hope is to learn how to make my own clothes. I love the super wide leg pants I wore in the 90s through 2003. Legs wide enough to fit a body. I can find them anymore, and hate denim, so I wanna make then using cotton. Namely Hawaiian floral prints. Big, bold, loud. Fuck, yes! I need to take a class or two though. I'm the sort that needs their hand held for the first few lessons, but once I understand it...well, y'all have see my work. I also intend to learn applique and thread painting over the next couple years. My ultimate goal is to create a series of mini quilts with portraits of all the Dragon Age companions, foundation paper piecing patterns with symbols from the skill/talent trees in all three DA games, a Dune quilt (I'm a huge fan of the book series, love the mini series, the original film is a lesson in How to Fail, give the recent first film 7/10 stats, and can't see part two until it's on disc because epilepsy is a bitch), paint the bedroom to look like a forest with the ceiling looking like the arm of the milky way and tree branches, and make my own wardrobe packed with prints and colors.
Thank you for asking!
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