#I want to make a timeline. of events you know. that happen in the postcanon universe
aplaceofstone · 6 years
AO3: faceofstone 
All prompts and ideas are just suggestions, if you are the kind of person who likes to follow them. If not, cool, they are certainly not the end-all of what I love about these fandoms and characters.
If we matched on something that’s more on the surreal side of things, this blog is mostly aesthetics and could offer some visual prompts as well.
I like found families, oddball friendships, sympathy toward outcasts, characters who fully embrace being outcasts, melancholy, a sense of place, bittersweet accomplishments, and a stubborn flicker of hope in an overall bleak world. Dreamlike atmospheres that aren’t necessarily scary, some sort of reassurance that can be found in the weird and the profoundly unnatural.
All fic formats, tenses, povs and roughly canon-appropriate levels of grimdark are fine.
Myst: Anna, Atrus, Calam, Catherine, Marrim, Yeesha
Any missing moment for any of these characters, cranking up the spookiness or fluffiness factor to 11 for tricks or treats respectively. What does a Myst fic fit for Halloween look like? What does “$mystcharacter has a very nice day” look like, for that matter? The multiverse is the limit. I love D’ni as a setting and it’s full of possibilities (I got great D’ni fic last Yuletide and there’s always place for more!) but there are infinite Ages out there too! What happened one day in the desert? Did Catherine experience some major foreshadowing? Did Yeesha link to Riven at some point? Did Marrim play aunt to little Yeesha? Did Anna know Calam? What hobby do Marrim and Catherine share? Did the bahro keep an eye on Atrus? What’s the riskiest thing Atrus ever wrote (and did Yeesha jackass her way into an even stranger iteration of it years later)?
Ghost Dog: Ghost Dog, Pearline, Raymond, Samurai in Camouflage
I’m an enthusiastic new viewer and I would very much like to read more about these characters and/or the connections between them. I love character studies with a slice of life backbone and I love new interactions and anything that could be classified as a cute missing moment. A day in the life of Ghost Dog (may or may not include actual dogs or other wildlife). Grownup Pearline taking up his mantle, finally understanding his death. The Samurai in Camouflage doing whatever it is that he does – I don’t know the first thing about RZA but if you want to base some part of the character off him, it works for me, all I know is that his cameo is so striking. Raymond persistently (and adorably) at the center of it all. Any Hagakure quote that hasn’t already been used by the movie could be a great jumping-off point, especially for the samurai characters but Raymond has been dragged into this as well so he better deal with it. Art-wise, any illustration of any of them doing their thing would make my Halloween.
The Wire: Gus, Cedric, Lester, Bubbles, Omar, Brother Mouzone
These are my favorite characters. They do not interact a whole lot, if at all. I would really, really like them to. Could you make it happen, dear author? They all have such strong personalities and their arcs are driven by themes that could work well with each other, any combination looks to me like it could lead to something great. They could be looking for each other because of their jobs or interact by chance (at the pub, on the street…) or even have some hitherto unsuspected connection, like when Wilson contacts Gus in s5. I don’t have preferences for a point in the timeline, I’d love to read fic set before, during or after – of course postcanon Omar presents some complications but nothing fanfiction writers haven’t written their way out of before. But I also like canon’s framing of his death, so if you want to have other characters focus on Omar’s legend one way or another, I would love it too. Just pick your faves among this crop and run with it, I’ll love it! For fic or art of a single character, I would like to see them doing something we haven’t already seen them do – for example a hobby you headcanon them having. For art of two (or more?) characters, seeing them sitting somewhere and talking to each other – the visual counterpart of the “just make them interaaaaact” fic prompt…
Twin Peaks: Albert, Tammy, Cynthia, Hawk, Harry, Frank
For the federal side of the cast, I’d like to see what life has in store for them after that mess. Albert got a heavy emotional fallout to deal with, and the realization that Gordon lied to him in a major way that’s connected with Cooper’s disappearance, speaking of whom, he’s off again, taking what was left of Diane with him to boot. Is it enough for a person to be fractured, could he be split in two? Who is left for him? (Shipping-wise I’m very partial to Harry, platonically I like him and Denise, again Harry, Tammy, Constance, Diane should she be back. But if you think he could be good friends with any other character, for example Cynthia or Hawk, do surprise me!) Tammy is the face of Blue Rose now. What about a little spookiness in her life? What happened when she was stationed in town writing The Final Dossier? Does she team up and/or go on a date with Cynthia, what’s their dynamic, how do they play off each other? Do they sit down to talk about what they want to make of this new Blue Rose, to make it work when all the previous generations failed? What creepy event could showcase Cynthia’s position on the supernatural, the human drive to look beyond and beyond until you get burned and all the themes of TSHOTP and TFD? Or what’s her relationship with Colonel Davis like? Does Garland appear to her at some point to guide her, looking for all intents and purposes like Mufasa but having died too soon to get the reference (tragic)? Hell, does Laura?
For the Sheriff’s Station people, I’d be interested in their relationship with the mystery of the woods. They’re all Bookhouse Boys, they better act like it, that’s my basic prompt. Did Harry cross a threshold looking for Cooper? Did he get the sword mentioned in the script for the s2 finale and what deeper meaning would it have? How did Deputy “I’m a skeptic, but-” Hawk recount a weird encounter in the woods (and to whom? Margaret? Lucy?)? Did he ever climb either peak, or if not, why not? Was Frank born with that no-nonsense attitude of his or is it more of a fake it till you make it situation? What about his chevron-lined, bullet-deflecting hat? Did he go for a walk with Doris and something happened that made them realize what kind of mess their marriage has turned into and they can still live better lives (together or separately. I love them both)? Do they all carry the woods with them in some ways? If you don’t have anything plotty in mind, something strange and almost nonsensical like Becky’s last scene would be great. Or you could focus on the literature enthusiasts aspect of the Bookhouse Boys and write or draw something cute based on that. If you like, Cooper can tag along in any scenario in presence or in spirit.
It’s easy to think about spooky supernatural business when it comes to Twin Peaks but treats are the other side of the same coin – there can be a gentle angle to all this, hope for the future, nurturing woods, genuine comfort after all of canon’s hurt and I would love to read about it. Sometimes the right thing happens at the right time and they can be happy, for a while.
Please, no mentions of Dale/Audrey or Shelly/Gordon.
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