#I wanted to include a time-lapse of the background but I couldn't.
haruka-636 · 9 months
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Knife throwing!! ✨️( っ' ᴗ')╮ =͟͟͞͞🔪
It's fun to draw a troubled sun.☀️🌀
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lindseybaby22 · 6 years
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I left a job I loved. I have worked as a wedding day coordinator for 4 almost 5 years. I have worked hundreds of weddings from all diverse backgrounds and cultures. The wedding that finally broke me...was a wedding where I was basically assaulted.
It was a Hindu wedding. The groom's family was Hindu, the bride was not. His parents planned this whole thing and it was THEIR wedding, not the couples. They had an American wedding planned later where her family and friends would attend. At the wedding rehearsal, I knew this group was going to be difficult. The mother of the groom was yelling at their officiant. I want to note that this group planned an OUTSIDE wedding and reception in OREGON in OCTOBER. October in Oregon is rainy, damp and cold. Keep that in mind. They had asked me about the heating situation for the reception. I let them know we had 2 heaters and we would close the tent flaps but it could still be chilly. They told me they would bring in their own heaters.
The wedding day had arrived. The venue I worked for did something I absolutely can't stand. They had a morning wedding, 2 hours to flip the ceremony and reception site for an afternoon wedding. I arrived a little earlier than usual knowing this and knowing the crew before me would probably need help...and I was right. I arrived a half hour after their event was supposed to be over and their bride and groom were still there. I jumped right in to help the flip. I took down the decor from the previous wedding, swept the tent up, helped changed linens. Then the Father of the Groom called me. He wanted to make sure the heaters were turned on. They were on for the morning wedding but at that moment they were off. We were still about an hour from when they were supposed to and allowed to arrive to our venue. I went to the manager from the previous event to ask about the heaters. The groundskeeper told her to keep them off while we flipped because the propane was low and he wanted to make sure they would last for the wedding that night. Ten minutes later, the dad arrived. He was fuming.
I tried to explain why I hadn't had the heaters on yet, but he didn't care. I immediately turned them on. Now throughout this event, the dad called me numerous times. No, not numerous, an obsurd amount. I was doing absolutely everything for him and hos wife. I did more than what was in my job description and what we allowed for clients but I made an exception for them.
We were about 3 hours from the ceremony time and he asked me to wipe the ceremony chairs down. It was raining. I told him we typically wait until closer to ceremony time to wipe the chairs since it was still raining and that way the seats would be dry for the guests. This is when he put his hands on me. He grabbed me. He grabbed my arm, pulled me closer to him so that my face was right in his, squeezed me arm and said "No. You will wipe down these chairs now. I need them wiped down so you will go wipe them right now." I was in shock. I have NEVER had a client, let alone anyone really, put their hands on me and speak to me like that. I told him I would get right on it. I had to run to our other facility to grt some art supplies for them so I hopped on the golf cart and drove there.
When I arrived to the other facility. I was trying to keep my composure and wrap my head around what had just happened. When I got inside, a co-worker working another wedding said hi, then immediately asked if I was okay. I lost it. I broke down and started to cry when I told her what happened. She couldn't believe it. I composed myself and went on my hunt for these supplies for the family, when I ran into the manager from the earlier wedding. She asked how I was, I lost it again. I spent about 10 minutes composing myself and decided to just not think about it because I had a job to do. When I got back to my venue, my manager had arrived. I told her what had happened, tried to keep my composure and finally said if there was any way I could leave early I would GREATLY appreciate it. That never happened.
Fast forward, the parents were looking for every little thing that could be wrong with their event. We have a BEO, Banquet Event Order, that we follow like the bible. They go over this with their sales/event specialist. Their event specialist...well...we always havr a problem with her events. Things will be missing from the BEO, a lot of he-said she-said things. She once even hid in a bush during an event so the client couldn't see her since she messed up and didn't want to take any heat for it. That's another story. This event, was missing info in the BEO. Surprise, surprise.
I finally told my manager we needed to call our Operations Manager because these parents were upset, the father put his hands on me and it was a mess. While the ceremony was going on, she called. Nothing happened though. Not one person eveb talked to the father about grabbing me. The night went on. Him and his wife continued to verbally assault my manager and myself the entire night. The family finally made my manager cry and when I was finally able to leave, I ran.
I knew I would be hearing from the sales team and operations manager, especially after the grabbing. The next day the father tried to call me. I hit ignore. I never wanted to see or hear from that man again. Two days passed, and they finally called me. All three of them together. They had spoke to the father and now wanted to speak with me. They wanted to know about the heaters and why I didn't have them on immediately and how that was my fault and set the tone for their bad behavior for the rest if the event. Then they wanted to know about another thing that was missing from thr BEO that the sales team forgot to include. That was apparently my fault as well because I should have called her yo make sure the information in the BEO was accurate. Did I mention that every week they have meetings where they go over EVERY detail of these BEOs? You'd think they'd catch their mistakes there. Then finally they brought up the father grabbing me. I was told that I should have told him No again and told him myself that him grabbing me was unacceptable. They then asked if I would have a sit down meeting with him. I told them I was very uncomfortable with that. The phone call ended and I was in tears.
No one asked if I was okay. All my company cared about was covering their own butts and not having to lose any money. They talked to him first over me. I worked my butt off for this company, through morning sickness, training all the day of coordinators, even working an 11 hour wedding the DAY BEFORE my daughter was born. And this is how I was being treated. I sent my letter of resignation that night.
They eventually met up with the father, and he agreed to send an email with an "apology". If that is what you want to call it. Here was his apology:
"I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your help in making our celebrations a joyous occasion . Thank you also for playing a part in understanding our concerns in the lapses that followed. I was distressed to hear that my reactions that day may have caused you stress and anxiety . That was never my intention , and I apologize for that ."
I miss the wedding industry. I miss my co-workers. I miss the connections I made with families. The night before this hortible wedding, I had one of the most fun and best groups I had ever have. They were one of my all time favorite couples, families and group.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading and letting me share a portion of that horrible event. Maybe I overrracted, however, I firmly believe a man should NEVER put his hands on you in any way.
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