#I was gonna wait to post her til i had her ref but i hate waiting and i dont feel like making a ref
Edie & Billie
Edie: You’re not at home, are you?
Billie: Why?
Edie: ‘cos Rih has to babysit and you are the last phone a friend that needs to be eliminated 👾
Billie: 💀🔋 if anyone but you is asking
Edie: that’s the 👻
Edie: Even convinced Jun to get the fuck out
Billie: with what 👻? 👽 ?👾 🤡 ?🎃 🤖? madness
Edie: 👻 ish
Edie: there’s some exhibit at some museum, idk, it actually wasn’t my idea so I can’t take cred
Billie: 🦖 🦴 🦕 was next guess
Billie: safe that the 👻 🔮 came through with a plan
Edie: 👽 more like
Edie: that’s the best I can do with emojis anyway
Billie: 💬 💬 💬 💬
Edie: I met the most perfect boy
Billie: Dude not you catching a dose too 🚱
Edie: I’ve gone outside of the gene pool so it is not the same thing at all
Billie: 👍 start
Billie: Go on, what else has he got going for him?
Edie: Only everything
Edie: he’s perfect, I just said
Edie: You know that really tall, ridiculously good-looking boy in Rih’s year
Billie: 🤨 💭 ?
Billie: it’ll come to me
Billie: Aha! The one who [some rave story she’s heard of something wild he did]
Edie: I don’t know how you didn’t just KNOW but yeah
Edie: that sounds like him 🤩
Billie: he’s been working at ⛽️ [the location of said petrol station like whatever road it’s on] nights I’ve gone in
Edie: That’s good to know
Edie: I can go in too now
Edie: 💡
Billie: 👻
Edie: It’s so weird how we met actually
Edie: the thread has 90k people on it, what are the chances, how does that happen
Billie: spooky how many posts you could’ve missed before, weird if he ain’t wrote any til today & then replied to yours 🔮 🛸 🧲
Edie: He’s deffo been on there before, I recognised the username
Edie: but he mentioned somewhere in Dublin so then I knew he was at least from around here
Edie: I’d have never talked to him before, it’s deffo fate
Billie: fated if he agreed the monster was a copout reveal
Edie: He’s not 12, so duh
Edie: He’s so cool
Billie: It’s defs him?
Edie: Come on, like I’m gonna get catfished
Billie: this is wild odds, all I’m saying
Edie: It would be weirder if they worked out where I went to School, and then picked some boy who also went to that School to use
Edie: anyway, he’s sent me stuff today so I know it’s really him
Billie: he does look like someone to use for 🎣 but I can picture him on that thread loads
Edie: 🤤🤤🤤
Edie: Do you think he’ll come see me
Billie: yeah, why not
Edie: Aforementioned hotness, he could get ANY girl
Edie: I don’t know who he has gone out with before
Edie: didn’t he go out with one of Rih’s friends for a while?
Billie: [a pause while she has a convo with her friends about this because she has many and they’re mostly lads so at least some of them must know him or have some info]
Billie: Last seen with Lexie but that was time ago & nobody since
Edie: Hmm
Edie: I’m nothing like Lexie
Billie: he ain’t still with her & wasn’t for long, I’d assume he’s looking for different
Edie: and that’s me 🥴
Edie: charming 😏
Billie: 👽
Billie: She hasn’t said anything ☢️⚠️ I’m hearing now, that’s chill
Edie: she’s a bitch anyway, I wouldn’t trust her
Billie: if Blips is accurate on his timeline, even she couldn’t be that much of a bitch
Edie: ?
Billie: Everything with his sister was fresh then, apparently
Edie: Oh
Edie: I remember her, she had a nice smile
Billie: I don’t think I ever met her, it’s gone out my head if I did
Billie: the memorial he made for her is sicker than anything the teachers would’ve though, we hang there constantly
Billie: Take this info with 🧂 yeah? the source is Blips
Edie: She was a lot older
Edie: would’ve been, your paths probably didn’t cross
Edie: makes sense
Edie: he would’ve wanted someone around
Billie: makes sense he’s not thinking straight to pick Lexie to be that someone, but idk man, you can have your fill of pity quick enough
Edie: Maybe someone in her family died? I can see that and making that connection
Edie: not a sibling obviously or we’d know but she’s pretty dramatic, like all Rih’s friends are
Billie: not above milking a dead nan, bet
Edie: 💭 exactly
Edie: Poor Liam, that’s kinda fucking gross
Billie: bad taste in my mouth from being the messenger
Edie: I won’t say it was ages ago because that’d feel a bit like spitting on her grave but you know
Edie: fuck Lizzie or whatever her name is
Edie: she’s probably had 100 lads since then
Billie: Yeah, fuck Lizzie
Billie: what’s next for you & him?
Edie: I don’t know
Edie: I sort of asked him to come ‘round but not just like that
Edie: so his answer was as open-ended, I guess
Edie: I really hope he does though
Billie: he doesn’t know you’re unshockable & didn’t wanna freak you out by coming through the window on a real dark & stormy night
Billie: tracks if Lexie is his point of ref, she’s known for saying what she don’t mean
Edie: ugh, she’s really fucked that up for me
Edie: I should go cockblock her too
Edie: that’s a good idea actually
Billie: You could roll up if he’s working, let him know you’re not alike
Edie: If I roll up on her, he will 😈
Billie: 😶 cos idk how he rolls
Edie: You think he’ll be 😱 / 🤬
Billie: He could think you’re jealous, which would put you looking like her 🤡
Billie: lads always go to that headspace
Edie: most lads
Edie: like your mates who can’t spell their own names without checking with their ma first
Edie: I don’t think he’s like that
Billie: I’ll bite, what’s he like?
Edie: emojis weren’t covering it but I dunno if I even can with actual words either
Edie: he’s like no one else I’ve ever spoken to, I wasn’t bored, and he wasn’t weirded out
Billie: You weren’t even a bit bored?
Edie: nah
Edie: I felt like I was barely keeping up
Billie: 🤯
Edie: but he wasn’t trying to be impressive how lads do, because that isn’t
Billie: he was waiting for whatever he sent to impress you, which worked
Edie: he sent me lots of stuff
Edie: not 🍆 pics
Billie: he looks like he’d be a fuckboy
Edie: right?
Edie: he’s got too much about him though
Edie: I would’ve gone with it if he wanted, he had the chance
Billie: 🤯🤯
Edie: come on
Edie: you can see him
Billie: & I can hear you, you don’t say this kinda shit about anyone
Edie: I know, I’m deadly serious
Edie: 💀💀💀
Billie: What a day
Edie: Don’t tell anyone else yet though
Edie: I think he feels it too
Edie: but just in case
Billie: 🤐
Billie: he blatantly does, but that’s up to yous two to broadcast if you want, how you want
Billie: I’m just excited for the reveal 🎟 🍿 📺 🕹 📷 💻 📼 💿
Edie: He makes films too
Edie: and I’m writing a song right now
Billie: link me
Edie: [do, at least the ones that are clearly not private or whatever]
Edie: 😍
Billie: Cool, I’m gonna check these while you go 😈 on Lexie
Edie: If you hear her scream, no you didn’t
Edie: 😘✌️
Billie: not her 🩸 🦷 🦴 got it
Edie: only partly
Edie: she’s only 3rd on my shit-list, after-all
Billie: if I give you away with a new tic, no I didn’t & they’ll never convict 🤪✌️
Edie: so lucky you can shout ableism if it comes down to it
Edie: ADHD is an excuse for nothing except maybe being five minutes late 🙄
Billie: I’m not going for that with a free pass to shout out at the law 🐷 🐽 🐖 🥓
Edie: you can brag about your free pass, I only get caught when I want to ☠️✊
Billie: not a humble brag you can throw out to your new man, going off these locations I’m recognising, he’s got skills at never getting caught
Billie: How’d he get into [somewhere he should not be]?!
Edie: that’d be telling 🤫
Edie: I told you, he’s really smart
Billie: How didn’t we have a clue about him pretty much?
Edie: because he looks like a fuckboy, I suppose
Edie: you know Rih is gonna act like he’s a decade older than me because she thinks she’s so mature
Billie: 🙄
Edie: I can’t wait to call her out on her bullshit again with something new to add
Edie: can’t wait for the opposition like she’s got a leg left
Billie: She’ll run out fast, he’s cool
Edie: She’s not
Edie: but whatever, she can’t do anything
Billie: No chill, but he’s barely older, so if that’s her only 🔫
Edie: and he went out with Lexie ages ago, well, basically
Edie: she can’t act like she’s really good friends with him, I KNOW she isn’t
Billie: & she wasn’t in Lexie face not to go out with him, couldn’t cos there’s nothing wrong with him 🤷🏼‍♀️
Edie: you act like she’s rational but yeah
Edie: I don’t care, I know this is right
Edie: and what I want
Billie: She’s not, like, irrational enough to be hating on your happiness
Edie: I hate on hers
Billie: that’s different
Edie: not to her
Billie: Yeah but in terms of you & Liam
Edie: If she tries to be nice that’ll be even worse 😷
Billie: minding her own business isn’t gonna happen
Edie: I wish she’d keep hers to herself
Edie: I can’t stand it when he’s here
Edie: I’ll kill Lizzie and steal her bed
Billie: least you can stay at his soon
Edie: 😋
Billie: [frames of one of the videos cos the location is some end of summer event, why not] & you’ll be there together this year
Edie: You really think?
Billie: I don’t think you’ll be dumped quicker than Lexie
Edie: Damn fucking right
Edie: even if he was after one thing, I could do it better than her
Billie: [deletes that message like I don’t wanna read about your sexcapades thank you]
Billie: 🎧 🔊
Edie: [retypes it more vividly which I won’t subject you to lmao]
Billie: NAH
Edie: 😂😂😂
Edie: you’re alright, I’ve got another level to my mission now
Edie: [deets of the scavenger hunt thing]
Billie: Did he sort it for you?
Edie: Yep 😍
Billie: this lad
Billie: unreal
Edie: I think I’m in love
Billie: Someone offer to make him for you in a lab? getting sus otherwise
Edie: That would make sense
Edie: he’s way too perfect
Edie: not that I’m mad
Billie: 🏩 💕 💐 🧸 💞
Edie: 💍💒👶
Billie: [deletes that like calm down lol]
Edie: 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶 maybe
Billie: When’s the [some meteor shower or comet that’d feel very fated and cosmic and therefore we must]? invite him to that first
Edie: 🛸
Edie: I just need to think of a way to tell him where and when
Billie: You’ll be looking up for it, makes sense if he has to 👀⬆️ to find out
Billie: I’d put something on his roof
Edie: About the only place he’d genuinely have to look up to see
Edie: might be less literal
Edie: 💻
Billie: that’ll work too
Edie: plus if you reckon he’ll think I’m mental for hitting up Linda, finding out where he lives without asking will really tip it
Billie: romantic gestures are mental, less of a public ambush than most are
Edie: Everything fun is
Billie: Yeah, but nothing’s fun about getting asked out in the hallway between lessons or whatever 💩 is meant to pass for 😍
Edie: Well yeah, that’s too American teen drama for words
Edie: are his friends gonna be standing there pissing themselves at you believing it even for a sec
Billie: if it’s me his mates are stood about meowing cos some tics refuse to 💀
Edie: That’s cute
Edie: at least you aren’t saying some embarrassing untrue shit
Billie: my true form is 🐱 🐈 & I’m saying the truest shit since 👶🏼 🧒🏼
Edie: I know enough not to throw out suggestions for your head to grab but I’ve seen people saying wild things that you’d get eaten alive for
Edie: but duh, how else did we end up with you
Billie: I know not to watch that shit & maybe 🐦 it but yeah, love to my non-verbals 😝 😜 🤪 ✌️ 🖕 👍
Billie: & to ma for never meeting a stray she didn’t love
Edie: I’ll wait ‘til you wrong me ‘fore I add you to the shit list and send ‘em your way
Edie: tRIGgeRd ❗️❗️❗️❗️
Edie: 💗
Billie: Well I ain’t gonna develop a convenient new 👊 one OR pull a Lexie & wheel out my dead relative to steal your bf 💚
Edie: Ha, don’t
Billie: wouldn’t know what to do with him after using him as a 🛹 ramp & 🚴🏼‍♀️ jump
Edie: I’m the only one allowed to jump him tah
Billie: 😷
Edie: Okay I need to focus on this last one
Edie: see you at home
Billie: k
Billie: see you soon 🏴‍☠️
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