#I was listening to that song and was like “THIS IS KINDA HENRIEL’’
brownshoes · 10 months
@01x69homo thx for tagging me to give me something to do rather than work on my essay due tonight ♡
Three ships: rn I'm really into sastiel which was a bit of a surprise? Other than that I'd have to pick henriel (Henry jekyll/Gabriel utterson) and briar rose/cinders (from the mechanisms), and these lesbian vampire ocs I have
First ship: oof good question. First one I can remember being involved in fandom for honestly was probably either percabeth or hollstein (from the carmilla webseries)
Last song: listening to skin and bone by the mechanisms as we speak
Last movie: Mark of the vampire! It was alright I guess. I was a little disappointed by the ending
Currently reading: the Picture of Dorian Gray! I'm loving it. Oscar Wilde has such a witty, charming style, if a bit insufferable at times. And the horror is so genuinely disquieting. Absolutely loving it!
Currently watching: I'm super bad with TV shows but I started watching riverdale last night and lucifer a couple months ago
Currently consuming: a coffee I made myself before I ran out the door this morning (I've taken a couple days to write this lmao)
Currently craving: Hi this is me several weeks later finally remembering to finish this ummmm honestly I kinda feel like a soft taco from the Mexican fast food joint I used to work at. The food there had a weird kinda distinctive taste compared to other Mexican fast food joints but their barbecue sauce kinda became a comfort taste to me lol. Anyway I'm hungry cause I had an early lunch and I'm out but I'm being so very brave by not buying myself a tasty little treat
Tagging @spinosaurusenjoyer @halfmoss @lesbiansagainsttheatre @candlecat624 @unde4dpixel @pixelshiftexe @theswarmkeeper if yall wanna give it a shot and see if u can beat my completion time of several weeks
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