#I wasn't gonna comment but then somebody had to accuse the roleplayers of color of LYNCHING a racist white person
gcldfanged · 10 months
I've had to leave roleplaying communities, notably the FFXV RPC, for calling out racists. I was kicked out of a server run by people who I thought were my friends when I said "making a ch*nky-eyed caricature of a North Korean soldier/saying that the US should just nuke North Korea is racist". Not only was I kicked from the server, but the admin basically gave me a non-apology by saying "well, I'm sorry you thought it was offensive and don't grasp political humor".
What I did on my blog was reblog a "how properly apologize for racism" explanation and I was mass blocked for 'causing drama'. I didn't even name anyone because I was scared that I'd get even more negative backlash, despite having screenshots and my friend from Germany's screenshoits of everyone in the server talking mad shit about how "oversensitive" I am.
And you know what, I'm tired of being scared and cowed into silence just because white people have a conniption fit if you so much as bring up the word 'racism' in their soft cozy little 'for fun' space.
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Interesting choice of words. So, racism isn't dangerous to anyone in any way? Calling what happened to Bunny 'bullying' is already a stretch, but calling it a LYNCHING when their safety isn't even close to being threatened to a group of people who actually have to fear shit like that is so amazingly tone deaf, I'm almost impressed.
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Yes, it is justified. The backlash that's been happening is honestly LIGHT compared to the kind of harm people like that are spreading by being racist and influencing people into shaming roleplayers of color for speaking out against an issue that obviously concerns us.
This isn't a matter of "being unlikeable", it's a matter of common decency. I hate it when people seem to think that like, we need to be straight up fucking killed by racists for it to 'count' as racism. It doesn't even matter if you are intentionally or unintentionally being racist- You're still racist. Your attitude, beliefs, and actions are racist.
You know what takes guts? Existing in a world that hates, devalues, and dehumanizes you every day and still managing to walk out the door and willingly subject yourself to the possibility of being killed or harassed because you can't carve out a life for yourself otherwise. It takes guts to stand up to people like you, knowing that you hold all the power and can get away with this kind of behavior without even trying.
True kindness considers and centers the recipient- Is your perception of kindness even rooted in truth, will your brand of 'kindness' make a tangible change in that person's life or the idea of the human condition? Kindness that is rooted in justice always understands that the act of holding others accountable is that of love and promoting understanding between people. The impact of an act of kindness should always be the focus, not the intent for the giver.
Anyway, TL;DR @wvrlock
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