#I will be so suprised if he doesn’t get nerfed
hungnitan · 4 years
KEI SOEJIMA MS 2 REVIEW (with all heart choice)
(well, I just forgot to review until @egirlplegasus reminded me with her question)
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Synopsis : to be honest, SYNOPSIS JUST GIVE A HINT ABOUT HIS MENTAL CRISIS !!! So yeah not any hint about story flow plus read Kazuomi MS2 too didn’t helped at all
So let me give some pointer about story :
1. Remember his “Lover’s Afterglow” story, with conclusion Kei installed MC into EAC again. We all thought he allowed MC do his job freely again after all those happened, in the end...
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Yup, he just keep MC closer than ever with job-guise ! in the end, he still overprotective (lol)
PS : Kei keep popping anywhere near MC in her job place
 2. Let me introduce our antagonist in this story “Eric Fillmore”
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Outside just a decent old man you find anywhere in Love 365 as side character, inside he’s freaking weirdo manipulator obsessed to Kei’s beautifulness ! (scary but as someone nearly thirty I kinda get his feelings lol)
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No...he didn’t talked to mc here
3. His synopsis isn’t off mark, since it explain the “choker” and “devil” part. If I can say, those two words summarize all his S2 story and Eric become third wheel of it. “Devil” here not means the actual one just different pronouncation (only to make reader interest)
4.You gonna see a different situations when your partner mad on you. Usually, guys yelling or give cold shoulder / glare but here...
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HE’S DOING NOTHING ! AND TBH IT’S SCARIER ESPECIALLY IN KEI’S CASE ! since it means he really deep in his inner thought moreover about his past
5. This morelike flame comment, I don’t like the way writer nerf our MC
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I know she isn’t on her usual mission, but careless to the point Eric attacked and steal her choker sounds ridiculous. So I just let this slip and think it’s for plotline (lol)
6. Kei can’t use gun ! I laughed hard on this, as someone practically genius he only use gun by hitting it (lol), I think we should questioning his pysical ability from now on
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7. FINALLY OUR KEI FULLY REMOVE HIS CLOTHES ! If you read all his stories (put aside Carnal Knowledge), HE NEVER REMOVE THE BLUE SHIRT (so yeah doesn’t count as fully naked).
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from where you can read these line ? Eden Ending ! Worst luck for anyone that only read his normal and super happy ending (lol)
Verdict :
Story : 8/10 Still enjoyed it but not as MS1 (yeah I adore Season 1 since it put so many suprise element like Patherno), plus with his MC got nerfed pretty much makes MS2 lost some interesting element in there
CG : 6/10 I already generous here believe me, different than MS1 his CG doesn’t hold special meaning and some just pointing at lustful MC. Those point only belong to his first CG (cause he looks hot there lol)
Overall : 7/10 Feels like writer doesn’t know what to explain for Kei S2 (so yeah I think that score only because I’m Kei’s fan), maybe since S1 stories already full of impact. Fortunately, at the end of “lover occultus” they gonna meet Kei real parents so maybe we can hope much on S3
Finished ! And still waiting very patiently for his S3 !
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Reasons why I believe Bandana Waddle Dee will (and should) be in Super Smash Bros Ultimate
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Okay so for anyone uninformed, this is Bandana Waddle Dee and I believe he has a huge chance of making it into Super Smash Bros Ultimate as hopefully a playable character or as an assist trophy. I will be listing a bunch of reasons as to why I believe this Good Boi has a great chance of making it into smash.
Reason #1: Lack of Representation
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Here we can see the top 20 best selling Nintendo Franchises. If we look at the top 10 franchises, we can see that most of these series have lots of representation (Mario, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda) or have one to no fighters due to a fighter encapsulating what that series is about (Animal Crossing, Brain Age, Game & Watch). The only 2 series that suffer from this regard are Kirby and Donkey Kong. It’s very likely we will get King K Rool and Dixie Kong as playable characters as Sakuari seems to be catering to the fans. It would make sense that Kirby should also receive some new fighters as Kirby has evolved into one of Nintendo’s more popular franchises as of recently.
Reasons #2: Kirby Star Allies/Kirby Return to Dreamland
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One of the problems with Kirby as a franchise is that coming up with characters for Smash is difficult. Mostly because 1.) Kirby can most likely due what this character can do as well and 2.) Most potential characters for Smash from Kirby are villains who come and go. Bandana Waddle Dee is different because 1.) He has been shown to be able to wield more than just a spear but also a parasol too and 2.) He (and Galacta Knight) are the only characters who consistently show up in Mainstream Kirby Game with exception of Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight. No only that, but Kirby as a franchise changed dramatically when Super Star Ultra came out as every mainline game afterwards followed and improved the Super Star Ultra formula. Super Star Ultra also gave us Bandana Waddle Dee’s first true prominent role as Dedede’s most loyal servant. He has shown up in every mainline game ever since Super Star Ultra and even has bigger roles in some spinoffs than Meta Knight and Dedede (Team Clash Deluxe, Rainbow Curse, Battle Royale). He was even playable in Return to Dreamland as the last canonical character for multiplayer (players get the option to play a different colored Kirby or a storyline character). He’s recently been playable and is unique for being the only character able to wield the spear. To put it simply, He represents the new formula of Kirby, A formula that has been pushing sales and has increased the popularity of the Kirby Franchise.
Reason #3: Sakuari
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Sakuari is an amazing lead developer and he tends to favor his own work. It’s mostly why we got Dark Pit in Smash 4. Bandana Waddle Dee is technically his creation, why not add this good boi in. Also Star Allies mentions he deserves a prize and he hasn’t receive it. Maybe his prize is to fight in Smash. I could find it likely that this is the case as Sakuari use to work for HAL so it’s possibly HAL slipped in a hint that Bandana Boi is gonna be in smash.
Reason #4: Popularity
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When selecting a character, Sakuari tends to choose characters who are popular with fans. This game is a lot of fan service with the inclusion of Ridley, Inkling and other characters. Bandana Waddle Dee was among one of the top picks for the Smash 4 Ballots in Japan. Another huge reason of popularity is Waddle Dees. Waddle Dees are just as important to the Kirby as Kirby. So much so that there is just as much merchandise on Waddle Dees as there are Kirby. They have been in every Kirby Game, UNLIKE Dedede and Meta Knight. Bandana Waddle Dee is usually seen as the leader/representative of the Waddle Dees.
Reason #5: Moveset
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Movesets are always tricky for new characters but Kirby characters are different. Smash was based on Kirby which is nice since that allows Kirby and Smash to flow very easily. Star Allies and Return to Dreamland have already given us a good template for Bandana Waddle Dee’s Moveset. However, an interesting note about Kirby Characters is how they blend multiple abilities into their moveset. For example, Kirby has cutter, fighter, stone, hammer, ect. Meta Knight represents Sword, Wing, Tornado, Ninja, Suplex and Master (from Amazing Mirror) and Dedede represents Hammer, Throw, High-Jump and Suplex. Bandana Waddle Dee should also pull from other abilities. For example, he could use spear for his specials, his back air is the beam aerial move from kirby games. His throws are all parasol throws. He could even use clean/stick to represent star allies and/or use elementals for his attacks. He has a suprising amount of final smashes to choose from. Since Bandana Waddle Dee is the representative of both the helpers and waddle dees, it would be fitting if he used the star sparkler from star allies. He could use the Flare Beam from Return to Dreamland. He could even borrow Dedede’s Old Final Smash as his own. But personally the new final smashes are quick and powerful and the only fitting final smash would be...
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(real talk: Bandana waddle dee punching his opponents with the force to potentially crack popstar, an earth sized planet, in half is pretty metal and awesome and would be a great way to remind people of his debut).
In short, Bandana Waddle Dee would be easy to create a fun and unique moveset and would make him the first spear user in smash.
Reason #6: The King Himself
Please Watch This Clip
That is Dedede’s new Final Smash. It’s awesome but what is it? That is Masked Dedede and it has lately appeared in many Kirby games as a more challenging fight to the regular Dedede Fight. Well His Final Smash actually references the debut of Masked Dedede as the arena is the same as the one in Revenge of the King with the Fence and His Icon on the floor. No other Masked Dedede Fight has the fence and boxing ring so it must be based on the one from Super Star Ultra.
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Now Sakuari is putting insane amounts of Detail into this new smash game. And we don’t see any audience in Dedede’s Final Smash. If you look, you may notice Bandana Boi in the Audience of the original fight. How can Sakuari forget such an important detail. 
There’s more with Dedede though. For example, Dedede’s inclusion was a tricky one. Sakuari has stated that he always wanted Dedede in the game ever since 64 but only was able to in Brawl. Sakuari shows humility by not trying to give us too much Kirby in Smash despite Kirby being a major character to the series. This is further backed up by how Kirby was nerfed from 64 to Melee, showing that Sakuari doesn’t want people to believe he loves his franchise too much. We got Dedede and Meta Knight in Brawl as they gave the Kirby Franchise some new hope, and problems. Meta Knight and Dedede had to be heavily nerfed as they were top threats in Brawl. There is a pattern here. Kirby characters are strong, so the next game they get nerfed and the focus shifts away. Then the next game introduces new kirby characters and the cycle continues. Smash 4 did not focus on the kirby franchise too much. So that could mean the inclusion of a new character?
One last reason associating to Dedede is this stage.
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This is Fountain of Dreams. One of the most gorgeous stages in all of Smash Bros History. It is also one of the most competitive as it is 1 of 6 stages used in Melee Singles. It is the home and origin of the “My B”. Why is this important. This game is a game catering to the fans, casual and competitive. This stage is associated with Kirby and Dedede’s Battle in Nightmare in Dreamland as this was a true fight for the protection of Dreamland; this is one of the most serious fights between Kirby and Dedede. Despite all of this, it has NOT been revealed Smash Ultimate yet. And to make matters worse, almost every other Kirby stage (with the exception of 3DS’s Dreamland) has been announced so far.
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Why wouldn’t they announce. Either 1.) It wasn’t made for this game which I find unlikely because it is a fan favorite both competitively and casually or 2.) they will reveal it with Bandana Waddle Dee. Think about it, Bandana Waddle Dee is King Dedede’s Loyal Servant but he’s also Kirby’s Best Friend. What better way to reveal Bandana Waddle Dee then to have Dedede and Kirby Fight and him to break up the fighting and be revealed?
Reason #7: Datamine
Last major reason I can think of (at the moment). But a datamine was shown before Smash Bros Ultimate at E3 for Yoshi’s Wooly World on the 3DS about amiibos. Nothing major; however, the only changes were to the Daisy costume was changed for multiple amiibos and Waddle Dee? What other games would Waddle Dee come from other than Smash Bros?
Conclusion: I want the Bandana Boi in and with all this evidence, I’m still unsure because Sakurai is unpredictable but we shall see, I’m going to still cross my fingers thou.
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jessemccowbae · 7 years
We have now officially reached the drunk enough to say shit you ort notta said part of the evening. And we have so many new people showing up, and said to myself, damn self, there are so many pretty people showing up tonight. And then I realized why: it is because LITERALLY EVERYBODY HERE IS ATTRACTIVE
I am not making this up. When objectively removing existing friendships and awkwardness and social niceties and power imbalances and general Reasons It Is A Bad Idea, I would most definitely bang everybody in this building.
So naturally before making suhc a statement I needed to double check the entire roster. And make sure I wasn't leaving somebody out or making someone feel bad. Or anything like that, because even if I didn't want to bang you all I still almost entirely like y'all and don't want to cause no hurt feelings. We're still a family and I still love you okay? But I went down the whole list and. I was right. Literally. Everybody. At Overwatch. Is like 100% bangable. Some over 100%.
For the purposes of this I am leaving Bastion and Orisa off the list. Because Orisa is a youngun and probably doesn't have a grasp on such things yet and Bastion seems to be like... three? Four maybe? Mentally? I mean given that we just had to explain porn I think there maybe issues with the concept of sex, much less consent. But it's definitely not just an omnic thing, as you will see.
So look. We're gonna go straight down the fuckin list and I will Mathematically Prove This To All Of You.
ANA. Alright, this is one of those where like I normally outside of this experiment wouldn't think about it mostly because Fareeha would murder me. But for the sake of makin' the point I will. The Captain was a fuckin' fox in her day and hasn't lost most of it. It's like 80% attitude, she could kill pretty much everyone I have ever met, but even if you base it just on looks she's got it nailed, alright? 10/10 gimme the damn time machine
HANA. I feel like I shouldn't because she is enough younger than me that it's creepy? So I will just say this: if she had been here when I was a 17-year-old recruit I would have basically tripped over my own dick trying to get her to so much as fucking glare at me. Hypercompetence is fuckin hot. */10 but teenage Jesse is like nerf me pls
GENJI. Is a hot dude. I'll just go there, alright? He is. I am also like 90% certain that some of those mechanical parts have functions that weren't in the instruction manual if you know what I'm saying, and I have watched his ass train, you would not believe the fuckin flexibility. Like if you like dudes even a little and you wouldn't fuck Genji you're lying. 11/10
HANZO. Go on and fucking laugh. Get it out of your system, I'll wait here. Okay, you done? Cause this motherfucker is carved out of fucking marble. Like I think if I punched him in the stomach I'd break my hand? And my hand is metal. Just fucking. Chiseled out of granite or some shit. Top to bottom. His face is the same too, he looks like some kinda Renaissance statue or some shit. Like even if I wouldn't bang him, which make no mistake I would, I would still want to touch him a lot to just see how he's fucking real. 13/10
JAMIE. Okay but lemme let you in on a secret. Happy fun laughing sex? Is the best sex. And if this little asshole is half as manic in bed as out you are in for a fuckin' time, alright? Plus he's tall as hell and has long ass fingers and the accent ain't bad either. Solid 8/10, probably a 10 if he could concentrate long enough to put actual effort into seduction? Either way, bring Gatorade
LUCIO. I mean, have you met this dude? He is probably the most gentle and caring and tender jackass you ever met in a bed. Will just dote the fuck all over you until you're a crying mess because you know no human can ever be that good back to him and he doesn't even care, he's just glad you're here, and then he wants to snuggle after. I mean sure, he's hot, but that's fuckin' secondary at this point. 11/10 also probably has the best sex playlist on the planet
MEI. If you have never seen Mei outside of her winter gear. Do yourself a favor. If it ever looks like she is about to take her coat off. Make sure you do not have any food or drink in your mouth. Because the first time I saw her in a t-shirt I basically snorted soda up my nose. She is a sweet and kind and wonderful darlin', make no mistake! But more prurient to the current subject her body does not even make sense. I'm shocked Winston ain't made a project of her yet because that many curves in that small a space has got to violate some laws of physics. Just... so much... EVERYTHING. All at once. Twenty pounds of bodacious in a ten pound sack. Here for it. 13/10 thighs would make excellent earmuffs
ANGIE. Okay. Look. You know all those American movies where there's this like shallow useless prop of a Gorgeous European Woman who's flirty and sexy and statuesque and golden? Now imagine they're also friggin crazy insane brilliant and like the kindest most loving person you ever met in your life and can also cook. Why do the rest of us even exist. Fuck me sideways. 11/10
FAREEHA. She is smarter than me, cooler than me, tougher than me, more educated than me, and can and has beaten me up. If you're into ladies and muscles this is your second best bet on base. And she's good at fucking everything? Which, again, I'm into, you should be too. 10/10 wear your pads
REINHARDT. Look. I'm just gonna come right out and say what we're all thinking. He's like 6'6" at least and about a yard wide at the shoulders. Even if he's just proportionally average he's still probably hung like an elephant. And hey, still got the bod after all these years, it's impressive. 11/10 I am a tall dude I've never been held up against a wall and it sounds fun
ROADHOG. You know what? Hog is a super fuckin sweet dude. I was not expecting that. But like, I got a big soft warm hug earlier just because I was drunk and sad.  And we ain't even super good friends yet. So honestly this probably goes the same way as Lucio, basically. Plus he's got big hands so hey. 10/10 why the hell not
JACK. I mean, fuck, look at him. Fuckin blond-haired blue-eyed pristine midwestern beefcake asshole. Got a fuckin' statue. You'd do him just to say you did it. 10/10
SATYA. Look, I'm normally real good at reading people and the whole aloof and mysterious thing is kinda played out? But she's working it. Like, just warm enough on occasion to reel you in a little. I dig it, very controlled, well executed. If you're into someone else taking control it's totally there. Or just insulting you, if that's your thing. And I mean, also gorgeous eyes and legs to the fuckin moon but did I even need to say that? No, no I didn't. 11/10
TORBJORN. YES I SAID EVERYBODY. Now look. Everyone wants to talk shit because Torb is small which is a fuckin disability actually, and it gives him migraines and shit and it makes everything hard and it sucks for such a good dude. But I have two points here. One: he is an engineer. I have seen him work. The level of manual dexterity is fucking astrounding. Two: He has like eighty-leven fucking kids, so he is CLEARLY doing something right. 10/10 get you some old man
LENA. Is a doll, alright? Everybody knows that. But everything I said before about happy fun sex applies here. Like yes, super cute, got it, but she's just like. Fun and happy just to be around. Lena makes everything a good fuckin time and if anything should be a good time it's fuckin', right? 11/10 maybe 12 if she brings British chocolate
WINSTON. Yeah I know. I said everybody. But like, here's the thing. There's the obvious Not A Human issues. That's weird. And weird in a way it isn't with omnics because he's a thing we normally don't view as equal but he's special and separate. So I am not gonna say this in a like, of me way.
But here's the thing. Winston is just. Good. Better than any of us, seriously. And he's the reason we all ended up back here. The reason I ended up back here when I damn well don't deserve to be. I walked away from the best thing that ever happened to me like a fuckin' idiot because I was scared and you all just. Let me back in. Like I didn't stab every damn one of you in the back when y'all needed me most.
I deserved what I had. Being alone and scratching out a meal and on the run. All I was doing was reaping what I'd sown myself and now... this. Now I'm home again and you all just act like I didn't...
And Winston gave me this. What I didn't deserve the first time around and sure as hell didn't deserve a second chance at. I owe him everything. I owe him my damn life. Winston is good and kind and amazing and wonderful and I want him to be happy and have whatever he wants, and if that includes getting laid then by God I hope he finds it.
ZARYA. Holy hot damn. Like, I understand submissiveness in bed and whatnot, I may not entirely feel it but I get it. But I've never quite gotten the like, actual physical roughness thing? Until now? Because I'm pretty sure I want her to punch me. Honestly I'm suprised Lena can hold a conversation with her without choking. 11/10
ZENYATTA. Yeah yeah y'all were waiting for this weren't you. And this was gonna be a pretty standard "lol vibrating robot parts" joke but a little while ago I was snifflin' into this shot glass and he put one of those happy orbs on me? And just... guys everything is so good. I love y'all a bunch and we're all here together, an' we're doin' good an' makin the world better and it's so good. An' it don't even feel fake-good like getting drunk and forgetting your problems, which I was failin' to do earlier. Just... like there's so much good stuff already in the world an' I just couldn't see it before. Anyway what I'm sayin' is bangin' Zen might be the path to eternal enlightenment. 11/10 align my chakras baby
AND THAT. Is the thing. Is the post. That I have spent like an hour on now? But everybody here is hot and I'm surprised I can goddamn function.
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