#I will stop hating him when the euros start don't worry
milfneuer · 4 months
so tuna krisp is retiring huh
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1super2 · 1 year
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Alexia putellas ~ I hate him
You and alexia are dating and have been playing at barca together for ages . Currently you are preparing for the euros with spain .
Tomorrow you had your first group stage game against finland and you guys were confident about it .
With both alexia being captain and you being vice captain you had to work very closely with jorge which you were not especially happy with .
Even though you had a game tomorrow jorge still expected you to be training for multiple hours which was ridiculous. You had tried to speak with him about but he always shut you down and had none of it so you eventually gave up .
You and alexia were walking out to training with each other trying to prepare yourself for the next few difficult hours. He made you all start by doing two laps of one of the football pitches which you noticed some of the struggling with the summer heat blazing down onto the pitches . You took matters into your own hands and walked towards jorge and the over training staff .
" Jorge don't you think we just be resting abit it has been quite full on the last few weeks " You asked him
" nope you guys need to be pushed to your full ability and for that you can go run another lap " he said pointing in the direction of the pitch
You ran the lap which you didn't mind seeing as it gave everyone else a chance to rest abit. Once you had finshed alexia walked up to you .
You alright he went down quite harsh on you " she asked concerned for you .
" I am fine don't worry about me i am just glad you guys got some time to rest " i replied
" you need to take care of yourself aswell though " she said before jorge cut her off
" Girls hurry up " he screamed as we lightly jogged over to him .
we huddled around him as he briefly explained what we were doing then he split us into two groups but me and alexia weren't together which didn't surprise me much . we never were .
We had all been doing the same passing drill for ages . Each time we would do it he would always somehow find something wrong . I was in a middle of doing the passing with mapi and patri when all of a sudden i heard a deafening scream . I knew that scream it was alexia's .
I ran over to her whilst she was clutching her knee .
" estas bien amor ? ( are you alright love ) " i asked her quickly
She didn't reply just shook her head . I knew it was bad . I just stroked her hair as the medics rushed over to see what happens .
I hoped it wasn't her acl but it didn't look good .
" L/ N come here now " Jorge screamed across the pitch as they started taking alexia away in a stretcher .
" Jorge please just let everyone stop i will train as much as you want just let everyone else stop " i said trying to convince him whilst the rest of the team looked at me as if i was crazy but luckily he sent them in and it was just us on the pitch .
All i heard was a scream i never want to hear again the y/n running off in alexia direction. i wanted to go over but i would just make jorge even more angry so i left y/n with alexia as jorge was had already started screaming at all of us .
Everything went so fast , alexia getting taken of the pitch in a stretcher , y/ n staying out training to let the rest of us go inside this wasn't going to end well .
I run up to catch up with alexia and the last she asks is
" look after y/n for me please mapi don't let her do anything stupid " she looks at me with tears in her eyes .
Before i got to reply she was taken with the medics and she was gone .
BACK TO Y/n pov
Jorge just made me keep running and running i must of been running for about and hour by now .
I was so out of breath i couldn't do it for much longer .
" Ok last lap then you can go get some dinner " he finally said
I was so relieved he finally let me stop running . i could finally have the water i had been craving for the last hour and hopefully go see alexia .
That is where i went straight into the medical room but she wasn't there . so i then went to the dining hall looking desperately for her . I went over to mapi hoping she would know what happened to her .
" Mapi where is she , is she alright ? " I asked so quickly i am surprised she understood me
" Y/n they took her to hospital they said it looked like her acl . How are you though are you alright you were out there for ages with him " she asked looking at my hot sweaty state "
" I am fine don't worry about i need to go call her " i said whilst i sprinted off to my room .
first chapter done and there will be a part 2 to this
Please message with request i am more than happy to do them 🤩
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cant-get-no-worse · 11 months
https://www.tumblr.com/cant-get-no-worse/732991722584440832/we-should-sell-pedri-while-we-can-still-get-money i'm aware that it's a controversial stance and everyone will think i'm wack but he's one of the few players we have that we can get a profit from by selling.
it's not his fault he was overworked as a teenager but it IS a fact that he's injured often and that he takes months at a time to recover. he's fantastic when he's there but im worried that he can't be there for us most of the time when we need him
this isn't hate towards him btw just expressing a personal opinion
Not at all! On the contrary, I find it interesting and healthy to be able to talk about such topics, more so that I completely understand where you're coming from, since I've got the same worries.
To expend briefly on what you've mentionned (overworked part), I found quite interesting the declarations of Pau Torres' (player for Spanish NT).
Essentially, Torres explains that after the Euro 2021 (june - july 2021), during the Olympics (july - august 2021), the Spanish NT didn't had an adapted alimentation that high-level athletes should have. Thrown into this, you have to consider Pedri's situation : at 18, he :
he's already a regular starter for the first team and is so since he was 17 ;
during the 2020 - 2021 season, he's the player having disputed the most match, ahead of Leo Messi, Frenkie de Jong or Alba ;
he's the second youngest player to get to 50 games (18 yr 5 mths), second only to Bojan.
So you have, in the start of the 2021-2022 season, a 18 year old used to death by both his club and his national selection.
What Torres explains is that he (Torres), upon returning to Villarreal after the eventful 2021 summer (2 international tournaments, and a weak alimentation during the latest) , his coach (Emery) refused to get him back in the first group, despite Torres' insistance, arguing that he needed mandatory rest after coming back from such long international duty.
Meanwhile, guess what happens to young, juvene Pedri upon returning ? He gets one week after the Olympics, before being merrily trusted back onto the pitch because of his essentiality to the first team. Getting out of a 60+ games season, following up on a national duty and getting only one week to rest, as a 18 years old, is insanity. His injuries' history checks:
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He made his debut for Barcelona in 2020. No injuries whatsoever during this 2020 - 2021 period : they only start coming on September 2021 and hardly stop.
So, with all that in mind, here's my lukewarm take : it's easy to fall on him for his supposed weakness of constitution (some players are prone to this and we know it). However, I do think that this is a 20 year old who put his health in danger during a whole ass season for both his club and national team and that he isn't prone to anything when given the time.
Imo with the recruitment we've had and players like Fermin coming up, we should let Pedri fall back into his rythm at his own pace, let him all the time he needs to recover, in other words use him mindfully. Of course Fermin isn't him but we did a stupendous match in El Clasico without him and I do think that we could work out smth like that. Alimentation and strength training in the gym are of course important but the way he's used by the club and recovery time even more so.
I do agree with you on a certain level tho; I think this 2023 - 2024 season is crucial toward this issue. If the injuries don't stay at bay then yeah, we got a Dembele/Bojan/Umtiti case, that 2020/2021 season most likely fucked him up entirely (cause in the end, that's what really is being discussed here: whether he can fully recover and go back to his previous form or if it's already too late). With our financial problems, a sale should be seriously considered, soon so that his value doesn't completely lessens — hence the whole 2023-2024 importance in my eyes. That's why for now I'm not too worried, just really curious and hopeful as to how this season will go. Hoping the coaching of Xavi, Pedri's own preparation, Fermin's development and the dynamics of the team pay off.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Hey Nancy: Do you want me to come down and stay with you, it can't be much fun just having Buster for company, like Rio: That's okay, I can't have you playing truant too Rio: I'm going to make him go back before long, swear Nancy: Ri, please. You know what school is like for me, any excuse, I swear Rio: Your 'rents would have me like forreal Rio: I know how shit it is, even more now, soz Nancy: Do you hear them shouting down the phone to him? No 'cause they aren't Nancy: Not to be that bitch, 'cause it's so not funny, but you have kind of taken the heat off me so Nancy: I owe you Rio: Priorities, like, though I dread to think what happens when your Mum gets to me on her list Rio: Reckon I can claim that as any kind of excuse/reasoning or? Nancy: Don't worry nobody exists to her right now but my Auntie Nancy: Which is a sentence I never thought I'd say Rio: I know, but that's good, I mean Rio: as good as anything can be Rio: You know I never meant to do this to her, right Nance? Nancy: Of course Nancy: I think I understand better than most, right? Rio: What do you mean, like? Nancy: You and him Nancy: You didn't mean to, like I didn't, but it happened 'cause it had to, you know? Nancy: You can't help how you feel, even if you want to Nancy: Especially when you want to, like Rio: Oh, no no Rio: It really isn't like that Rio: like, I hear what you're saying on all that but that's not what that was Nancy: You and him aren't Nancy: I don't know how to word it now Nancy: But he looks at you like Nancy: And you're always tilting your phone away for someone Rio: Not him Rio: I wouldn't lie, I'm not saving myself from anything at this point, if that was going on I'd tell you Rio: He wanted it to and, yeah, I knew that before this baby shower but I didn't lead him on or encourage him Nancy: Okay, well now I feel weird Nancy: Fuck, I'm sorry Nancy: I really projected there Rio: It's okay Rio: It'll be the general consensus and almost certainly how he'll frame it but no Nancy: It's not okay Nancy: He did that and I've been talking to you this way Nancy: Wow Rio: I mean, I don't think I did Rio: I thought he was good looking, sure and I tried harder with him than most of us did but Rio: I didn't actually want anything to happen, nor think it would Nancy: I'm as bad as him so there's nothing I can say Nancy: But I still think you'd know if you did or didn't Nancy: And if you didn't want anything to happen, the signals are there, even if you are that committed to only seeing what you wanna see Nancy: He can ignore them but like, you still gave them out Rio: Don't say that, you aren't like him at all Rio: You'd never do or say half the things he did Rio: especially when he had so much reason to know I wasn't interested, you're right Nancy: I mean, I did kiss someone who didn't want me to Rio: It is different, just by nature of what it is, was Rio: Should you have done it? 'Course not but there was never reason or chance for Sian to give out the clear no I did Rio: Because, well, you know Nancy: Yeah Nancy: If I thought for a second that she didn't want me to, I wouldn't Nancy: He clearly didn't have the same qualms about it Nancy: That's so disgusting Nancy: On levels that I can't even Rio: I know she won't be ready to hear it Rio: probably not ever from me Rio: but Ro is better off without him Rio: he's still dealing, which I think we all knew Rio: and I've seen him out, he isn't her Prince Charming, like Nancy: Me and mum have been saying it for as long as they've been together Nancy: As much as she'll talk about any of it to me Nancy: I've overheard more than she's probably ever said but Nancy: I feel like I can't tell her either 'cause it's like oh the man hating lesbian at it again Nancy: But he's just Rio: He really is Rio: and he isn't a good Dad Rio: maybe he'll be better for this one but, he isn't to Edie and Indie barely thinks of him that way either so Nancy: Poor Astrid Nancy: Maybe we can move Ro in with us now? I don't know Nancy: Like it's at a point that I'd move into Indie's room at hers if she'd let me Rio: I'm glad she's got you all around, she's going to need the help Rio: My Ma and all of them will be there too Nancy: Let's be honest, she would of even if he hadn't done this Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: I'm never having kids ever Rio: Yeah Rio: I was joking that that shower was effective contraception before but now Rio: fucking hell Nancy: It's made me not wanna have sex again and I can't even get pregnant so Nancy: Good lord Rio: Think that's the first time I've legitimately laughed since Rio: Oh babe Nancy: Rio? Rio: Yeah? Nancy: Where are you gonna be? 'Cause you said your family will all be there but Rio: I don't know, honestly Rio: but my job at the angel is coming to an end and then with all this Rio: I might try somewhere else, just for a bit Nancy: It worked for me Nancy: I'll miss you though Rio: I'll miss you too Rio: You're gonna be going soon too though, yeah? And June and Buster Rio: I don't want to be the only one left behind just 'cos I don't have the brains, like Nancy: We'd never leave you behind Nancy: You can go in my place if you want, change the major to maths or something Nancy: I don't want to Rio: You've got to Rio: You're just scared, but it'll be incredible, and the right thing for you, most importantly Nancy: I'm really, properly scared whenever I think about it Nancy: What if it's worse than here 'cause I'm alone on top of everything else Nancy: I can't just change schools like I did before Rio: You can, like, that first year Rio: but you're not going to want to, it'll be nothing like School Nancy: Everything's changing so much, like you said Nancy: I'll even miss Buster, and what the fuck is that, like? Rio: He'll be wanting to visit all the time Rio: Me too, like Nancy: I need to see where I can get accepted first, slow down you two Rio: You so will though Rio: World's your oyster Nancy: Yours too Nancy: And we still have Milan, yeah? Rio: Romantic 😉 Rio: but yeah, I've not drank away my funds or anything drastic yet Nancy: I was gonna say I love you, but I'll keep it to myself now, fine 😏 Rio: New drama alert Rio: they'll not survive Nancy: Don't Nancy: I can't handle any more Nancy: It hurts so much, doesn't it? Rio: It does Rio: got to believe that was rock bottom though Rio: can't get any worse, only way is up, all that shite Nancy: God, I hope so Nancy: Give us a break Rio: Backatcha Rio: No more scandals from either of us, right? Nancy: It's my brother's fucking turn Nancy: While I'm on the subject, can I ask you something? Rio: Sure Nancy: Why pick him for a getaway driver? Of all of us Nancy: I know what he said but Nancy: I'm not saying it's the weirdest part of this, but I'm also not saying it isn't Rio: Gays can't drive, right? Nancy: I'm a walking stereotype, alright, emphasis on the walking Rio: 😂 Rio: Exactly Nancy: Tell him not to spend every euro on himself, yeah? Nancy: Nobody needs to eat out every night in a new look Rio: I did drag him to Skerries, no doubt the response but I'll let him know Nancy: He loves it don't let him deny it Nancy: Even if he did nearly drown 🙄 Rio: Another touchy subject Nancy: When his ego is involved, if you aren't stroking it you're asking for trouble Nancy: Boys ugh Rio: Don't need to tell me, babe Nancy: I won't bother telling you that girls are far superior Nancy: What do I know? Rio: Is it? 😏 Nancy: Can you please come back soon so I don't have to drink alone Nancy: I need my wingwoman back Rio: 'Course Rio: London is on my list of maybes so might even meet you there, like Nancy: Yeah? Nancy: If you run into Chlo, you know what to do Rio: Absolutely Rio: Doubt I'm affording her postcode but I'll drop by with the 👊 Nancy: You doesn't even have that much money, she just acts like it Rio: If I can take any life lessons from the bitch, like Nancy: As long as you stop there and don't take fashion tips too Nancy: I still have to be seen with you in Milan, like Rio: 😂 Where's the lie Rio: she was stalking me a while back, bizarrely so I was petty and did some myself and yikes Nancy: I try not to be that bitch but I HATE her so much Nancy: Oh? How and why? Rio: Understandable Rio: I reckon she keeps tabs on us all, she's like weirdly obsessed with you and your Brother Rio: idk, she double-tapped by mistake, amusing Nancy: Gross Nancy: But I was the one who fancied her, okay babe sure Nancy: I bet she tries to look up all of Buster's conquests still, good luck with that Nancy: I'm invested and even I gave up years ago Rio: Honestly Rio: ain't in a mood to be talking about ladies who doth protest too much but well Rio: look what you made me do Chloe Nancy: Her and Drew should start a club and get jackets Rio: She'd love that Rio: get rid of 'em both in one, bit hopeful perhaps but worth a shot Nancy: I try never to feel any sympathy for my brother ever, but she really drove me there Rio: It was fucked Nancy: It's messed his head up Nancy: I can see how sad he is Rio: I know Rio: but he'll be alright Rio: we all will Nancy: Yeah Rio: I promise Rio: hit me with a more enthusiastic yeah thanks Nancy: yeah!! Nancy: I miss you already Rio: You're cute Nancy: Try and control yourself though Nancy: No drama, remember? Rio: 😂 Rio: It ain't gotta be drama baby Nancy: Are you gonna divorce yourself from our bloodline so we aren't cousins? Nancy: Quite drastic but I like it Rio: That's just the kind of dedication you can expect from me Rio: What can I say? Nancy: No other girl has ever gone that hard for me Nancy: So thanks Rio: Should hope not Rio: 👀 up the sibs now Nancy: 😂 Nancy: On the dedication scale in general, babe Rio: Whatever you say, McKenna Nancy: What I should say is that I have so much homework to do Nancy: Which I gotta since you won't let me skip 😒 Rio: Unlucky babe Nancy: As you're also insisting I'm uni bound I better stop complaining and just do it Nancy: So high maintenance you are 😏 Rio: Obviously Rio: always about that sugar Nancy: Don't be a stranger, like Nancy: And don't start preferring the other twin, yeah?
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