#I won't be writing any noncon for this au since I don't see a reason for it
yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 5 months
Tell us a little bit about the requests you’re working on or have queued up to write.
Hi!! Sure!!
I actually have only one (1) request remaining and I am actually glad you sent this ask, because I was a little confused about the prompt and wanted to ask the sender for clarification but since it was anon I couldn't DM them 😅 so now I have an excuse to do so.
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First of all thank you for being so respectful, I've not done anything like this yet and am excited to!! I was a little confused if you wanted me to write an AU where Ambrosius takes care of Bal directly after the joust (based on their messed up relationship I don't think he did in canon, but if that's what you wanted pls lmk!!) or did you want to see something more Post-Canon with A nursing B back to health in some way? I really really love this request and I think it is so cute :,) I just don't want to disappoint! If you submitted it, I hope you're reading this, pls feel free to DM me OR submit another anon to clarify!! I actually really love this request so I want to fill it right
Below the cut I offer some info about the ones I did not fill (all anon) to hopefully offer an explanation to anyone who didn't get theirs. Sorry! 🩷
CW: some stuff discussed below the cut is sexual in nature
If your request for deleted I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings, I wasn't offended receiving them I just didn't want to do it for one reason or another. Of those that I remember, one was an exact duplicate of another request, so I just filled it once of course. One was for a selkie AU which I think is a really interesting and cute idea, but I am not familiar enough with selkies or Celtic folklore to have felt comfortable exploring that. I always want to be respectful to cultural folklore and didn't feel I had the time or mental energy I needed to do the amount of research I felt was necessary. Similarly I had one for a cheerleading au which I also thought was cute but I know nothing about cheer or any sport enough to write it lol
I received one that seemed to be for an age regression Drabble, which I don't actually mind writing at all, but because it was on anon and did not specify in the request, I had no way to confirm it was NOT a person who sexualizes/fetishizes it, and so I was not comfortable proceeding, especially since I was already wary since I'd already gotten another request that, while innocently worded, was very obviously a fetish and involved something happening to a character against their will (it wasn't explicit noncon, but like-- think along the lines of bimbofication). I'm okay writing CONSENSUAL nsfw stuff but I don't like receiving requests that are worded innocently while obviously being for fetish content. If you want fet content just say that and I'll either write it or I won't 😭
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i do writing requests now 👍 specifically based around wilhuff tarkin from star wars :)
these are my guidelines/personal boundaries for requests. i bolded some lines of text for emphasis and to highlight important clarifications and details. if you have any questions, please feel free to reach me through my askbox or messages.
☝ things to keep in mind when making a request:
op is 17 years old.
most requests should be about/related to wilhuff tarkin from star wars, since he is the focus of this blog. i will write other characters in my fics, but i may turn down requests that do not relate back to tarkin specifically.
i am a somewhat slow writer. sometimes i might take a few hours to finish a request; other times i might take months.
tumblr likes to eat my asks, so you might have to resend/double check that i received a request if i haven't answered it after a week or so.
i do not know every single piece of star wars trivia ever.
i am mostly familiar with the current disney canon of star wars. if you want to request something about the eu/legends canon, i might need more context.
i might ask for clarification on just about anything. i am not the best at reading/picking up on tone in conversations.
i reserve the right to decline any request at any time for any reason.
✔ stuff i will do:
one-shots (1k+ words)
drabbles (under 1k words)
headcanons (ie: pregnancy headcanons, s/o headcanons, hygiene headcanons, etc.)
comfort and self-indulgence
whump and hurt/comfort
most ships (see below for stuff i won't do and stuff i am iffy about.)
x reader (i'm willing to write reader-inserts of any gender, but the reader insert will be gender-neutral unless otherwise specified.)
mildly suggestive themes (make-outs, fade-to-black, morning afters, etc.)
extreme violence/gore
some darker themes (obsession, death, murder, drugs, etc.)
most aus (as long as it fits into my other guidelines.)
❌ stuff i won't do:
explicit sexual content/nsfw scenes (note: this is subject to change once i am an adult.)
in.cest (i will not write clone///cest.)
outright noncon (rape is ok as a theme (in terms of trauma, recovery, mentions of it as a crime, etc.) but i will not write rape scenes, or write any canon characters as rapists.)
bigotism/hate speech (prejudice is fine as a theme (such as the imperials grappling with workplace discrimination.) but i will not be writing hate speech. the only exception to this rule is that i personally reclaim many homophobic and transphobic slurs, and would be fine writing them in a fic upon request.)
❓ stuff that is iffy/you will have to make a good case for:
long-form/multi-chapter fics (i am bad at commitment. if it's really good, i might try it, but i can't make any guarantees.)
ahsoka x tarkin (clone wars era is a hard NO. i will not write them as being romantically together/interested in each other then because ahsoka was a minor at the time, but i could see them being shipped together during rebels/anh era.)
thalassa x tarkin (i don't find them that interesting. i'm fine with writing them as being exes/divorced and/or in a lavender marriage, but i'm gonna need a really good prompt to write them as actually liking each other, lol.)
anything to do with thrawn (simply because i am not the most knowledgeable about thrawn. this is subject to change later on.)
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