#I would tag this as fake alliance alert but it's not lol
eorzeashan · 1 year
I really should RB that companion ask meme but all I can think about is Eight showing up as a comp in KOTFE's rescue chapter. Instead of just Lana, he's there too.
The Outlander is like "who is this????" while Lana starts off with "he's-" is interrupted "I'm just a helping hand. More importantly, can you walk?"
You feel Lana glaring at him as his smile grows wider, but there's no time to press questions.
> Nod yes
"Well, don't push yourself. You did just get out of being locked in carbonite."
> Shake head no
> I can tough it out, but it hurts...
Choosing either of the bottom two options results in him picking up the PC into a bridal carry. (Yes, even larger models).
> Wh... hey!
"It'll be bad if you strain yourself here. Leave it to me."
> That's not the problem!
"Not now- arms around neck, we're going!"
Gruffer classes will make some very loud complaints.
The scene plays out as usual, except PC's who did not choose to walk on their own are not forced to go by foot. The combat remains, though he will still pick you up when the cutscenes start again. Lana, if romanced, helps move you along by sharing the weight between you two.
He stays largely silent in the elevator, to which you can continue the conversation with Lana as written or question her about his identity; she'll give a vague clue and redirect it back to your current issue. For Imperial Agents, you have the option of stopping him outside the elevator and asking are you...? before being interrupted by skytroopers entering the Zakuulan office (in true KOTFE/ET style), forcing both of you to cut off the convo and enter combat.
That's the gist of it. There probably could be room to flirt, but there's too much going on to feel necessary; he also splits off when you're confronted by Zakuulan knights to distract Vaylin.
When you ask why he isn't coming on board with you in the escape shuttle, Lana says he'll find his own way back as he's capable enough to do so. You can disapprove (with special dialogue that refers to her callousness towards using others if you disagreed with her treatment of Theron in SoR) or wonder to yourself with an extra neutral option, but again, there's little time to think on it. The chapter ends.
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So I made my bh oc a fake companion with his own companion alert and everything because my game design brain is Like That. Below I’ve included bios with likes/dislikes, some abilities, and an overview of his quest. Even some idle dialogue! Lol. Click images for better quality
Homeworld: Found on Tatooine
Family: unknown
Notes: usually accompanied by a bird of some sort.
For those born force-sensitive it might seem like their only options are to become a Sith, or a Jedi. Rohan, however, walks an entirely different path. After leaving the Jedi order at a young age Rohan was raised by a rag-tag crew of Bounty hunters who taught him how to best use his connection to the force to track down any target, making him one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy. When Rohan became bored with regular bounties, he set his sights on other force-sensitives, giving him a reputation as the bounty hunter with the most successful captures of both Jedi and Sith. This eventually caught the attention of the Hutt families who sponsored him in the latest great hunt, where he became it’s next champion
Likes: High stakes, professionalism, honor, mercenary work, neutrality, his bird
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, picking sides, being taken advantage of, grudges
Primary weapon: Lightsabers
Secondary weapon: Stuka (Pet)
Weapon: LIke
Military Gear: indifferent
Courting: indifferent
Luxury: indifferent
Technology: Like
Republic Memorabilia: indifferent
Imperial Memorabilia: indifferent
Cultural Artifact: Like
Trophy: Favorite
Underworld Good: Favorite
Notes: Rohan's "class" Mechanics takes inspiration from the Jedi knight, while borrowing abilities from the bounty hunter and Jedi classes to fit the character. To elaborate, Rohan uses the "Focus" system just as the Jedi knight does, and any other abilities taken from the Sith warrior and/or bounty hunter are either refitted to match this, or are simply tweaked as to not override the core mechanic.
Rohan's unique abilities;
Deafening Screech
Cooldown: 80s
Range: 25m
Stuka's screech taunts all enemies within a selected area, focusing their attention on Rohan for 15 seconds.
Blinding claw:
range : 30m
Stuka rapidly attacks a selected target, leaving them stunned for 20 seconds, or until they are disrupted.
Hunter’s intuition
Stance change: Dual blades.
Prerequisite: Full Focus
In this Stance Rohan gains a 30% Increase in speed, a 20% Increase in accuracy, and a temporary bonus to weapon damage for 10 seconds
Force charge:
Cooldown: 14.5
Rohan jumps to a distant target slamming his staff into them, dealing 4380-4656 weapon damage, interrupting the target's current action and immobilizing the target for 3 seconds. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding.
Blade Barrage
Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deal 6766-7068 weapon damage. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding.
Electro net:
Fires an electro net that ensnares the target, reducing its movement speed by 50% and dealing energy damage over 9 seconds. While affected, a target that moves takes 20% more damage from electro net, and this effect can stack up to 10 times on enemy players or 5 times on any other target. Additionally, the electro net hinders the target, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes such as charges, vanishes, and speed boosts. Lasts 9 seconds.
Force sweep: Strikes the target and up to 8 enemies within 5 meters with the Force, dealing 1268-1395 kinetic damage. Also stuns weak and standard enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Queststep overview:
Lana beniko is the quest giver for this companion alert. Lana informs the commander of an expert tracker,b whose skills would be valuable to the Alliance-so long as he could be convinced to join. She has been unable to contact him for some time but knows he was last seen on Rishi should the Commander be willing to investigate.
The Commander travels to Rishi. After talking with Arankau at the Rishii village, the Commander is informed of both the location of the contact and his identity as the latest grand-champion of the Bounty hunter Great Hunt. Before leaving Arankau informs the Commander that they hired Rohan to find out which pirate gang had been ruining their camps, and would prefer he finish the job before attending to whatever business might be awaiting him in the Alliance.
After investigating each village, with the help (or lack thereof) of the Commander’s observational skills, alongside Rohan’s psychometry, they discover the culprits are fellow hunters hired by one of the local pirate gangs to burn down the villages in order to make room for more of the pirate's operations. The confrontation gives the player's a glimpse into how Rohan views his profession, and the enemies he has made because of it. After fighting the hunters, as well as the pirates themselves, the player is given the choice to either let the pirates and bounty hunters go-- so long as they leave the Rishii alone-- or kill them all
Either way, after returning to Arankau, Rohan has one final conversation with the Commander. After seeing the Commander’s skills, and talking with them about the Alliance as well as the benefits of joining them, Rohan agrees to their offer.
Note: This quest is very detective-like. The player is meant to take a close look at each village, gather context clues within the environment to discover what had occurred, and who might have been responsible. For example, scorch marks around the houses implies a fire. The amount of tracks suggests a group, and the heat signatures in the air suggest what kind of blasters might have been used. If the player successfully observes the surroundings (with the game knowing these choices when Rohan asks what they have found) they can gain both an achievement, and make the final confrontation easier by taking a direct route to the pirate camp, an option that would be closed to them should the player fail the observational checks. This detour is not long, just a few more enemies down a different path. Choices matter yadda yadda yadda.
Being called out:
“Another day, another hunt”
“I got your back”
“What’re we up to now?”
“M’um m’aloo”
“I’m itching to get back to the fight.”
Ambient Dialogue:
“Rule 1, No bounty is worth dying for.”
“Sometimes I wonder if the Jedi still think I’m dead, then again that was a lifetime ago.”
“You carry a lot of history with you, maybe we can swap stories sometime.”
“Where are we? Oh, right.”
“I swore we were just...never mind.”
“Stuka, drop it!”
“You can’t eat everything you see, Stuka.”
“Stuka seems to like you, she doesn’t like just anyone.”
“Hunt well, Commander.”
“Trust in yourself, nothing else.”
“Taa baa, Eyeta”
“As much fun as this whole alliance thing is, I do miss a good bounty.”
“If the hutts ever try to collect the bounty on my head...just ignore them.”
“Don’t wear yourself out, alright? There will always be time for another day..”
"I suppose I'm still on mandalore's bad side. Been a while since I've received any job offer from them. Oh well, you win some you lose some."
“If most hunters followed the code our profession would be more respected.”
“The Jedi have the light, and the sith wield the dark...my path is my own.”
Combat: DPS
“Finally! I was just starting to get bored!”
“You can’t hide from me!”
“Stuka, ashuna!”
“Time to collect!”
“Your journey ends here, not ours!”
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