#I would tag this zac brown band's chicken fried but then again
xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
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ch. 37 teaser – road trip shenanigans
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
Chicken Fried
Hello!! This is very different than what I usually write, but I had the idea and went with it. 
JJ Maybank x Reader
Reader is JJ’s best friend, and one night he decides to make a move. 
Song is Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band :) I love country music 
You know I like my chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
“Chug it!” JJ shoved a beer in my hand, and I downed it without a second thought. Kie rolled her eyes and the boys looked at me in awe. 
“Woo!” I stood up and did a backflip into the marsh, the chilly water rushing over my hot skin. “Beat that, boys!”
“Man, how is she good at everything?” I heard Pope ask John B. “Like, seriously?”
I laughed as JJ did a flip off the HMS Pogue, joining me in the water. For a moment he didn’t surface, and I started to worry maybe he hit his head. 
Then I felt something grab my ankle, and I was pulled under the water. After a moment, I surfaced to glare at JJ’s stupid grin. “You should’ve seen your face, YFN!”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the edge of the Pogue, trying to pull myself back on the boat. “Real mature, JJ.” 
His strong arms wrapped around my waist, and yanked me back into the water. “Don’t leave me!”
I shrieked in laughter as he pulled my waist back into the water, not letting go for anything. “JJ, c’mon, I’ll let you win a chugging contest if you let me go!”
After much bickering and bargaining, he let me get back on the boat. Kie gave me a knowing look as I settled on my towel, dripping wet and slightly giddy. 
Well I was raised underneath the shade of a Georgia pine,
And that’s home, you know
As the sun started to set, John B. gunned the boat back to shore. JJ’s arm settled comfortably around my shoulders, and I tried not to think too much about it. Kie kept glancing over at me, since she was the only one that knew about my decade long crush on JJ Maybank. 
We’ve been best friends since kindergarten, bonding over our love of the beach and anything outdoors. After a few years, we met John B., who fit in perfectly with JJ’s insanity and my level headedness. As Kie and Pope joined our club over the years, the days only became more fun and the OBX feeling more like home. 
From lounging in the hammocks outside the Chateau, or surfing the days away at the beach, I couldn’t ever imagine being friends with anyone else. 
John B. pulled the boat into the dock of The Wreck, the restaurant Kie’s family owns. After only a little resistance on her dad’s part, Kie managed to score us some free food to close out the perfect day. 
Sweet tea, pecan pie and homemade wine, 
Where the peaches grow
And my house it’s not much to talk about, 
But it’s filled with love, as grown in Southern ground 
The smell of greasy french fries and seafood filled the corner the five of us had crashed in. Kie turned on the radio, blasting country music despite the boys’ protests. Kie and I got up and started dancing together, and I caught JJ smiling at us, illuminated by the sunset and dim lighting of the restaurant. 
As I was dancing with Kie, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I leaned back to rest my head on JJ’s shoulder, still singing the awful country music. JJ spun me around, placing a hand on my waist and holding out my other hand. I rested my free hand on his shoulder, laughing and giggling as we danced sloppy and goofy steps. 
To a little bit of chicken fried, 
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
Eventually we all sat on the edge of the dock, watching the last streaks of the sunset disappear. JJ’s arm was once again wrapped comfortably around my shoulders, and I felt him slip something in my pocket smoothly. 
“Thanks for a perfect day you guys,” I smiled at my friends, filled with love for this bond we all shared. 
“I can’t imagine spending my summer doing anything else.” Kie looked at me, raising her eyebrows at the arm around my shoulders. I shot her a wink as John B. fell into the water below, causing us all to flinch at the sudden movement. 
“Shit, bro!” JJ yelled, laughing hysterically. “What did you do?”
“I don’t know, I just fell in! Like you’ve never done that before!” John B. shouted, swimming over to where the Pogue was docked. “Let’s hit the Chateau.”
Funny how it’s the little things in life that mean the most
Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes
There’s no dollar sign on a peace of mind, 
This I’ve come to know 
I sat in a hammock across from JJ strumming my guitar lightly and singing quietly. John B lit a small campfire, and we sat listening to the marsh and critters around us. 
The campfire lit JJ’s sharp jawline, and his blue eyes were happier than I’ve seen in a long time. 
A little past 2 o’clock in the morning, Kie and Pope got up from their hammocks. “We should probably go, but today was amazing.” Kie looked over at me and winked slyly. “Could we get a ride, John B?”
After the three of them took off, JJ stood and leaned to whisper in my ear. “Check your pocket.” And he strolled off down the marsh, like any other day. 
Reaching into my back pocket, I felt the note that JJ had given me. I unfolded it on my guitar, wearing a giddy smile. 
Meet me where we used to go stargazing. Bring your guitar. - Blue
I giggled at the old nickname I had called him when we were kids. JJ had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, and growing up I would call him Blue as a small little flirtatious nickname I gave when I was 8. 
Looking over to where he had walked off, I noticed a path of candles on the trail we would travel down to stargaze on the beach. 
After about 5 minutes of walking, the ground became sand, I saw the spot on the beach we would sneak off to, where the smell of salt and pine from the trees form the scent I want to die in. 
A blanket had been laid out on the beach, small candles littered in the surrounding sand. Two beer bottles stood on the blankets, and one glance told me it was my favorite expensive brand. But the beauty of the sea and candles was nothing compared to the boy standing almost sheepishly on the blanket. 
JJ smiled at me, and I giggled. “What’s all this for, Blue?” 
“Come find out.”
We laid on the blankets, my head resting comfortably on his legs. I strummed my guitar quietly, not realizing I was playing Chicken Fried until JJ started singing softly. 
So if you agree, have a drink with me, 
Raise your glasses for a toast
I sat up to look JJ in the eyes. “What is all this for?” I asked him again. 
He looked back up at the stars, thinking about his answer. “Tips have been good at the hotel and I wanted to do something special… for my girl.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Your girl? As in me?”
JJ didn’t answer. Instead he just smiled as I laid down next to him, staring at the stars. 
“How long have you been planning this?”
JJ took my hand, lacing it with his. “Well, I’ve been saving up for all the candles for about three months. Candles are more pricey than I thought.”
I turned my head to the side, looking him in the eyes. “Why?”
JJ smiled, his eyes twinkling in the candlelight. “I told you. You’re my girl, and you always have been.”
I turned over to him, resting my hand on his stomach. “That makes me so happy, JJ.”
He raised his head, closing the gap between us. His lips tasted like the ocean and beer, and his hands laced through my hair. We turned over onto my back, his chest pressing against mine. I giggled slightly, breaking the kiss. 
I rested my head on his arm, strumming my guitar resting on my stomach. He pointed to the sky, showing me all of his favorite constellations. 
“I’m kinda in love with you.”
“I’m kinda in love with you too. Always have been.”
To a little bit of chicken fried, 
Cold beer on a Friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
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shawnjacksonsbs · 5 years
Are you trying to find yours, and if not, where would you start?    6-30-19
I've been writing a lot about change and acceptance of change and staying grateful through it all, which I am. My real life has a tendency to not always reflect what I write in the heat of a moment, which is why I write. It's why it's necessary for me to reflect on stuff. So if you meet me in real life remember I am still a work in progress, and will probably remain that way for quite some time. lol I am absolutely at a place in my life now that allows me to get through tougher times with a bit more comfort than ever before though.That whole saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is only true if you're in that place in your head and in your heart. Those struggling with depression, anxieties, addictions, etc, probably aren't getting stronger. It can absolutely keep people sick, beaten, and broken, even the strongest people. It can make people act in ugliness as well. It is a hard-won battle to get to share in the spoils of being one of the ones who really did get stronger when something didn't kill me. Others are not so lucky. Hell, some of the people don't even realize it. The capacity inside the human heart for showing love and kindness to others knows no bounds. It is as limitless as you will allow it to be. You hold your own discontent, your own resentments, your anger, and fear. By keeping a hold on any of those you are only hurting yourself, but as an added bonus it's probably displayed as being an asshole toward someone undeserving, or at least, a lesser deserving person or person(s). I came close to giving my Facebook another shot this week, but I opened it up straight onto some shit that reassured me why I need not apply. Lol I've been doing pretty well without it actually, albeit I can still jump on and share a song or picture without scrolling through and accidentally seeing any "ignorances". I'm good on that nonsense. The fact that my writings might seem to be getting redundant because they play really close to a continual repeat, has not been enough to influence me to swerve because its what I need too. I need to write it, hear it, re-read it because it's where I'm at in my life right now. Even if I've been here for quite some time it's what my head and heart need or, obviously, I wouldn't be writing it. Struggles, just like perspectives, are specifically wired to you, by you, for your benefit. A little like when you do a crossword puzzle and words like ass and sex seem to stand out almost immediately to most people? You look for the words that are on the list and you circle those. Life is the same. Circle or emphasize the things, or people, on your priority list or in your gratitude list. Retraining of the brain, of my brain, can and does take time. Rest assured that the constant reminders help me stay above all the bullshit, except for that stress and worry all parents have for the well being of their kids. That struggle is ongoing, and a hard fight, as I tell myself it's out of my hands (which most of it is, and almost all of it probably should be). If you're looking for hate/negativity then you'll find it everywhere, but if you're like me then looking for the love and the kindness of the world will become more prominent as we look for it more diligently. Plus its easier to do away with the hate and negativity of others in this way. Not easy completely but easier overall. I hope everyone has a great week ahead and awesome July 4th. Let that true freedom ring for which it truly came where our freedoms and true independence came from originally. "I like to see the sunrise, See the love in my woman's eyes Feel the touch of a precious child, And know a mother's love It's funny how it's the little things in life that mean the most Not where you live, what you drive or the price tag on your clothes There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind this I've come to know I thank god for my life, And for the stars and stripes May freedom forever fly, let it ring. Salute the ones who died The ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice All the things we love" - Chicken Fried by the Zac Brown Band All the things we love! From my momma's house today, to yours wherever that may be, please remember to always be kind to one another. Civility should be the backup plan always. Share the love and the laughter you feel with those around you, and remember gratitude is how we keep it all. All internal and external conflicts are manageable through love and a little insight. Until next week; "One effect of sustained conflict is to narrow our vision of what is possible. Time and time again, conflicts are resolved through shifts that were unimaginable at the start." - Nelson Mandela
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