#I wouldn't worry your head about it Dorian it's not going to be a problem for you most likely
50calmadeuce · 3 months
Ch. 28: Dorian
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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Jake paced in the hotel entryway while Chuck sat in one of the chairs.
"I knew I shouldn't have let her come here alone," Jake said, his frustration and worry evident.
Chuck looked up at Jake from his seat, his expression calm but understanding. "I actually have to agree with you. I didn't like the guy the first time I met him, but now I definitely don't like him." Chuck sighed. "If he did anything to her..." Chuck sighed.
Just then, two county Deputies walked through the front doors of the hotel.
"Lieutenant Seresin?" the older one with salt-and-pepper hair asked.
"That's me," Jake responded as the Deputy walked towards him.
The deputy gave Jake a nod, his expression serious. "I'm Deputy Harris, and this is Deputy Monroe. We need to talk to you about Dr. Dorian Stryker."
Jake's worry deepened, and Chuck stood up, his attention fully on the deputies. "What's going on?" Chuck asked, his voice steady but tense.
Deputy Harris glanced between Jake and Chuck before speaking. "We received a call from Dr. Stryker. He reported feeling threatened and intimidated by you during a meeting last night involving you. He claims it involved you and Mrs. Seresin."
Jake's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's not what happened. Y/N was just meeting with him to go over some research. I stayed at the bar to keep an eye on things."
Deputy Monroe stepped forward. "We're not accusing anyone of anything yet. We just need to get statements from both of you. Where is Ms. Seresin now?"
"That's the problem. We don't know. My wife came here this morning to meet with Dr. Stryker to finish up reviewing some data. I've tried contacting her, but she hasn't responded," Jake explained.
"Well, if I hadn't been with my wife for four years, I wouldn't expect a response either," the deputy replied.
Jake's jaw dropped, and Chuck stepped in. "Officer…"
"It's Deputy," the deputy corrected, pointing at his badge.
"I apologize, Deputy. Dr. Seresin always responds to texts. I've known her for almost five years. If I ever needed her, she's always let me know how to reach her."
Looking directly at Jake, the Deputy said, "Maybe she left you."
Jake shook his head. "She wouldn't. Y/N's not like that."
"Are you sure?" the Deputy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jake started to get mad and Chuck placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look, Deputy. I've known Y/N a while now and she would never leave the Lieutenant here. She loves him too much."
The Deputy sighed. "Look. She's an adult. Does she have any medical problems?"
"No. She's just pregnant."
"Then there's nothing I can do for at least twenty-four hours." The Deputy paused. "Now, if there's nothing else, have a good day."
The two deputies nodded, turned around, and walked out of the hotel.
Jake turned to Chuck. "Did that really just happen?"
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You heard a crackling noise and felt warmth emanating from somewhere as your eyes slowly opened. As your surroundings came into view, you slowly sat up and looked around, not recognizing where you were.
A huge fireplace with a roaring fire was a few feet in front of you, and the rest of the room had a rustic style. The couch you lay on had a red Aztec pattern adorned with bears and looked quite expensive.
Just then, Dorian walked in from another room, holding a tray. "You're awake, darling!" he said, setting the tray in front of you. It held eggs, bacon, a biscuit, and a glass of orange juice. "Please, eat. I'm sure you're famished."
You looked at the tray and then at him. "Dorian, where am I? How did I get here?" You thought a moment and then it hit you. The coffee. "You drugged me."
He smiled with a look you had never seen before. "You're home."
Your eyes scanned the room. "This isn't my home."
His eyes, deep and intense, locked onto your, the air humming with unspoken tension. "This is your home now," he stated, his voice a low rumble, laced with a hint of something you couldn't quite place – concern? Determination? Perhaps a veiled warning.
And the air wasn't just thick, it was infused with the unspoken weight of Dorian's words. With his declaration, he had not merely handed you a roof over your head, but a responsibility, a new chapter in your life. This wasn't just a house, it was a fortress, a sanctuary, and perhaps, a prison.
He wasn't giving you a choice, not this time. He was making a decision for you.
"What do you want, Dorian? If it's money, I'll give it to you," you responded.
Dorian's smile tightened, his eyes narrowing slightly. "It's not about money, darling," he said, his tone disturbingly calm. "It's about keeping you safe, keeping us safe. This world is dangerous, and I can't bear the thought of something happening to you or our baby."
You felt a chill run down your spine as your hand went to your belly. "Our baby? Dorian, this isn't right. I need to go back. Jake is going to be worried sick."
Dorian's expression hardened. "Jake doesn't understand what's at stake here. He can't protect you like I can. I've been watching you, Y/N. I know what you need, even if you don't realize it yet."
You stood up, the sense of unease growing. "Dorian, this is madness. You can't just take me away from my life. Let me go, and we can figure this out together, rationally."
He stepped closer, his presence imposing. "No, Y/N. You're staying here where it's safe. You and our baby. We'll be happy here, I promise. Just give it a chance."
You took a step back, trying to keep your voice steady. "Dorian, I can't stay here. I need to go back to my husband, to my life. Please, let me go."
Dorian's expression softened slightly, but the intensity in his eyes remained. "Y/N, I know this is hard to understand right now. But you'll see, in time. You'll see that this is the best thing for all of us."
As you stood there, the gravity of the situation sinking in, you knew you needed to find a way out. Dorian's delusion and possessiveness were clear, and the only thing that mattered now was escaping and getting back to Jake.
"Dorian," you began, trying to keep your voice calm and measured, "I understand that you're worried about me, but this isn't the way to go about it. If you care about me, you'll let me leave."
Dorian's face softened momentarily, as if considering your words, but then he shook his head resolutely. "No, Y/N. You don't understand. I can't let you go. You're safer here with me."
Your mind raced, searching for a way to diffuse the situation and buy yourself some time. "Why? Why me?"
Dorian chuckled. "Are you really that naive, Y/N? If it wasn't for you helping me with that first book, I wouldn't have gotten as rich as I did. I need you on this project and many more. We work so well together." His eyes glared. "We need to be together for it to work."
The truth struck you like a blow, and you took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. Dorian's obsession wasn't just about you—it was about his career, his success. You had to keep him talking, to find a way to escape his grip.
"Dorian," you began, carefully choosing your words, "I understand that my help has been valuable to you, but this isn't the way to secure my support. If you force me to stay, I'll never be able to give my best. You need to let me go, so I can work with you willingly."
Dorian shook his head, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. "You don't get it, Y/N. I've tried the other way. I've tried asking, negotiating, but you always have an excuse, something else taking priority." He threw a hand up in the air. "Like Jake." He looked at you. "He left you because you lost your child. I would never do that to you. For years I watched how he hurt you emotionally and I was always placed behind him. That's not going to happen again. I can't risk losing you again."
His words cut deep, and you could feel the weight of his obsession pressing down on you. "Dorian," you said softly, trying to maintain your composure, "I understand you're hurt and frustrated, but keeping me here isn't the answer. You can't build a future on coercion."
He took a step closer, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and desperation. "But don't you see? This is the only way I can be sure. You always chose him over everything else. I can't let that happen again. I need you to see that I'm the one who truly cares about you, who will never leave you."
"I chose him over you because he was, and still is, my husband. That's how marriage works."
"He is not your husband! I am your husband!!" Dorian yelled as he stepped closer to you and held up his hand. "See! We even have a matching wedding set."
As you cast your gaze upon your hand, a sudden realization washed over you like an icy torrent. The familiar gleam of your wedding band had vanished, replaced by a set of opulent rings that you had never seen before. Your heart skipped a beat as a wave of confusion and unease swept through you. Your eyes darted up to meet Dorian's, their enigmatic depths holding an unsettling glimmer. A mixture of disbelief and trepidation bubbled within you as you tried to fathom the significance of this unexpected change. Your mind raced, frantically searching for an explanation, yet all you found was a haunting silence that seemed to weigh heavily upon the air. A myriad of questions surged through your being, each one more pressing than the last. Had you lost your mind? Was this some cruel prank? Or had your life taken an unexpected and inexplicable turn?
You slowly began to sit back down on the couch.
You stared at the rings, a chill running down your spine. "Dorian, this isn't real," you said, your voice trembling. "This isn't right."
"It's as real as it needs to be," he replied, his tone disturbingly calm. "We've always belonged together, Y/N. This is just the universe finally correcting itself."
Your mind raced, trying to process the surreal situation. "Dorian, you can't just rewrite reality. You can't just… make things happen because you want them to. This is insane."
He stepped closer, his eyes intense. "Insane? Insane is watching the woman you love choose someone else over and over again. Insane is knowing that she would be happier with you but being powerless to do anything about it. This," he gestured between the two of you, "this is clarity. This is fate."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. "Dorian, listen to me. This isn't fate. This is obsession. And it's dangerous. You need help."
"I don't need help," he said, his voice rising. "I need you to understand that we are meant to be together. Once you see that, everything will be perfect."
You stood up, backing away from him. "I can't see that, Dorian. Because it's not true. I love Jake. I always have, and I always will. You have to let me go."
His face twisted with anger. "I won't let you go," he snarled. "I can't."
Before you could react, Dorian grabbed your arm, his grip tight and unyielding. "You will stay here with me, Y/N. And you will learn to love me. Because I won't let you go."
Panic surged through you as you struggled to free yourself. "Dorian, let me go! You're hurting me!"
He didn't loosen his grip, his eyes wild with desperation. "No, Y/N. You belong to me now. And I'm never letting you go."
The room seemed to close in around you, the fire's warmth turning suffocating. You knew you had to find a way out, to escape this nightmare. But as you looked into Dorian's eyes, you realized that reason and persuasion were no longer options. You needed to act quickly and decisively, or you might never get another chance.
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Chuck hung up his cell phone and turned to Jake. "We'll find her."
Confused, Jake looked at him. "What are you talking about?"
"I just got off the phone with your attorney."
Jake raised an eyebrow. "We have an attorney?"
"Lieutenant, there's a lot you still need to learn about your wife and her profession. Max will be here as soon as he can."
"Who's Max?"
"A friend of the family's. He's taking his private jet out here. So, until he gets here, let me tell you more about your wife as I make us some more coffee. I think we're going to need it," Chuck said as he went to the kitchen of the rental cabin.
Jake followed behind.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891 @smoothdogsgirl
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the-tharns-speak · 2 years
What’s a magicka wave? - Dorian
Two magicka sources, such as aetherial wells, orbiting each other cause magicka waves to spread from them, like when you throw a big stone into calm water. These magicka waves warp time as they pass.
Have you ever seen a lute being played? Or another string instrument? When you pluck a string, it moves rapidly in waves and it makes a sound by vibrating the air, so you'd say that this string wave warps sound. Now imagine that this string is magicka and instead of a string it is the entire world, and instead of the sound it warms time, and also the whole thing smells of lemon and horse sweat. That is magicka waves.
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