#I’m convinced getting a living room cd would fix me
theworstcreature · 3 months
Sure would be a shame if someone were to…… give me their fresh outta 2015 ajr living room cd for free…. Yeah even worse if they throw in some merch from the time 😔😔
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Maybe some Kuroo x Male reader,, I just need some of my boy 😩
Of course !!! Kuroos the HOMIE I tell you-
Kuroo x reader - I’m not gay
⚠️ Warnings - Confused reader, pretty much none
Prounouns - Male, He/Him
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I’m not gay,
is what (y/n) told himself, at age 7.
He was over at his friends house, deciding on a movie to watch before they had to go to sleep.
When he held up a rather feminine looking cd, one of them snickered, and the other didn’t even spare it a glance.
“(Y/n)- thats for girls!”
“I-I know that! Shut up! It...it looked interesting...”
“Kuroo-give (y/n) a break...” Kenma murmured, looking up from his Ds briefly.
I’m not gay,
Is what (y/n) told himself, in his third year of Junior high school.
He wasn’t going to lie when he said he was a bit curious about the topic, but he’d never considered himself being attracted to the same gender.
Which is why he asked his close female friend if he could kiss her.
It was an odd question, but (y/n) needed to settle something within himself. Just a quick peck on the lips to see if the feelings would go away.
(Y/n) was rather surprised when she nodded yes, because people usually say no when people ask you to kiss them. But he wasn’t disappointed, no.
She leaned up on her tippy toes, pressing a chaste kiss onto (y/n’s) lips, before settling back down on the balls of her feet and hiding her flushed face with the mass of her uniforms sleeves. She peeked through her fingers to see (y/n’s) eyes fixed on the ground in front of him, with a distasteful frown gracing his features.
That didn’t feel right, (y/n) thought.
I’m...im not....
Is what (Y/n) told himself, during his second year of high school.
He was in the volleyball club in his school, and the intrusive thoughts hadn’t cross his mind since back in junior high. It was actually going pretty good.
He only had one girlfriend the entire time he was in high school, but he ended it pretty quickly to focus on himself, his feelings, and building Nekoma’s defense. (Hell yeah, sports!!)
Nekoma had a training camp where other schools were invited, which is how he found himself sitting in a circle with a few other teammates and managers, playing ‘never have I ever’.
Most of Nekoma was crowded in the circle, with some stragglers from fukurodani, and Tanaka with Nishinoya and Hinata.
The managers from other schools, both fukurodani’s managers, along with Kyoko and Yachi were there too. (Y/n) was pretty sure that Tanaka, Nishinoya, and maybe Yamamoto were only there to “protect Kiyoko Senpai”, but hey, at least they had more players that way.
People went around saying things like “never have I ever cheated on an exam”, “never have I ever served straight to the libero,” or “never have I ever been the cause of bokutos emo mode”
(That question itself put bokuto in his emo mode)
(Y/n) was the only one who had all fingers up, followed by Kuroo, who had only 2 fingers down, then Akaashi, with 4 fingers down.
It was going pretty smoothly until Yukie, one of Fukurodani’s managers, asked,
“Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this circle.”
Not many people put a finger down, but the question made (y/n’s) questionable thoughts come back in a flash. It forced him to think if he did find any of the girls in the circle attractive, and after ruling all them out, he, half jokingly, turned his attention to the boys.
His eyes drifted from each of the volleyball players, until his eyes landed on Kuroo.
Kuroo. One of his childhood friends. Someone he, regretfully, considered attractive. I mean, he had a nice build, he was in the college preparatory classes, and his thighs could crush-
No, shut up. He’s a man.
You’re a man.
....What the fuck?
(Y/n) didn’t even notice his finger fold itself in, until everyone gasped and started berating him with squeals and questions.
“Who is it?!?”
“It better not be Kiyoko Senpai!”
“It has to be to be Kaori, (Y/n’s) been talking to her alooooot lately!”
He couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose at the idea of dating one of Fukurodani’s managers.
“It’s...it’s not Kaori, no offense but I’d never date Kaori...” (Y/n) mused out as nonchalantly as he could. The second those words flew out of his mouth, he regretted not pretending it was Kaori, so they could drop the topic.
Everyone’s comments went in one of (y/n’s) ear and out the other, until yaku cleared his throat and said,
“If it’s not any of the managers, is it a guy then?”
All of the questions died down almost instantly. (Y/n) felt his blood ran cold.
“I mean...is it?” Akaashi broke the silence, maintaining direct eye contact with (y/n).
I’m not too sure with myself, (y/n) thought, chuckling dryly.
With (y/n’s) answer, or lack thereof, everyone started listing off the boys names or saying “is it me?? If it is sorry dude! Haha..” or some variations of that.
(Y/n) felt like he was going to combust with all the “is it —?’s” and “is it me’s??” He never wanted to think about it again, yet here he was, being-
“Is it Kuroo?” Bokuto grinned, half joking, gesturing to the 3rd year sitting right next to him.
(Y/n’s) eyes widened comically. Was it Kuroo?
He wasn’t sure why this one flushed him so bad. His hands started trembling from their spot in the air, and a red tint spread across his face like a virus. He knew he admired his captain, but having a full blown crush on him? He didn’t dare look up at everyone’s prying gaze, instead suddenly finding immense interest in a broken seam in his red volleyball shorts.
“Oh my god, it is Kuroo!” Someone squealed, probably someone like Bokuto. All their voices seemed to merge together and sound the same. People were gasping, nudging (y/n’s) shoulder, or saying stuff like “I support you!!” Or “you too would be soooo cute together!”
(Y/n) brought his fingers down and entangled them in his sweaty hair. “I’m..I’m not gay. I’m not...” (Y/n) rasped out defensively, trying to convince himself more than anyone else.
Warm hands grasped his wrists, pulling them away from (y/n) gently, forcing him to look up. Kuroo held a shit eating grin that made (y/n’s) stomach churn in both a good way and a horrible, horrible way.
“Oi oi, it’s ok to like boys (y/n)-what, are you in denial or someth-“
“Shut up! I’m straight, and I don’t like you! Don’t touch me!” (Y/n) suddenly lashed out, whipping his wrists out from Kuroo’s hold. He stood up abruptly, choked out a weak “I’m gonna get some fresh air” and staggered out of the room.
No one seemed to notice that Kuroo had put a finger down, as well.
Im not gay. I’m not gay. I’m not gay.
Is what (y/n) repeatedly told himself, in the bathroom.
(Y/n) threw water onto his face, before slapping his cheeks as hard as he can. He then backed into the bathroom wall and let himself sink down to the cold floor tiles.
“Goddamit...nnNNFUCK!” (Y/n) dug both his fists into the dirty bathroom floor. His hands stung from the impact. A sigh escaped from his lips as he hid his sopping wet face into his hands.
“What...the fuck...I’m not...they’re just...just stupid! Yeah! They’re stupid and I don’t have a crush on stupid Kuroo! Yeah! Y-Yeah..! .....Yeah...”
He sat in silence for what seemed like forever, before he got sick of listening to his own thoughts. He shakily brought himself up to his feet, and exited the bathroom.
Im not gay,
Is what (y/n) told himself, more calmly than before, heading towards the sleeping rooms with a stable smile.
He almost made it scott-free before he felt a hand firmly grasp his shoulder.
(Y/n) didn’t dare to turn around.
“I...they..might’ve jumped to conclusions, but I really need to know.”
Do you now? Cause I’d like to know, too.
A heavy silence consumed both of them whole. Kuroo forced (y/n) to turn around, tilting his head up with his finger.
“Do you like me.” It was more like a statement than a question.
“I...i don’t know? I think? Maybe?? I-I’m not sure...” Kuroos serious gaze boor holes into (y/n’s) face.
“You don’t know?”
“I don’t know! I mean-I’ve always thought about it, but I never considered that I could be...y’know...and I never really thought about you like that till Bokuto brought it up...”
Kuroo was tacken aback by the sudden raise in pitch, but quickly regained his neutral expression.
“Kiss me.”
It was (Y/n’s) turn to be shocked.
“You heard me.”
“You can’t be serious,” (y/n) awkwardly chuckled. He ran fingers through his hair. “Kuroo, hey-“
The middle blocker grabbed hold of the (h/c) boy. He yelped and struggled in his grasp, but Kuroo held his hand firm.
“You don’t know how you feel about me, right? Do you want your answer or not?”
It was rare moments like these where Kuroo wasn’t being smug, or wearing his shit-eating grin, that ignited a confusing flame inside (y/n’s) chest and/or dick. (Y/n) let out a shaky breath.
“Yeah, fine-whatever lets get it over with.” (Y/n) grumbled, red in the face.
Kuroo took hold of (y/n’s) chin with his thumb and index finger, and snaked his other arm around the boys waist. He leaned in slowly, letting their lips meet in the middle.
This didn’t feel similar to the kiss he had in junior high. It felt better. It didn’t feel forced or boring like it did when he kissed that girl, this one feels nice. (Y/n) let his eyes flutter closed while he clutched Kuroos shoulders weakly.
Kuroo began to pull away, but (y/n) whimpered and lunged forward to connect their lips once more. It was a sensation that he never wanted to let go of, but of course, air was also something he couldn’t live without.
They pulled away simultaneously, (y/n) very obviously heaving while Kuroo let out a few deep exhales.
“So...” Kuroo said, wiping spit from his swollen red lips. “How do-“
“I love you.” (Y/n) said, testing the words out on his tongue.
“Hm?” Kuroos vague response dug a pit into (y/n’s) stomach. Did I misread this situation?
(Y/n) broke into a cold sweat. “Aah...I mean-I think, no hard feelings if you don’t like dudes-I mean I just found out myself so it’s all good-“ Kuroos booming, stupid hyena laugh broke (y/n) out of his rambling session. (Y/n) looked up at the middle blocker, and slowly relaxed and let himself smile at his antics.
“You really think too much...” Kuroo said, wiping an invisible tear from his eye. “Don’t worry, I like you too~”
He patted the boy on his head, as (y/n’s) cheeks flushed involuntarily.
I could be gay,
(Y/n) told himself, hand in hand with his newly found boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsurō.
And that’s fine by me.
“Get it, (y/n)! Kuroo! Use a condom boys!” Bokuto yelled, from behind a gym wall with Akaashi. The two turned around, surprised.
“Sorry. Bokuto was curious when you said ‘I need to find my new boyfriend, I’ll be right back’, and left.” Akaashi said, fiddling with his ring finger.
“It’s fine. I wasn’t lying when I said ‘new boyfriend’ though, huh, (Y/n)?” Kuroo smirked, slapping his ‘new boyfriend’ firm on the ass. (Y/n) gave a yelp before blushing and clutching the spot where Kuroo smacked.
It would’ve been fine if it was a normal person who slapped him, but in his case, it wasn’t.
But let me tell you, volleyball players spikes are very, very hard. And Kuroo was no exception.
There was a hand-shaped mark on (Y/n’s) ass for a week straight.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin's 'Falling Slowly' and Film 'Once'- Analysis
Since the beginning, I’ve wanted to do an analysis on the song Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, but since it was only mentioned twice (in Mark Date and Gavin’s Music and the Past Call), I thought it was going to be left at that. But because of the mention again in @cheri-translates' post, perhaps... there could be more to it. Because this song was made for the film Once, I had actually watched it earlier this year. I wasn’t going to post this analysis originally, but the trailer literally made me cry. After watching it with the knowledge from my first viewing, the trailer had a bigger impact on me that I didn’t expect. This allowed me to push on. Rewatching the film for this helped me realise some parallels between the film and Gavin’s history with MC, along with its song Falling Slowly. For me, the film was so heartfelt, vulnerable, honest and real. Just like the side that Gavin shows MC. It also had super hilarious moments that made me laugh so much while crying over the sad bits. Highly recommend this movie (if you don’t mind some occasional cursing!) Now I can say I’ve watched Once twice.
Below contains spoilers for Gavin's CN content (referring to Cheri's translations) and on the film.
“Your performance… was a miracle to me.” -Gavin
Once is a 2007 Irish romantic drama about two struggling artists in Dublin, Ireland. The film was turned into a musical and won various awards, with Falling Slowly winning at the Critics’ Choice Awards and the 2008 Academy Award for Best Original Song. This was on top of receiving a Grammy nomination. Once only had a budget of only $150,000 USD.
In an Interview with Glen Hansard (male lead), he stated that during the scene of Falling Slowly in the music store, director John Carney wanted this shot to be the centrepiece- just two musicians connecting through music. This scene where the actors first got together to perform and sing in harmony allowed the crew to maintain the perseverance needed to finish the film despite various major setbacks. (People kept buying the same piano in the music store featured because of this film LOL)
“The closest a non-musician will ever get to feeling what it feels like to write the song… or to discover… it was the most moving scenes of the film.” -The Interviewer
The first impression some viewers may have upon watching would be criticising the shakiness of the handheld cameras. However, the actual intention (from the ex-film student perspective that I had) was to give it a sense of realism. This film aims to depict more of real-life from the perspective of the main characters. Even the characters' names weren't disclosed as they were literally 'unknown artists' in everyday life. It was ultimately based on Carney’s own personal experience, while Hansard, wrote the music for the film.
“The movie is sad, funny, real, everything that life is and it gives you hope. It's about a moment that happens in life that may not come by again or may not last forever, but it just might have the greatest impact on you. I know I'll be watching "Once" again.” -A fellow Once viewer.
We are introduced to the male lead (Guy), playing the guitar and wanting to make it big with his music, who also fixes vacuums with his father for a living. He meets the female lead (Girl) and she bugs him into fixing her vacuum. In the beginning, he’s cold and doesn’t want to associate with her (especially after when she gives him 10 cents for his busking).
Look how grateful he looks-
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Even when Gavin and MC met again after their separation, Gavin puts up a fragile guard in front of MC while protecting her from a distance, like in high school. And just like how Joe Zieja stated in his MLQC interview-
“Gavin is a really interesting character, especially when we first started out before he and the producer really had a relationship… Gavin’s very cold. He’s very business-like, he just wants to get stuff done. But it’s really neat to see Gavin’s shell melt over time as he develops a relationship with the producer.”
In the film, Guy finds out that Girl can play the piano, who learned it from her father before he passed. Turns out, Guy is heartbroken from his ex (who’s currently in London) who cheated on him. Girl tries to convince him to get her back with his songs.
Similarly, Gavin discovers MC’s music during his fall shown Campus Date, in the moments where he received his Evol. Gavin devotes his life to protect her.
(I also did a timeline of MC and Gavin’s high school history together here that also references these parts.)
*Casually dragging vacuum*
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Together, they go to a music store and she plays Mendelssohn for him. Then finally, at 15:42 of the film, they start to play Falling Slowly.
(So good! So good!! When they start harmonising!!! No fancy editing or cuts- it’s just two artists and pure music.)
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Through music, they connect with each other’s souls. Just like how MC saves Gavin with her music that fateful day. And soon enough, Gavin comes across MC playing another song in the music room.
That song was Falling Slowly. He doesn’t know the name of the song though, only remembering the melody. Later, he learns how to play the guitar because he liked it and thought that perhaps he could perform it to his special someone one day. Such moments had inspired Gavin to write and make his own songs then record them onto his CDs so that maybe one day she could listen to them.
A thought I had was that did Gavin hear the piano and decide to make a guitar version, only to figure out that he was the missing piece?
Even the music store owner was very impressed-
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Just like how Gavin slowly begins to soften up to MC, in the film, the instrumental of Falling Slowly plays when Guy and Girl start to bond. Guy tries to talk to her more but she states that she “has responsibilities”. It’s revealed that she has a daughter at home and a husband still in the Czech Republic. Even so, together, they write and record songs for his journey to London- back to his ex and to pursue his dreams as a musician.
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Later, they go out for a spin on his father’s motorbike- he even prepared another helmet for her (SPARKY 2.0??). He asks her to teach him how to say “how much do you love him?” in Czech when they talk about her husband upon finding out that she’s married. She replies with, “it is you I love” in Czech. But he has no idea what she said. (*Grips heart*)
He wants her to go to London with him, start a band, and sell out shows. But she can’t. The song they recorded together “When your mind’s made up” (I have this song on repeat) plays in the car as they drive to the beach before he leaves for London the next morning.
So, if you want something And you call, call Then I'll come running To fight and I'll be at your door When there's nothing worth running for
The music producer is clearly so impressed-
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Together, they schedule a time to meet up just before he leaves for the airport. Guy waited all night till morning for her.
But she still doesn’t come. And that was the last time he ever saw her. Just like how MC wasn't able to see Gavin who waited the whole day before he left. This was shown in Old Days Date that I did a heart-gripping analysis on here.
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Guy’s father had said, “make your Ma proud.” (*Cries upon remembering Gavin’s loving mother*)
In the end, still unable to reach her, Guy gifts Girl a piano. In the beginning, they had a conversation where they spoke about pianos being too expensive, hence why she kept going to the music store in order to be able to play. Even though they are both short on money, he still manages to buy her a piano- the same one they played Falling Slowly together.
And while the film comes to an end, Falling Slowly plays in the background while Guy is off to the airport.
*Dramatic power-walking*
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This was a heartbreaking ending for the viewers because not only that they didn’t end up together, they weren’t able to see each other before he left. And it wasn’t disclosed why she couldn’t make it.
Nothing too fancy happens because again, this was to show a slice of real life, and this proves it to be more tragic and beautiful. It can’t really be described unless it’s experienced. And I had the chance of viewing it not once, but twice.
This film (and song) is important for Gavin and MC because, despite their complicated history of misunderstandings, he always wants to put their relationship first and make the most out of what they have now together. Girl had helped Guy achieve his record deal and pursue his dreams. She had done her part on his journey to becoming an artist and both had to part ways. Without her, he wouldn’t have been able to record his songs and leave. Likewise, without MC, Gavin wouldn’t be the man he is today (hence, Winter World). Gavin is very vocal about this as well.
Gavin lowers his head, and the light follows his movement, descending onto the scrapbook, illuminating every word he writes- “I’m very happy to have met you in the past.” -CN Mark Date
“It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. What matters is every moment I spend with you now.” -Sugar Figurine Phone Call
“Seeing you again is the best present I could hope for.” -The Best Gift Phone Call
"Even though I'm curious about the future as well... I care more about the present. For me, it's good enough to seize the day. As long as you're here. The next second will be everything I need. Protecting what I have now, is the best plan for the future." -School Legend ASMR
With Falling Slowly, it’s quite a straightforward, romantic song. Originally in the film, Guy wrote it about his ex-girlfriend so it does has some sad lyrics. MC didn't know how Gavin knew about it.
Teacher Zheng: Just now, MC mentioned that you play the guitar and bass incredibly. Could you let me hear it? It’d be best if the two of you could play together. I haven’t heard my Orchestra Leader play the piano in a very long time.
To be honest, this is not a “request” at all. If Teacher Zheng wants to hear it, I’ll definitely be willing to play for her. But Gavin…
I cast Gavin a probing glance, wondering if there’s a need to persuade him. To my surprise, he nods.
Gavin: I could, but I’m really not as skilled as she says.
Teacher Zheng: Haha that’s all right. I just want you to use your heart when performing. What’s important isn’t how good it sounds, but the heart.
Gavin: Could I borrow the guitar over there?
Teacher Zheng: Of course.
Basically shown in Mark Date, Gavin’s been preparing for this moment all this time. He already knows what song to play. And what’s so amazing is that the first instrument we hear is the guitar which leads the piano. Therefore, once Gavin plays his piece, MC would know what song it is and then join in with her piano. AND THEY WOULD SING TOGETHER.
Maybe it’s just my misperception, or the sunlight just happened to fall onto his eyes, but I keep feeling as though his eyes are even brighter than usual. It’s as though they are flashing with light.
This is a slightly melancholic song, but the moving light and wind seem to make it refreshing and clear.
🎶 Lyrics 🎶
It's a slower song to help listeners slowly take in the emotions, lyrics and main dueting instruments of piano and guitar with the occasional violin in the back. It's so simple, and yet so powerful.
The guitar has its solos and the piano appears more prominent in the chorus. In the beginning, it's just the guitar, with the piano joining in after.
[GUY & GIRL] I don't know you but I want you All the more for that Words fall through me and always fool me And I can't react And games that never amount To more than they're meant Will play themselves out
Gavin never got the chance to be close to MC in high school, so he showed his affection through other methods. He walked 10 metres behind her after school and was her silent guardian against those who had negative intentions towards her. In the library, he had tried to introduce himself to her, but she had already dashed off.
Before waiting for him to say the introduction he had rehearsed countless times in his heart, the girl had already uttered a “thank you” and hurriedly fled. -CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets
Gavin couldn't help but develop this softer side for her and didn’t know how to control it or express it other than doing things such as leaving strawberry milk on the piano and learning guitar in hopes of playing it for her one day.
Those "games" he's referring to were those things they did, such as MC smiling at him when crossing each others' paths in the hallways, and Gavin buying her hot drinks and only looking at her among the snowball fight chaos at school in the Winter. Gavin has no power over how everything will turn out, nor does he try to have complete control over it either.
"... I believe that some things are destined. Like..." -Gacha and Destiny Phone Call
[GUY & GIRL] Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time
This "sinking boat" of the relationship is what they're both trying to save. For Gavin, this could be suggested to be about himself.
In a split second, the noise ceases abruptly. After a moment of silence, whispers surface in the crowd. Vaguely, I can catch a few phrases.
“Bad.” “Fighting.” “Misfit.” -CN Mark Date
Gavin had a tough time in high school being the outcast, but MC kept him going, fighting in the name of justice. And had quite literally saved his life. She was his lighthouse when he was battling the rough waters back home. And MC- she was also his home.
“As he clenched his fists, a power deep down within awakened. It was a rapture of rebirth. A declaration of the end of darkness and the advent of the light.” -Campus Date
[GUY & GIRL] Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice You've made it now
Gavin wants her to realise his feelings, be around and talk to him more- and say "yes". But even so, he still gives her a choice not to, and would have to live with that. Gavin thought she already had when he departed and spent years thinking that her absence showed all of what had to be said.
[GUY & GIRL] Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back
Gavin's falling slowly for MC (compared to when he fell really fast before MC saved him LOL). Once he starts, he can and would never go back. He hopes that MC would see him the way he truly is.
MC: “I have one more thing to tell you. MC is a bit slow. She is not as good as you think, and will also be blinded by rumours…”
Gavin: “She’s a very nice person. What she thinks of me has nothing to do with anyone else." -Old Days Date
[GUY & GIRL] Moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black
Gavin can't handle his feelings. (*Cries*)
After being in a daze in the piano room, he’d be in a daze in the library, continuously staring at the empty seat where MC used to sit, and I have no idea what he’s thinking about.
But I really didn't expect a person who sleeps in class to be in a daze in the library for an entire afternoon... Did Bro Gavin and MC have a fight recently? -CN Minor's Memos
[GUY] You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won
He states that he understands that the girl had it rough, but if she was to be with him, she wouldn't get hurt. Gavin wants to be the one for her.
"MC, I want to make you happy forever. If... I hope that person is me." -First Year In-Game Birthday Visit
[GUY & GIRL] Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice You've made it now
[GUY & GIRL] Falling slowly, sing your melody I'll sing it loud
Gavin recognises MC's "melody", and urges her to sing (her presence) and Gavin will listen and follow, singing his one, too. Together they will harmonise.
[GUY] Take it all Oh, I played the cards too late Now it's gone
The song finally ends with both the guitar and piano, whereas at the beginning it was just the guitar.
This part is the most powerful and heartbreaking. Gavin regretted not giving the farewell letter to MC directly- from "playing the cards too late", then suffers the loss of her, her presence, and her melody.
But fortunately, in the end, Gavin successfully returned home- to MC.
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"Want to play for a while tonight? I haven’t heard you playing the piano in a long time too.
If possible, I’d like to make a song request.
How about “Falling Slowly”?
We could sit by the window and play it together again." -CN Gavin’s Weekly Text - Piano Concert
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Somewhere, Gavin is happily playing Falling Slowly with MC.
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phantom-curve · 4 years
an AU in which the boys are all alive, normal high school students, Julie has been kicked out of her music program, and Luke falls in love with her in three days while simultaneously bringing her back to her first love of all: music.
otherwise known as: my characters in my novel aren’t doing what they’re supposed to so I’m projecting them onto characters that share similar traits in an attempt to wrangle them into obedience.
also, I’m probably going to end up writing an entire freakin fanfic out of this so ya know, lemme know if you wanna be tagged.
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It had been a year since the last time Julie Molina’s fingertips touched down on the ivory piano keys. A year where she wouldn’t, couldn’t, play a single note to save her life without dissolving into a mass of hysterical panic. A year where even the thought of opening her mouth to sing left her throat constricting like she was allergic to the very idea. A year of deafening silence in her household, nobody even daring to pop a CD in the living room player anymore. An entire year without her mother.
In short, Julie had been having A Very Bad Day for a literal year now. Today wasn’t about to change that for her.
“What do you mean it would be best for me to find a new music program?” 
The words were a strangled cry, somehow escaping around the thick blockade in her throat.
“I’m sorry, Julie, but it’s out of my hands. I’ve done everything I can. The music program is very competitive and the requirements to keep a spot open are strict. I’ve held off the school for a year now, but...” Ms. Harrison sighed. It was obvious she didn’t like this any more than Julie did. “Participation is 75% of your grade. I can’t grade what doesn’t exist.”
The words were soft, but Julie felt the sharp sting of them cutting straight through to her heart. Ms. Harrison gave her a sympathetic look. Julie knew it wasn’t her teacher’s fault. She had been given chance after chance to fix this mess, to fix herself. The failure was hers and hers alone.
“Thank you...for everything, Ms. Harrison.”
The words were a goodbye. They both knew it. Ms. Harrison’s returning smile was gentle and sad.
“I’m so sorry, Julie. Good luck.”
And just like that, Julie Molina was no longer a vocal studies student at Los Feliz High School. 
Julie left the classroom feeling for all the world like a woman adrift in an endless sea. Who was she without music? Obviously the answer was whatever version of herself she had been for the last year, but was that really who she was now? Was she really doomed to lose that part of her identity entirely, like a limb that had to be amputated out of necessity but it’s ghost still lingered, useless and ineffective? The thought of existing like this shell of herself for the rest of her life felt overwhelmingly sad but also undeniable. After all, Julie’s music had always been tied to her mother. Without her mom, there was no music left in Julie’s heart anyway.
It was those morose thoughts that consumed her as she made her way down the school hallways, chin tucked low against her chest, hat brim pulled over her eyes so no one would notice the tattletale tear marks down her cheeks. After a year of practice, Julie had become extremely adept at navigating the school hallways basically blind. She hardly ever ran into people anymore. Obviously, because today was The Worst Day of 2020, her luck had to give out exactly at that moment.
Julie’s breath huffed out in a surprised exhale. With a graceless flailing of arms, she fell backwards smack dab onto her backside, her books completely scattering across the deserted hallway. She blinked a few times in shock, her surroundings coming into focus as she steadied her breathing. 
“Hey, watch where you’re-oh! Oh. Sorry, shoulda....shoulda done a better job lookin out.”
One large hand extended in front of her face. Julie followed the line of bare skin upwards to an impressive display of biceps peeking out from the deep side cut of the boy’s homemade tank top. Her gaze wandered further, taking in the shaggy almost too-long brown hair shoved unceremoniously underneath an orange beanie, the soft green blue eyes that were gazing at her with a clear apology. Her own eyes skipped across his face as realization dawned. Well great. Exactly what she didn’t need. Los Feliz’s very own rebel rock-n-roll bad boy here to witness her downfall. She hastily scrubbed the leftover tears from her cheeks, rising from the ground without his help thank you very much.
“No, you’re right. It was my fault. Sorry.” 
Her words came out in a clipped rush, red staining her cheeks. She tucked her head back down, maneuvering around the unfairly cute boy in front of her so she could begin to collect her books. Before she could grab more than one, a neat stack was being gently tucked into her arms.
“Nah, Molina. I had my head in the clouds. Second nature to blame someone else for my problems.” The cheeky wink he flashed her was ruined by the thread of contempt running through his last sentence. His careless, cocky shrug was a bit more convincing. “’Sides, everyone knows not to get in the way of a woman on a mission. You clearly have places to be.” 
He dipped his head, eyes bouncing across her face as he tried to catch her gaze. She gave him a small, tight smile, reaching up to tuck a lose curl behind her ear. His answering grin felt like the first glimpse of sunshine after a month of rain. The crack in her heart ached in an unfamiliar way, Julie’s hand rising of it’s own accord to rub at the dumb muscle. Their eyes held for a long moment, a weird tension crackling between the two, before Julie bit her lip and broke the stare down. Like Lucas freaking Patterson, king of the Los Feliz musical department, would ever understand what she was dealing with right now. Steeling herself against his too warm gaze, she stepped back.
“Yep. Places to be. Like...not here, so...see ya.”
Her hand rose in a stiff wave. The awkward exit was not her best work, admittedly. And was it just her imagination or had the spark behind his eyes dimmed at her dismissal? Whatever. Didn’t matter. Julie wasn’t a vocal student here anymore. Her path and Luke’s were destined to shoot in opposite directions from this moment forward: his star rising higher as his band continued to take the musical scene by storm, her star hurtling its way down to Earth in a pathetic blaze of glory before snuffing itself out on impact. They wouldn’t meet again after this.
Without a second look back, Julie turned her back on the dejected puppy moonlighting as a teenage boy in front of her and escaped out of the school into the warmth of another glorious LA afternoon. 
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the-edge-of-great · 4 years
I'm jittery on coffee, lack of food, and I had a stressful day, so here’s some angst. 1700 words of pure angst. enjoy :)))
As a teenager, it was an alliance between friends. Brothers.
Protect Luke, they thought. Keep his location a secret. His parents are being unreasonable. This is what he’s born to do.
But in secret, they knew. They shared looks over his shoulders, silent concern that they never spoke on. Never discussed because they took an oath. They took Luke’s side, always.
Bobby thought he’d get over it. He thought they’d make up eventually; they just needed a few weeks to cool off.
But then weeks turned into months. 
Luke stopped going to school.
And the Missing Person posters began showing up.
And then a year had passed. Luke stopped talking about them. The guys didn’t bring it up.
Bobby’s own parents never caught on to the extra person living in the garage. Luke slept on the couch, but when Bobby’s parents came over, he hid in the loft. Bobby snuck food out to him. They spent long nights in the studio on the floor, backs against the couch as they listened to Bobby’s CD collection. So many almost-normal nights with his heart heavy with guilt eventually turned into a new normal. He shoved the guilt away and locked it up until it simmered into numbness he could ignore.
After they died, Bobby learned to block everything out. He liked to think he forgot; that’s what he told his therapist. His wife. His daughter. Maybe if he said it enough, it would actually happen.
The Pattersons invite him in with a smile. They’re warm, kind, exactly how he remembers. He wishes he could remember how to smile back at them.
Their house looks the same as it did when he was sixteen, celebrating Luke’s birthday in their living room. They didn’t stay long that day; Luke’s relationship with his parents was just beginning to crumble. He and the guys left quickly after cake because they had to practice. His parents weren’t happy. Luke didn’t care.
“How have you been, Bobby?” Mitch asks. He takes a seat next to Emily. She reaches for his hand; they smile at each other. Trevor’s heart hurts. “Sorry, you go by Trevor these days don’t you?”
Trevor nods stiffly. “I do. Yeah, um, I’ve been good. Things are good.”
“Working hard on your next album, I assume?” Emily says with a smile. “We have all of your CDs, you know.”
He swallows thickly. “That’s… actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I have something for you.”
The envelope is numb in his fingers as he hands it over. Emily’s warm smile never falters, though her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as she grabs it. While she tears it open, Mitch asks, “What’s this?”
“Compensation.” Twenty-five years too late.
“Oh my,” she gasps, sliding the check out of the envelope. “Bobby—Trevor—”
“I couldn’t track down Alex and Reggie’s parents,” he explains quickly, wiping his palms against his pants. “So, you’re getting all of it.”
Emily shakes her head. “I don’t understand. Why would you—”
And—how do you tell a secret you’ve kept for twenty-five years? How do you rip a bandage off that you yourself cemented into place years ago?
He was only sixteen when Luke ran away from home. Couldn’t tell anyone: not his parents or Reggie’s or Alex’s. It weighed on him like lead. He resented Luke for a long time. How selfish could he be to ask his friends to lie to their parents? To the police when they questioned Luke’s disappearance? They were teenagers. Kids.
He was only seventeen when his best friends died. For a long time, he replayed that night in his head. He should’ve warned them about those street hotdogs. Should’ve tried harder to make them consider a diet change—he didn’t trust that street vendor; never did. But they loved that place, so maybe that’s where his first lie came from. His band was so supportive of everything, even his sudden decision to swear off meat. Maybe he should’ve gone with them, could’ve been the one to steer them away when the dogs tasted funny or called an ambulance to get them help faster. Maybe he could’ve saved them.
“I stole Luke’s music.”
He doesn’t hear himself speak. Did he finally say it?
Emily’s face crumbles. Mitch’s twists into anger.
Yeah, he said it.
“You what?” Mitch says. His voice is controlled; he’s never been the emotional one.
Trevor continues with a dry mouth because he has to; there’s no going back now: “My parents found his notebook in my garage after he died. I was afraid of what they’d do if they found out I’d been hiding Luke there, so I said it was mine. Then they read through the songs, and they thought I needed to share them. My dad knew a guy, they got me in a studio, and then—”
And then.
“—before I knew it… They were my songs. At least, that’s what LA thought. Then the entire US. Then Canada, England… It all happened so fast,” he added quickly, trying to explain better because they were getting angry.
“You never credited him,” Mitch accuses. “Any of them. They were your friends—!”
Emily’s seconds away from breaking. She’s quiet when she speaks, soft as ever: “Luke was with you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. His own eyes are filled with tears. “I’m sorry. He told me—told us to keep quiet. We promised, made an oath—”
“We told the police,” she continues, as if she can’t even hear him. Maybe she can’t. Maybe she’s as numb as he is now. “We bothered them for months after Luke’s disappearance, called every other week for updates. We covered the city in posters with his face on it. I just wanted to know that he was okay. That he wasn’t on the street somewhere—” Tears spill over her cheeks. She doesn’t wipe them away; her gaze is fixed on the check. “I drove down dozens of streets, checked every corner I knew of that had street performers usually, hoping I’d see him. Hoping I could… convince him to come home…
“And he was just—” Her smile is watery, broken. She finally looks at him. He wants to puke. “He was safe.”
Trevor’s shoulders tremble with the dam that finally breaks. “I’m so sorry,” he sobs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know any better. I was—we were kids. He was a kid. He missed you every day. Never stopped thinking about you, even if he never said anything. I wanted to say something. I know Alex and Reggie did too. I think we just… we just…” He sniffs, wipes his eyes, rubs his hands over his face. “We thought you guys would make up. We thought everything would work out in the end. And it would’ve! I know it would’ve, if he hadn’t…”
For a long moment, they don’t talk. Nobody does; they can’t find enough strength between the sobs wrecking their bodies, making their throats raw. Emily cries into the safety of Mitch’s arms. Trevor’s fingers wrap around his own arms. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand, focuses on the window, on the bright sun pouring in. The curtain moves, he swears, but he doesn’t think anything of it. Even though he can’t feel the air, he tells himself that’s what it is.
“We were supposed to play the Orpheum,” he whispers, and his voice crumbles and gives on the last syllable. His head falls to his hands. The Orpheum. He was supposed to play the Orpheum with his best friends. They were about to make it.
Emily sniffs. She gently tears away from her husband, wipes her eyes, and stands. “Thank you for the offer, but we don’t want your money.” She leans over the coffee table to offer the check. “We don’t need it.”
It slips between one trembling hand to another. He stares at it: Five hundred thousand dollars. Should be more. Even if they don’t want it, it should be more. Five million. Ten. They deserve so much more.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, even though that carries no weight. No amount of apologies will bring Luke back. Or Reggie. Or Alex. He can’t fix anything. Actually, he’s probably done the most damage. Twenty-five years of lies.
The sun is too bright outside. He stumbles through the yard, check clenched so tightly in his hand that the edges are cutting into his skin. The lights on his car flash like he’s just unlocked it. Or, maybe he locked it again. Doesn’t know; can’t hear. Can’t focus on anything except his band. His best friends. His brothers. They left him, but what did he do?
He stole their lives. Their dream.
Trevor stumbles into the door. His crying is louder inside, clogs his eardrums and rattles through his body painfully. Everything is so painful. He clutches at his heart.
The air conditioning is on full blast—the coldest it can go—when he turns it on. His windows fog up; he doesn’t notice.
Not until—something squeaks in his ear. He jolts in surprise, head whipping around in a blur.
There are letters, but they’re backward. There are also voices—he swears he can hear voices. Arguing, critiquing that sounds too much like—and then a word. A backward word. And when his breath catches in his throat and his body freezes over all over again, he knows he’s not as numb as he thought because he can see it. And he knows—he knows. It’s them. They’re there. Were there. Still are? Whatever it is, he bursts into tears again. Happy tears. Sad tears. So many emotional tears that his head is spinning.
But his chest—his chest is loosening. There’s a weight disappearing. He feels like he can breathe for the first time in twenty-five years.
As the letters begin to bleed, a new spot of fog forms on the window. He watches in amazement as someone spells three more words. It’s Alex, he thinks. Has to be. After all these years, he still recognizes that handwriting—Alex has always had the best handwriting out of their group.
Once the last word is finished, they’re gone. He doesn’t know how he knows, he just does. And in their place, they leave reassurance. They leave peace:
We forgive you
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cinnamon-bebe · 5 years
Remember Us
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(Sebastian x Reader)
Summary: Some mistakes cannot be fixed. A couple must come to terms with their loss.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, bereavement, cheating, mentions of abortions.
(’Re-purposing’ and embellishing an old storyline I had written for a fic years ago)
My feeble fingers fumble for the stereo in an attempt to put an end to the miserable love song on the radio but of course, I fail spectacularly, dialing up the volume with all my drunkenness.
“And I wish I could leave my bones
And my skin
And float over the tired, tired sea
So, that I could see you again
Maybe you would leave too
And we’d blindly pass each other
Floating over the ocean blue
Just to find the warm bed of our lover”
Why must the radio torment me tonight?
I try to change the station as I grip onto the steering wheel, I feel my car sway from side to side but it’s fine. There’s no one here, I’m all alone.
I soon come to realise that the music isn’t coming from the radio, rather a CD inside my stereo. Ripping out disc, my bleary eyes make out the name; Gregory Alan Isakov.
She must have forgotten this.
God, I shouldn’t be driving. If my agent knew, she’d be livid but for the sake of my sanity, I couldn’t stay at that PR sham any longer. Seeing all those phoney faces, pretending to be interested. Pretending to be into my hot new co-star, all for the sake of eliciting some publicity for our film. The only thing that made the night bearable, was the endless supply of booze. No doubt the organisers were hoping for the press to catch some drunken antics by the bevy of celebrities; we’ve got a movie to sell, all publicity is good publicity right? And I almost succumbed to it if it wasn’t for Maddie, physically holding me back from taking another swig straight from the champagne bottle. I was being every agent’s nightmare and she wasn’t afraid to tell it to my face. In fact, she ordered me straight into the men’s room to “fix myself up” before I dare make another appearance back at our table. She probably thinks I’m still in there.
I remember now. She used to love this album.
I throw the disc onto the empty seat next to me, as the house finally comes to view. I pull up on the side of the road; the lights are off, she’s not home.
The deafening silence in the car hurts. I feel my brain trying to sober me up but my mind just isn’t ready yet. I fall back against the headrest, my hands on the wheel to steady myself, to keep my head from spinning.
She’s usually home by now.
I reach for my phone, hopeful that Y/N had come around and returned one of my calls.  
A text from my mother at 3.
A couple of missed calls from Chris at 7.
3 voicemails twenty minutes ago from Maddie; probably figured out I was gone.
My fingers slide over my contact list until it finds a familiar number, one I have hesitated to call lately after our last encounter but I guess, the alcohol is fuelling some sort of blind courage tonight.
“Liv? It’s me…Seb.” I slur. I figure the louder I speak the more comprehensible I would sound.
“Wow, you have some nerve don’t you? Did I not make myself clear last time?”
I wince at the hostility in her voice.
“Is Y/N with you? She’s not picking up her phone…I’m outside her house right now.“
“Jesus Christ Sebastian. Just leave her alone okay? She doesn’t need this right now! She doesn’t need you fucking with her head anymore!”
I’m sure Liv is just as sick of me as Y/N.
The last 5 months I have been trying to see Y/N, to tell her how sorry I am, to fix our lives but she’s manage to avoid me in every way imaginable.
Her locks are changed, she no longer frequents the places that we loved and I know she’s taken extra shifts at the hospital, all to avoid seeing me; the pariah.
Liv was my only window to her, to find out how she was doing.
After my last attempt to raid Liv’s house for her, she’s cut off all contact from me.
I’m surprised this woman hasn’t hung up yet.
“I just want to know that she’s alright…that’s all I want to know Liv. I miss her.”
I feel as if my entire body is sinking, my shoulders grow heavy and the exhaustion of everything that has happened, all hitting me at once. Blow after blow.
I cry down the phone to her best friend who hates me.
My Olivia.
My Olivia who was always in my corner whenever I fought with Y/N, helped her see past all the stupid shit I’d do, helped her see the rational side of things whenever she had doubts. Liv was our family who had been through it all, seen all our good and plenty of the bad. God knows how many times she intervened to save our relationship.
Seems as though this time, not even Liv can salvage what is left.
The line crackles as she sighs.
“Seb…we both know this is better for Y/N. She needs to move on and you do too.”
“I don’…I can’t. I can’t lose her, not like this. I can fix this.” My cries become uncontrollable, I have ruined the expensive suit I’ve been wearing, if it wasn’t already been marred by the stench of booze.
“Seb. There’s just nothing you can do. She doesn’t want anything to do with you.”
“Liv please. Help me, I know you can help me.” I regain an inch of control over my sobs, holding onto the last sliver of dignity that I have left.
“How?“ She sighs, exasperated. “How do you expect me to fix… this?”
“Just tell me where she is.”
She pauses, I can hear her contemplating over the line.
“She’s gone on out with someone.“ She says curtly. "She should be back soon but you need to be gone by then.”
Before I could even respond, she hangs up the phone.
Is she seeing someone?
I pull my palms across my face, cleaning myself up as I run through all the possibilities of who Y/N could be out with at this hour.
I adjust myself in my seat. I’ll sit out here for as long as I need.
I have to see her tonight.
The car ride home was quiet. I had fiddled with my nails all the way through, scratching out bits of the red varnish I had spent so much time and effort painting on. The air conditioning was blowing directly at me, much to my discomfort but I didn’t want to break the peace and ask for it to be turned off.
It’s fine now. We’re outside my house.
“I had I great time Y/N.” Josh holds my hand, affectionately running his thumb against my skin.  
Handsome, smart, dependable Josh. Perfect. Just perfect. Which is exactly why I am kicking myself for feeling so miserable this whole night.
I had went all out to pump myself up for this date, even so much as buying a ridiculously expensive dress that I’ll probably never wear again.
We’ve been seeing each other for the past couple weeks, yet I feel nothing. No butterflies. No chemistry.
“Me too.” I lie.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He begins to stroke my face, my body fighting its urge to flinch.
Slowly, he draws me closer, planting a soft and affectionate kiss on my lips; which I return. A part of me hoping it will ignite some spark but instead, only the desire to push him off and run.  
“Good night Josh. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I pull away, hoping he misses the aggrieved expression on my face.
I can tell he is disappointed that I didn’t invite him in but I just can’t. I’m not ready no matter how many times I tell myself I am. It’s been 5 months and the thought of having another man in my house still makes my stomach turn.
I give him a final wave as I leave his car. Making my way to my door, my feet drags slowly behind on the pavement, pained from wearing the stilettos I had reserved for special occasions.
From the corner of my eye, I swear I could see a familiar car.
No. My mind must be playing tricks.
I fumble away for my keys as I reach the steps of my porch.
I halt to a stop.
My breath hitches as he emerges from the shadows, gathering himself up from where he was sitting on the floor.
His voice. That voice that’s been haunting me, turns me immediately on my heels and sends me running in the opposite direction.
He pulls me from behind. I feel myself numb in his arms, his body pressed so tightly against mine as he holds me hostage in the dark.
“Get off Sebastian.” I try to whisper, remain as calm as my mind would allow. The last thing I want is to wake my neighbours and invite them to this little peep show.
“I want to talk to you Y/N. Please.” He’s been drinking, I can smell it from his pores.
“Get off.” I try to turn myself around, facing him so I could push his heavy chest away.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just get off!” I begin hitting him, smacking him hard in the torso. Even just an inch between us would allow me to escape.
“We can work through this, it’s us.“
I refuse to respond.
"It’s us.” He cries, dropping his arms from around me, finding my hands instead. He rests his forehead against mine, his tears hot on my cold skin.
I upset the moment pushing him one last time. His reflexes falter causing him to stumble, permitting me to break away.
I harshly jerk from his clasp, ignoring him clamouring after me. I rush to my door with the keys shaking in my hands.
“Will you just talk to me? Please!” He gets angry with me.
The audacity.
I ignore him again, trying my best to get my hands to function, to get the key in.
“You think you’re the only one hurting Y/N?”
The keys drop from my hands, along with my every chance to get away, hitting the wooden slabs of my porch with a loud thud.
“GOD!” I scream. At him. At myself. I stare at my keys sitting so helplessly on the floor, as I fall down myself.
How have I become so weak?
I no longer recognise what I have become, what we have become.
I have spent every ounce of my energy trying to recover some form of normalcy back in my life, convincing my friends, myself, that everything is fine, that my world isn’t falling apart. I try so hard but I can never fool myself. The world can see right through me, no matter how much I force that smile.
“Y/N.“ Sebastian collapses beside me, tugging at my arm. "Look at me, please.” He grabs my wrist, propping my hands against his pain ridden face.
"I know I can’t do things over, I can’t change what happened but we can overcome this. W-we can make it through the other side.”
I sit motionless in his arms.
The night is dark, so dark it seems we were exiled from the world. It must be 2, 3 am in the morning by now, not a decibel disturbing the street.
Sebastian starts to relax his hold on me, I can feel him slowly sobering up as he rests his head on my lap, his face nestled close to my stomach. The vitality we once had has drained out of us, our lifeless vessels too weak to go on.
I look down at him, his eyes are closed as he murmurs inaudible words into my abdomen.
“We lost the baby.”  I whispered.
“I know.”
The reality of those words cut me in a million ways. I have never dared utter those words out loud, too afraid to speak the truth into existence.
“I did this, didn’t I? I made you lose the baby.” Sebastian looks up at me, his eyes vacant; dying.
I can’t find the will to respond.
I’ve spent so long placing the blame on him, why is it suddenly so hard to say it out loud now?
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andrea-lyn · 4 years
Soulmate/Serendipity-ish idea: Starts with Malex as maybe 8/9 yrs old. Alex sees this cute curly haired boy who is mute, made fun of because he's in foster care, wears ratty clothing, etc. It's xmas and feels for him so he gives him one of his gifts or something. They connect even though Michael is mute. He moves away and they always wonder about one other thru the yrs. They are each other's ideal. Yrs later at xmas they run into one other and their connection is still cosmic and fall in love!!!
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silent nightmichael/alex, pg
When Alex was younger, heand his mother had a special only-for-them tradition after Thanksgiving. Theholiday itself was always fraught with tension in the Manes household, seeingas she didn’t like to celebrate it, but Jesse insisted. Her imposed traditionhad been a deliberate defense against Jesse’s demands, and one that she’dshared with all the boys, but these days, it’s only Alex who wants to go.
His brothers have decided they don’t want to be a part of this. They’ve sidedwith Jesse, even if they haven’t admitted to it aloud. They bundle up and head to the group home in Roswell just as the decorationsare going up, because his mother has always been adamant about making surethose kids get just as much of a holiday as the Manes boys do. Alex has a giftin his hands and he’s allowed to decide who gets it, while his mother talks tothe volunteers and delivers the cookies that she’s made.This year, Alex is eight and he’s feeling grown up and mature, definitelymature enough that he doesn’t need his Mom holding his hand. Heading into thegroup home, he sees one of the boys scribbling in a notebook. His hoodie hasholes in it, and his hair looks matted and tangled. Instantly, Alex knows.That’s who deserves his present.“Can I give a gift to him?” he asks one of the volunteers, pointing to the boy.The woman looks somewhat wary. “You can,” she allows, “we’ve given him the nameMichael, but he doesn’t speak. He can understand you, but he won’t talk back.That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try.”Alex nods with eager purpose as he heads over with the wrapped gift in hand.Awkwardly, he waves, and walks over to his side. He hears the lady behind himwhispering (too loudly) about the other children that Michael had come in with,but the Evans had adopted them. They’d left Michael behind.The youngest child in a family full of boys who worship their father, Alexunderstands what it’s like, to be left out. “Hi,” he greets him. “I’m Alex,” he says, gesturing to himself as he sitscross-legged across from the other boy. “Can you show me how to sign that?” heasks hopefully, and watches as the curly-haired boy begins to move his fingersthrough the letters.Alex watches him and mirrors each action. They go through it three times beforeAlex feels comfortable to do it on his own. Then he signs A-L-E-X, hello,before pointing to the wrapped present, holding it out for him.Michael points to himself, but the furrow of his brow tells Alex that it’s notas clear as he’d hoped it would be. Alex wonders if it’s the first present he’sever received and suddenly his own life seems a lot better. Maybe this is whyhis Mom brings him here. Still, Alex pushes the present a little moreaggressively.“For you,” he agrees. It’s not an exciting gift, as far as Alex is concerned. It’s just a knit scarfthat his Mom made, but when Michael leans over to stick the bow on Alex’s hairand then rips excitedly into the paper, Alex wonders if the gift inside mattersat all. Maybe it’s just that someone is thinking of him. When he opens the boxand pulls out the scarf, his eyes widen and he squeezes his hands tightly inthe fabric, burying his face in it. He doesn’t speak, but his breath startshitching with sobbing breaths that make Alex scramble over to hug his newfriend.“No, no, no, no,” Alex mumbles. “I’m sorry! No, it’s a gift! It’s for you!” Isit that bad? Maybe he should’ve convinced his Mom to buy a Game Boy orsomething better for them to give away.Michael shakes his head rapidly and makes a few gestures with his hands thatAlex doesn’t understand. He wildly looks over his shoulder for help, and one ofthe volunteers comes by so Michael can sign it again. 
“He says he loves it,” she tells Alex. “And says thank you, for the present.”Alex gives Michael a tentative smile and leans in to hug him again, a littletighter than before. He feels safe, like he could hug him for hours, and theappreciation for such a simple present reminds Alex that you don’t always needsomething with bells and whistles.Sometimes, a present from a friend is everything. “Happy Christmas, Michael,” Alex wishes when his Mom comes to collect him. “I’llcome visit again, okay?” He signs his name again, then points to himself, andthen to Michael. “I’ll come back.”Michael nods at him, his curls bouncing, and he hugs the scarf tightly to hischest. It’s the last image that Alex has of this beautiful, gracious, amazingboy before he goes back home to his life. Alex goes back to the group home a week later. This time, he brings somemittens to match the scarf along with one of his old CD players and some CD’s. Heleans on the desk and asks if he can see Michael, but the lady at the desklooks at him, then the gift, before saying absently, “He’s not here anymore. Hewas brought home by a foster parent, they moved to Santa Fe.” It’s a good thing, right? Michael’s found a family and right before theholidays, so Alex should be happy for him, but he can’t help feeling a bolt ofsorrow for the connection that he’d only just developed and has now alreadylost. That should be the last of it. It should be, only Alex can’t let go of the image in his head of Michael. Through his early teenaged years, he wonders what Michael is doing. He thinksabout the group home and he hopes that the family that took Michael in is agood one. He thinks about the way he’d taken Alex’s gift reverently, as ifnothing else had been more important. He thinks about the shy smile on his faceand his kindness as he’d taught Alex sign language, reaching over to help himwith his fingers.When Alex is fifteen, he starts wondering about Michael in different ways. He wonders what he looks like, now that they’ve grown up. Is he tall? Lanky?Are his curls still so soft-looking and would they be perfect to touch? Has hefound a family that will give him proper-fitting clothes? Has he got someonethat he’s dating that gives him gifts at Christmas?Then, at seventeen, Alex doesn’t have to wonder anymore.“Class, we’ve got a late transfer in,” his English teacher announces. There’sno one standing there, and most of the class isn’t paying attention (perusual). “I’d like everyone to be patient. He can understand you, and hear you,but he doesn’t speak, so we’ll be learning some basic ASL through the year, sowe can communicate and round ourselves out.”The tip of Alex’s pencil breaks in the middle of the doodling he’s doing. Hestares up at the front of the class, his heart pounding in his chest. “Please welcome Michael Guerin, everyone,” the teacher says, and gesturestowards the door. Alex stops breathing when he sees him walk through the door. If ever he’d doubtedthat they had a connection that day, this moment proves that he hadn’t beenmaking it up. Michael waves to the class, but in the midst of that, he lockseyes with Alex and stops in his tracks. It’s been years, but Alex wonders ifhe’s been recognized and if nine years doesn’t make that much of a difference.His heart starts to beat faster when Alex realizes the only empty desk in theroom is the one beside him. When Michael walks down the aisle to claim thedesk, Alex stares at him and realizes that he’s wearing Alex’s scarf,the one he’d given him years ago.Hi, signs Alex. I was hoping I’d see you again.In the intervening years, he’s picked up more than a thing or two. The hopethat he’d one day get to see Michael again had driven him on, but now is hischance to actually show that off. Michael looks impressed as he sits besidehim, reaching over to squeeze Alex’s fingers in the middle of signing, smirkingat him as he presses a finger to his lips.He’s shushing Alex for speaking ASL in class.Alex huffs out a fond laugh, shaking his head, and buries his head in hisnotebook, his fingers tapping anxiously and nervously, even though he has somuch more he wants to tell Michael and show him. When he glances over, he seesthe way Michael’s gaze lingers on Alex’s varnish-coated nails and Alex swallowsback his nerves.For all that he’s developed a crush on an idealized version of a boy he oncemet, it’s nothing compared to meeting him again and realizing thatthere’s absolutely something between them. Over the next few weeks, Alex makes sure that Michael always has somewhere toeat. They sit together under the bleachers sharing lunches and blankets,especially when Alex learns that Michael doesn’t have anywhere to live. Hissituation has only grown worse and he’s living in the back of the truck.He learns about the man who adopted him all those years ago and wishes thathe’d been more vocal about getting his parents to give Michael a home, but hecan’t go back in time. He can only move forward and do something about now.Nervously, Alex tells Michael about the shed. “You should stay there,” he says.“If I can give you a Christmas present, it’s that.” He signs the same toMichael, and gives a sheepish smile when Michael reaches over to fix Alex’sfingers when he signs the wrong word. Then, Michael doesn’t let go, only shiftsso that he’s holding Alex’s hand while they eat their sandwiches.Alex thinks the offer goes unnoticed, but two nights later he’s taking out thetrash when he sees a light on in the shed. He doesn’t go inside, but he peeksin and sees Michael on the futon, curled up and reading a book. Alex smiles tohimself and heads back inside, making sure that he brings some dinner around tothe shed.That’s how things continue as the days turn colder, getting closer to theholiday itself, and bringing with it a need for Alex to find the perfect gift. He thinks he has an idea for that, at least. He’s seen the way the other boyeyes his guitar, which means that he has one part of the gift done. The otheris easy, too, it just requires practice to make sure that his fingers are doingthe right thing so that when he signs his message, there’s no confusion.  On Christmas Eve, Alex sneaks into the shed wearing a Santa hat. The gift is already hiding behind the futon, wrapped, and he’s the rest of it.He knocks lightly and gives Michael an encouraging smile. His father doesn’tlike that they’re giving Michael the shed as a space to sleep in, but Flint hadbeen the one to point out that giving a mute homeless kid a roof over his headis pretty much the most basic human kindness, then had called their Mom to backhim up, which had shut Jesse up. It’s not like Michael is invited to dinner, but he’s also not about to getkicked out.Hi, he signs on his way in. “Merry Christmas, Michael.” He almostbounces as he settles in on the couch opposite Michael, sitting cross-leggedwith a box in his hand. Michael grins at him and signs back a hello, then, you didn’t have toget me anything.“I got part of this for you ages ago,” Alex admits, and passes him the box withthe mittens in it. He’s had to make new ones to match the scarf (seeing asMichael’s hands won’t fit the version he made a decade ago), but they stillmatch the scarf and they’re still hand-knit. Alex loves the feeling he gets ashe watches Michael open it. It's the same as it was a decade ago, that certainty deep down that his gift isloved and appreciated. The Walkman and CD’s had been given away ages ago, butAlex reaches behind the couch for the guitar with a bow on it, handing it overwith a raise of both of his brows.Déjà vu hits him hard when Michael signs, for me?That lump in his throat is hard to swallow past, but he nods as Michaeltakes it from him reverently. His fingers almost tremble as he slides them overthe strings, closing his eyes as he soaks up the few notes he plays. He seemsto know a few chords, and Alex sinks back onto the couch, watching him enjoyhis gifts for a few minutes. He could stop here, but he knows it’s important to keep going.The last time Alex gave Michael a gift, he’d been gone a week later. He can’trisk that again. Alex inhales deeply, “And there’s one more gift,” he says, reaching out to getMichael’s attention. Even though he knows that Michael can hear every word andunderstand it, it doesn’t matter. It means more that he’s learned this,in his mind.Maybe it’s too much, maybe it’s stupid, but Alex has known Michael Guerin sincehe was eight and he thinks he’s fallen in love with the idea of the man beforehe came back. Then, he’d returned and Alex fell even deeper in love, even if itwas with someone new. He knows, now, that he loves him. He knows that he’s inlove.It's why he feels comfortable signing it.“Michael,” Alex says, and fluidly signs what he’s been meaning to say formonths.I love you.Michael’s eyes widen and he replies with a, Really? “Really,” Alex promises. “I do. I love you, even if you’ve only been back awhile. It feels like longer. It feels like we just…”Connected, Michael signs, and Alex nods, knowing that it’s the exactword he would’ve used to describe it, too. It’s been years since they met andit had been an innocent meeting back then, but Alex has thought about him forso long and the man himself has exceeded every single dream and fantasy.How could he not feel like this?“I wanted you to know,” Alex rambles, not noticing how Michael is inching intowards him. “We missed out on so many holidays and I owe you so many othergifts, but…” He would keep going, but Michael grabs him by the cheeks and yankshim in for a kiss, stunning Alex into speechlessness. It takes him a few moments, but he melts into it, his eyes falling shut as hedrifts forward, tangling his fingers in Michael’s hair as he kisses him back,indulging in each tiny little sound he earns from Michael that he’s never heardbefore, but also the softness of his lips, the mild scratch of the fuzz he hasgrowing on his cheeks, and how warm he is.It's a better gift than Alex could have ever dreamt of asking for. Alex only leans back long enough to stare at Michael’s lips for another moment,then to his hands, which are moving. Alex, kiss me again, and he grins,because he’s spent the intervening years of their separation learning plenty ofASL just in case and there’s no mistaking those words.Kiss had been one of the first things that he’d learned that made himblush, but then he’d practiced it. With his hands, with his lips, with hisimagination.And now, with Michael Guerin, within a stone’s throw of Christmas, he intendsto keep practicing until his lips and his fingers ache. 
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rayesketchit42 · 4 years
Self indulgence here, oc fanfiction. 
Set in the Ducktales ‘17 universe. Ethan Cloud
Adult content story will include or mentionings of: drinking, swearing, sex violence, some slurs.  
A/n I never know how to show song lyrics in writing XD forgive me. Soft start just set where ethan is so far.
A leaf in the wind ch. 1
A young hooded crow beat and bruised fell to the ground. Looking down at the water in the gutter beside him he spat out some blood. He looked over to the ones who who did this to him
"What, you gonna do just lie there Ethan?" 
Ethan, the hooded crow grinned and got back up "Nah, I'm gonna get up and beat yo punk bitch ass next!" Ethan said as he wiped his beak clean. Popping his knuckles as he looked the other bird over. Angry and ready to let that all out and this guy was just the right punching bag.
"New places to go
I've got to leave
It's time for a show
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane
Here I am, rock you like a hurricane"
Ethan belted out, along to the song playing as he made his way into his new apartment. Putting his load of boxes down and standing in the middle of the living room taking in the fact this was his new home now. Ethan was 22 now and finally making the big step into his adulthood. Moving out from his uncles’ home, after delaying that at least one year more but he was ready now. The place wasn’t much but it had what he needed at least. A single bed room with a connected half bathroom. A small kitchen that was big enough to put a table into. And the rest was the living room area.  It was a bit bitter sweet, to think he wouldn’t be waking up to the sounds of his uncle’s playfully bantering well making breakfast. Wouldn’t be the one to wake up his cousin, Damien because he was out cold from another all nighter. His time of self reflection ended when he felt a box hit him in the back, he looked back to see Damien behind him. 
“Ethan!” He called out “You can’t just space out like that we're trying to get the last of your stuff inside.” the young magpie said, seeming a bit annoyed.
Ethan just turned around and took the box from him as he smiled. “Sorry got side tracked there.”  Walking over to the wall of boxes he placed the new on on the top of the stack. Damien joined him and looked over the boxes labels. 
“Man you have a lot of junk. CDs, movies, one epsiode recorded vhs tapes, music sheets, headphones.” He started reading out loud then stopped “Why do you have a whole box for just headphones?”
Ethan just shrugged. “I just packed up anything that was mine or Uncle Clover and Jason said I could have. Like the VHS tapes, guess they were from when Clover was younger but they are all  random episodes of Mr.Rogers, or Bob Ross” 
Damian was quite a moment as he looked over the boxes more. "Jeez it’s really starting to set in that your not gonna be at home anymore.” Damian said then coughed trying to cover up he said anything at all. “Just..kind of weird to think about. I mean cause you can barely take care of yourself I don't know how your going to make it past a week”
“I’m not that bad, I finally know how to make my ramen noodles the best way.” Ethan retorted like that somehow made sense to prove how much of an adult he was now.
“You still have trouble reading analog, I mean clocks with hands.”
“They are hard! Why can’t all clocks be digital now?”  
“If you can’t read them why do you own one" Damian pointed out as he pulled a wall clock out from the box he had been carrying earlier.  
Ethan just stared at it a moment trying to think about it, then gently rubbed at his chin as he scrunched up his brow in thought “uh so that's what they mean by time catches up to you.”
Damian just stared at Ethan in silence, he had no idea how to respond to that.
“Hey, are two already fighting? Ethan you may be moving out but I will still ground you.” Jason, a hooded crow like Ethan called out from the doorway holding a stack of boxes in hand. He was followed by a king fisher shortly after. Who was only carrying one box himself. 
“Not really a fight dad, more concerned Ethan’s going to die within a week.” Damain said putting the clock away.
“Well that I can understand then. I think it’s more likely to be three days though.” 
“Jason. That's not nice.” The king fisher stated as he walked over to Ethan and Damian. “Ethan worked really hard to earn enough money to finally move out, have some faith in our boy. Though this place isn't the best maybe we should wait another year for a better place to open." 
"Don't even Clover you already got an extra year. It's time to kick him from the nest and fall on his own." Jason said as he set the boxes he had down. 
"Don't you mean fly and leave?" Damien asked.
"Nope adulthood seems all awesome but it is the nosebleed section of your favorite bands concert but you're sitting next to a giant fan. And your next in three years kiddo." Jason said smiling smugly as he did.
"Wow dad thanks I feel the love." 
"Oh don't mind him Damien he's just acting tough but losing Ethan is killing him and it'll kill him again when it's you maybe worse since there won't be anymore kids after you."
“I’m not the one who broke down in the van though.” Jason was quickly fired back with.
Ethan just smiled when watching Clover turn back around to gesture something to Jason. Little things like this is what he was going to miss. Damian bricking with him, his uncle Jason not putting up with it and his uncle Clover trying to be the peacemaker between them all. Not that anything was really ever said with malice, just normal family banter. Taking shots at each other that only they could do. Ethan frowned once everything was settled they would be leavening and this place would be quiet.
Ethan was pulled out his thoughts when he felt his uncle Clover suddenly hug him. Ethan smiled and hugged him back. It was a needed comfort. With his family it didn’t take long for Jason and Damian to join in as well. 
“Man I can’t believe how old you are already.” Jason said being the first to pull away and ruffled up Ethans hair. “Feels like just yesterday you were brought to live with Clov and I. Now you're moving out and jeez I better stop before I turn into a sobbing mess like Clov was.”
“I wasn’t as bad as Damian” Clover said then looked guilty after letting that slip.
Ethan looked over to Damian after hearing that Damian was quick to pull away from the hug and looked at the floor. Mumbling about how he told Clover not to say anything about that.
“I’ll miss you too, all of you but you don’t have to worry I’m still around if you need me. I’ll be fine on my own. I'm not gonna lock myself in the bathroom or anything like that.” 
The other three didn't seem too convinced, but they all just gave him a smile and nodded. Jason then looked down at his wrist to check the time. Clover peaking over to see as well as he frowned and sighed. 
“Well everything is unloaded now we got to get the van back and head back home before it gets late.” Clover added 
“Guy’s it fine, it's not like I'm going away I’ll call you and visit and you guys are always allowed to visit me when you want to.” Ethan tried reassuring all three of them. The uncertain looks not fully fading away but they all smiled at least. 
"Yeah well look before we jet off, we have a gift for you Ethan." Jason said as he looked back to his husband. 
Clover happily held out a warped object to Ethan holding on to Damian the moment Ethan took it from him. Ethan excitedly ripped the colorful paper away and smiled down at his gift. A framed image of his mother. 
"A photo of mom?" Ethan asked looking over the picture.
"Damine found the original and was able to fix it up." Clover said proudly hugging Damien tighter. 
"You don't really have any pictures of her so I thought it. Are you seriously about to cry?"
Ethan just nodded in response as he was tearing up looking at his cousin. 
Boxes unloaded, Ethan walked his Uncles and cousin out. Goodbyes being trading back and forth the whole way out. Ethan kept waving goodbye from the sidewalk. Till the van was long out of sight. Home sickness hitting again but worse he looked up his building finding the window of his apartment. He knew he had stuff to start unpacking and start on this new life, slowly getting that he's on his own. He felt his phone start to buzz and fished it out from his jacket pocket. Seeing a text from his work friend Max, asking about meeting up with him and some of the others from work. That sounded better than being alone in that quiet apartment. 
"Eh, I'll unpack later" he shrugged and said to himself
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
Your wish is my command-Klance Month Week 3
So I was supposed to upload a fic yesterday for the end of week 2 but because my first fic couldn’t be reblogged (I didn’t realize that Shallura, even when they broke up before the story started, was considered controversial, but those are the rules so that was my fault) I decided to not force myself to write a story that wasn’t working. It just required a lot of back story that maybe if it had been in the first one, wouldn’t of been so hard to write. Anyway, this story is inspired by my klance BB from like 2018, which still isn’t technically finished so there are a few spoilers, but the main things: Lance had cancer and had a year left to live. The reason he could see his Shinigami Hunk and Pidge is reveled in this but how they find out will be told in the final chapter that will hopefully be released before the end of the year. Hunk gave Lance a bit of blood to help turn him into a healthy, slightly older Altean, posing under the name Isamu, Prince of Altea. Keith is also a singer, who went under the name Red (orginal) but later switches labels, also to be revealed in the story. Hunk and Pidge are given a chance to become humans again after Lance is saved by a surgery that removes the chance and doesn’t damage his vocal cords. Again, all to be revealed in the last chapter. It’s called Forgotten Prince’s Song by sasuhina_gal on AO3 if you want to check it out. Anyway, this is from after all that, enjoy! Also, if anyone cares, Keith’s song is TAEMIN’s ECLIPSE from his last Japanese CD release. I’ve got a TAEMIN  problem. Meteor Shower/Promise
Keith watched his reflection as he went through his choreography. He was so focused on watching his moves, he didn’t see the door to the dance studio open, but he did hear the person calling his name.
“Keith! Keith, Keith, Keith!”
he turned in time to catch a hyperactive 21 year old jumping on him. Bright blue eyes and dyed white hair, similar to the kind he’d fallen for, but it wasn’t the looks that made Keith fall for Lance. It was that bright smile and his sunny personality. Even when Lance had to hide behind the mask of popular singer, Lance was still himself and that’s what Keith had fallen for.
Their story was an odd one, odd even for someone who was half Galra and happened to become a member of the universe biggest security group, while also being a J-pop star. Lance had grown up with sarcoma, a tumour that sat right on his vocal cords. Years before they met, a person Lance cared for a lot had died in a plane crash, but instead of moving on, he attached himself to Lance. That caused Lance to see the Shinigami that suddenly appeared in front of him one day. He asked them to help him achieve his one dream before they took his soul, to become a singer. That started his whole adventure of becoming Isamu, Prince of Altea; Altea Records’ most popular singer. Keith first meet Lance as Isamu, back when Lance had the Shinigami making him into an older Altean. he’d met Lance without the mask later and even though Keith spent most of his time around Isamu, other than his name and age, Lance never lied to Keith – other than the whole Shinigami thing, but he found that stuff out later. Of course those same Shinigami had become Lance’s closest friends and wouldn’t allow Lance to pass on, not when they wanted him to live for so much more. A surgery that could remove the cancer and save his vocal cords was found, Keith found out the truth and realised that even as the real Lance, his feelings were the same and in a turn of event, the Shinigami were given another chance at life.
Now 2 years later, healthy and able to sing without having to hide behind a persona, he and Lance were still together. Keith was sure that after all the things they’d been through together, their relationship was strong. He was yet to be proven wrong, and would not like to be.
“Yes Lance? How can I help you?” Keith asked, running a hand through Lance’s hair. It was wind swept, no doubt from his running. He could see the brown roots starting to show. While he first meet Lance while he had white hair, he liked Lance’s natural colour better.
“There’s gonna be a meteor shower this weekend!” Lance shouted.
“Indoor voices Lance.”
Now that he had the ability to be as loud as he wanted without coughing up a storm or feeling pain, Lance was constantly as loud as possible.
“Sorry, but meteor shower! We have to go. I rarely got the chance to go outside because of how sick I was all the time. And we won’t have to bother my grandmother since I moved back into my apartment.”
It killed Keith to destroy the utter excitement Lance had. “Um, Lance. We do have a performance this weekend at Music Core?”
Lance’s face dropped as he remembered. “Oh. I forgot. I don’t know how. I’m doing my new single then.”
“And it goes pretty late depending on the order.”
Lance sunk down more. “Right. Aww, I really wanted to go see this. It would have been perfect. I mean, we haven’t done a space wide tour yet and we talked about performing under the stars. Just sitting there watching all those shooting stars go by, it would have been so perfect.”
Keith pulled Lance closer, knocking his forehead against Lance’s gently, being sneakily happy just how much taller he was than Lance. It still gave him great glee, especially since Lance always got annoyed by it.
“I’m sorry. I know with our schedules, dates haven’t exactly been easy. But at least our schedules line up.”
“I guess.” Lance said still pouting.
“Hey, I bet you can’t do my choreo.”
That got Lance’s attention. “I so can. And I can do it better.”
“Really? Prove it.”
Keith let himself be playfully shoved away, letting Lance have full range of the floor as he restarted the music, grabbing his phone. He joined Lance in doing the choreo, ignoring how Lance overexaggerated some of the moves where Keith would be singing. Instead his focus was on his phone, texting Lance’s manager and practical sister Allura. he’d gladly admit it, he didn’t like seeing Lance sad and he’d do whatever possible to keep a smile on his face.
“My god I can’t believe we ever worried you wouldn’t like him as Lance. doesn’t matter if he’s Isamu or Lance, you fold like wet paper for him.” Pidge teased as the stylist fixed Keith’s clothes.
Ok so maybe he bugged Allura to see if she could convince the people in charge of the order to put Lance and Keith first, even though they had to technically stay to the end. And maybe he also bugged Thace to borrow the car for them to come in so he could take Lance to see the meteor shower. If they could finish in time. Things might be live but there were only so many things they could actually control.
Keith looked over at the former Shinigami. “Don’t you have a brother to go bother?”
“And not bother you? But it’s so fun?”
“Where’s Hunk when you need him?” Keith asked himself, wondering where the much older singer was. Probably shadowing Allura. He was learning to become a manager, though he’d love to see which person would be able to understand their odd family.
“Keith, 2 minutes.” a stage hand called.
Keith glanced over at the TV that showed the stage. Lance and his female backup dancers were reaching the climax of Lance’s song. Just had to get through a song.
“I take it you’d like me to inform Lance to change back into his regular clothes when he gets back into his dressing room.”
Pidge might love teasing Keith and Lance about their relationship, but she had put in a lot of work into trying to get them together.
“If you could.”
with a nod from the stylist, Keith headed out the door and got his mic put on before he passed Lance and Allura.
“Meet me in my room after.” Keith called as he took the stage.
“And now taking the stage. His popularity has yet to waver even after switching labels. Though with a boyfriend like Lance, who could blame him for switching. Please welcome Keith, with his song ECLIPSE.
“Keith, where are we going? We go back out on stage after the show is over to say goodbye to everyone.” Lance asked, letting his boyfriend pull him out the backdoor. After he performed on stage, Pidge shoved the clothes he came in at him and told him to change. Then she slapped a hat on him and gave him a face mask and shoved him in Keith’s dressing room.
“Stay here till lover boy comes to get you.” she ordered before going to find Matt.
Lance had learned that Pidge’s plans usually didn’t end up like she’d planned but he decided to humour her. She was telling him to wait for Keith, what was the worse that could happen?
Of course, now they were heading for the car they came in, dressed in non-descriptive clothes in hopes to not be noticed by the paparazzi or fans outside the broadcasting station. What had Pidge gotten him into?
“Whoa, there’s question I’m still asking today.” Lance muttered, climbing into the car.
“You’ll see, don’t worry.”
“Still can’t help but be worried.” Lance said, pulling his hat down as the pulled out of their spot and towards the exit. Doing this 3 years and he still couldn’t get used to the amount of fans and such who stood outside the broadcasting station just to get a glimpse of their favourite star. Even if he had been a healthy kid, Lance still couldn’t imagine doing this for hours.
Luck was on their side and they weren’t too noticed when they left. He wouldn’t be surprised though if they still got found out though.
“Are you really not going to tell me where we’re going?” Lance asked, as they started heading on the main roads, away from the city.
“You’ll see. Of course, I just hope we can get their quick. we’re cutting it a bit close.”
Lance for the life of him couldn’t figure out where Keith was taking him. They reached the famed park owned by the Altean Embassy, a place Lance knew well. Covered in juniberry flowers, Lance took pictures here for his Eternal Snow CD cover. But why would Keith bring him here?
Keith opened the sun roof and leaned their chairs back.
“Keith...” Lance started.
“Shh. Look up.”
Lance did and stared at the sky. Nothing was happening and Lance opened his mouth to ask something when he saw it. The streak across the sky and the ones that followed. He felt his eyes widen as he watched the shooting stars dart across the sky.
“Like it?” Keith asked, sounding teasing.
Lance shoved at Keith, who moved away and grabbed Lance’s hand to stop him from hitting him more. Lance laced their fingers together and pulled Keith’s hand closer.
“Yeah you asshole, I like it. Honestly though, I’m glad that we got to do this. The closest thing was sitting in the sun room with Akira to look at the stars.”
“He never took you watch one of these?” Keith asked.
Lance shook his head. “Both him and Rachel were too worried about me getting sick. I always wanted to make a wish on a shooting star.”
“What would you wish for?”
Lance shook his head, squeezing Keith’s hand. “Before it would have been to sing or to find Akira. But I don’t need to make a wish any more. I can sing, I’m healthy, I have all my friends and family. I know Akira cared for me. And I have you, the one thing I needed in the end. What else could I need? Well, other than the ability to write a new song. I swear Kolivan keeps poking me cause I wrote a hit single in 3 days. One time thing, I swear.”
Keith laughed, squeezing Lance’s hand in response. “Only thing I’ll wish for is for us to be happy.”
“Wish come true. With you, I already am.”
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missbellaswan · 4 years
Twice Bitten Half Turned - Chapter 6
tag list: @jasondeanstwin @wishing-on-angels @yeetbean @loveofmonstersandroses @ripleythedemonfcker @big-idiot-wolf-boys @edwards-sideburns @madame-forget-me-not @525600selfies @robbers-hea1y (let me know if you want to be added!)
Edward and I spent the next morning together at my house. Charlie left for work early like he usually did, so we had the place to ourselves until I had to leave for Angela’s.
I was still working through everything that had happened the day before, so I made myself a cup of tea and sat down at the table. Edward was sitting across from me, watching me swirl the tea bag around in the mug.
“Aren’t you hungry?” He asked. He had watched me sit and eat breakfast at this table a lot over the last few weeks, so he noticed when I arrived at the table mostly empty handed.
“Not really,” I shrugged and sipped my tea. I wrapped my hands around the mug and let the heat seep into my cool skin.
“Are you sure? I could make you something,” he offered.
“Really?” I had never really seen him try to cook anything before.
“Yeah, what would you like?”
“Eggs?” I asked. I didn’t really feel like eating, but I couldn’t picture him actually cooking in my kitchen, and I was curious.
“Whatever you want.” Was all he replied. He stood up and rummaged through the fridge before pulling out the carton of eggs. I watched intently as he pulled out a pan and turned on the stove.
“Since when do you cook?” I asked as he cracked a couple of eggs and whisked them into the pan.
“Esme has always liked to cook, she taught me how.” He seemed very relaxed. I could almost picture him as a human when he had a whisk in his hand. His god-like supernatural beauty contrasting against our fading yellow cabinets gave him away though.
“What do you do with the food?”
“Donate it if we can, or sometimes Carlisle will take it to work with him.” Edward smiled.
When the eggs were done he slid them from the pan onto a plate and set them down in front of me.
“Thank you.” I said, picking up the fork and digging in. Now that there was food in front of me, I found that I actually was quite hungry and I ate it all.
Edward seemed pleased, and he hummed quietly to himself as he did the dishes.
“Why do you think I can still eat?” I asked as I drank the last of my tea. “And why don’t I crave blood the way you do? You said my eyes were red now.”
“I think the part of you that is still human is satiating the vampire part. You still have blood in your system, and that blood keeps you satisfied in a way that the rest of us will never be.” Edward said. He took my empty plate and mug and turned back to the sink.
“Huh.” It was comforting that the vampire half that I ended up with wasn’t the blood thirsty half.
“That’s why your eyes are red. All newborns have red eyes because their bodies still have some human tissue left that feeds them and keeps them strong.”
“Well at least we don’t have to worry about all that. Yet. Still nothing from Rose and Emmett?” I said, changing the subject. I knew the answer to my question already, but I had to ask. Edward finished the dishes and joined me back at the table.
“No,” he said, “be patient, love.”
I just nodded. I didn’t want to be patient anymore, but as with everything, I didn’t seem to have a choice.
I went upstairs to take some human, or hybrid, minutes before I left for Angela’s. Edward waited in my room like he usually did, and I went to the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth I pressed my face closer and closer to the mirror, trying to see any flecks of red. With my nose pressed up against the glass I could see a few veins of deep red splintering through my irises, but as soon as I blinked they melted back into the brown.
When I was ready I went back to my room to get dressed. Edward was laying on my bed with my CD player laying on his chest. His eyes were closed and I could hear the music playing faintly through the headphones. He opened his eyes when I walked in and smiled at me. I smiled back and went to my closet to find some clothes. He made a point of closing his eyes again as I was changing, only reopening them when I was laying on the bed next to him. He pulled me in and pressed pause on the CD player.
“I love you.” He said. We didn’t say it often, it seemed silly and trivial to have to repeat something so obvious, but my heart stuttered at the words.
“I love you too.” I said. He sat up and set the CD player back on my desk where I had left it.
“What are you and Angela doing today?” He asked.
“I don’t know. Just hanging out I guess.” I said. There must have been something about my tone of voice because Edward cocked an eyebrow at me, prodding me to tell him whatever I wasn’t saying. “I’m just worried that she will notice something is off about me.”
“She won’t notice anything, Bella.” He assured me. “I know it might feel like you’ve gone through a lot the last several weeks, but to the human eye you look just the same as you always have. Trust me.”
I wanted to trust him. I did trust him. But the fear was still there, in the back of my mind. I felt like a completely different person now, so how could all of this just go by totally unnoticed by everyone else? It seemed impossible. I reminded myself of Charlie again, who had seen me every day after Phoenix and hadn’t mentioned it once.
“I should go.” I said.
"See you soon.” He asked as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"Soon.” I promised.
He walked me to the car and kissed me again quickly before disappearing into the woods. I hopped in the truck and drove over to Angela’s street. I parked on the curb outside her house and took a deep breath.
Angela’s father answered the door. He greeted me and invited me in, calling Angela down from her room.
“Hi Bella!” Angela said as she hit the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey,” I said. Her dad went back to the living room and Angela towed me upstairs to her room. So far neither of them had looked at me twice.
Angela wasn’t much for small talk, but apparently she hadn’t had many people to talk to lately so she babbled to me about everything that had happened in the last several weeks. The longer we sat and talked, the more relaxed I felt.
“And then Jess gave Ben my number, so we’ve been texting like every day, but he still hasn’t asked me out so I don’t know.” Angela said. She looked up at me, indicating that I was supposed to react to her story.
“Huh,” I didn’t really have any advice for her.
“Yeah, and Jess went to see her family and won’t be back until next week.” Angela said.
"Oh,” I said, “I’m sure Ben is just nervous.”
“Maybe, but I don’t know how to tell him that I want him to ask me out without telling him that I like him.”
"I don’t know how to do that either, Ang, sorry.” I said. She just nodded and continued to vent about her non relationship. It was nice to listen to her talk about her problems. They were not nearly as life and death as mine were.
“How’s Edward?” She asked when she had talked herself in circles enough times to convince herself that she was working through things with Ben.
"Good.” Amazing, perfect, I want him to turn me into a vampire so I can spend eternity with him. “He’s good.”
Angela just nodded. It was so much easier to spend time with her than Jessica because she never asked any questions that I didn’t know how to answer. And she always accepted whatever answer I gave her.
“Did your dad tell you about the bear we saw?” She said.
“What? No,” I said.
“Me and my dad were hiking in the woods last weekend and we saw this huge black bear. It was like twice as big as any other bear I’ve seen, and my dad reported it to your dad in case it gets too close to town.”
“No, I had no idea.” I said. Maybe the Cullens could take care of it, too bad Emmett was out of town.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in her room analyzing texts between her and Ben and comparing our schedules for the next semester. Angela’s dad tried to invite me to stay for dinner, but I told him I was having dinner with my dad and left after promising Angela we could all get together when Jessica got back to town next week.
When I pulled onto my street a few minutes later, I spotted a familiar car parked on the curb outside of my house. A rabbit. Jake was leaning against the side facing away from me, and I saw Edward standing on the lawn talking to him. I parked and ran out to join them, in case their conversation was less that polite.
“Hi Bells,” Jake said when I got out of the truck.
“Bella.” Edward said, relieved to see me again. I knew the feeling.
“Hi Jake,” I gave him a quick hug and went to stand by Edward. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to take you for a drive,” he said standing to the side and motioning to the car behind him.
“Did you drive that here?” I asked.
“Yep. It’s all fixed up,” he beamed, “thanks to you.”
“That’s so cool!” I walked over to inspect the car. Not that I knew what I was looking at, but I knew enough to be impressed.
“Thanks,” Jake smirked. “Wanna go for a ride?
“Yeah,” I said. I turned back to Edward, “are you coming?”
Edward and Jake both laughed.
“I’ll wait for you here, love.” He said.
I scowled at both of them, I could already tell getting the two of them to be friends was going to be a challenge. Jake opened the door and helped me into the car, and then ran around to his side and hopped in.
“What were you and Edward talking about?” I asked as Jake turned onto the highway. The acceleration of the car was about as good as my truck, but Jake seemed thrilled.
“Oh, nothing.” He said. He didn’t seem upset or angry, so I let it go.
I watched the tall trees streak by on either side of the road.
“I haven’t seen you in a couple weeks, what have you been up to?” Jake asked, breaking the silence.
"Not much,” I didn’t have a good explanation for spending my summer wallowing in existential dread.
“Yeah, me neither,” he said. His voice changed, he seemed sad. He had such an expressive face, it was easy to tell what he was feeling.
“Did something happen?” I asked.
“Not really. It’s just that some of the guys on the rez have been looking at me really weird the last few weeks. Quil and Embry think I’m making it up, but I don’t know.”
“Do you know what they want?”
“No idea, they won’t talk to me. In fact, they won’t talk to anyone but each other anymore.” Jake adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. “We should head back, I don’t want to go too far.”
"Okay.” I said. He pulled off the highway and spun the car around, taking us back towards Forks.
Jake seemed to calm down on the ride back, and we both eased back into a more comfortable silence.
“Sorry the radio doesn’t work yet,” he said, “that’s my next project.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” I said. And I didn’t, I really liked just being around Jake. I realized this was the first time I had felt warm since my transition. The heater wasn’t on, it was just Jake. He radiated a kind of heat that warmed me up inside.
He drove me back to my place, and parked in the same spot as before. Edward was waiting for me on the lawn, like he had never left. I sighed, both in annoyance and relief.
Edward opened my door and held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me into his arms. I heard Jake clear his throat behind me and I broke away, turning to face him.
"Thanks for the ride.” I said.
“Anytime, Bells.”
“I’ll come to you next,” I promised.
"Don’t wait too long,” he flashed me a smile. He slid back into the car. I smiled back and closed the passenger door. He started the car and drove off again.
Edward turned me back around again so I could see him. He stared into my eyes for a moment before leaning in and kissing me. I responded and wrapped my hands into his hair. Edward indulged me, but all too soon he pulled away.
“I haven’t seen enough of you today,” he said.
“I’ve been very popular.” I said.
“How is Angela?” He asked as we went inside.
"Good. Bored, I think.”
“Summers in this town are usually boring,” Edward sighed, “but of course you’re the exception to every rule.”
“Sorry,” I said. We settled on the couch, and he wrapped his arms around me.
“It’s not always a bad thing. You are simply extraordinary in every way.” He said, smiling his crooked grin.
“You’re one to talk.”
“My kind has certain advantages in that regard,” he joked, “speaking of my kind, Carlisle received a message from the Denalis today.”
“What about?”
“Carlisle sent Laurent to stay with them.” Edward paused to judge my reaction. I nodded to let him know I was okay. “Apparently things have been going well with the adjustment, and he’s with Irina now. Tanya thought it would be a good idea to formally introduce each other to our newest coven members.”
“Does that mean they want to meet me?” I asked. I had only heard a few things about the Denalis, but I knew enough to be intimidated by them.
“Yes, Carlisle hasn’t told them about your condition yet, he thought that would be better to discuss in person. But they know you’re my mate, and they want to welcome you to the family. Carlisle invited them to stay with us next week.”
“What if they don’t like what I am?” I couldn’t help but feel nervous. “What if they don’t like me?”
“They will love you,” he kissed my forehead, “as for the hybrid aspect of things, we just have to hope that they’re willing to listen. Perhaps they can even share some insight. Their coven is older than ours, they might have heard of this kind of thing before.”
“And Laurent?”
“I will not let anything happen to you. We would not have agreed if we didn’t think it was safe.”
"Okay.” I knew Edward would always protect me, but I hated the idea of him protecting me from people he considered his family.
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waywardaardvark79 · 5 years
Check Yes or No Part 13: My Turn to be Brave
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Summary: You've been best friends with Dean Winchester since childhood. When you finally realize what's been in front of you this entire time will secrets threaten to destroy what you have before it really even begins.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Warnings: None
                                               3 months later
          You had been away from your home, your business, and your friends for three months, and if you were completely honest with yourself the time had done nothing to heal your wounds. You kept in regular contact with Charlie and Benny. Charlie constantly reassuring you that everything with the shop was fine, and Benny keeping you updated on the one thing you really cared about, Dean. Benny told you that he really only saw Dean at work. He said he would come in, do the job, and go home. Benny said Dean didn't talk about anything, but the job. He never mentioned you, and if your name was brought up in conversation he would quickly excuse himself. You weren't surprised, but hoped that when the baby came , which should be any day now, he would put all of his focus on her, and forget about you. 
       Your days were monotonous at best. You got a shit job at a little 24/7 diner working the night shift. You went to work, and then slept the day away, never really venturing from the spare room Ashley and Stephen so graciously let you use. They tried to get you to go out and do things with them when you were free, but you always had an excuse ready. You kept telling yourself to take it one day at a time and that it would eventually get better, but no matter how many days passed it never got better. The hurt was still just as fresh as the day you left Lawrence.
 You couldn't count the amount of times that your finger hovered over his contact information in your phone, wanting so badly to just press it and talk to him, but you knew your words would have no effect on him. You had hurt him too badly. You thought about deleting his contact information, and all of the old text messages between the two of you all together, not that it would do any good. His phone number was embedded into your memory, and the texts were the one little piece of him that you had left. So, the end result was the same every time. You would stare at his number and messages, willing yourself to just get rid of it this time, but would quickly fold and tuck your phone safely away, promising yourself that you would do it the next time. 
That was your life. Three months without your constant, your other half, and you were starting to fall apart. The only person that could put the pieces back together wanting nothing to do with you. You were lost, the beacon of light that usually guided you gone, and you didn't know if you would be able to find your way back this time. 
                    Back in Lawerence
          It had been three months since you had left. Three months that Dean cursed himself for the things that he said in anger, and not convincing you to stay. Three months of the never ending shit show that had become his life, and he was tired. He was lost. The bridge between the two of you in ruin, seemingly irreparable, and he didn't know if he had it in him to even attempt to  fix it.
          He often found himself staring at his phone. Your smiling face looking up at him, wanting so badly to call you and tell you everything that had happened. He wanted to tell you how Sam had came a couple of weeks ago, and showed Lisa the paperwork for the civil lawsuit he planned to file in order to get a court ordered paternity test. He wanted to tell you how she quickly caved since Sam had backed her into a corner, and confessed that the baby wasn't his. He wanted to tell you that he almost told her to stay just so he wouldn't be alone, but Sam managed to talk some sense into him, so he sat by without a word and watched as she packed her things and left. 
He just wanted to talk to you, but no matter how many times Sam told him to reach out he could never finish dialing your number. He always erased everything when he was one number away, knowing deep down the damage had already been done, and no matter how badly he wanted to fix it, he couldn't.
       So, he did what he always did when his mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of you. He snatched up his keys and drove. No where in particular, he just drove, trying his best to out run your memory, but he never seemed to be able to go fast or far enough. You were still there, embedded into the very soul of him, coursing through his veins, and wedging yourself into his heart. You were a part of him, and without you he didn't seem to be able to function completely. Tired of trying to outrun you, he let his heart guide him and steer the wheel, knowing before his mind could register exactly where he was going.
         Dean pulled up in front of the scrap yard, and cut his engine. Muscle memory guiding him exactly where he wanted to go. He came to a stop a few feet away from the old truck and smiled, hundreds of memories washing over him at once.
 He walked over to the driver's side door and pulled it open, a loud creak echoing out through the empty yard. He slid into the seat and immediately noticed the box sitting in the passenger side. He knew you had put it there. No one else would have. He started to reach for it but quickly recoiled, afraid of what was inside. So, he sat there, hands on the wheel staring straight ahead, allowing himself to glance at the box out of the corner of his eye every few minutes. Temptation finally got the better of him, and he pulled the box towards him. He took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and opened it. 
It was crammed full, a white envelope with his name in your familiar script laying on top. He picked it up and turned it over in his hands before sitting it on the dash, deciding to look at everything else first, not sure if he was ready for your words. He took his time and looked at every single item in the box. The pictures that chronicled your lives together, starting in early childhood and ending with the one his Mom had taken at her anniversary party, the last picture of the two of you together. 
He read through every note and letter, most containing silly, mundane things, but some contained things that made his heart ache for you even more. He looked at every random object that would have no meaning to anyone else, but meant the world to you. A rock he had given you when you were kids because it was kind of shaped like a heart, a little stuffed purple elephant, now ragged with age, that he had won you at a carnival, an old broken keychain that he had given you the day you got your driver's license, a mixed cd that he made you, and the memories of the entire summer you refused to listen to  anything else ,but it whenever you were in your car, just to name a few. 
He came to the bottom of the box and there it was. Now yellowed and wrinkled with age, but he would recognize it anywhere. The very first note you had ever written. The one that started it all. He carefully picked it up, the green and purple messy writing, and the way you misspelled friend staring him in the face, and flooding him with an overwhelming amount of emotion. He smiled to himself, and carefully laid it to the side.
 He placed everything back in the box until he was faced with two things, your first and last words to him. He picked up the envelope and slowly opened it, trying to prepare himself for what was inside. He gently unfolded the paper and started to read.
     I don't know if you will ever read this. I'm pretty sure you won't. I'm sure you aren't interested in anything I have to say, but on the off chance that you do I just need to say a few things. I'm so sorry, for everything. I don't know if you will ever understand just how hard it is for me to leave you behind. As cheesy and chick flicky  (I know, no chick flick moments) as it sounds, you are a part of me and I don't know how I am going to function without you. We are sort of creepily codependent, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I just need you to know that I am trying to do what I think is best, no matter how much it hurts. I know you think that I don't want you, and that I don't love you, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. I want you and love you more than anything, and it kills me to do this. I just hope that one day you can see that I was only trying to do the right thing even if I went about it in a really fucked up way. I hope that one day you can forgive me. I know that you said I lied when I said we were forever, but De, I NEED  you to know that it will always be forever for me. No matter what you decide, no matter if I ever hear from you again, you are it for me. You'll always be my forever. I love you.
        Dean re-read the letter a few times, wiping away the few stray tears that had fallen, then it hit him. He knew exactly what he had to do. He quickly called Benny even though he was pretty sure he knew exactly where you were, he wanted to sure. Benny confirmed your whereabouts. The wheels were spinning in his head, everything he needed to do coming together. He grabbed the first note you had written him, carefully folded it, and placed it in his pocket before exiting the old truck and heading to his car. You were brave enough to ask the question that started it all, and he was going to brave enough to ask the question that would hopefully end this and get everything back on track. 
            Ashley and Stephen's house
         Your shift at the diner was finally over, and you drove back to Ashley and Stephen's.  You got out of your car and walked inside as quietly as you could, knowing they liked to sleep in on Saturday. 
You walked into your room and gently closed the door, collapsing face first onto your bed, not even caring to change out of the stupid pale yellow waitressing uniform that you had to wear. You managed to kick off your shoes and pull the cover haphazardly over your body before slipping into unconsciousness. 
A knock on your door pulled you from sleep. You rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock, 10:17 AM. Ashley's voice drifted over to you, "Y/N, get up. Someone's here to see you." she  said. 
You pulled the cover up over your head and grumbled, "Sleepin'. Tell em' to go away." 
"I think you really want to see them." she  said. 
You didn't reply, just silently willed her to go away. You suddenly felt the covers being ripped from your body. "What the fuck, Ashley?" you asked. 
"Get up, and go downstairs." she  ordered. 
You sighed, "Fine." 
You stumbled out of bed, your uniform wrinkled, the strings of the apron still around your waist, coming untied. You didn't bother trying to make yourself look decent, figuring it was just someone from the diner wanting you to pick up an extra shift, although why they couldn't call you didn't understand.
 You shuffled down stairs, Ashley on your heels, and looked around the empty living room. You quickly turned to face her, "If this was some bullshit stunt to get me out of bed to do something I'm gonna kill you. After which, I will be returning to bed. You started to head back up the stairs, but her hand on your shoulder stopped you.
 "On the porch." was all she said as she walked by you and into the kitchen. 
The front door was open, leaving just the screen door between you and this mysterious guest. You inched over to the door to peak out and your heart stopped when you saw him. He had walked down the front steps and was currently pacing back and forth on the little walkway leading up to the porch. You pinched yourself, afraid that this was all a dream, but he was still there. You weren't prepared for this. You needed time to figure out what to say. You started to turn around and head for the stairs when Ashley cleared her throat. She was leaning against the kitchen doorway, pointing to the porch with a stern look on her face. You knew she wasn't going to let you run and hide. It was time to face him. 
          You pushed open the screen door, hoping to go unnoticed for a moment, but the creaking of the door gave away your presence. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard it.
 You slowly walked down the few steps, coming to a stop a couple of feet away from him, still unable to meet his gaze. You felt his eyes on you, but neither one of you made a move to speak. You finally forced yourself to look up, and take him in. The dark blue jeans and gray t-shirt he was wearing hung a little loosely on his frame. He looked worn and tired, a few days stubble gracing his cheeks, the green eyes you loved no longer shining, but dull. You finally noticed the red string that he held in his hand. It was wrapped so tightly around his fingers that they were starting to turn white. You followed the string up above his head, and that's when you saw it. A giant teddy bear balloon, just like the one he let go when you were kids, floating above his head. You felt your mouth open a little in shock, but before you could say anything he cleared his throat. "Y/N, I have a few things I need to say, and I need you to just let me get everything out before you say anything. Is that ok?" he asked. You nodded your head and tried to prepare yourself. 
      He cleared his throat one more time, shook off his nerves, and looked you directly in the eye, "These last three months have been hell. Every minute that you have been gone has been unbearable. You were right, you know. Sammy backed Lisa into a corner and she finally admitted that the kid wasn't mine. You know I almost asked her to stay just so I wouldn't be alone because I knew that I ran you off. Don't worry Sammy took up your job and talked some sense into me. He also tried to get me to call you I don't know how many times, but I was too scared. I was too scared to face you. I was scared that you wouldn't talk to me, but I found your letter and the box and decided I needed to be the brave one this time. I know that you were only trying to do what you thought was right. I still don't completely agree with how you went about it, but I understand. I also know I told you to go, but I need you. I've always needed you." 
You watched as he started to nervously bounce a little, "Like the time when we were eight and Ralph Bennett stole my new baseball glove. You came over to play and I told you what happened. You marched over to his house with your little bat cocked on your shoulder and whacked him right in the shin with it and got my glove back. When Michael made fun of me for being afraid of the dark you socked him in the nose and made him cry, then told him if he didn't leave me alone you would tell everyone a girl made him cry. You took the blame when me and Sammy broke the basement window because you didn't want me to get in trouble and would rather you did. In high school when I finally got up the nerve to ask Cassie Robinson to prom and she turned me down, you went with me instead, and I had the best time. I also know you didn't accidentally spill that punch on her dress." 
The corner of your mouth turned up at the memory. He was right. It definitely wasn't an accident. "Anytime I have ever felt not good enough or not smart enough for not going to college like Sammy you have been there to pick me up, and tell me that I was perfect just the way I was. You have only ever supported and loved me unconditionally, even though the love was tough at times. So, I came here today to tell you that I am so hopelessly in love with you. My life is incomplete without you. You said in your letter that I was a part of you. Well, the same goes for me sweetheart, and I'm finding it hard to function without you. I need you, Y/N. I need you more than I've ever needed anything, and I came here today to tell you that I don't want to just be friends. I don't want a trial period. I want forever, and I just need you to tell me yes or no." 
He sucked in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, waiting on your reply. You stood there for a moment completely speechless and unable to move. You looked at him one last time before quickly turning on your heel and heading back inside the house. 
        Dean stood, frozen in place, and watched as you ran inside the house. You didn't say a word to him, just turned and ran inside like you couldn't get away from him fast enough. He hung his head, you had obviously given him his answer. 
He started to turn and head back to his car when the slamming of the screen door stopped him. He turned to see you rushing down the front steps, coming to an abrupt stop in front of him. 
You were out of breath as you held out of folded piece of paper in front of you. He slowly raised his hand and grabbed it, keeping his eyes on your face , trying to read you. He looked down at the paper in his hand and soon realized that it was an envelope. It was Ashley and Stephen's cable bill. "Open it." you  whispered. He looked at you for a moment, relishing the sound of your voice. He opened it, what he thought was coffee staining the back of it, but quickly focused in on the word you had written. Yes. He focused on those three letters, over flowing with joy at the simple word. He never knew he could love one word so much. 
        You watched as he folded the envelope and placed it in his back pocket. He finally looked up at you, tears welling up in his eyes, and pulled you to him. His hands quickly framed  your face and he kissed you with wild abandon. He poured everything he had had into the kiss, and you eagerly returned it. 
He finally pulled away, his need for air winning out. He ran his thumb across your cheekbone and started to speak when he noticed you weren't looking at him. You were looking up over his shoulder. He quickly spun around and focused on the diminishing teddy bear floating across the horizon. He had been so wrapped up in you that he didn't even noticed he let go, just like he did when you were kids. "God damn it. It took me forever to find that thing. Y/N, I'm so sorry. I'll get you.." 
You quickly cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips to his. "I don't care about the balloon as long as I got you." you  said. 
"Well, you got me forever sweetheart." You smiled brightly up at him and kissed him again. "I love you so much." he  whispered against your lips.
 You pulled back to  look at him, "I love you too, De."
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Sea Legs
Ch. 1 - Paradise 
Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia Quirkless, Mermaid, Modern AU
Rating: Explicit | Excessive Fluff, Blood, Wounds, Nudity, Sex, Cursing and Vulgar Language
Genre: Romance / Humor / Angst
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (oc)
A trip to her grandmothers beachfront home was something that Koge had done every year of her life. This time, an unlikely discovery would change her life forever. Who knew explaining how to be a human could be so hard. 
In retrospect, there really wasn’t much reason for Koge to complain. Four months at a beach front property, in a huge house, with no responsibilities? It should have sounded like a dream to the young adult, but in her reality, it sounded more like she was going to a prison. To someone else, it sounded like a dream vacation, whom anyone would jump at the chance to take. And all for free, no less. Koge wished she could give it away to someone else, so that they could suffer through it. Maybe she was being a little overdramatic, but no one else knew of the horrifically boring torture she was going to have to go through.
First of all, it wasn’t like she was going to be there alone. No, she would be there visiting her elderly grandmother, who could barely handle such a huge house as it was. Well, her grandmother and the nurses, cleaning staff, and cooks that came to the home daily. Being around her grandmother wasn’t necessarily all that bad, but there were times where she needed to get away from her. If she wanted to do that, then all she could do was go to the beach, or take a two hour long bike ride to the city. That is, if she didn’t want to be locked up in her room with no entertainment whatsoever. Her grandmother had no cable or satellite television, and what was worse, no internet.
All she had was a collection of movies on VHS and DVD, CDs or records for music, and a variety of books and magazines to read from. Koge was pretty sure she had already read all the magazines from the many years she had been coming out here, and had already completed more than half the books. She had seen all the movies, flipped through all the photo albums, heard all the stories. That’s to be expected, after coming to this magnificent home every year since she was three. It didn’t used to be so boring, but now that she had just turned twenty one, it was the definition of a bad time.
Koge knew that she didn’t have to come, her parents told her so. But, her grandma was growing older, and she had always talked about how much she loved for Koge to come stay with her. When that trembling, sweet voice asked her if she had decided earlier that month, the young woman just couldn’t say no. So, resigning herself to four months of near isolation, Koge had packed up and began the long trek down to the beautiful beach. After a three hour plane ride, a crowded train, and a bumpy bus, she arrived to the place where one of her grandmothers caretakers was going to pick her up.
The attempt to get her grandmother to just call a taxi had been fruitless, so Koge was escorted along by a woman maybe a few years her senior, who looked like she would rather be doing anything than this. Koge could empathise, but with the money her grandmother was probably paying the woman, she knew there was no right to complain. Just as Koge knew she had no right to complain about her accommodations, so she just gave a polite bow to the woman, heaved her luggage in the trunk of the car, and shuffled into the back seat to try and keep from conversation.
Koge did have to admit that the loneliness would be nice. She was quite the loner as it was, a bit awkward with people and shut in due to her natural personality. Her constantly blank expression was both like a curse and a blessing. She could keep her emotions hidden when she wanted, but was unable to express them properly when she found herself needing or even wanting to. This drove most people away, all except for her best friend, who had whined about wanting to come with her. Poor Nene, Koge thought in that moment, crossing her legs up into the seat. We’ll see how long she can go without calling me.
“How was the trip down here?” The woman in the driver's seat asked with a forced polite tone. Koge glanced up at the rearview mirror, catching her eyes in that split moment. “It was fine, I guess.”
The awkward silence filled the small car from that moment onward, and it was just as Koge liked it. She wasn’t all that good at small talk, nor did she really enjoy it, especially with someone who huffed and puffed the entire drive.
Forty-five minutes down a winding dirt road wasn’t entirely enjoyable, but Koge did have to admit it was better than the rest of the transportation she had suffered through that day. The view was nothing to scoff at, with vibrant forests and hints of the ocean through the trees to her right. It was something Koge had always marveled at, even from a young age, at how her grandmother lived in such a beautiful, magical place. She used to pretend that she was a magical creature, traveling to an enchanted castle where she would see land and sea monsters everywhere. Much to her disappointment, all she ever saw was annoying laughing white birds and the occasional dead fish on the beaches.
Well, that’s not entirely true. Once, when she was about six or seven, Koge had sworn that she had seen shimmering orange scales break the surface of the ocean. She had tried to convince her parents, but they had told her over and over that it was just an illusion created by the sun. Her grandmother, however, was quite interested in her story and had always humored the thought. A magical creature, a large fish, or just some discarded trash? Who knows what it was, but even to this day, Koge was sure that she hadn’t just imagined it. Either way, it was a memory, and it mattered little now.
Pulling up to the huge mansion was as it always had been, completely breathtaking and incredible. Sure, its age had begun to show itself due to neglect and lack of upkeep, but it was still just as magnificent as it always had been. How her grandmother could stand living here on her own was beyond Koge’s comprehension, but the old woman was happy, and that’s truly all that mattered. Though, the wish that she would at least get some type of internet still tumbled around in Koge’s mind, especially as she pulled out her phone to check the time. No internet, just the ability to call… Damn it.
With a huff of her own, Koge shoved her phone back into her back and opened her car door, not bothering to wait for the woman who was making her way around at a snail's pace. Putting her arms through her backpack straps, Koge took a moment to stretch her sore, stiff limbs, taking in a deep breath of the humid air. Arriving at midday, it was so hot she had already started to sweat, feeling her white hair sticking to the back of her neck. “Man, seems hotter than normal…” Although she was mostly talking to herself, the woman unpacking the trunk responded, with a tone of ‘pay attention and help me’ mixed in her voice.
“Ah, well, not particularly. Let’s get your luggage inside and get out of the heat.”
Unable to resist a small roll of her eyes, Koge complied, taking the heavier bags just to shut the woman up. She didn’t mind the weight of the bags, though she did mind the size of them, as her petite five foot one inch frame had difficulty juggling them about. Still, she was fit and athletic, able to maneuver them with limited problems. Leaving the other woman behind to complain to herself, Koge made her way through the main entryway, where a much more pleasant voice greeted her.
“Koge, my darling! How was the trip?” Wide smile on her wrinkled face, Koge’s grandmother shakily stood from her wheelchair, holding her arms open for a hug. Koge abandoned all her bags, quickly approaching the frail woman before her before gently embracing her. “Hey, Grandma. It was okay. A bit bumpy, you know.”
“Oh, I wish they would fix those darn roads, they’re always so difficult.” Pulling away, her grandmother cupped Koge’s cheeks gently. “I’m just so glad you got here safely. And that you decided to come at all. I was worried you would think you’re too grown up to come see your grandma.”
Koge gave a small shake of her head, helping the elderly woman sit back into her wheelchair. “Of course not. I’m never too old to come see my Grandma Kiki.” Laughing, Kiki held Koge’s hand gently when she was finally sitting comfortably. “Hearing my name does make me sound younger, doesn’t it? My dear, could you help me with my mask here, I’m feeling a bit winded.” With a simple gesture, Koge spotted the oxygen mask resting over the left armrest of the wheelchair, connected to some tanks that hung off the back. As requested, Koge helped to fix the mask over Kiki’s nose and mouth, allowing her to sit back and rest for a moment.
“I’m sorry, Koge.” Kiki began once she felt better, looking up at her granddaughter with a bit of sadness. “I haven’t been feeling well as of late.”
“That’s okay. Don’t push yourself. I’m a bit tired, so how about we both get some rest and I’ll unpack, then we can catch up. What do you say?”
“Aah, I could use a nap, I think. Go on upstairs, dear, and get some rest. I have the room on the far end all made up for you, with a beautiful view of the ocean and a balcony. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
She was right, Koge did love it. The room was huge with its own en suite, with a shower and a jet tub meant for a king. A king bed and a reading nook topped it off, along with a television that didn’t quite fit the updated features of the room. Wow, she must of had this renovated all for my stay. She’s just too sweet.
The best part about the room, however, was the balcony. Just as her grandma had said, the view was breathtaking, and Koge could have sworn she could see miles upon miles down the beach to the left. On the right, the beach ended at a series of forest covered cliffs, with caves she had explored on occasion with her father. It was all so beautiful, the water shimmering as it rolled across the white sand, that Koge immediately felt the urge to go down there and soak in the sun. Then, she thought of how awful her pale skin would burn, and how tired the heat was making her. The beautiful scenery soaked in, Koge began to make her way back into the room, when something caught her eye.
At first, it looked like something orange up against the surface of the water, there and gone again in the same second. Huh… Something orange. Tch, must just be my mind playing tricks, since I had thought about that on the way here.
Ignoring the vision, she opened the french doors and entered her room. Pale blue gaze landing on the bed, she immediately felt herself drawn to it, collapsing onto the fluffy comforter. Wiggling herself under the covers, she cuddled a pillow tightly to her chest, sighing softly in relief.
Four months here…  I think I can manage, as always. It is a beautiful place…
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foliea · 5 years
Rubber Band - Tyler Joseph Imagine
Paring: Friend!Tyler x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,630
warnings: brief mention of self harm, a bit of angst but mainly sweet
authors note: this has been plaguing my mind for days now. And honestly it’s probably my favorite fic i’ve written ever. I’m super proud of this and I hope you all like this as well. Also I spent like two and a half hours writing this, it’s 4 am I’m tired.
March 17, 2006
as I walked down the halls on my way to the gym, I tugged down the sleeves on my hoodie. Insuring no one would see what tortures I put myself through. 
Just as I rounded the corner into the next corridor I felt someone run right into my chest. “Uh, sorry...” I muttered as I stuck my hand out to help the girl, who had fallen to the floor. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She took my hand and hoisted herself up. “No harm done.” She smiled while dusting off her jeans. She slowly looked me up and down, eyes lingering on my arm. I quickly looked down only to see that my sleeve had been scrunched up near my elbow.
The girl sighed as I yanked the sleeve down. There was a brief slapping noise before she extended her hand out to me. In it was a singular rubber band. “Here take this. And uh when ever you feel the need to...” She trailed off looking to my now covered arm. I nodded understanding what she meant. “Just pull it back and let it go. Keep doing that until the feeling goes away.”
Hesitantly, I took the rubber band from her. “Thank you...” I looked up realizing I had no idea what her name was.
“Y/N.” She smiled.
“Thank you Y/N.” I quickly pulled the rubber band onto my wrists, just as the warning bell rang. 
“I’ll see you around...”
“Tyler.” She repeated with a small nod before walking off.
Over the next few months Y/N and I swapped numbers to keep in touch over summer.
July 6, 2011
As I walked into the small coffee shop, a bell signified my entry. Despite living in Columbus my whole life, I had still yet to come here. “I’ll be right with you!” A small yelp was left out slightly after.
I walked up to the counter and stood there awkwardly waiting for the girl to appear from the back of the shop. As I stood I inspected the store. There were two other people there, an elderly couple, sitting by the window.
“Okay sorry about that.” The girl appeared behind the counter with a grin on her face. She seemed familiar. “What can I getcha?” 
I froze realizing I had no clue what I wanted. Hesitantly I looked up to the chalk board behind the girl. As I searched for something that I knew would please me I fiddled with the rubber band on my wrist.
“Ya know I gave you a rubber band in our sophomore year of high school not thinking too much about it.” Suddenly it hit me.
“That’s my name don’t wear it out.” She let out a light chuckle at her own joke. “How are you these days, Tyler?”
“Honestly? Pretty good. My band has our CD Release party in a couple days. Well I say band... It’s really just me and my friend Josh on stage singing and playing drums...”
“Sounds like a wonderful time. Maybe I’ll show up.”
“Really?” she nodded with a toothy smile on her face. 
“Now, have you decided on what you want?” 
I quickly ordered my drink and handed her the money, making sure to leave a little extra in the tip jar.
Maybe I’ll have to come back to this cafe more often.
July 8, 2014
I nervously stood in front of the mirror when there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” 
“Hey, Ty.” Y/N smiled. “Ready for your big day?”
Although on the inside I was screaming yes. I still shook my head. “No... What if she walks out on me?”
“Tyler there is no way in hell that Jenna is going to walk out on you. You two are so in love its disgusting.” We both chuckled.
There was another knock at the door. “Tyler, Y/N c’mon we gotta go.” Quietly, we both stood up. She patted my shoulder giving me one last reassuring smile before running off to find Josh.
Ever since I had introduced the two, Jenna and Y/N became inseparable. Meaning that when it came time for Jenna to pick her bridesmaids, Y/N had to be on the list. And of course Josh would be one of my groomsmen.
“And yeah I know I probably should have ‘practiced’ my speech but I felt like wigging it would be better...” as josh when off on a tangent about how he didn’t practice his speech and everyone was listening intently, my mind wandered to how incredibly lucky I am. I just married my best friend and along with her, I have two of the greatest other best friends.
“Okay it looks like it’s my turn to talk.” Y/N let out a dry chuckle as as stood up. “The first time I ever met Tyler, I was on my way to chem, totally dreading it cause I had a test, when all of a sudden I run right into someone’s chest.” As she retold the story her face would falter only to perk of at certain points. “... It’s crazy to think that I made three life long best friends because of a stupid rubber band...”
She passed the mic onto one of Jenna’s other bridesmaids as she sat down, hands fiddling with something in her lap. From the distance I was at I couldn’t see but the look Josh had given me said it was something familiar. 
August 25, 2016
Josh and I quickly ran off stage only to be greeted by the open arms of Y/N. “You boys did amazing.” We smiled pulling her into another hug.
“Couldn’t do it without our number one fan cheering us on!” Josh laughed poking her stomach
“Cheering? No. Taking the best concert pics you’ll see in your life? Yes.” All three of us laughed again walking back to our dressing room to gather out belongings.
As we packed I could see Y/N’s smile falter while she quietly pulled at something on her wrist. “You boys... and girl... ready to hit the road?” Our tour manager asked, peaking his head through the door slightly.
“Yep!” Y/N jumped up off the couch quickly, turning to us. “I’m gonna head out to the bus to get ahead on editing these photos.” and with that she walked out.
December 28, 2018
“I remember the day pretty well for it being twelve years ago.” Slowly I told the story of how Y/N and I met, how I invited her to our CD Release, how she comforted me when I got nervous before my wedding, how she would take photos for us on tour. 
I could see her family crying in the front row, Josh quietly wiping his tears away as he held onto her little sister. Jenna was staring at me, silently encouraging me to finish. 
“But most importantly I remember the last time I saw her. There was something broken behind her E/C eyes. Something that I knew was too late to fix.” I sighed. “I didn’t think too much of it at the time though, I thought maybe she had spilled coffee on herself this morning, or maybe she was stood up on a date. I just wished I would have noticed that she was grabbing the rubber band on her wrist just a bit more than usual.” 
I rubbed my hand over my face, messing with my own rubber band. “I’m sorry.” I swiftly put down the microphone and ran off the to bathroom.
September 30, 2019
“Hey Y/N. Sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while. Tour, you know how it is. Anyways I thought I should say hi since it is you’re birthday and everything. Life’s been hectic recently. Josh and I just finished the final leg of the Bandito tour. The fans love it, they miss your photos by the way. Like a crazy ton. We’ve already started working on our next album. It’s gonna be better than any of our others. Okay maybe not Regional since that’s always been you’re favorite- actually scratch that, it will definitely be better than Regional. Everyone misses having you around. Especially Josh, but he’s been doing better recently. Jenna misses having another girl on tour with her. Oh that reminds me, Jenna designed our newest tour bus. Its awesome. Or I guess in Twenty One Pilots fashion, sick as frick. My mom misses you as well. She says I need someone around to convince me not to get anymore tattoos. I still have that uke you made me. The one with the art from each album. Don’t get mad at me but I added yellow tape so that Trench fits into it as well. Wait I almost forgot, Jenna and I have a kid coming soon, we don’t know if they’ll be a boy or girl but we decided that if it is a girl we’ll name her after you since you mean so much to us. I still have all the Polaroids you would take of me, you, and Josh. It’s crazy to think of how long it’s been since those were taken. It’s getting pretty late so I think I should go... Bye Y/N.” I slowly stood up brushing the dirt off my pants. I started to walk away before stopping in my tracks and turning around. “Wait I was going to sing for you... one sec.”
I sat down again pulling my ukulele out of my bag before starting to play Truce. “Take pride in what is sure to die.” I sang as I strummed the last cord. Silently I removed the rubber band from my wrist and gently placed it on the ground. “I’m sorry friend.” I said turning away from the grave.
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yesvac · 5 years
Cool Kids Never Have The Time (stozier)
au where stan and richie don’t know each other but as classmates, richie is the class stoner, and stan smokes weed for the first time with him : ) 
warning: drug use
length: about 3k
The first hit of the bowl is a bit too much to handle, in Stan’s opinion.
It’s not like he’s a nerd, per say. He wouldn’t be qualified as one in most people’s minds. He’s actually quite cool, in his opinion, but in the social ladder of their high school, he’s not particularly topping the charts. He’s got friends, sure, but those people are not considered “cool kids” or “popular”. One of his friends, Ben, called him “the King of the nerds,” once.
So Stan wouldn’t say it’s surprising that he became friends with Richie Tozier. Yeah, Richie is… a bit edgier than most people he knows, and Richie doesn’t go to school as often as he should, but it’s not like Stan’s counting his attendance, or looking over at Richie’s empty seat at the beginning of class every day. Psh, why would he?
But that doesn’t quite explain how Stan got to be in this situation, holding a “bowl” up to his lips while Richie lights the end.
He surely didn’t mean to get in this situation. He’s not a bad kid. He stays away from drugs, and when he gets invited to parties with alcohol, he politely declines. In his high school career, and in all of the 18 years of his life, he’s gone to one real party. He left in twenty minutes.
But what was he supposed to do when Richie passed him a note in Economics, reading “you want to come over to mine later?”
When the note was dropped on his desk, he was dumbfounded at first, for multiple reasons. His heart was racing as he tried to process it. First thought: who the fuck passes notes anymore? this isn’t middle school. And then: wait, Richie Tozier wants me to come over?
Then he thinks of what he might like to do at Richie Tozier’s house. Oh.
Stan blushes at his thoughts. He shouldn’t allow himself to think things like that about boys, but he indulges occasionally. Probably more than most guys would.
He looks across the room to where Richie’s sitting and he’s a bit spooked when he sees that Richie is already looking at him, with this little smirk on his face. Swallowing his anxiety, Stan nods in Richie’s direction, and the butterflies that reside in his tummy are making a bit of an uproar as a grin appears on Richie’s face. Richie mouths to him slowly: meet me by my locker after school.
Fuck. Stan’s fucked if he wants a good grade in Econ, because any and all material is lost to his mind after that.
A few hours later when the final bell rings, Stan tries to convince himself he hasn’t been waiting for the moment that school ends, but he can’t, not truly. His friends have been bugging him about being absentminded and not participating in their conversations mentally, but he reckons that’s okay for one day.
He tries not to run to Richie’s locker, and instead settles for a brisk pace over to a black mob of hair and a jean jacket faced the opposite way. Briefly, he is immobilized with nervousness, but when Richie glances over to where Stan is standing awkwardly a few feet away, he loudly spits out, “Hi!”
At first, Richie looks a bit judgemental, but his expression softens, and the corners of his beautiful mouth tilt upwards. Stan’s running his fingers through his fringe and pushing it upwards because Jesus, he’s sweating already. Calm the fuck down and stop being so gay, he thinks, but Richie’s smile just makes his knees feel weak. “Hey, Stan the man.”
“Stan the man?” he makes out, and the nervousness is coming back again, and he thinks for a moment that maybe he’s actually judged this situation completely wrong. Is this… an insult, or a nickname? It’s not like Richie is perceived in the eyes of the school body as a nice guy, really. Stan’s not sure. But… maybe he saw him looking at him. Maybe he’s angry. Maybe he knows Stan’s gay somehow, and trapped him here, cornered against a locker. Maybe coming here was the worst possible idea.
His mind tells him to take a step back, so he does. “I- I actually think, that I have to, I have to go,” he stammers. “My mom, uh. My mom needs me to take care of our… Our iguana.”
Stan doesn’t have an iguana. He facepalms mentally.
But then, Richie says the unexpected: “Is something wrong? Are you okay? You look pale all the sudden.” He extends an arm to rest on Stan’s shoulder and despite his best efforts, Stan can’t find it in him to think there’s anything malicious about him.
Sure, Richie’s wearing black ripped jeans and some old, beat up Doc Martins that look like they’re from the 80’s, but he’s also wearing a jean jacket with pink patches and embroidered designs. Yes, he’s got a septum piercing and he skips school, but his eyes and smile are so soft that Stan can’t be intimidated. He melts at the gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I’m fine,” Stan manages, and he can tell his face is hot. “I just remembered that I, uh, don’t actually have to be home, so nevermind. I can come over to yours.”
Richie laughs, and the way he tilts his head back while laughing makes Stan’s heart hurt. “Okay, it’s not iguana-care day. I see,” Richie teases, and surprisingly, Stan doesn’t feel targeted or anything by the tease, just wants to laugh along with him, so he does. It feels natural and organic to be laughing with him and he wants to do it forever. “Let’s go, I can give us a ride.”
There’s something mundanely enchanting to Stan about boys who can drive. Well, maybe it’s just boys. Actually, maybe it’s just Richie.
He coughs awkwardly as he gets into Richie’s vehicle. It’s an interesting one for sure. “Sorry if it’s hard to close the door, Ol’ Gertrude is getting a bit rickety. But we won’t die.” Stan laughs, as if it’s a joke, but Richie looks at him seriously. “Probably.”
He’s not lying when he says that the car is getting old; there’s rust all over it and it does take two or three tries for Stan to fully close the door because for some reason, its locking mechanism doesn’t work. The seats are all busted in some ways and Richie has seemed to fix it by using duct tape strategically, but Stan can still feel the springs poking out in some places. There’s dice hanging from the mirror. It’s a hot day, but there’s not air conditioning, so Stan can feel the perspiration on his face, but the way the windows roll down and Stan can stick his fingers out to feel the air as Richie drives is therapudic and organic.
Richie’s fringe is fully pushed up by now, his face slightly flush as he drives with one hand. He’s trying to explain music to Stan, and Stan suddenly realizes what Richie’s actually passionate about.
“Call me a hipster - really, I am - but the stuff nowadays is really shitty. Too much autotune, and electronic music sound. I’m not into it. Prime music was the 80’s and 90’s - alternative was the best then.” He’s trying to get a CD out of the compartment in front of Stan and Stan takes it over from him, sliding the CD out of the case and helping Richie slide it into the disc player. It immediately plays Track 1.
“Fuck, this is a classic,” Richie comments fondly, and Stan thinks swear words don’t sound quite as crude coming out of his mouth.
Shakedown 1979
Cool kids never have the time
On a live wire right up off the street
You and I should meet
He finds himself fascinated with the way Richie looks, carefree and happy as he drives and sings along to the song. Stan’s not sure if he likes the music better than what he listens to, but he’s sure that he likes Richie singing it better than anything he’s ever heard, ever.
Too soon they arrive at Richie’s house, and as they get out, some anxiety clouds Stan’s mind because what the fuck are they going to do, anyways? He’s not like, socially incapable, but Richie and him have never really talked ever, and they don’t seem to have very many common interests. Nevertheless, they enter Richie’s house and it’s nice, cozy. His downstairs is painted in light pastel yellows and he feels comforted at the decor.
When Richie shows him his room, it’s like walking into a completely different building from the rest of the house.
First of all, it’s painted a light blue, but that’s barely visible through all of the posters he has up. There’s movie posters for every award-winning movie he can think of in the last 30 years. Also, there’s posters for, yes, 90’s and 80’s alternative and rock bands, and Stan thinks if Richie knew that the only real 80’s and 90’s music Stan knows is the boybands, then he would be scolded severely (he can’t help it - his first boy crush was on Justin Timberlake). There’s also tacked up photos of what look to be torn pages from National Geographic of locations around the world. Stan recognizes what looks to be a busy Japanese street, a waterfall somewhere, the badlands, and a photo taken in a desert with a crowd of antelope. He has a bed and in the corner of his bedroom, a sofa, and then a computer desk with a computer chair - he sits down at his chair and looks up at Stan, and Stan sits on his bed lightly.  His bedroom is also slightly messy, disheveled in a way that isn’t too unacceptable. There’s an indistinct smell that he can’t quite place.
Stan feels slightly overwhelmed.
Richie begins talking about something related to music again, and he syncs his phone with a speaker in his room and plays some song Stan can’t place, one he’s never heard before, and he zones out a bit to what he’s saying, internally freaking out that he’s at a hot boy’s house on his bed while he’s being ranted at about good music, until Richie says something that shocks him into listening.
“Wanna smoke weed?”
While Stan knows it’s unattractive to sputter, apparently he can’t help but be not cute around Richie. “W-what did you say?” Because he isn’t quite sure he heard right, even though he knows internally exactly what Richie said.
“Did you want to smoke some weed? I have four grams and a bowl if you wanted to. My parents aren’t home and won’t be ‘till later. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, really. It helps me relax though, and makes the music even better,” Richie says, and he giggles a bit at the end. He raises his eyebrows at Stan, obviously expecting an answer, but Stan’s not sure he can give a comprehensible one.
Oh god, he’s about to get high for the first time with the hottest dude in his class. This is what he knows, because he knows for a fact he’s not going to be able to say no to Richie’s smile, even if he’s kind of scared of inhaling smoke and getting high in general, and his mom raised him to stay away from drugs.
“Yes,” he says. Of course. Idiot.
So that brings them to where they are now. Richie is opening up the window to his room, and he retrieves a wooden box from a discreet place at the top of his messy closet, and he opens the box. There’s some oddly shaped things Stan doesn’t recognize, and it occurs to him that Richie probably doesn’t realize that he hasn’t smoked weed before. “I haven’t smoked weed before,” he comments casually, and Richie looks at him incredulously.
“Really, Stan the man? Never smoked?” Richie asks, and Stan nods. “Figures, with your straight A’s, and all. You just need to be roughed up a little. Live life and all that shit.” Stan nods again, and pretends that he doesn’t want Richie to rough him up in every way. “I’ll guide you through it.”
Ten minutes later and they’re both sitting on Richie’s sofa facing his window, and Richie’s holding what he calls a “bowl”, which in reality looks nothing like a bowl and actually looks more like a pipe made of glass or ceramic material, Stan doesn’t know. It’s blue and shiny, and it’s stuffed with weed at the end. Richie tells him the process of it, how you’re supposed to hold your fingers over one part of it, and then light it, and then inhale, and then release your fingers, and then exhale after you’ve held it for a moment. But try as he might, all of those instructions escaped his mind, because when you’ve got Richie Tozier one foot in front of you and you’re about to get high with him, it’s quite hard to focus on little things.
“Got it?” Richie asks him, and Stan wants to have got it, but he hasn’t got it. He shakes his head, and Richie laughs. He feels bad for a moment, but not for long, not really. “It’s okay, Stan. I’ll hold the bowl for you and I’ll light it too. All you have to do is inhale, and then exhale when you’re ready.”
Stan nods, and he doesn’t feel ready quite yet, but it’s not like he’s going to say no because god, Richie is beautiful and he’s holding the bowl up to his lips and Stan’s going to hell for being so gay, he’s sure of it. It occurs to him that he’s practically on Richie’s lap right as Richie lights the weed, and says “GO!” to him, and he inhales the smoke from the bowl, and immediately chokes.
Richie had told him that he’d probably cough, but this was nothing like he’d imagined. He choked on smoke and coughed to try to get the toxicity out of his throat. He keeps coughing, and he’s honestly surprised at the amount he coughs before he can stop, really. He’s practically wheezing out of Richie’s window, and Richie is chuckling at him slightly. When Stan finally stops coughing, wiping the water out of his eyes, he sees Richie from his blurry vision taking a hit and he looks practiced and masterful. The smoke leaves through his nose and he takes a breathe of air calmly. No coughing at all.
“What the fuck? How did you do that?” Stan laughs, and he coughs again at the end of his sentence, and finds himself in another minute-long coughing fit. He wants to stop, he really does, but there’s an insistent tickling at the back of his throat and he must look like an idiot.
However, there’s a warmth at his shoulder and he looks back at Richie, smiling warmly at him and he feels comforted with just a glance at the boy next to him, and he can feel the anxiety melting off of him by the minute. “If you’re a loser pothead like me, then you’re good at this. But don’t aspire for that,” he laughs again, and holds the bowl out to Stan’s mouth again, and Stan tries to pull himself together for another hit again, and he inhales like before. It goes down much smoother than the first, but he still coughs with his exhale.
“Is there a way to make this any better than it is? Like, my eyes won’t stop watering and I’ve got this tickling in my throat that isn’t going away,” he complains to Richie as Richie takes another hit. It occurs to him mildly that his lips were wrapped around the same thing that Richie’s are, and tries to make that fact not matter to him, and fails. “I don’t get the glamour of this yet.”
The way Richie exhales the smoke out of the window through pursed lips makes Stan’s spine tingle a little bit, in a way that only Richie’s looks can do. Richie laughs dryly again. “Eating and drinking make it better. I’m sure the high will hit you in a few. You’ll feel it, and you’ll know.” As Richie relaxes against the sofa, he gets the feeling that Richie is already feeling it.
“How am I supposed to know if I’ve never experienced it?” Stan presses, leaning forward a bit, closer to Richie. Richie gives him a devious smile in return, cracking his knuckles before placing a hand on Stan’s shoulder, which is warm and welcome.
“You’ll know, Stan the man. You’ll know.”
A few minutes later, they are both lying on the floor and looking up at Richie’s ceiling. The lights are off and Richie has glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to his ceiling which Richie is entranced by, as they listen to more music. Stan feels… something, but he isn’t sure if it is from the drug he just smoked or the feeling of laying so close to Richie.
Richie suddenly turns towards him, still horizontal, and says, “Stan the man.”
“How do you feel?”
Stan’s fingers grip the carpet around him, letting the fabric touch his hands and feel the texture and everything around him. “I feel a little different. Like everything’s slower.”
“Your eyes are red as hell,” Richie comments, laying a hand on Stan’s arm. Tingles shoot through Stan from the place that Richie touched him. He internally facepalms at how sensitive he is, and tells himself to calm down.
Stan sits up a bit, and looks at Richie’s face, examining the way that the weed has affected him. “Your eyes are red too, you know. So shut up.”
“You’re so handsome, Stan,” Richie sighs, and Stan’s eyes widen. He’s unsure if he heard Richie correctly, and where that compliment came from, and what the implications are, and whether it could just be a platonic comment, and his mind is racing with thoughts while he stares blankly forward.
Richie’s eyebrows furrow. “You good?”
Stan sputters, “yeah. I’m good. I think it just hit me.”
Richie smirks, an irritatingly attractive tilt of the mouth, and Stan wishes he could kiss it off of him, so he does. He grabs Richie’s wrists and pulls him forward, and their mouths collide clumsily and Stan is feeling so, so unorthodox.
But it’s good. It’s really good. Richie is warm and although he is bony, his hands seem to have an instinct of their own and perfectly clutch Stan’s face, aligning like they were made to fit, and Stan’s whole body feels like it’s tingling as he moves his lips against Richie’s, kissing him. Richie seems to be pressing forward, responding emphatically to Stan’s movements, and Stan pulls away to breathe and to look at Richie again. He can’t believe himself.
Richie’s face is flushed, his cheeks pleasantly red, and Stan thinks he looks better than ever. His eyes are blown-- from use of illegal substances or from kissing, Stan isn’t sure-- and he looks exhilerated. Stan is internally satisfied that he can make Richie look like that.
Turning down the volume of the music, Richie smiles back to Stan, and his hands move along Stan’s arms like he can’t stop touching him. “I guess I’ll have to have you over a lot more often, Stan the man.”
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Sweetest Revenge
This is a one-shot story of The Handler's sweet revenge to the boy who has outsmarted him in every possible way. :)
Setting: Apocalypse has been successfully averted and Ben is well and alive.
For a downloadable version, click here.
It's been three days already since the end of the world was averted and every member of Hargreeves family is quite unsure of what to do after all the things that happened in the past few days. In fact, 'few days' is not the best term to describe the time they spent just to prevent the seemingly inevitable cataclysmic event that unfolded within their eyes. Thanks to Five's ability to time travel, they are able to make it back to the time when they were just kids, still innocent and can be easily influenced just by anything, really, that could possibly change their entire life.
By going back to their childhood, they realized it's not only Vanya that needs fixing. Not pointing out directly, they're willing to admit to themselves that all of them needs fixing, if not saving. Ben especially, as they would want him to be back, not as a ghost sticking to wherever Klaus goes but as a completely alive human being.
After all the repeated mistakes and endless trials and errors, they finally arrived at a new timeline, not really what you can call perfect, but bearable. After all, there are still some scars left as every memory on the previous time were etched to their memories. Then again, they're willing to forgive even if they cannot forget. They all are.
Back at the Commission, the Handler is still quite unable to accept the fact that Five, 'a distinguished professional in schoolboy shorts', as what she previously called him was actually able to prevent the apocalypse from happening. "Oh, he's good. He's really good.", the Handler said.
To be honest, she can't quite identify if what she's feeling towards Five is great admiration or utter disappointment. After all, she used to think that Five and her are quite similar. Then again, she must have been wrong all this time.
As of the moment, she knew it was her defeat and she knew there's nothing she can do to revert back everything to the way it was. As if dying at every thought that Five must be living his life right now peacefully with that smug look on his face, the only thing that remains are those memories of their conversations. She's quite confident that she will win, what with all the things she kept on telling Five that what's meant to happen, happens. As all sorts of pent up frustrations she haven't feel for quite some time now suddenly erupt, the images of Five starting from when she saved him from the apocalypse emerged vividly on her thoughts. She hated it. She hated remembering the look on Five's face - always smiling with confidence, always thinking that he's better than everyone. And then, there's one. A different expression Five showed to her in the past. The time when she tried to convince him again to get back on the commission.
"That's it. I didn't win Five. But with this, I can actually say that I can execute my sweetest revenge..." said the Handler as she called for Dot immediately.
"There's something I want you to do. And fast." she said as an evil smile painted through her face.
"Shit." Five cursed under his breath as he rummaged through the cupboard. "Last time, there's not a single drop of coffee and now, no peanut butter either." It must have been due to the changes they made in the last timeline. All of the siblings are already aware where Five has gone so they didn't bother stacking up on peanut butter anymore considering he's the only one who likes it.
"Well, guess it can't be helped." Peanut butter stack disappearing in the house is preferable than the whole world disappearing. Five thought.
All the siblings are inside the house. Vanya, Ben and Klaus are together talking about how Vanya was able to study violin all by herself. Diego is talking to Grace while carefully cleaning his knives. Luther and Allison are at the sofa talking to Claire on the phone. Pogo was cleaning the garden where Reginald's remains laid. Guess there are things that will never change, that includes Pogo's loyalty to their father.
Seeing as none of them has the time to bother Five, he decided to go out of the house and buy some peanut butter. Probably, he'll buy a cup of coffee on the way.
Vanya noticed him leaving but decided not to make a big deal out of it. The apocalypse has been stopped and she thinks Five needs some space too. Knowing that her brothers might ask, she initiated another conversation just so their gaze would be focused on her and not to Five who's about to open the door. Luckily, Five closed the door very gently that it did not made a sound enough for any of them to hear.
As Five closed the door, he decided not to take the car and walked instead. He's not sure if it's nostalgia but he wants to see his environment, not those images from when he was stuck in the apocalypse but the current buildings standing tall with people, of course. Back when he had not time traveled yet, he seemed not to care to his surroundings, never paying attention to what has changed and what remained. But now, he's starting to regret how there are things that he can't quite point out if there are changes that occurred when they went back to the past or if things stayed the same. If so, he must have felt a sense of warmth knowing that there are things that will never change no matter what happened.
Thinking about all these things while walking, he muttered to himself, "Guess I'll ask one of them to come with me to point things that changed, and those that didn't."
As these thoughts come through his mind, he can't believe that he could be sentimental, from time to time. "Guess this is my way of convincing that the time has changed. It's all over now."
It's half past an hour already since Five left the house. No one seems to have noticed yet until there was a knock on the door. Pogo who was about to enter the living room decided to open it. Everyone became alerted as they're thinking there must be another upcoming event that they must all stop, Apocalypse 2 maybe?
"Good morning" Pogo said. "Can I be of any assistance to you?" he said as he carefully observe the man standing on the doorway.
"Ahh. Not sure if I'm right but there's a package delivery, it says here 'For the Hargreeves Siblings'. Did I knock at the wrong door?" says the man. He looked young and somewhat unfamiliar with his job.
"You're in the right place, young man." Pogo said as he stretched out his hands to receive the package.
All the siblings came running towards the door as Pogo tried to identify what the package is and closed the door.
"So? What is it?" Luther asked, his tone impatient.
"Let me open it." Diego said as he pulled out a knife.
Luther tried to position himself between Vanya and Allison so he can protect them if the package is some sort of a bomb or explosive.
As soon as Diego was finished opening it, everyone stared at one another with a puzzled look.
Everyone is in the living room as Grace brought down a laptop and Pogo is setting up the speakers so everyone can hear the sound clearly. Apparently, the package contains a CD that contains a note which says, 'Here's my gift to all of you. A peace offering, if you will.'
"Are you ready?" asked Ben as he carefully inserted the disk into the laptop. Everyone took their seats and watched. At first, they are quite unfamiliar with the scene. But then, it dawned to the boys.
"Oh." Klaus said as he placed his hand in his mouth unknowingly.
All of them are quiet until they finished watching. The video was only about 5 minutes long but it seemed like an hour has passed after watching it.
There are questions Allison and Vanya would like to ask seeing that they are not included in the clip but decided not to. Instead, they insisted to repeat the clip again.
"I - can we just watch it again?" asked Vanya. Everyone seems to be thinking the same thought because Ben proceeded in replaying the clip and the others just nod in agreement.
Five is almost few feet away from the house. A cup of coffee was being held by his right hand and a paper bag on his left. Needless to say, the paper bag contains peanut butter and marshmallows so he can eat his favorite snack at midnight. "I've just been out for an hour so maybe they wouldn't even notice that I was gone." Five thought to himself as he sipped his coffee.
He waited in silence as soon as he arrived at the front door. "Wow. It seems quite. I guess they really didn't notice I was gone." Five's hands are full so he had no choice but to do his spatial jump so he could pass through the closed door. When he arrived, he heard sounds that seems to be coming from the living room. As he walked closer, he heard familiar voices which seems to come from a speaker. "That conversation. It seems familiar. Was that recorded?" Five asked himself.
As he finally reached the room, he can't believe what he is actually seeing. Vanya, Allison, Ben and Klaus together with Pogo and Grace are watching a recorded video of his previous conversation with the Handler.
"...I mean, you... you can't be happy like this." said the Handler is she inched forward towards Five.
"I'm not looking for happy." Five replied in the video.
He was so shocked at was he was seeing that the paper bag clutched in his hand fell to the ground which then startled his siblings. Everyone looked at the source of the noise and there, they saw Five, dumbfounded at what they're watching.
"They're not supposed to know this. I mean, how was this possible?" Five mutters to himself. And then it occurred to him..
Obviously, there is no one who could've possibly took a footage of that conversation except one organization who can go back to whatever time they choose and do what needs to be done. Then again, is this even necessary?
"And what about my family?"
"What about them?" the woman in the video asked.
"I want them to survive." Five said. It feels weird and awkward watching himself say those words.
"All of them?"
"Yes, all of them." Five answered.
"Oh.. She's good. She's so good." Five said, this time, thinking out loud, his siblings still looking at him. Ben paused the video and tried to approach Five.
"Five..." Ben called while walking closer to him. Vanya, Allison and Klaus already stood up.
He's not ready for this kind of situation. He does not know what to do. This is not his forte. And as soon as Ben was about to touch him, Five move a step back and try to jump to his room. But alas! Luther was already at his back and has grabbed him while Diego grasped his hand.
"Where do you think you're going, kiddo?" Diego asked, his hand not giving an inch in releasing Fives hand.
"You two! Let go of me!" Five shouted as he tried to get away from his brothers. Luther's body is back to normal but his strength is still incomparable to the strength of a 13-year old boy.
"Now, now. Master Luther, Master Diego. You're hurting Master Five. Let go of him at once." Pogo said. Although, everyone can hear the happiness from his tone.
"We'll only let go of you if you promise you won't get back to your room and lock yourself out so you can avoid... Well.." Luther proposed, trying to be cautious with his words so as not to sound demanding.
"...you mean watching this cute scene?" Klaus butt in, his face beaming with gladness.
Five was already feeling so sheepish. He did not expect the Handler to do such a bold move. Thinking about it, she did use the Commission just to she can embarrass Five in front of his family. "You really don't know when to stop, do you!?" Five muttered to himself feeling so frustrated as images of the Handler smiling so brightly at her completed mission flashed through his mind.
"Hey. Five. It's okay. We've watched it already... like 23 times so there's no need to be ashamed." Ben teased his brother. Seeing as Five is smaller, the teasing seems to have damaged Five exponentially as he saw him look at the ground.
"Shut up! All of you! Stop..." Five said as he tried his best to calm himself down.
"...making fun if me!" he argued looking up at his brothers and sisters.
Allison and Vanya are smiling, almost laughing as they try their best not to because they know what their reactions can do to Five.
"Oh no. Brother, we're not making fun of you. It's sweet actually, considering you always act so high and mighty but then, you actually think and cared about us." Klaus said while soliciting agreement from the others.
"That's true. It's very t-touching." Diego said. Five was quite sure he could sense some actual embarrassment from Diego's tone.
At the back of his mind, Five's been planning to go back a little in the past just so he could be the one to receive the package and burn it so no one would ever know that the video clip even existed. But then he realized, this IS the handler he's talking about and she'll make sure his siblings will see it even if it means repeatedly delivering the package just so all of his siblings will be able to watch it. Five sighed as he pinched his nose and look back to his siblings.
They're all smiling... at him, as if telling him "Five, we want to hug you. We can hug you, right?"
It's time to admit that he actually missed his siblings as he felt his face softened at their stare. He let out a small sigh and looked at all of them, his hands at his waist. He lifted his right hand motioning them to go forward.
Diego tapped his shoulder from behind as Luther ruffled his hair. Ben and Klaus looked at each other before moving towards Five. It took five seconds and the big boys are all around Five smiling at one another.
"This is it." Allison mentioned while Vanya looked at her.
"After the apocalypse, I was thinking what actually changed. And I'm looking at it right now." she said with a smile.
"Yes, you're right." Vanya said still looking at Allison. "So why don't we join them in? I bet Five is feeling so uncomfortable right now being doted upon by his four big brothers." Vanya said while Allison laughed at the thought.
All of them were cuddled together, feeling like 13-year olds once again. They really missed each other, didn't they?
"This will be the FIRST and LAST time you can get this close to me." Five reminded them. Noticing himself smiling ever so slightly at the affection his siblings are giving him.
"Nope." Klaus said with his eyes closed as he hugged Five tightly.
"Not really." Ben added as he pinched Five's cheek.
Little did they know, Pogo was holding a camera as he silently took pictures of them hugging each other.
"I'm glad the surveillance cameras are still working." Pogo mentioned to Grace as they decided to let the siblings on their own. They deserve it. In fact, they deserve more. And Pogo knew that greater things will come their way.
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tehfabbooty · 5 years
Cupid, Part Three
The next few days were uneventful for you, but in a zombie apocalypse, that was a good thing. For Daryl though, his situation was completely opposite.
The closer the fourteenth got, the stronger his desire for you became. It was very strange for his feelings for you to be so. . . so . . . electrifying. It was near impossible not to just kiss you right now, in front of everyone so that they knew you were his. What has gotten into him?
He watched as you helped Carol carry in boxes from a run a couple guys went on, watching as you bent down to pick up a box and walk inside. He had to bite down on his lip to keep from moaning at the sight of your skin-tight-jeans-covered ass. They fit so perfectly on your body, it was almost like they were painted on.
A commotion at the gate suddenly caught both yours and Daryl's attention. Heads snapping in that direction saw a very strange scene. Rosita was trying to shove Eugene away while shrieking to Abraham to help her. Eugene was fighting against her hands, leaning in trying to . . . kiss her? Did he have a death wish?
"Hol' the fuckity fuck up!"bellowed the ginger as he came up behind Rosita. "Just what do you think you're doing? Leave her alone!"
"But I love her!"Eugene cried, launching himself at her again.
Rosita screeched and ducked from his embrace, Eugene accidentally running into Abraham's broad chest and earning a punch to the nose.
Eugene collapsed, unconscious.
"The fuck was that?"Abraham asked his girlfriend. "Why was he all lovin' up on you?"
The latina shrugged, fixing her hat. "I dunno. He just came on to me out of nowhere. He was fine while we were on watch, but as soon as we climbed down he suddenly tried to kiss me. Almost like he got bit by something." She cursed in Spanish.
Later that day, you were helping Carol fix lunch in her kitchen. Still convinced you and Daryl were meant to be, she decided to try to get you two together by Valentine's Day. And when Carol Peletier has her mind set on something, then it's going to happen.
Currently she was stirring the pot of noodles on the stove while checking the garlic bread in the oven. You were setting up the dinner table for two, assuming it was just you and Carol, but she glanced at you and said, "Three."
You blinked in confusion. "Three?"
"Daryl's joining us."
You tried so hard not to roll your eyes at her, and failed. "What are you up to, Carol?"you asked suspiciously.
She grinned maliciously. "Oh nothing. Just a friendly group lunch is all."
Uh huh. You weren't buying it. But you kept yourself busy, suddenly nervous now that you knew Daryl would be eating with you, even though you've eaten together thousands of times.
Once you were finished with the table, you straightened up, ready to help Carol with the next thing when she said, "Why don't you go find some music to play? I keep the CDs in the attic."
Your eyes brightened. "Okay! Will do."
You dashed upstairs. Not even a few seconds later the doorbell rang, announcing Daryl's presence. Carol opened the door, grinning, and let him in.
He took a deep breath, smelling the sweet aroma of spaghetti wafting through. Also another kind of smell. Sweet, minty. You. He almost choked on air when he realized he could smell you and the fact he KNEW that minty smell was you.
Coughing to cover up his shock, he pulled a bottle of wine out from his coat. "Brought ya this like ya asked. Knew it's your favorite,"he told Carol.
She smirked. It actually wasn't. It was yours, she just pretended it was hers too.
"Thank you, Pookie. Just set it in there for now." She smiled warmly at him, who nodded.
As soon as he walked in, though, he noticed something was off. There were three plates set out instead of the two he was expecting. Did Carol have someone else coming over? Who -
His eyes widened. Of fucking course she would. God dammit.
Taking a deep breath, he adjusted himself as Carol came in to finish up dinner. He casually leaned against the wall next to the stove, eyeing her. She was up to something.
"Got something to say, pookie?"she asked with a grin.
"Who else did you invite?"he asked, though he knew already.
Before she could answer, Y/N came bouncing down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Hey, I didn't know you listened to - Oh, hi, Daryl." You stopped right at the door as soon as you caught sight of the sexy redneck. Shit.
"What'd you find, dear?"Carol asked, smiling.
As Y/N listed off the CDs, Daryl zoned out. He couldn't help but notice your hair was down, which was rare. You were wearing a pink off-the-shoulders sweater and the blue jeans he seen you in earlier, plus cute cowgirl boots. You also wore that opal necklace, he noticed as his heart thumped in his chest.
"... And a Shinedown album. You're a Shinedown fan?"you questioned.
"Nah, just found it and figured you would like it and completely forgot to give it to you. Oops." She laughed.
You laughed too, and you almost swore you heard Daryl moan under his breath, but that could've been anything.
Carol turned back to the stove, stirring it a little bit before announcing it was done. You were about grab your plate to get your helping of the pasta when Daryl grabbed it first.
"Let me,"he said in his husky voice. He reached over and dumped a pile of noodles onto your plate. "That good?"he asked, turning to you.
You almost didn't hear him, too preoccupied with his attire. Clean black pants, black shirt (with sleeves!) And his hair was brushed.
You blinked and then realized what he said before answering with, "A little more please." He dumped some more before pouring some sauce in over the noodles, handing the plate to you.
"Garlic bread done yet?"Daryl asked.
"Few more minutes. Patience, Pookie,"Carol replied, making you giggle to yourself.
Daryl grumbled, but set his own plate up before sitting down across from you.
Once the bread was done, Carol placed them on a separate plate and put it in the center of the table. "Y/N, would you care for wine? Daryl brought it,"Carol said.
Your eyes landed on the familiar bottle before your face lit up, recognizing it immediately.
"Oh my God. Yes! That's my favorite!"you squealed.
Daryl smiled to himself and felt his face heat up a little. Carol is one hell of a wing woman.
After dinner, Carol took care of the dishes, refusing your offer to help and ushered you and Daryl into the living room. The tension in the air thickened, but in a good way.
Your eyes met his blue ones, and you felt your cheeks redden and your stomach doing flips. Why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
His eyes dropped to your lips and darted back to your eyes, contemplating. He wanted to just grab you and take you right there. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you, how long he's loved you. The wine was definitely a big help with his confidence as he opened his mouth to speak.
Suddenly music started playing on the radio by the couch. Carol winked at you two and said, "If this doesn't make you two bang finally, I don't know what will." She grinned. "Try not to stain anything." She cackled all the way upstairs, leaving your jaw on the floor with a blush on both of your faces.
"Christ. I thought Carol was a Christian, but she sure is acting like - " you started to say but were cut off when a pair of lips attacked your own.
Strong hands captured your face, and soon you were pushed into the wall, pinned by his massive body. His tongue forced its way into your mouth, fighting yours for dominance and finally winning as he took it for a wild ride.
Your hands tangled themselves into his hair as you pulled him closer, your heartbeat going a million miles an hour. The sweater you were wearing suddenly felt very hot and uncomfortable on your skin.
You moaned a little as his fingers stroke your face, which made his cock twitch. He loved your moan already. But he made sure to take his time with you so you would know this is real and not just a one time thing.
His hands started traveling down your neck to your sweater. He pulled on the end of it, so you lifted your arms up to help him lift it off of you. Seeing you with no bra underneath made him growl loudly, then suddenly attach his mouth to your left nipple.
You leaned your head back against the wall and moaned his name, causing goosebumps to rise on Daryl's arms and legs. But he didn't stop. He swirled his tongue around your nip, bit it a few times brfore moving to the other one. When he finished, he started leaving love bites up and down your chest until he reached your neck, which he attacked viciously with his lips and tongue.
"Daryl!"you cried out in ecstasy. God it felt amazing already.
He smirked against your skin and leaned back, taking in your flushed face and hazy eyes. "What you wan', Y/N?"he purred, tugging on the belt loops of your jeans.
"You, please,"you begged, already fallen apart for him.
You didn't have to ask twice. Before you knew it, you were naked, your underwear long gone. He lifted you up by your legs, pinning you to the wall again. He was now eye level with your pussy, which was dripping with anticipation.
"Daryl,"you whined. "I just want -"
You were cut off again when his tongue touched your folds. You groaned as he fucked you senseless with his tongue, lapping it over and over your sensitive clit and wiggling it around inside you.
"Daryl, I'm gonna -" Boom. There it is. You felt the most amazing and electrifying orgasm you had ever felt your entire life. You closed your eyes and whimpered, loving the feeling. You felt his scruff rub across your mound as he lapped up your juices and pulled himself out.
"Holy shit, Y/N,"he panted. "Such a dirty girl."
You blushed furiously. "Okay, now fuck me you asshole!"you croaked.
He dropped you to your feet before pulling off his shirt and pants, then yanking down his boxers. Your mouth opened in surprise at his size. He was the biggest you had ever seen. Holy shit.
"See somethin' ya like, darlin'?"he growled at you, and before you could answer, he yanked you into his arms as he settled you on the floor. He hovered over you, admiring your physique and beauty for a minute before lining himself up at your entrance.
You panted. "Go, I'm ready."
He smirked, then pushed himself inside.
You moaned. He wasn't even halfway in before he stopped to stretch you out.
"So fucking tight. So perfect for me,"he groaned.
He pushed himself some more until he could go no further, letting you adjust. After a minute, you nodded and he set his pace.
Your arms wound themselves around his chest so your fingernails could dig into his back as you jolted your hips up to match his rhythm. When it felt like you were at a good pace, you dropped your head, closing your eyes in pure bliss.
You have never felt such fiery, pleasurable and exciting sex like this. It was like you two were made for each other. He seemed to agree as sweat poured down his face, but he refused to let up.
He grunted as your hands weaved into his hair to massage his scalp tenderly. He closed his eyes for a second to enjoy your head massage, then opened them to glare down at you.
"Whose girl are ya?"he barked, blue eyes staring into your soul.
"Yours!"you cried.
"Damn straight. You're all mine." He huffed as he quickened his pace before burying his face in your neck.
"Oh god, Daryl!"you groaned.
"Cum for me, babygirl,"he rasped.
Somehow this one was even better than that last orgasm. Stars were shooting out in front of your eyes as you felt your high. You whimpered.
He didn't slow down though. No, it was his turn. He started fucking you harder and faster, earning moans and pants from you. Your eyes rolled in your head as he pushed himself to the limit. When he felt close, he lowered his head to capture your lips in another hypnotizing kiss, fighting with your tongue again.
Suddenly he felt himself shooting his rope inside you, and he dropped over you, careful not to crush you under his body weight.
After a few minutes he rolled off, both of you breathing hard. When you finally caught your breath, you leant up on your elbow to look at him, somehow more nervous now than before. What did this mean?
Before you could ask, he grabbed your jaw and pulled your lips down to his again, this time more gentle and slow. When he let go, he was smiling his sweet smile at you.
"What?"you asked shyly.
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "You're just so beautiful, Y/N. I can't take my eyes off ya."
You blushed and looked down, but he used his hand to raise your chin back up.
"I never have been able to, ya know. I've wanted ya since the farm."
Your eyes widened at his confession. "Really?"you asked, a grin stretching on your face.
He nodded. Then he batted his eyes and bit his lip. "Will you ... Be mine? My Valentine?"
You smiled so wide you couldn't bear it. You launched yourself at him and he caught you in his arms, snuggling you to his chest on the floor.
"Yes. Yes I will. But truth is you always had my heart." You smirked. "I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N." He bent down to kiss you again as a squeal interrupted you two.
"Sorry! Was just checking to see if it happened!"Carol laughed. "Lemme get you guys pillows and blankets. Finally! Praise the lord!" She walked away again cackling.
You rolled eyes, but smiled happily at Daryl. Your Daryl. Your Valentine.
Note: some reader characters I applied from myself, such as the Shinedown reference, my birthday, etc. Hope you enjoyed!
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