#I’m kinda curious what this bitch had to say about me on the dl
Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ...Zzー... Zzー...
Yui: !?
Yui: ( What!? What was that sound!? )
Yuma: Come on! How long ya gonna be snoozin’ for, huh!? Get yer ass out of bed!!
Yui: Y-Yuma-kun!?
Yuma: If ya don’t show up soon, imma fuckin’ wreck ya together with this damn door!!
Yui: I-’ll open the door! I’ll open it, so please stop kicking!
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yuma: Geez, why do I have to...Hm? Oh, ya finally woke up, huh?
Yui: W-What on earth is going on...Wait, Yuma-kun, those clothes...
Yuma: Ya better get changed right away as well! Ruki asked me to have ya get ready and bring ya with me in time.
Yui: Get changed? You mean into my uniform?
( For one, he never told me anything about going to school... )
Yuma: What else? Do ya go to school naked or somethin’? Aahn?
Aah, I guess I shouldn’t put that past ya. Whatcha say? I wouldn’t mind, honestly?
It’d save me time when I suck yer blood since I won’t have to bother takin’ them off. Hehe, guess I should have ya do that at home from now on?
Yui: D-Definitely not!! Anyway, I’m gonna go get changed so wait here.
ー The scene shifts to inside the car
Yui: ( So they do have a limousine as well...I wonder if this is normal in the Vampire world? )
( ...Or rather... )
( Yuma-kun seems really irritated... )
Yuma: Geez, ya stupid bitch. ‘Cause ya took yer damn sweet time, we’re totally late!
Ruki and the others already left before us. Who do ya think is gonna get yelled at afterwards, huh?
Yui: ( Then he could have just come wake me up sooner...But I can’t say that, can I? )
I’m sorry...
Yuma: If ya can apologize to me, then take Ruki’s stupid lecture in my place! Ahー ah! This is such a damn drag, fuck!
Honestly, how did I somehow end up havin’ to raise this dumb-as-fuck Sow?
If only she was as smart as a dog at least, it’d be somewhat more bearable...
Yui: ( Per usual, he doesn’t hold back with his insults... )
Anyway, Yuma-kun, why are we suddenly going to school? It hasn’t been brought up until today...
Yuma: Ya really think I know? I just obey that man’s orders.
Yui: That man...?
( Sounds like he respects this individual quite a bit... )
Yuma: Well, if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t be takin’ ya to school. Those guys will be there as well after all.
Yui: ...You mean Ayato-kun and the others?
Yuma: Who else?
Hahーah, pretty sure we’ll be in deep shit if we run into each other on campus.
Speakin’ of which, aren’t ya curious ‘bout them?
Yui: Me...?
I wouldn’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind...But I’m sure they’re all upset so I might be a little scared to meet them...
Yuma: Hm...
Say, what was yer life with them like?
Yui: What do you mean?
Yuma: They like ya enough to throw a fuckin’ tantrum the moment ya suddenly disappear, no?
How did ya manage to wrap that troublesome bunch ‘round yer lil’ finger like that? I’m actually kinda interested to hear.
Yui: I don’t have them wrapped around my finger. I just lived a normal life...
Yuma: ...Heeh.
ー Yuma suddenly pins her down
Yui: ...!?
Yuma: A normal life, huh...? Say they suddenly pinned ya down like this? And thenーー
Yui: Wai...!
Yuma: Ya had yer blood sucked after they ripped the clothes off yer body, right? That what ya call a normal lifestyle?
Say...Is havin’ yer blood sucked normal to ya? Aahn?
→ Of course not! (S)
Yui: Of course it isn’t normal! It hurts, and it’s scary...
Yuma: Haahn? Then why did ya say ‘normal’ earlier? You’re contradictin’ yerself.
Yui: That was just a figure of speech...
Yuma: Like I give a damn. At least take responsibility for yer own words.
Geez, and here I thought ya finally learnt to speak for yerself, but now ya go changin’ yer mind every five seconds.
Can’t ya make up yer mind and stick with it?
→ It might have become that way (M)
Yui: It might have actually become normal to me...
Yuma: Hah! Then why did ya keep on tellin’ me ‘no!’ or ‘stop’, huh? Were ya just actin’ to be all pure and innocent?
What’s the deal with ya, huh...? Were ya actually happy inside this whole time even though ya kept on sayin’ no?
Yui: That’s wrong...!
Yuma: It’s not. Don’t ya feel the same right now? I’ve got ya pinned down underneath me, but you’re barely puttin’ up a fight, are ya?
Yui: ( That’s because his grip on my arms is just too strong, I can’t fight back even if I wanted to... )
Yuma: Well, regardless of how ya actually feel, ya described it as ‘normal’. In that case, I’ll roll with it too. 
Then I won’t be holdin’ back either, latchin’ onto ya as is ‘normal’, regardless of the time or place...Nn...
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: ( Says the person who has never held back in the first place...! )
Yuma: ...Mmh...
Yui: Uu, ah...!
Yuma: Nn...Nn...
Heh, yer blood really is the only thing that’s delicious. Is this what did those Sakamaki’s in too?
Yui: ( My head’s spinning... )
Yuma: Hah. Look at that ecstatic (1) expression of yers. Ya really are a ‘Sow’. (2)
No matter how desperately ya try and deny it, the fact you’ve gotten used to havin’ this sorta stuff done to ya, proves that you’re a full-fletched ‘Sow’.
You’re a woman who simply gets swept away by the pleasure, lacking any sense of reason, free will or virtue.
Yui: ( That’s not true... )
ー Yuma steps back
Yuma: Ahーah...This is exactly why those without any pride are dull as heck. They give in the moment they feel a lil’ good.
Oi, ya better wake me up when we get to school. It’s a pain after all. 
Tossing me on one of the seats,
and if he was fed up with me, Yuma-kun dozed off.
...Just like Yuma-kun said,
have I perhaps been converted (流されている)?
Having my blood sucked (吸われる) is painful and frightening,
and if possible, I would rather not have it happen to me.
ーー However, do I truly dislike it
This question I posed myself before, pops up in my mind once again.
To help shake off said thought,
I squeezed my numb fingertips tightly. (3)
Translation notes
(1) 飛んだような顔 or ‘tonda youna kao’ literally means ‘a face as if you jumped’. The verb 飛ぶ or ‘tobu’ is used in this sense quite a lot within the DL franchise. From my understand, it describes the faces Yui makes when she loses herself in the pleasure from having her blood sucked.
(2) めすぶた or ‘mesubuta’ is also used as slang to refer to a ‘slut’ or ‘whore’. 
(3) I struggled with this line a lot, so I am sorry if my translation is a bit off. Yui specifies that she can’t seem to move her fingertips, but this kind of confused me as well because then how is she squeezing them?? Unless it’s just the fingertips of her one hand but that seems kind of odd as well. 
<- [ Dark 08 ] [ Dark 10 ] ->
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sullivxnselise-blog · 7 years
all the texts for row n cherry :~)
(this is literally so long i’m warning u now)
send me “✆” for a morning text
elise – row ur boat 9:09am: if i send u a list of possible drug dealers in stone harbor can u identify some of them? i just got to work and i have so much fucking paperwork to do rip in pieces me
send me “” for a text that wasn’t sent
elise – row ur boat 4:47am: i know this is kind of unprovoked or whatever, but i just wanted to tell you that i don’t actually think you’re some kind of irredeemable asshole. yeah you get on my nerves sometimes but i think you’re really a good person just trying to get by like the rest of us. so i don’t know, i guess i just wanted to tell you that you’re not a waste of space and i -
send me “☎” for a rushed text
elise – row ur boat 12:25pm: ok i’m on my way don’t do anything dumb just stay put i’ll be there in ten minutes tops
send me “⁇” for a drunk text
elise – row ur boat 2:29am: ,i will have you know that i am NOTT uuptight juts bc i havveen’t  gotte l,aid in a while
elise – row ur boat 2:30am:in FACT i ,went home wiith a cute guy yesterdayy so how do u, like,, THEM APPLEE SROYAN
send me “✿” for a suggestive text
elise – row ur boat 4:00pm: i’m just saying that if you were into girls and you and artie were willing, i definitely wouldn’t mind being between the two of u. don’t be weird about it bc i’m telling u this in confidence
send me “ø” for a late night text
elise – row ur boat 4:05am: sometimes i have trouble sleeping and bordeaux likes to wake me up by walking on my face. why are YOU awake?
send me “✘” for a hateful text
elise – row ur boat 6:07pm: you know rowan maybe people wouldn’t fucking hate you so much if you learned to keep your damn mouth shut. js
send me “#” for a random text
elise – row ur boat 2:10pm: do u have peanut butter??? i’m trying to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich rn and i’m out of peanut butter and no one in this godforsaken town has any
send me “@” for a scared text
elise – row ur boat 5:37pm: i just got home and bordeaux won’t stop throwing up i’m literally gonna kermit
elise – row ur boat 5:40pm: carmen isn’t answering her fucking phone but i’m getting in the car rn to go to the vet and my heart is gonna actually beat out of my chest
elise – row ur boat 7:00pm: update: dumb bitch is fine she just keeps eating a shit ton of grass while i’m at work and now i have hospital bills to pay and a cat door to drill shut
send me “&” for a loving text
elise – row ur boat 3:04pm: i’m on my way back to appleton rn and i just passed a guy on the street that looked JUST like you and holy shit?? i actually miss stone harbor? i miss all of u, even the ones i’ve never gotten along well with. we’re like one dysfunctional family and i can’t wait to go back home to all of u. stay safe while i’m gone would u??
send me “%” for a curious text
elise – row ur boat 5:58pm: out of curiosity, how did u and artie meet? u seem to be one of the more stable, healthy relationships in this town and i’m tryna figure out how the fuck u did it
send me “ツ” for an excited text
elise – row ur boat 10:51pm: holy SHIT i just opened my glovebox looking for something and realized i have like seven unused taco bell coupons wtf 
elise – row ur boat 10:52am:they expire tomorrow do u want to take a road trip
send me “$” for an accidental text
elise – row ur boat 6:08am: i walked into the living room this morning and ur daughter peed on the carpet so i’ll be sending her to boarding school this disobedience is too much
elise – row ur boat 8:25am: i literally just realized that i send that to u and not carmen u can ignore it awsnldkbanodhoewb
send me “♀” for a heartbreaking text
elise – row ur boat 7:36pm: not that i should really be telling you this anyway, but i’m really fucking terrified i’m never gonna find love. not even just romantic love, but like… love in general. even platonic love even feels forced to me. i get along really well with indi and carm and astrid, even though she tends to push me away, but it always feels like bullshit.
elise – row ur boat 7:45pm: i guess i’m just trying to say that even though we’re not super close, i’ve always felt like you’re real, at least. you speak your mind and there’s no bullshit. and even though i would never trust you with my deepest secrets, i at LEAST know you’re not using me for ur own personal gain
send me “✆” for a morning text
elise – cherry pie 5:30am: hey i woke up an hour early today and i can’t fall back asleep do u want to get breakfast and talk shit before i have to go to work?
send me “” for a text that wasn’t sent
elise – cherry pie 1:47am: i don’t know if i should really trust you with this, but it feels like i can..? not to say you’re not trustworthy, but it would make you the only person who knows and given our past… i don’t know. but i need to tell someone and i’ve had…. maybe two or three more glasses of wine than i should have so here goes. i was married. i’m still married, technically. he lives in new york, probably still in our old apartment building, and he was -
send me “☎” for a rushed text
elise – cherry pie 9:36pm: i got in the shower and realized i have no shampoo pls tell me u can bring me some i only have one towel clean and if i use it now to go get the shampoo myself i have to do a load of laundry before i can shower again later
send me “⁇” for a drunk text
elise – cherry pie 12:49am: PSAz i hate stone  haarbor and everyone in iti exc,,eptt for likee.. 3 people adn my cat
send me “✿” for a suggestive text
elise – cherry pie 11:34pm: all i’m saying is that if we had hate sex before we became friends it would have been the best sex of our lives and that’s just the facts
send me “ø” for a late night text
elise – cherry pie 3:26am: i’m at the store rn and they have edible cookie dough??? so obviously i’m buying one of every flavor do u want to meet somewhere and eat them with me
send me “✘” for a hateful text
elise – cherry pie 8:45pm: sometimes i can’t stand u
elise – cherry pie 6:48pm: i know we’re friends now but i still want to strangle u sometimes bc WOW can u be a lot
elise – cherry pie 6:48pm: i love u tho
send me “#” for a random text
elise – cherry pie 2:10pm: did u get a dog without telling me???
elise – cherry pie 2:20pm: no reason it’s just that while i was writing a parking ticket i saw, out of the corner of my eye mind u, a woman with red hair walk past me with a fucking dog and i was gonna lose my shit if u hadn’t told me
send me “@” for a scared text
elise – cherry pie 11:03pm: do u ever feel like everybody secretly hates u and wants u gone?? bc i’m kinda feelin that right now and it’s a) terrifying, and b) shitty
send me “&” for a loving text
elise – cherry pie 7:22pm: i just want u to know that i do care about u. i know if can be easy to think maybe i don’t bc of our history or bc i just tend to not be the most affectionate person ever, but i rlly do think ur great and i’m glad we got over our bullshit bc it was super catty and stupid and i’m happy ur my friend
send me “%” for a curious text
elise – cherry pie 12:17pm: hey are u a natural redhead?? i’m at the store rn getting my lunch and i just walked by a bottle of hair dye that’s deadass the exact color of ur hair and i was just wondering
send me “ツ” for an excited text
elise – cherry pie 5:10pm: guess who got a raise today and is now taking u to the well dressed olive to celebrate?? this bih! get ready bc i’m going home to change and then i’m coming to pick u up
send me “$” for an accidental text
elise – cherry pie 4:06am: would u rather eat a gallon of applesauce in one siting or a five pound steak in one sitting
elise – cherry pie 4:07am: that was meant for astrid
send me “♀” for a heartbreaking text
elise – cherry pie 10:26pm: on the dl, i literally have no idea what the fuck i’m doing with my life and i actually hate every decision i’ve ever made
elise – cherry pie 10:40pm: no don’t worry about me, i’m fine. i’m just sitting on my couch watching reality tv and rlly in my feelings rn, but i really am fine, i s2g
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