#I’m like omg I actually cannot stand my college so like I’ll gladly stop by every long weekend I have to work
every1studio · 5 years
genre: reverse harem + fluff + fem reader
ficstyle: bullepoints + oneshot + long
prompt: You just moved back to Korea to enroll in the University of KQ.. Little did you know, that you attracted some attention from some of the most popular guys on campus.. (YOU ARE V OBLIVIOUS/CLUMSY)
note: did a high school one for SKZ so I thought I would draw inspiration and do a college one for ATEEZ
You got into the most hard-to-get-in art university in South Korea and since it was your first choice; you gladly took the offer and moved there. You wanted to find some sort of hobby or interest since you’ve been so focused on school up until now. You wondered how was your life going to be here at University of KQ when....
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“you’re blocking the stairway..”
you turned to see a well-built guy wearing a black tank top, gray sweatpants and a duffel, leaning on the railings waiting for you to move
he looked like he just came from the gym or something
not gonna lie, you took a while to register that he was talking to you
he smirked at you by your flustered actions as you moved out of the way
he walked up to you so that he was standing in front of you 
“checking me out?” he asked as he leaned in closer to you
“n-no, I was just-”
you were taken back by his actions, you stumbled back; almost falling down the stairs
but he swooped his arm in around your waist in time and pulled you in close to his sweaty body
“you’re the cute and clumsy type huh..” he chuckled as he detaches himself from you
he points to the door next to yours, “that’s my place”
then he points to himself, “and I’m Wooyoung”
Wooyoung pinches your cheeks then waves to you as he makes his way to his apartment
“see you around, Y/N~”
you furrowed your brows, “how do you know my name?”
Wooyoung was known to be a playboy; a heartthrob
but he seemed to have broken his character after seeing how innocent and oblivious you were
he snorts as he looks at the ground for a bit, “it’s on your school ID that you’re wearing on your lanyard..”
before you could open your mouth to say something, your alarm went off
you were late for class
“oops sorry! see ya, Wooyoung!!” you dashed down the stairs as he watched you crossing the street
he liked how his named rolled off your tongue
(she’s interesting... and cute) Wooyoung would think as he ruffles his hair 
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you were trying to make it to your first class of the term; philosophy 
Mingi was munching on his burger as he saw you running
he saw the whole incident
it was like a scene out of a movie
you had tripped on flat ground and fell quite comically
he never put down his burger so fast; he ran to you
“you good??”
as you looked up, his heart skipped a beat
the sun was shining on your face and you brushed off the pain 
“oh yeah, this is no big deal” you jumped up and straightened yourself up
“I gotta go, I’m late. thank you!”
but he felt an urge to make a move and he did
he held you back by your wrist
“what class are you going to? how are you gonna go to class all bloodied up?”
you looked down to see both of your knees covered in bloody skid marks 
“I can’t walk into philosophy like this...”
his eyes lit up, “you have it with Dr. C. Williams?”
you nodded as you found a classmate, “yeah! I’m Y/N!”
“I’m Mingi”
“...aren’t we going to be late?”
he realized that he was holding onto your wrist a little too long so he embarrassingly shook his hand off of you 
he seemed like a cold person, but if he, a stranger, helped you out.. that would mean he wasn’t a bad person, right?
you looked at your phone 
“class is in 1 minute and I still don’t know where it is..” you sulked, you didn’t want late to your first class on your first day
“didn’t you check the email last night? class is cancelled..”
you frantically checked your email and he was right
you slapped yourself on your forehead, “are you fricking kidding me??”
he gave a small smile as he led you back to his table “at least you have time to clean yourself up”
you watched him take out some Hello Kitty band-aids; they were the opposite from his tough-boy exterior so you chuckled under your breath
he notices it and tries to clarify with you as he cleaned your wounds and patched you up, “I needed some band-aids the other day and these were the only ones they had left okay!”
both you and Mingi turned to see..
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you both saw a smiley-eyed boy dashing towards the table
but was stopped by a couple of what seemed like high schoolers visiting the campus
you heard them asking him for directions and squealed as he helped them out with a smile
they thanked him and loudly whispered some things on the line of “omg I cannot believed we talked to him”
San was known in the area for busking by himself on Friday nights
when he looked back at you and Mingi, he became a little shy
“oh I didn’t know you were with sucha pretty friend, Mingi.. sorry for intruding” 
he was about to walk away until you spoke up, “didn’t you say you needed a band-aid?”
you reached out for his visibly-cut hand, “what happened?”
“I was trying to pet a cat but it obviously didn’t like me..”
he watched as you were cleaning his cuts; he hissed in pain
you looked up at him and back down at his cuts as you whispered, “sorry..”
you continued as you blew on the area as you wiped it over with sanitizing wipes so that it wouldn’t hurt as much
he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you put band-aids on him so lovingly and with care
he felt the jealous glares from Mingi and he spoke up
“so how do you know Mingi?”
you looked at him after you finished tending his wounds, “I just met him, didn’t know I had philosophy with him.. oh! I’m Y/N!” 
“oh yeah?”
you reached out your hand for him to shake
but to your surprised, he looped his arms through yours
“I’m San, guess we’ll all be best friends since I have that class with him too~”
he was excited to be friends with someone as pretty and loving as you
maybe.. you could be even more than a friend to him one day...
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you had to split ways with Mingi and San since they had another class to head to 
with nothing else to do that day, you decided to go onto your online classes for the term to see what you can work on so that you won’t have to worry about them later
you are the type of person to get things done as early as possible; which got you ahead of classes so that you can have more time for other things
the grumbling of your stomach made it hard to focus on anything than your hunger so you went over to the campus map to find out where was the closest eatery was
you sighed as you scratched your head; your stomach grumbled again but this time, it was louder than the first one
there was a little chuckle as you closed your eyes in embarrassment before turning around
you saw the literal statue of a Greek God
“I assume you’re hungry.. this cafe has a stacked menu and it has good wifi too..”
you thanked him and bowed as you went back to the maps to take a picture of the cafe so that you won’t get lost
you missed a couple of turns and blocks but you finally arrived at the cafe
it was pretty big; there were 2 stories and it had a veranda seating area
you walked in to the comforting smell of roasted coffee beans
there was a long line; with females taking up 89% of the cafe
(I wonder why there were so many girls here at this cafe..)
that was when you got to the counter and you finally understood
that Greek God guy was behind the counter giving you a smiled widely as he saw you; you felt the glares of the other girls on you since he only gave them a retail-worker smile
but you didn’t know that
“oh! I was wondering what was taking you so long to get here..” he continued to smile at you as you were trying to fiddle with your phone case
“I got lost...”
he bursts out in a kind laugh, “at least you’re here now, what can I get you?”
you bit your lips as you scanned the menu, “honestly I don’t know what to get, I’m not picky and I’m indecisive...”
“you look like you’d be into something simple... how about a taro latte and a hearty chicken avocado sandwich?”
you laughed, “that’s a simple order? I’ll take it”
that was when Seonghwa wanted to see more of that smile
“can I get a name with that order?”
you looked down at his nametag before answering, “Y/N”
you went to go get your wallet from your bag but he spoke up, “my treat!”
“Seonghwa, you don’t have t-”
but he slid his employee’s card already
“I’ll get your order ready for you,” he winks at you
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after you got your order from Seonghwa
you walked up to the veranda seating area
there were outlet on the tables so you didn’t have to worry about sitting near a wall or anything
you sat down and saw a boy sitting on the table across from you
he was munching down on a big slice of chocolate cake 
he looked so cute and happy to be eating 
but then he looked up to you smiling at him; he quickly looked down in embarrassment
but so did you
(I probably looked like a lunatic eating such a big piece like that)
(I probably looked like a creep watching him eat like that)
for some reason you both looked up at each other and nodded at one another in acknowledgement
you went back to working from your laptop and eating
Yeosang looked up at you again; you were focus on your work as you used your electric pen to scribble across your screen 
he too took out his art materials; the typical sketchbook, #2 pencil and a trusty eraser 
you both were in the moment; enjoying the sunshine on your skins and the refreshing breeze tingle through your hair
after a while, Yeosang had to get up to leave
he was contemplating on giving you a drawing of you; was it creepy or was it romantic?
he signed his name and number after he finished but he didn’t want to actually give it to you because he wasn’t that confident in himself yet
so he purposely left it on his table and packed up
he nodded at you once again before dashing downstairs
you noticed there was a piece of paper on the table
“wait! you left this!” but he was long gone
you flipped the paper and saw a stunning sketch of yourself
you didn’t think you were pretty or anything special but the drawing gave you a sense of confidence
“Yeosang..” you read out loud as you smiled at his artwork 
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you packed up a while after that
you were planning to explore the campus even more
to find out where your other classes were so that you didn’t have to struggle trying to find them later on
you went to the closest bus stop
when you walked around to find a seating area, you saw a young lad wearing headphones
he was totally in his own world; jamming out to his music
seeing how he was into his music made you want to listen to music too
you sat down next to him and opened your bag to try to find your headphones
but OF COURSE, you probably left them at home
around that time was when another guy appeared; it seemed like he was a music major or something because he was trying his best to woo you or something 
you smiled at the ground with wide eyes because you were overwhelmed by his “swag”
the guy sitting next to you finally realized that you were sitting next to him and you looked super uncomfortable by this obnoxious rapper
you were probably one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen and he wanted to do anything to help you out
he took of one of his earbuds out and nudged it to you
he nods at you for to you take it and you do
BLESS HIM; you rather block one ear off than to have both of your ears bleed from bad rapping
you listened to the music a little bit more before turning to the guy sitting next to you, “hey I listen to this artist too!! I’m obsessed with them!”
he smiled at you as he tried to keep eye contact; the way you just looked at him without blinking much made his heart flutter
“they give me inspiration..” he comments
the bus catches his attention but he doesn’t want this conversation to go to waste
“OH THE BUS IS HERE!” you got up, forgetting that you were sharing earbuds with him; causing his phone to drop out of his hands
“it’s oka-”
you both reached down for his phone as your smooth fingers grazed his guitar-calloused fingers; he pulled away first
“here ya go~” 
you both saw the rapper get on the bus first and you quickly grabbed the guy’s hand 
“let’s find a good spot on the bus.. uh..” you weren’t sure if you guys introduced yourselves yet and you had already forgotten
“Jongho..” he beamed at your contact
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you and Jongho separated ways after getting off the bus
he was headed to the studios and you were heading over to the performance arts building
you’ve always been interested in dancing and you had intro to hip hop the next day so you wanted to prepare yourself 
maybe even bust some moves to be hyped for the next day
you heard the muffled sounds of music playing in one of the dancing studios
the sounds of footsteps and floor scuffings became prominent
you found yourself became immersed with the dancer in the room
he had strong movements yet they were fluid?
he probably had one of the best facial expressions ever
right when he was done, you quietly clapped as your jaws were still on the floor
he looked through into the mirror at you standing at the doorway in awe
you probably couldn’t tell but he was getting even more red from blushing
“you’re probably the BEST dancer I’ve ever seen!!”
he ruffled the back of his sweaty hair, “no way.. I definitely have room to improve..”
you blinked furiously at him, “room to improve? if that’s the case, I need one whole building to improve. you’re seriously amazing, I was totally captivated”
captivated is what Yunho felt when he saw you for the first time 
“wait, you dance too??” he felt a light surge of excitement knowing that you dance as well
you scrunched your face as you shrugged, “I like to dance but I’m not good or anything.. just a little hobby..”
“if you’d like, I have a class tomorrow here in this room if you wanna swoop in and dance!”
you cocked your head in confusion, “wait, you have a class here tomorrow? are you Jung Yunho?”
he broke out into a smile as he nodded, “yeah, that’s me!”
“I didn’t think they would have young and good-looking teachers here..” you mumbled as you looked over your classes again; double-checking what time you were going to be in his class tomorrow
but Yunho was caught up with the fact that you called him good-looking
“what’s your name?” he manages to ask
“excuse me~ we’re gonna clean this room soon so if you could pack your things, I would be grateful~” the tired custodian announced
you looked back at Yunho, “I’ll see you tomorrow.. teacher~”
he smiles into his fist as he picks up his duffel, “well, you can say your goodbyes after I walk you out..”
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Yunho only walked you out to the entrance of the building
“where are you heading off to now?” Yunho wanted to walk you back to your apartment but he had work to do 
“I wanna check out the campus a bit more...”
“alright I’ll see you tomorrow~”
“see ya, teacher~”
you both waved until you swiveled around to make your way to the recording studios
it was golden hour; the sun shined against the windows making it look like mirrors
the performance arts building was sitting on top of the slope; giving you full access to the whole campus
you were admiring the view as Hongjoong was also on his way to the recording studio
he was frustrated
he had no inspirations; no muse
and that was when he was walking behind you; he didn’t notice you until you turned around and ran into him
you were literally so sick of how many times your clumsiness caused problems for other people, “I”M SO SORRY!! I’m the clumsiest person ever...”
“it’s okay, it was my fault too..”
you bent down to collect the guy’s notebook and mp3 player
“I haven’t seen these bad boys in a long time,” held up the mp3 player to him
you were just squatting there, basking in the golden sunlight
Hongjoong finally found a muse and it wasn’t just any muse; it was you
“o-oh yeah... if I record songs, I rather not have distractions like games and social media..” 
you got up and you nodded in agreement, “that’s pretty smart”
he smiles as he walks over to the doors to the recording studios and waits for you, “are you coming to the studios too?”
you nodded as you waddled on over
he couldn’t help but smile at your cute little actions
“what brings you over here?” he asks as he sees your backside looking around the building
you look back at him as you answered, “I’m just exploring. seeing if anything sparks my interest.. wondering if I should pick up a new hobby.. finding a new routine for myself here at the University of KQ.. you know?”
he was already so in love with you
was this what it was like to fall in love at first sight?
“I’m Hongjoong, by the way..”
“HEY Y/N!!” you heard a group say in unison
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You looked over to see Wooyoung, Mingi, San, Seonghwa, Yeosang, Jongho and Yunho walk over to you and Hongjoong. You thought it was weird that everyone who you ever interacted with today was all gathered here in one area. They were all confused, “wait how do you know Y/N?” 
You furrowed your brows, “y-you all know each other?” 
Hongjoong nodded, “yeah, we’re called the KQ Fellaz. Just a little group we made for ourselves.”
Yunho chimed in, “we make our own songs and choreography.”
“Would you like to be our manager? Since you already know all of us, we don’t even have to do an interview to look for one!” San asked as he looped his arms around yours. You looked around the group and they all had puppy eyes, “guess I know what to do on my free time now..” 
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