#I’ve been in a real bad funk lately n 😭😭😭😭
tthotzz · 3 years
First things first, make a wish!
I’ve been dealing with soOoO many things lately and I legit:
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I don’t wanna doOoo thisssss anymore. But who else would do it like I do?! Let’s be for real though. 😂 I guess that’s the only reason I haven’t given up because I honestly have people I legit need to be there for as well. I can’t be telling y’all motherfuckers to not give up and then give up myself. Heart break really ain’t a quick recovery though... it just hits a lot harder during the holiday season for me.
Here’s how my work day went:
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Work has been busier than ever and everybody’s gotta step it up or shut the fuck up & get out season. I feel like my work environment really tests & shows how much people can handle fucking pressure. All y’all motherfuckers would not pass. Maybe 1 other person. You didn’t hear it from me but it’s my favorite work cousin. I call him my cousin because he’s like family to me and he would be like my cousin. You know who you are baby love. 😘 Wasn’t too bad of a work day. Maybe cause my wish to get through the day without crying actually came true.
NOT. This is how it went:
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Oh I fucking criiIiiEeEeEdd today. Why is it so hard for people to be just fucking decent human beings!? 😭 I think I’ve been in such a fucking funk because my heart is legit broken. I can’t handle the hurt that I feel and the hurt that my loved ones feel all at once. It’s toooooo fucking emotional.
Pretty pleeeeassee!!!
On a brighter note. I’m going to see Doja Cat at Day N Vegas with my bestie and her BeeF*. I can’t wait to see it from the front and the back!! Like who the fuck let us go to Vegas together. Hopefully he knows that he’s the third wheel though. Straight up Lmaoooo. We gon get wild out there. This will be us:
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Photos coming soon!
Anyway, feels good to get my thoughts down. I forgot how therapeutic this shit was. Another bright note to end the day. Fulfilled my orange chicken craving & got to enjoy it with my bb. He’s been tworking double shifts. Make that money honey!
Damn I forgot to make a wish at 11:11 AGAIN. Guess it’s time to end this really rollercoaster day lol. Peace out Girl Scout. ✌🏼
*My made up code name for BF (boyfriend) but I’m not really sure so he’s just a piece of meat like beef 😂
Ex. Can be used in a sentence as such:
“Who’s coming.”
“Her, and I think she’s bring her BeeF?”
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