javidleon · 1 year
LOCATION — Harper's Home.
WHO — Maya ( @mayxlee )
After being in Providence Peak for months now, having run into two separate members of the Lee family in person, it was no surprise that word had spread amongst the rest of them that Javi had moved from New York — a fact that he was sure Maya must have originally been hiding from her mother, if the jovial text he received on his personal phone earlier that morning from the woman was anything to go by. Before he'd seen Lainey outside of the Jade Palace, he was so sure that every single person even associated with Maya hated his guts. In some ways, he was afraid that they would. Actually talking to her made him realize that wasn't the case, somehow. Being invited to a family dinner by his almost-mother-in-law definitely drove that point home.
When he first received the message, he wasn't too keen on responding. Because hell, he'd been ignoring every single card sent from Harper since he and Maya split, what's one more text to mark as read and move on from? However, over the course of the following few hours, he found his mind circling back to the idea. Circling back to the why, and the how, and where he and Maya had left things the last time that they spoke. It was like a little thorn, poking at the back of his brain, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to rid himself of it unless he showed up. Thus, he found himself around the dinner table at Harper's home. Supposedly an invitation had been sent to all of the children, but so far, Javi was the only one to arrive. He blamed his father's stupid rules about punctuality, engrained in him since childhood. Even though he found the situation a lot less awkward than he had initially been expecting, he still sat up a little straighter as he heard the click of the front door. Hopeful that it was Lainey — still, rather than Maya's brother — his eyes glanced to the entrance of the room, only to find it was none other than Maya herself. ( @mayxlee )
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