bee-s-honey · 3 years
Hi! Do you think you could write a Kurokura comedy/fluff? Like Chrollo just being his usual flirtatious and smooth self and Kurapika NOT having it :D
Yes I would Love to!!
Ima be honest I didn't expect anyone to ever send any kurokura asks but I saw that you followed me back and sent an ask and got so excited ahh
I coulda done the comedy part way better than I did I stg (-_-メ)
Slight spoiler warning for the manga about who Hisoka has killed!! He's only killed two of the people not mentioned to be there, the rest I knocked off for funsies and to confuse you in case you didn't want to be exactly spoiled on who's dead sorry! ⚠️
I hope you didn't think I ignored this ask for a long time I just had a hard time getting to write but I hope you can forgive me!
I had a lot of Aus in mind to do this with but let's just go with one and say in this Au Kurapika is a member of the Phantom Troupe. This could be after the Dark Continent arc in some post-canon idea where on the Black whale he teamed up w/ Chrollo in order to defeat Hisoka in favor of getting help with the eyes and Chrollo somehow finding a way in whatever reason to get the curse Kurapika put on himself with Emperor Time removed so he can live at least a little longer and now that years have passed and a lot of shit and feelings had gone down they're working together, Kurapika only sometimes helping with missions so long as Chrollo will get him help with every last pair of eyes. How does that sound? Chrollo, Kurapika, and the remaining parts of the team who haven't been lost are meeting up. They're not exactly together yet but they are??? somewhere non-specific and that's all for that
So basically, just a post-DC dump
Chrollo's foot crunched the glass now broken in shards on the ground. It got swiped out of the way for everyone else to walk in. The new but still deserted building sat a little bit away from the central part of the city, forgotten for the most part and a good resting place for the time being. Machi had grown somber at the loss of Shizuku, choosing not to move anything out of the way for the rest of them, walking past and going to sit in the corner on a cement block. Franklin, Feitan, and Nobunaga walked in and looked around to make sure they were the only ones there. Kalluto was still just standing next to Kurapika by the entryway.
The cops of the city had put mentions all over the news of what they just noted as "some strange feeling in the atmosphere." Chrollo took pride in the thought the troupe was still strong enough to imprint where they went, even despite lossing so many of its limbs.
"Are you going to just stand there like little shadow figures or come sit?" Chrollo directed over to Kurapika. In return he got an eye roll and grumble, and didn't fail to notice Machi completely turn to the side, facing the wall.
She wouldn't even appoint Chrollo when Kurapika was around, she listened to orders but never answered to him and often hovered nearer other members now. 'You just have to keep your hands off him. He's special to me, even though he hates it.' Chrollo had told them all, and they never even talked to Kurapika. Chrollo wasn't sure if any of them had spoken a word since the first night in yorknew.
Kurapika quietly stalked over to a seat, too far for Chrollo's taste and likely too close for the others. Kalluto sat next to him of course, but got up and padded to Feitan not a second later, leaving the outcast alone.
"Toooo faaaar." Chrollo said to the blond. His voice was almost a whisper but because Kurapika was across the room it was more loud than when he spoke normally. The atmosphere was already as thin as paper but that was when the scissors sliced, the other members of the troupe getting up to go to the one other room of the building, Kalluto last because he didn't have that big an issue with the new face around the troupe, but still it was better if he left.
Chrollo would have felt something- a mix of annoyance and melancholy perhaps- if he didn't know that this would happen in the first place. Maybe it was what he was planning. Instead of insisting Kurapika come closer once again like the blonde expected, Chrollo was next to him in the blink of an eye. The occasion was dull and there was little to do, but still Chrollo managed to float in the flirtation- well- flirteasing
"Hmm, it's so odd not seeing the dark circles. Have you actually been sleeping?"
A huff, "Is this really how to start a conversation? Besides, there's no reason to speak, we're hiding for a bit while the cops around calm their asses. This isn't some rendezvous." Kurapika sneered, turning his head away and leaning it on his hand pearched on his knees. Chrollo chuckled. He placed his arms behind himself, the right one extended sideways a little more behind Kurapika's back, and he leaned on them. An unreadable expression was masked on but it wasn't empty...Kurapika really hadn't seen that empty expression for a while. Ever since they got closer a year or- maybe months earlier, it was all a blur, but he did notice the reflective grey turn to a more prominent color.
"-Well maybe you're right, talking shouldn't be our greeting. I guess there's no point in not starting with a kiss..." Chrollo said, tone inching higher, "Since that's always how we give hello to each other." He reached for Kurapika's cheek, lightly getting shoved away by the arm with a groan from his partner and a slanted brow.
"They could be listening you know."
"Yes. That's more plausible than them not, but it's not like I'm not allowed to play with you a little bit. I haven't seen you in a short while." Chrollo's voice got softer near the end, which was nearly impossible for his already annoyingly smooth sound.
Kurapika stayed silent for a minute, but soon he reached a hand back to rest his fingers on top of Chrollo's. Nothing more, and not quite the hand hold Chrollo wanted, but he wasn't rejecting him fully. He was letting him revel in the presence of his new favorite being at least.
"Your hand's warm." Kurapika whispered.
"Well that's odd isn't it?"
"For you, yes."
Neither were smiling but both were more relaxed, comfortably sitting and letting breaths be the main focuss. 'Maybe there are a lot of steps to go in any sort of...relationship. In fact it's more likely we'll never get to a normal version of the household kind of representation they get, but we're here for now. In the future we're there for then. I'm glad I don't think of you as a spiteful annoyance, like in Yorknew. I'm glad I don't think of you as a gem I've collected as I did later on. You're something else.'
"You're having one of your long inner monologues again."
"How can you tell?"
"You looked like you were about to sneeze for a whole minute." Kurapika didn't laugh or smirk, but the jab was uncruel. Most of the time that was the only hint that it was all in fun, sometimes he'd actually sound playful but it was unlikely in this tight aired setting. When he was actually being mean it sounded evil, fiery.
"How rude you are, my dear."
They'd gotten closer over the past couple of minutes, sides almost pressed together and their legs were leaning inward.
"You deserve nothing but me being rude."
"Oh, I know. But that's not all that you give me. You see that right? So why do it now?"
Kurapika slapped his thigh, mouth opening and closing again.
"Gods, you're an asshole sometimes." He grumbled into his hand. His knee knocked against Chrollo's and he tapped their feet together.
"See! That. You always don't hate me when you're acting so playful."
"That was some horribly spoken English."
"Oh then let me rephrase: Because when you do that, it means you love me." Chrollo's skeleton of a finger came up to tap Kurapika on the nose. "False rudeness often equated to flirtation."
Kurapika scrunched his nose and closed his eyes as he pretended to barf on the ground.
"Hate and Love may be opposites but it doesn't mean that the absence of one results in the other!"
"People can be blind to love sometimes. Maybe knowing the topic better would tell you what you think of me, love."
Well, at least at this point Chrollo had something. Kurapika's cheeks were flushed cherry and his shoulders stood ready pounce.
"Aww. You are just adorable when defensive. What? Is there no more snappy come backs to throw?"
"I don't know. Aren't you ran out of energy yet?"
"I'm not the one that faints every other day."
Kurapika already looked dehydrated that day, so hopefully the mention of his common mishaps would being him to the attention of his needs before something happened again. He got no words but it seemed to work as the water bottle he brought was retrieved and Kurapika came back to sit down and sip it begrudgingly. Anymore energy used without some sort of substance was bound to result in a very snippy, fainting Kurta.
"Why don't you take care you yourself?"
"Why do you feel the need to fein worry for something without ever actually caring?"
Countering with another question was probably the most common occurance at this point.
"Fun, game you're playing. I do care. Why do you think I don't?"
"Why would you? When have you?"
"Now. I have now."
"Why did that change from earlier, Chrollo.."
The sudden slam of silence but answers hanging in the air in spite of it ended the world they'd set up temporarily. Chrollo was shot clean of clear words but knew every answer.
"We should....we should talk about this shouldn't we?" He queried. It was wavering, and the unphysical masks strings were getting looser.
"Yeah, that's why we tried. Why we have been for a long time. Not here though, ok?"
"Promise me we will." Chrollo begged. He pressed Kurapika's head to his shoulder, hand not leaving and fingers weaving through fair hair.
"Yeah. I promise."
I feel really bad that This took so long AND it's pretty boring. I could probably do better I just need to come up with more ideas and the thing was I had already started this a long time ago so I couldn't just stop but it wasn't very innovative or good so ask fro something again and I swear I'll do better I'm sorry lmao ミ●﹏☉ミ
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