scottmcstark · 5 months
goddd this middle of the pack trio alliance is PISSING ME OFF
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heck-damn-so-i-draw · 4 years
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Meeting inside of the crowded tent, Tyler couldn’t help but feel a little bad. His fear and anxiety got to him and he snapped about the schedule, now he wasn’t sure just how mad Brian was at him. Surely he wasn’t too mad, right? Tyler’s been known to be a bit irritable when the crew veers off schedule, but upon reaching this place, his irritability has been easy to trigger. He’s been able to keep it under his skin for now, his shirt getting ruined, the lack of schedule they’d been performing under, the stress of whatever they’re dealing with. He didn’t mean to snap at Brian like he did.
What was done was done though, and it goes unsaid as Brian, Evan, and David enter the tent. The priest looks tired, green eyes looking over the computers and many things curiously. He.. didn’t understand anything of what these guys did, but he respected why. He’s known about Brian’s gift since before the 4th grade, when Brian was crying all alone behind the school, saying that his grandmother had died, but he could still see her everytime he came home. Passing the dead on from being stuck between life and death, that’s almost always been something Brian was passionate about. David could only figure out that maybe this Evan guy was passionate about it as well, since he’s heard of the canadian’s gift before when brian mentioned it. 
“This is Tyler, and Marcel, guys, this is Brian’s friend Father David.” Evan interrupted the priest’s thoughts with an introduction to the rest of the team. He stands up straight, holding his hands behind his back instinctively. “Please, feel free to just call me David. It’s nice to meet you boys.”
Tyler nodded at the introduced, still sitting in the plastic black chair in front of the computer. Marcel stands up and offers his hand, a smile on his face. “Nice to meet you, man. Thanks for coming out so soon. So- What’s the plan? I mean, we’ve got one but, I don’t really know what you’re part of the plan is. You know?” At this, David laughs a bit and shakes his head. “It’s simple really. I’ll bless the equipment ye guys’er gonna use, then do a pray f’er all of ye collectively. I do wanna go in with ya when ye go inside though too.” Evan was still recording, so all of this information was open to their fanbase, and though it wasn’t very big, they would enjoy it. 
“Sounds good. We should start with the thermal cameras and motion sensors, then.” Marcel agreed with that plan. It sounds simple and easy, he wants it to be done quick so they can get to work. He isn’t really the most religious person, none of the boys are. Brian knows there’s some kind of truth to what they preach, but his experiences have pointed more towards an ‘astral plane’ than a ‘god’. It’s all about experience. 
After individually blessing everything they were using, including the computers after a bit of team thought, finally they were done. It took longer than they expected. By the time all was said and done, cameras were placed outside of the house and inside with little to no activity, it was 6 pm, and the sun was starting to set into deep reds and oranges in the sky. Tyler had one camera rolling on Evan, David, and Brian as they stood in front of the house and introduced David to the camera feed, just as they did to their own friends, 
As they continued to speak, the grass was slowly getting darker for one member of the team. Blades of green now dripped with a tar like red. Brian swallowed back his words when he noticed it, finishing his train of thought and letting Evan take over the camera talk again. He was much better at it than Brian ever was. 
“It is now about 6:30 pm, we’re all gonna head in here and do a quick walk through with our new priest friend just in case things get nasty. Hopefully we make it all the way into the house this time.” He jokes, prompting brian to chuckle in response emptily. He was too worried about the demon standing behind Tyler, the one that nobody could see. It stared deep into Brian’s eyes and sent a chill down his spine. The air around it was shifting back and forth, in and out of darkness, like a steam coming off of the ‘body’ of this demon. He blinked away from it as its stare started to make him feel sick and lightheaded. That’s when he noticed Evan had been trying to get his attention. “Brian? Earth to Brian? What’s wrong man?” Is what the lad tunes into. He blinks, surprised and obviously shaken up. “Wha-? Oh-.. It…” He looks back to the spot behind Tyler, making Tyler tense. “What is it, man? Spit it out already.” There’s that salt in his voice again, stern and uncalled for. It makes Brian glare at him, returning the salt. “A demon. The one from inside. He’s behind ye Tyler.” 
“WHAT THE F-!?” This makes Tyler jump almost out of his skin, and turn around violently to attempt to see it with the camera. “Where are ya you demon bitch! Show yourself!” Brian sighed and rolled his eyes as the demon laughed softly (not that brian can hear it, but Evan can) and then dissolved out of the air around them, and out of sight. “’s gone, fuckass. I think…” He sighs, looking back to the camera when it’s pointed at him. “We need to go inside now. I think it’s time.” He nods to the camera, and then turns around to look back at the house. The demon sat on the roof watching them with it’s sharp one eye, sharp, jagged X over it’s right eye that jutted out over it’s cheek and down it’s neck. Brian swallows and braces himself for the long night ahead as he carefully walks up the creaky wooden steps. 
David has never had to be a part of something like this, so of course he was nervous. Though, he was also excited. To be a part of an adventure like something like this, it’s amazing, riveting, terrifying. 
As they walk into the old building, David immediately understands why they needed him to be here so bad. The pentagram on the floor was untouched so far, but it seemed like the area around it was… darker. Something was off, angry. For some strange reason, Tyler felt a strange anger deep in his chest, radiating off of him. He tried to ignore it, biting his tongue as he recorded the team heading inside of the building, but felt its slow burn deep down in his lungs. They didn’t want to spend too much time in this main room because of the effects this pentagram had on the living. Tyler had the camera focused on David’s concerned reactions, and the reactions from his team, when brian suddenly stopped the team and pointed to a couch in the corner of the room that they hadn’t investigated in their haste of the previous day. 
“There- There’s definitely a spirit there. Gotta be recent.. The fat fock is sittin’ in his tighty-whities…” Brian didn’t want to look at what he saw in front of him. A man seemed to lay asleep on the couch, a bullet wound in his chest just below his collar bone. Evan stepped closer, listening to whatever he could. He could hear that sharp ringing, and a constant whisper, though it wasn’t nearly as bad as last time, considering he had aid from the holy water he applied to his ears. Thank god for that. Literally. 
Suddenly he heard something that sounded closer, something that sounded tired and raspy, older. “You boys… don’t happen to have any beans on you, do ya?”
Evan blinks, then bursts out in laughter. After composing himself, he just says, “This guy is just asking if we got any beans. I don’t think he’s gonna pose much of a problem.” 
Brian shakes his head, and looks to the stairs, then to the hallways beside the stairwell that leads to something of a kitchen. He purses his lips for a second as he thinks, then looks at evan. “I think we better split up into two groups for this. It’ll get done faster since we’re behind schedule.” 
Evan nods, “Alright Tyler you come with me, Marcel can follow Brian up the stairs.” David watched as they collaborated and discussed splitting up, before he could speak up about who he’d follow, Tyler rolled his eyes and pointed his camera at Evan, looking more at the footage coming through the night vision, which made it easier to see everybody. “So we’re on some scooby-doo shit? Alright, cool. If we get killed Evan, I'm gonna kill you again from the afterlife.”
This made David laugh, then cough and try to act like he didn’t. “Ahem- watch y’er mouth, Tyler.” He teased, not actually caring. “I’ll head up wit’ brian and Marcel then. Brian can see tha ghosts’ and I wanna make sure he isn’t messin’ wit things.” This made the other irishman roll his eyes and cross them over his chest, ignoring the seemingly homeless man’s spirit as it curiously approaches the team, listening in on their conversation. “Ye just wanna pester me. Alright then, c’mon boys, let’s get ta work. We meet back here in an hour, if not sooner, yeah?” The rest of the team nods, Marcel turns his camera on, and then they head off in their separate ways. 
Yeah. I left you guys on a cliff hanger. What of it?
Don't wanna scroll through Tumblr to find all the parts? Here!
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