#I'd also like to mention that arya enacted stark justice by executing dareon for desertion
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Who needs actual foreshadowing?! All you need are vibes!!!
Jon expressed a desire to repair Winterfell:
The warmth took some of the ache from his muscles and made him think of Winterfell's muddy pools, steaming and bubbling in the godswood. Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it. Surely his father would have wanted that, and Robb as well. They would never have wanted the castle left in ruins. (Jon XII, ASoS)
Arya thinks of Winterfell and has memories of its people when asked about the smell of the candles when in the House of Black and White:
"[...] If they are afraid, the candles soothe them. When you smell our candles burning, what does it make you think of, my child?"
Winterfell, she might have said. I smell snow and smoke and pine needles. I smell the stables. I smell Hodor laughing, and Jon and Robb battling in the yard, and Sansa singing about some stupid lady fair. I smell the crypts where the stone kings sit, I smell hot bread baking, I smell the godswood. I smell my wolf, I smell her fur, almost as if she were still beside me. "I don't smell anything," she said, to see what he would say.
"You lie," he said, "but you may keep your secrets if you wish, Arya of House Stark." (Arya II, AFfC)
Bran knows that Winterfell is not dead, like him:
Beyond, the tops of the keeps and towers still stood as they had for hundreds of years, and it was hard to tell that the castle had been sacked and burned at all. The stone is strong, Bran told himself, the roots of the trees go deep, and under the ground the Kings of Winter sit their thrones. So long as those remained, Winterfell remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, he thought. I'm not dead either. (Bran VII, ACoK)
It's Bran who knows the castle like the back of his hand because he is a squirrel:
When he got out from under it and scrambled up near the sky, Bran could see all of Winterfell in a glance. He liked the way it looked, spread out beneath him, only birds wheeling over his head while all the life of the castle went on below. Bran could perch for hours among the shapeless, rain-worn gargoyles that brooded over the First Keep, watching it all: the men drilling with wood and steel in the yard, the cooks tending their vegetables in the glass garden, restless dogs running back and forth in the kennels, the silence of the godswood, the girls gossiping beside the washing well. It made him feel like he was lord of the castle, in a way even Robb would never know. (Bran II, AGoT)
Let's stop pretending that the only one who is fit to rule the north because she built the castle out of snow. That's beautiful, sure, but all of the kids are attached to Winterfell. That's their ??? fucking home????
Also lmao she is not associated with the winter rose tale. That is told to Jon because it is a clue about his parentage. The Stark maiden + Bael the Bard is analogous to Rhaegar and Lyanna, and there isn't a single mention of blue roses in Sansa's chapters. The one who is only associated with blue roses is Lyanna, and she was even holding some as she lay dying. There has to be narrative purpose for this kind of thing, not loose associations simply because Sansa is a Stark daughter.
And I mean...Robb's will is not there without a reason. This is a major plot point. Robb likely disinherited her because he did not want the Lannisters taking control of Winterfell/the North. I mean this was talked about already:
"A king must have an heir. If I should die in my next battle, the kingdom must not die with me. By law Sansa is next in line of succession, so Winterfell and the north would pass to her." His mouth tightened. "To her, and her lord husband. Tyrion Lannister. I cannot allow that. I will not allow that. That dwarf must never have the north."
And Catelyn agreed.
"So you pray. Have you considered your sisters? What of their rights? I agree that the north must not be permitted to pass to the Imp, but what of Arya? By law, she comes after Sansa...your own sister, trueborn..." (Catelyn V, ASoS)
Imagery is not enough, sorry.
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