#I'd follow back but I'm a side blog and I'd like to remain hidden but... I AM SENDING YOU SO MUCH LOVE AND APPRECIATION!
cornerstoreclown · 2 years
terrifier has been my favorite movie for a while and i’m so happy to see more people appreciating it now that the second one is out <333
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This ask made me SO happy. I hope you don't mind that I post it publicly, it just made me smile and I'd really like to keep it.
Funny thing--I was dared to go see Terrifier 2 and I told the person who dared me 'I'll go if you buy the ticket', and they did. I think they were expecting me to throw up or get upset. The person who dared me is scared of clowns haha.
Look at you, you're part of the ORIGINAL CREW THEN! That's so neat and it's an honor to meet you! I'm glad to be here! :)
I got a lot more fics on the way! Slowly but surely. I am usually hunched over a laptop really carefully typing away, and I hope you'll like what I got in the future!
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[1/6] Wishing everyone on this blog a spectacular new year!! I'd like to request male match-ups for Ace Attorney, Bungou Stray Dogs, and Owari no Seraph! Apologies in advance for the length! Also, thank you in advance! I'm known for being really observant when it comes to others though I'm apparently kinda oblivious in romance matters that directly concern me. I have a strong sense of judgment and I can never seem to turn a blind eye to people that I know I can help.
[2/?] I don’t like having to depend on others, and I definitely hate making people worry about me…Which is a bit unfortunate because I can’t be stopped once I get started on something. People think I overwork myself sometimes, but I know my limits. I like making dumb jokes and just getting people to laugh or smile in general. I love teasing people that I’m comfortable with and I’m always trying to look out for my loved ones by making sure that they’re properly taking care of themselves.
[3/?] I’m not a very easy person to fool, but I can respect privacy and space. Though I’m always willing to lend an ear to anyone who needs one. With that being said, I’m really patient when it comes to others and I guess at the end of the day I really am my own worst critic (haha). People say I’m a little too stubborn for my own good but I can’t help that there are some things I take really seriously; like my friends and sense of right and wrong. Oh, I also love animals (especially dogs).
[4/?] Bugs terrify me in general and I also dislike crowds and high-pitched noises. Though places like cemeteries and haunted houses don’t really bother me much at all. I prefer staying indoors most of the time but I’ll go outside to hang out with the right people sometimes. I have a habit of singing/humming when I’m casually working but I’ll be dead silent if I’m super focused. I rarely ever yell and even when I do I somehow seem to go unnoticed, it’s a bit ridiculous and exasperating.
[5/?] I’ve got a really good sense when it comes to cooking since I can usually just wing it with ingredients and still have everything turn out well; though I’d never risk this with anything else. On the topic of cooking, I really love food! Especially when it’s free. I don’t think I’ve ever turned down a sample of free food before in my life. I’m not too good with spicy foods but I’m willing to try anything at least once. I hate when people waste good food.
[6/?]When it comes to relationships, I’m usually a bit awkward at first since romance really isn’t my forte. I invest a lot in all of my relationships though. It’ll take me time to get comfortable enough to get comfortable, but once I do it’ll be hard to shake me off because I love teasing my significant other the most. I’m the kind of person that acts natural with the person I like but once I’m in a relationship I’ll drop the lamest pick-up lines ever. I’m really not the best flirt. XD
Look at how dated this request is OTL We don’t do Ace Attorney match ups anymore, but I hope you’ll like the BSD and OnS ones! Thanks for patiently waiting
Your matches are…:
Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs): The poor guy catches your attention the first time you see him. He had spent most of his life abused in an orphanage and was kicked out due to his ability to turn into a tiger. Dazai and Kunikida picked him up and now, he’s working for the ADA. Strange twist of destiny, you think. The president pairs him up with you so you can show him the ropes and introduce him to the ways of investigating. Atsushi is stiff and awkward when you first meet him but after a few jokes, he’s able to smile and tease back. At the end of the first day, you’re able to deduce the things that make him uncomfortable and the topics he’d like to steer away from. He’s looking forward to working with you, and you admit you are as well.
During investigations, he’s able to get to know you - he politely teases you when a bug passes by and questions you when you take a side street instead of the main street to get to places. He reacts the same way you do to any high-pitched noise, except he tends to panic than brush it off. In the office, he seldom approaches you since he doesn’t want to interrupt your humming, but he doesn’t hesitate to remind you to head home at the end of the day. He usually stays long enough to go for food with you and he also shares your dislike for wasted food. He grew up in an orphanage so he relishes in every bite. Unfortunately, you pay most of the time but he promises to pay you back whenever possible.
On your days off, Atsushi usually finds you at home, either chilling or experimenting with different ingredients. He doesn’t have any hobbies of his own so he enjoys spending time with you and helping you out with anything - he insists, even if you refuse. He wants to be of use no matter what because he never wants to feel useless. You have no choice but to relent and the two of you begin sharing the same hobbies and interests as he learns more about you.
Neither of you realize the underlying love hidden in your relationship for a long time. The jokes between you remain teasing and somewhat flirtatious - no one notices until Naomi points it out. There isn’t an evening when you don’t cook a meal for the two of you. No one else could match the partnership you have with him - even Kunikida wishes Dazai could be like that. Atsushi is first to realize the feelings he has for you and when he asks you if you feel the same way, you don’t have an answer right away. It takes a while for it to sink in but when you start dropping pickup lines on him, he knows you feel the same way.
HyakuyaYuuichirou (Owari no Seraph): Your first impression ofYuu likely wouldn’t be the best, given how reckless he can get in situationsand seeing him not taking heed of orders or listening might even becomeexasperating. UnFortunately for you, you end up getting paired with Yuu onmultiple occasions, leading to the both of you having to work together. Atfirst this partnership is rather awkward, with Yuu mostly keeping to himselfand not speaking to you. His recklessness will lead Yuu to rushing into fightsagainst enemies, resulting in you having to follow him. How observant you areis an advantage since you’d be able to take notice of your surroundings,including where your enemies are and how many of them there are. Trying toconvey this information to Yuu would be a challenge however, even if you yell.He’s either too focused on the task at hand or simply doesn’t take notice ofyou until afterwards, which can get exasperating. If Yuu gets overwhelmed or hehappens to mess up and is open to getting attacked, that’s a good opportunityfor you to intervene, giving him an helping hand. Yuu might not appreciate yourhelp in the moment, claiming to be able to take enemies on by himself, butafter this happens a few more times because of his own recklessness, he’llbegrudgingly thank you. A few more times of getting partnered with you, Yuuwill certainly take notice of you trying to inform him of enemies approachingand will listen to you and thank you afterwards.
Yuu isn’t exactly the most friendliest of people towardsstrangers or acquaintances but he cares deeply about his friends, and afterbeing put into Shinoa Squad and counting him as members of his family, Yuu willopen up some more. This would extend to you too since after all those missionshe went on with you, he’d feel as if he knows you as more than just an acquaintance.He’ll greet you when he sees you around and ask you about the missions you getsent on. Casual conversation becomes a thing and this certainly won’t gounnoticed by Shinoa. Seeing the two of you interacting, Shinoa will consideryou one of Yuu’s friends and involve you in her shenanigans, especially afterlearning that you like to tease and joke around. Even if you get involved byaccident in one of Shinoa’s pranks, if it looks like you had fun, she’ll besure to invite you to join her in more of her pranks, especially when Yuu isthe victim. This makes you unofficially a part of their squad and the more youhang around them, the more they’ll get to know you and vice versa. Yuu willcertainly get to see different sides of you that he never bothered to noticewhen he was working with you.
Amidst all the chaos that ends up happening, Yuu might besurprised by how focused you get. He has his own problems he needs to findsolutions for and seeing you concentrating so hard on helping the army fuelshis motivation to find his own answers. As much as he knows that you���rereliable, like how Shinoa will check in on him, he’ll do the same for you, notwanting you to work too much to the point of damaging your body. Even if youreassure him that you’re fine and know when to stop, that won’t stop Yuu fromchecking up on you. After all, you’re friends now and that means you’re familyto him. It’d surprise Yuu if youcheck up on him though, since he didn’t expect you to do so. It makes himhappy, though he’d wave your concern off, saying he’s fine. The others, inparticular Shinoa and Mitsuba, find it funny how you two seem so alike and willcertainly not hesitate to tease the two of you about it, leading to Yuu arguingwith them.
It’s not like he minds such comparisons since with howmuch of a hard worker you are, it feels more like a compliment to Yuu. However,hearing about such similarities leads Yuu to taking notice of how little youlike to depend on others and how you keep things to yourself so that otherpeople won’t worry. This reminds Yuu of himself and clearly, it’s not a goodway to cope. If he sees you having a hard time, he’ll approach you and offer ahelping hand, and even if you decline, he’ll keep pushing the issue. This mightmake Yuu seem rather pushy towards you but he just doesn’t want you to stressyourself too much. It’s okay to rely on your friends after all. There will betimes where Yuu will be the one keeping his worries to himself and shruggingoff other people when they ask him about it. Your perceptiveness woulddefinitely come in handy then, and while Yuu will welcome the space and timeyou give him, he wouldn’t mind you lending him an ear either. Your patiencedefinitely will be greatly appreciated since Yuu can be a bit stubborn. Likeyou, Yuu cares deeply for his friends and wants to protect them no matter what,which, depending on the situation, will lead to the both of you working in syncor to butt heads.
Yuu might tease you from time to time about your fear ofbugs but he’ll try to shield you amongst crowds, knowing of your dislike forthem. Your aversion towards high-pitched noises is understandable though, andhe wouldn’t like them either. Yuu is certainly more of an outdoor person thanan indoor person, but as long as he gets to spend time with you, the locationlikely wouldn’t matter. Sometimes you can go out with him and the other timeshe can chill inside with you. The first few times Yuu catches you humming toyourself, or even singing, he’d find it to be an odd habit of yours but after awhile, he’d find it rather cute and always looks forward to hearing youwhenever he’s around you when you’re working. The silent that fills the roomwhen you’re totally focused on your work feels unnerving in comparison and Yuumight end up bugging you a bit, but if you’re focused on something important,he’ll be sure to leave you alone to your work. Yuu would definitely be up fortrying some of your cooking too, whenever you have the time. Considering howShinoa and Mitsuba are when it comes to the kitchen, he’ll happily eat anythingyou come up with!
Your oblivious in romantic matters is seen as cute byShinoa and Mitsuba but for Yuu, it’s rather frustrating considering how he isn’tthe smoothest or most honest person when it comes to his feelings. It’ll onlybe after some time of lowkey dropping hints that he likes you that Yuu willfinally just blurt out his feelings one day. If you accept and feel the sameway, Yuu will be surely be ecstatic. He’d definitely find your awkwardness tobe endearing since it’s another side of you that he gets to see. He won’tpressure you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with and yourrelationship with him likely won’t be much of a difference compared to beforewhen the two of you were just friends. He’d welcome your teasing though, if itmeans you’ve grown more comfortable being with him, but of course, there’sstill only so much he can take before he gets irritated. When that happens, youshould probably prepare for him to try to get you back. Your lame pick up linesmight fly right over Yuu’s head but he’s not the best flirt around either, sothe two of you can be dorks in this romance affair together.
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