#I'd probably write a fanmade backstory about Karen and how she met David and such
bunthedone · 6 months
I want Karen to beat the shit out of someone. Like, either self defense or towards someone thar actually deserves it. Let my lady kick some ass please Kibuishi she deserves it, especially after being either a damsel in distress or being just a side character that doesn't do much in the story. She did try to hit someone once with a frying pan but unfortunately she isn't Rapunzel so she didn't even have a chance to win.
Please, I wanna see her use a cool mecha robot like Navin did and I want to see her backstory with David and her early years. Maybe she also used to be a gamer like Navin was and he inherited her gaming skills while Emily inherited her perseverance. I want to see her being a Karen towards people that think children should be enlisted in fighting wars because holy shit why did those people put children in ships and let them die what the fuck what that about. Also why wasn't she written like that anyways, she's supposed to be a mother yet she lets Emily and Navin join a war and doesn't seem to help them much with the grief of losing her husband (I actually realised this part when I was looking at the Amulet characters tv tropes' page)
I feel like she's been done dirty and I want her character to have some justice. In fact I want all the other side characters to have some justice. I'll probably rant about how the other amulet characters were done so done badly
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