#I'd spend my dying breath clearing Bi-Han's name of the disrespect this fandom put on it
evilbihan · 4 months
There is good in Bi-Han
People all too often forget that bad things can be done with the best intentions at heart. Take Jax in MK11 for example. He wanted his daughter to live a normal life and sided with Kronika just for a chance to give her that. He ended up betraying all his friends and allies, even his own family, because his trauma and loneliness led him to make some bad decisions and he only came to his senses after Fujin sat him down for a talk.
Believe it or not, but Bi-Han's story in MK1 is similar to that of Jax in the previous game. Bi-Han did some pretty awful things, but none of them out of malice. Deep down, he always had good intentions. He never meant to betray his brothers. He wanted a better life for them, for their clan and for himself. He's convinced that he was acting in their best interest, even when he made the decision to let their father die. If he was a selfish or bad person, he wouldn't have bothered lying to his brothers about the circumstances of their father's death. He could have simply offered Kuai Liang and Tomas the choice of either following him regardless of what he did or being banished instead, but by choosing to lie to them, he thought he was protecting them from the truth. Messed up as that is, he thought he was doing them a favor.
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The fact that Bi-Han wanted Kuai Liang to rule by his side speaks for itself. He never accounted for the possibility that his brothers might betray him because he thought they would all benefit from his choice to no longer follow Liu Kang. Bi-Han believes Liu Kang is oppressing them. Yes, he might be wrong in that assumption and he might misunderstand Liu Kang's intentions, but at the end of the day, his doubts about Liu Kang are valid. Liu Kang did keep the truth about his role as keeper of time from them, even Kuai Liang and some other characters criticized him for that. Smoke is also upset that Liu Kang let his family die, Baraka asks Liu Kang why he won't cure Tarkat etc. Do I believe Liu Kang deserves the blame? Absolutely not. I don't think he had control over all of these events, but I also see why Bi-Han finds it difficult to trust him.
SPOILERS: To get back to the comparison with Jax I made in the beginning, what Bi-Han needed was also someone to sit him down and simply talk to him. Liu Kang will apparently do that in the dlc, telling Bi-Han that he was always meant to be Earthrealm's defender and Bi-Han does indeed help defend Earthrealm. At a point in time where he already lost everything, no less. Were he evil, he could have chosen to sit down and watch Liu Kang's timeline burn along with all his enemies in it. But that's not what he's going to do and I doubt that Bi-Han's only motivation to help is vengeance against Havik. Bi-Han is not Kuai Liang, he's not vengeful.
He will try to do the right thing in the end, because doing the right thing is what he thought he was doing from the start.
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