#I'll add links to the next instalments (when they're posted) in the notes because you can't edit a post with a poll once it's posted
leliesblou · 1 year
Miss Fisher's Tumblr poll fic: Part 1
Explanation post
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Jack Robinson's heart thudded loudly as he walked up to Wardlow. He paused for a moment before the porch steps, glancing up at the door. 
In a moment, he would be knocking on that door. Mr Butler would open it with a kindly smile, and announce to the lady of the house that he was there to see her. Jack could already imagine Phryne's smile upon seeing him, and the way her eyes would light up with curiosity at the gifts he came bearing.
He shook himself out of his reverie and stared down at the two objects he held in his hands.
In his one hand, the case file of his new case, and an invitation for her to join the investigation.
In his other hand, a small bouquet of flowers, selected from his own garden. An invitation of an entirely different kind, one he'd never been brave enough to extend before.
He grinned, took a deep breath, and walked up to the front door. The rapping of his knuckles against the wood echoed through the foyer.
Jack waited a moment before he knocked again, this time more hesitant. Perhaps she was not home? But Mr Butler would usually answer the door whether she was home or not.
Jack was about to knock one last time when he heard a muted commotion in the hallway beyond the door. An urgent whispered conversation, followed by a soft sound Jack recognised as the parlour doors closing.
Suddenly, the front door swung open. 
"Good day, Inspector," Mr Butler said. "Please come in, Miss Fisher will be out in a moment."
Was it Jack's imagination, or did he look slightly frazzled? 
He stepped inside and was about to ask if something was the matter when the parlour doors opened just a crack. Phryne's head popped out.
"Oh hello, Jack," she said, slightly out of breath. "What brings you here today?"
"Er…" This was not the way Jack had imagined this particular conversation going. Mr Butler was still standing by his side, and Phryne did not seem like she was about to open the parlour doors any wider or invite him in.
A sound coming from within the parlour saved him from answering her. "What was that?"
"Nothing!" Phryne said, her voice rising with several octaves. 
Jack tried to peer over her head into the parlour. "I thought I heard -"
A loud crash from somewhere behind Phryne interrupted him.
Phryne's eyes widened and she spun around, letting go of the doors in the process. One of the doors swung open, revealing the inside of the parlour to Jack.
His mouth fell open.
If you vote for the last option, you have to leave your own suggestion (or mention a suggestion already made by someone else) in the tags. If this option wins, the most popular suggestion mentioned in the notes/reblogs/tags of the post wins! The person who made the suggestion will be tagged and credited in the next instalment.
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