#I'll add them to my carrd when I have the oomph
amischiefofmuses · 6 months
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Arlo & Recks. Might finally add these losers to my roster now that brain wants to develop them, if y'all wanna send them stuff that'd be welcomed!
Quick description of them under cut - Warning for dark themes
Arlo - Imp/Succubus hellborn - He/Him (FTM) - Gay
Born in the lust ring, his family were loosely involved with the criminal scene and dragged him into it when he was capable of enough to do whatever was asked of him. He went into hiding in Pride after a deal gone bad that escalated into the murder of a mob family member - committed in self defense. Fearing repercussions, he has ended up as the lackey of an up-and-coming Overlord Recks in order to make ends meet, doing whatever is asked of him. It's not the best job but he has his bodily integrity, and that means something to him. In his downtime he reviews sex toys - never showing his face in his videos but the rest of him is very much on display. He has a guarded disposition and is likely to be sassy to those he considers equal to himself, less so when it comes to those such as Overlords or intimidating sinners. He's one to generally play it safe.
Recks - Sinner - Overlord - He/Him - Bisexual
Died in the 2010's at 32. He was once a lawyer, a ruthless bastard known as the sort to throw dearest friends under the bus for a quick buck but things started going south when it was discovered he was purposefully throwing certain cases if he was paid under the table. Desperate to maintain his lifestyle, he took life insurance out on his wife a couple months before killing her, intending on making it look like a home invasion gone wrong. The police didn't buy his story and he was quickly apprehended, put in jail to await trial for his crimes. With nothing left to lose he decided he wouldn't face the shame of being found guilty, instead he hung himself in his cell. Of course he ended up in Hell. It didn't take long for him to make a name for himself, slowly but steadily making deals to gain himself power, often taking advantage of those too drunk or too high to see sense initially. At least until he had a solid foundation to build his own little empire. By no means is he a heavy-hitter, he's a lesser Overlord who has ties with Vox thanks to the show he developed to further his power. Some foolish souls get 'married' or solidify pacts by selling their soul to eachother, balancing the power and bond. Unfortunately many regret that and that's where Recks comes in. Playing lawyer, and it truly is just PLAYING in the way he does it, he allows space for the two people to try and make their case and whoever wins is free of their contract. The loser, however, belongs to him. it makes for great television and he accrues souls, wins all around. He's a bit of a diva, certainly thinks highly of himself and treats most with very little respect, they're just toys to him. Other Overlords and stronger beings, however? Well, they're treated like well-loved clients. Wined, dined, complimented, the whole shebang.
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