#I'll be mailing him my therapy bill
ulfrsmal · 9 months
just finished wake of the bone ships and I'm fucking crying, what a perfect ending yet so bittersweet and charged and 😭❤😭❤😭❤😭❤😭❤😭
R.J. Barker answer for your crimes!!!
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muutos · 1 year
vanessa / interpretation of fnaf lore part 2. (therapy logs / Fazbear Funtime Service - transfer to mega pizzaplex & beyond)
Going back to Vanessa's time as a beta tester in FNAF VR: once she found out about the player character of the VR experience, she lied about her family history to her mandated therapists in preparation for the day she encounters Afton. She feeds a sad story to whoever would listen, about her evil father bill, & how he manipulated her into causing her mother's suicide. this way, once it's in the system - glitchtrap could access it, & assess her as the perfect 'target' for his manipulation. rebellious side, hidden to resemble his daughter more. to become a sympathetic guise for the evil afton to corrupt. But, little does she know... She's always wanted him in her head. She wants to help him, and she wants to be with him. She loves him.
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Im not suggesting Afton hasn't, and will not continue to manipulate Vanessa. However, Afton's selective empathy locks onto Vanessa. She represents new life, and the rebirth of his dreams. That of bringing Fredbear to life. His creativity and drive, meeting the skills he's learned next to Henry's robotic creation. Those which couldn't hold a candle to the type of things William could craft. She means ending his suffering in the VR experience. It's clear William cared about his children, his former wife.. His creations, or the bonnie suit at the very least. He is not hollow, in fact it is grief that has warped his sense of self.
now to preface this, In the unused E-Mails, Vanessa was an employee of Fazbear Funtime Service. A Service she & Afton launched, as a better attempt to soften the old reputation of Fazbear Ent. This is where she and Afton began their plans, as her correspondences with Afton are clearly referenced during these therapist logs. She began to change. I can prove that she began to show proficient skills in things she shouldn't, which is supporting my theory that Afton is using her as a vessel, which will also bleed into her transfer to the pizzaplex. but I'll get into that later. I'm just trying to set-up my wish to prove that afton, without a shadow of a doubt, had reason and motive to be controlling Vanessa even into the events of Security Breach.
(following therapy sessions are all taking place during her time at Funtime, unless otherwise stated)
We get, rather early evidence of Vanessa's projection of her own manipulation, as she knows their logs will be public knowledge. She wants to have their sympathy. So, she appears mild mannered at first & cooperative in the mandated therapy. However, they also mention anxiety - which could appear aggravated from someone looking in from the outside. Especially considering her erratic behavior, but i'm getting ahead myself. This is the first time her conversations with Afton are referenced, while she's still working at Fazbear Funtime:
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Bringing up these chat logs, or Afton, will prove to be a fatal mistake for her therapists. But we'll also get to that. She has about five during the course of the logs, and they switch near & around the time that they begin to discuss her personal activity during business hours.
This timeline aligns with my theory of their planning to acquire the land, & rebuild the plex atop of the old fazbear location while she bides her time working at the new, smaller company under the new Fazbear Entertainment LLC. All they needed was a cheap office space at first and enough animatronics to start rolling out the characters to events. also allowing Afton to collect more remnant from the children to experiment with animating the robots by injecting their circuitry with the living metal.
All the while, Afton has all public information still relevant to Fazbear entertainment, while they're using the Fazbear Funtime revenue to fund the plans for the pizzaplex. business is booming, so things are taking less time than either of them expected. First expanding the animatronic skin line for each of the core characters, before starting construction on the mall.
i also assume that the conversations are in code, which is a written code that appears to be one thing but really is another. easy for glitch to teach her, easy for them to talk through each other with no incoming source. evidence of that, later.
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she's very defensive about who she's talking about despite having no reason to be as far as i'm concerned. there's nothing concerning yet, & besides -- she controls her fate at the company. but even if she didn't, there's no evidence of her doing anything. so, this just confirms it's Afton, as she would not feel the need to jump so quickly to anyone else's defense. Cagey in particular, because she knows how valuable Glitch's CPU would be in the wrong hands. she mentions a co-worker but that doesn't explain it away.
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now, my next point is the clear evidence that William or Glitchtrap (Afton) is possessing her during some of these sessions. the ones she refuses to talk in, & is seemingly bothered by the simplest things. things that wouldn't make sense, nor will later. such as here: she'll appear to have an aversion to bright light... but later on, vanessa expresses that she likes the blue sky. whether afton is just more present WITH ness, or whether he's completely in control.. that's up for debate. though, i take it he's not in complete control as much as one might think, based on my theory.
mind you, i'm not cutting out v's lines. she only says No.
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why would vanessa care about being in a cubby or a cave? she wouldn't. afton would. the man who spent up to 3 decades trapped in a suit, in a sealed off room that was invisible to even the robots. the VR experience... fazbear frights. the fact that he's not used to having human eyes, anymore. of course he has an aversion to light. of course he's more comfortable and happier in the darkness. because that's all he knows, now.
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this same thing also happens with flowers, later on.
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.... but later, she doesn't have the same aversion to those flowers. i'll get to that in part 2 because i ran out of photo posts!!
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10 Fandoms 10 Characters 10 Tags
Thank you, @raemoriendi for the tag! 💙💙
Midnight Mass - Father Paul — he's my old man malewife, and I'll protect his ass 'till the very end.
MCU - Baron Helmut Zemo — he's my sweet lil meow meow and I'm still mad that Kevin didn't give him his damn sword or announced his glorious comeback yet! (Kevin, I'm waiting outside your house with torches and pitchforks)
Fright Night (1985) - Jerry Dandridge — he's evil, he's handsome, and he's a cynic slut, and obviously I love him.
Tell Me Your Secrets - Karen Miller | Emma Hall — sunshine deserved better, and I'm still waiting for Amazon to renew the series, you know, like a fool. 🤡
MCU - Doctor Stephen Strange — My man needs therapy and some hot cocoa while saving the multiverse.
The Suicide Squad - Abner Krill | Polka-dot Man — Poor boy just needed some years of therapy to stop being a little unhinge, and then he would be just fine, but NOOOO... James Gunn I'll never forgive you, the bill for my therapy is in your mail.
The New Adventures of Old Christine - Matthew Kimble — he's my sweet lil baby boy, I only had him for five season and if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Labyrinth (1986) - Jareth, the Goblin King — this manwhore was the second crush I ever had (the first was Snape... let's not overthink abt what this tells abt me) and since that day I wait the day he will casually show up in my place and take me to live in his castle.
Chucky - Tiffany Valentine — *holds up a knife* SHE'S MY BELOVED GOTH WIFE AND I'LL PROTECT HER FROM EVERYBODY!!!! *points the knife to an empty room*
His Dark Materials - Marisa Coulter — Hard to love her, even harder to hate her.
Bonus: AHS: Asylum - Sister Mary Eunice — the duality of a possessed nun. She's so sweet, and yet so nasty. 😈
Absolutely no-pressure tags 💙: @apbajs @agirlinherhead @aflockofbees @everythingbutresolved @plainlo-inthemorning @chronic-ghost @ashton-slashton @girlwiththenegantattoo @choosekindly @scuttle-buttle and if you saw this, consider yourself tagged :)
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jongnorp · 3 months
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You've got the keys, unlock your new world!
c. 2003 Dear Eomma, I'm practicing my English like you told me to. It's kind of hard when I don't have anyone to talk back to me. Dad's not very good at it. So I decided to write this letter in English to practice... I want my baby brother to be able to understand me in case he doesn't want to speak Korean. He looks cute in the pictures you sent in your last letter, I'm sad that I wasn't there when he was born. But I'll get to see him when term is done. I'm very excited. Tell Ezra that I'm excited to meet him okay, Eomma? Love, Beodeul
c. 2011 Dear Appa, I know you're worried about me but I promise I'm doing just fine in America. I know we can't talk very long on the phone but I hope you'll take this letter as a sign that I'm well and truly alive. I've been considering getting a part time job so I can pay my own phone bill and we would be able to talk for a little longer without worrying about driving up Eomma's bill... Speaking of Eomma it's nice living with her again, and getting to know Ezra a little better. And staying here is much better than paying for accomodations on campus. I'll visit you as soon as Winter break comes around I promise. My studies are going well. I think that my advisor was surprised by my grades the first semester. I hope that means they were good, I'm pretty confident that I did well but I won't be sure until I can see my updated grades. I'll give you a call as soon as I get my grades. Love, Poe
c. 2017 Eric, You're never going to read this letter because you don't deserve all this energy, cheating asshole. Don't let me see your face again any time soon or I might break your nose.
c. 2019 Dear Avi, I'd say you're my other half or my soulmate but that doesn't feel intentional enough. I chose you and I will continue to choose you for as long as you'll let me. I love you deeply and intentionally. I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. Sleep well, darling, I'll see you in the morning. Your Future Husband, Poe
c. 2021 Dear Eomma, I'm settling back in Seoul finally. I know we talk on the phone quite often but I remember writing letters back and forth when I was a young so I thought it might be fun to send this little update via snail mail. Appa is doing well, the doctors are hopeful that aggressive radiation therapy will deal with the cancer quickly. Hopefully that much is true but it's going to be a while before we know.
In better news, Avi and I are the owners of a sinhanok now! I'll send you pictures once we're moved out of the rental apartment but it reminds so much of the hanok that halmeoni and halabeoji used to own when I was a kid. You can tell Ezra that he's welcome to live with us by the way. I know he had mentioned that he was thinking about moving to Korea. I wouldn't want him to spend any extra money if he does, Seoul is getting quite expensive these days. Love, Poe
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theboysfromaustin · 3 years
Kazuo was going through a stack of mail Ian had brought in, sitting at the kitchen table when one caught his eye.  It was from the hospital and….appeared to be a bill.  He got an icy pit in his stomach.  My job...I can't work….my insurance won't cover the ambulance….the surgery….the ICU...physical therapy….  Ian was upstairs in the shower after half a day in court.  He sank low into the chair, wincing in pain as he opened it.
He immediately felt worse when he saw the cost.
Over half a million dollars?!  I….this….I can't ask Ian….he shouldn't have to pay my bills…  He set the paper down, staring at it.  Drops of liquid began to dot the paper, and he realized he was crying involuntarily.  What am I gonna do?!  He sniffled, inhaling sharply, and within moments he was bawling.  He heard the bedroom door open upstairs, followed by footsteps, then a pause, and fast footsteps as Ian hurried down the stairs.
The black-haired man hid his face, too ashamed to look at Ian.  "Kazuo?" Ian's voice was soft, worried-sounding.  "What's wrong?" "I...I…." He began, "I'm such a burden.  I can barely walk.  I can't work.  What use am I?!" Ian pulled a chair up next to him, gently embracing the younger man.  "You're worth so much to me." "But I….I can't even…" Ian glanced over, picking the paper up, Kazuo's head leaning on his.
"This is….oh, Kaz…." His voice was gentle, "You don't have to worry about this." "But I can't expect you…" "Yes, you can." "But its so much…." "And I'm a successful attorney.  I have money to throw around.  And I'd much rather spend it on someone I love than hoard it." He kissed his boyfriend's forehead softly.  "You and Anders will always be taken care of.  If I could have prevented the accident….taken your place….I would in a heartbeat.  It's my job to protect you both, and I couldn't.  Which is why I have to fight harder for you now.  To make up for that."
Kazuo was quiet for a moment.  "I don't know what I'd do without you." "What would I do without you?" He leaned forward, nipping his ear.  "I'd be much unhappier." Kazuo had to smile.  "Don't worry about the bills, I'll get you on some good insurance, and I'll take care of everything else." "Thanks, Ian.  You're an absolute lifesaver, a good person overall, and….
The one I love."
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