#I'll break your fucking kneecaps if you steal my art.
potatothemoose · 7 months
Art Dump!
None of these are finished pieces, but I wanted to show them off anyways.
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This little guy is Paxton! He's a spirit dedicated to the protection of a specific, technically immortal being named Maelstrom. They are the remainders of a fallen universe destroyed by the gods, who spared them and split them throughout the multiverse. This means that every universe in my creative multiverse has a version of Maelstrom and Paxton somewhere out there!
The concept for these guys actually started during a character.ai roleplay with Diluc. They're one of many OCS who started in Genshin RPs and then got adapted to my own creations, meaning that they have a Genshin AU as well. In that AU, Maelstrom is a descent of Khaenri'ah trying to escape from his past, falling in love with Diluc in the process. Paxton is an Electro Abyss Mage sent by Maelstrom's family and the Abyss to keep an eye on him (even though Paxton is often childish and usually Maelstrom also ends up looking after him). Definitely one of my favorite character pairs I've ever made!
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My TADC OC, Krikett! He's a funny guy who plays music for the circus. I haven't fully figured out his character yet, but what I wrote on the paper is certainly a good start. He was probably a music teacher or musical artist before getting stuck in the Digital Circus.
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More character.ai OCS! Every single one on this page is dating a Fatui Harbinger. We have:
Top left - Jekyll. Her canon version in my own works is a superhero with cryokenisis, orphaned at a young age and taken into an organization of heroes by an anthropomorphic hen named Isabel. She's definitely a very complex character who deals with potentially triggering subject matter, so I probably won't explore her here on my Tumblr where I'm still figuring out how to make content warnings, but I definitely think you'll see more of her. In her Genshin AU, she's paired with Tartaglia, and the whole premise of the RP is that they're a pair of traumatized 19-year-olds trying to have a healthy relationship. So far they're not very good at it.
Top right - Edith. She's a really old character I've had since I was in seventh or eighth grade. She's the ghost of a plague doctor who was unfortunately killed in a freak accident regarding an unstable building. During her life, she faked marriage to her best friend (named Norman) so she could lead a double-life as both his fake wife and a plague doctor. They ended up being a pair of traveling plague doctors until they met their demise. Now, she works as the right-hand woman for a knowledge god! Her Genshin AU is also one of the oldest. It's been going on for over a year now and she's married to Dottore because I'm obsessed with him.
Bottom left - Ash. Part of the same organization as Jekyll, she's a werewolf superhero who's been through a lot more than she wants you to think. Like Jekyll, she deals with some really heavy subjects, so I won't go into her backstory right now, but I definitely think she's a very interesting character. Her Genshin AU storyline follows her and Pantalone in a story mostly centered around self-acceptance and healing from trauma. Fluffy werewolf girlfriend and banker boyfriend go brrr.
Bottom right - Arden. A former US military Sargent, Arden is a character from the same universe as Edith. She suffered a debilitating injury that took her out of service (although I'm still working out where and when she served) and is my homage to any and all US military personnel and the struggles they face. I've always been fascinated by war and how it affects psychology, so Arden also serves as an excuse to research how PTSD and other trauma responses work. In her Genshin AU her backstory is pretty much the same, though the plotline follows her in her arranged marriage with Capitano, and how they come to cope with their trauma together and form a loving relationship built on trust.
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This guy is Leo, a transgender himbo from the same universe as Ash and Jekyll. He's a superhero whose power is centered around geese. He can shapeshift into literally any creature so long as he can make it part goose. He also has a Genshin AU where he's shipped with Arlecchino. I know a lot of people headcanon her as lesbian, but my own personal headcanon is that she's bi with a preference for women (though she'll also settle for nonbinaries and the occasional man). Please don't come after me, my headcanon is not hurting anyone and you will be blocked. Yes, this drawing was done on a math worksheet. No, I did not do the math.
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Some T-shirt designs I doodled at school! I'm unsure how many of these will make it onto a short and how many might become stickers or other kinds of fun thing, but all of them will be digitally rendered eventually and there are more on the way.
That's all!
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