#I'll defend Magnifico like a lioness does her cubs
kingmagnificoofrosas · 8 months
A common symptom of ptsd is to not talk about your past traumatic event, to avoid reliving the trauma as much as possible. I think Magnifico having ptsd is an interesting idea, thought I'm not sure it's what the writers intended. But I lose you when you start to expect Amaya not only knows he has ptsd, but knows how to react to him having it. If he's avoiding talking about it, even if she knows it's traumatic, would she know how to help him? I think Magnifico not going to her for help all the time isn't a sign of a lack of love. I think he has the feeling he needs to deal with things on his own. And for Amaya's part, I think she knows this about her husband and that's why she tries to give him space.
Hi anon,
I might not have been clear enough about this in my last analysis, so let me touch up on this a bit further.
First of all, and again, I.dont.hate.Amaya! I criticize her behavior and her choices.
Now to PTSD once more. PTSD and C-PTSD can have many different levels of intensity. And while yes, it is true, that in some cases ptsd-people won't talk about the triggers and the very thing that traumatized them, it's not the case with Magnifico. He openly talks about what traumatized him in hopes to be understood! In his conversation with Asha, we clearly see that he longs for someone to understand him!
Ok, let's analyze Magnifico withdrawing himself all the time. Yes, sometimes people need to be on their own and ptsd people might isolate themselves but really, they long deep down to open up to someone who understands them! I wouldn't ramble so much about it if I didn't have first hand expirience in this! The very fact that he feels the need to deal with everything on his own is terrible! It's sad! Because that shouldn't be the case. Of course he cared for Amaya, I never said he didn't but for goodness sake, she's supposed to be his "wife!" He shouldn't think "I need to handle everything on my own!" Especially not, when he's at the peak of breaking down emotionally.
My Dad isn't the one who comes running to my Mom with every single problem he has either, because he's also the type who deals with most things on his own, but when it truly matters he seeks her comfort. He opens up about what bothers and or pains him and he knows he can be vunerable and weak in her presence. He knows she won't judge him and even if she doesn't understand, she will try her best to be there, be a help somehow and uplift him. And in trouble look for a solution.
Amaya not doing any of this because she simply doesn't know how and wants to give him space, because she knows thats what he says he wants, isn't a solid justification or proof of her love.
I never claimed Amaya should be perfect! I never said Amaya should know all the answers all the time or know how to react right in every single situation! To be fair, she's a human with flaws as well but that was never what I criticized!
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Yes, being his wife, she should know that he has PTSD, and she most likely does because he even told Asha about his past. It should be clear as day that horror like this would traumatize the heck out of everyone!
Now, not everyone is a cuddlebug and not all couples are lovely dovely, but good grief, was it too much to expect a wife to actually show her husband she loves him? We got not one single hug (and Magnifico deserved a 1000 hugs througout the movie) we saw not one single kiss! None besides a 1 sec. Peck to her hand. She didn't hold his hands for longer than 3 seconds, never caressed his cheek, never did anything that would show us that she actually loves him! Everything she did showed us she cared for him but you can care for someone very much but not love them.
And if we are talking married couple, true love soulmates, I expect to see it! It's not hard, taking the fact we have a 100 year history of disney showing us true love. And saying, disney didn't make Amaya show her true emotions because Magnifico was supposed to be the villain everyone would kick off in the end anyway and we shouldn't make people like him, is literally the worst arguement ever.
And even if one doesn't agree with anything I said, what she did at the end summs it all up! If my soulmate, my one true love, would be under some curse from an evil book that says its unbreakable, I would be like "Screw what the evil book says! Cause how trustworthy is an evil book? Also, screw what anyone says or thinks, screw it if he accidently hurts me in the process, I promised to stick with him in bad and good times, I swore to love him in life and death, I'll fight with every fiber in my body and soul to get him back and if it kills me! I'll do everything in my might!" And if I'd still lose him, I would grieve!
But Amaya dumped him as easily as a pair of old shoes she doesn't like anymore. She knew he only went bonkers because of the book and still she's like "He's all evil! Away with him!" She even mocks him by saying "But you do love mirrors." 0 grief, 0 regret, 0 love. She became cold and even afterwards we saw her continue happily. How the heck am I supposed to believe she truly loved him when her actions literally say no?
Would she have known how to help him? You don't always need to know HOW to do something, what counts is that you try, that you just go for it! And if you truly love someone, you can help by being compassionate, understanding, forgiving etc. With PTSD people, you won't believe what wonders a loving hug can do. Or just telling us "I might not fully understand what's going on in your mind and heart right now, but I want to understand, I want to help you and I want you to know that I see you and you're not alone. I acknowledge your pain! You don't have to go through this on your own. I'm here for you no matter what!"
I don't think Amaya is all terrible, and like I said, I don't hate her. But I do not believe she ever truly loved Magnifico.
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