#I'll keep on trying to share about fruit so people dont have to wait so long to learn more like i had to
sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
I wish I knew it while I was in school, but fruit are the best study snacks. When I'm eating just pure fruit, my thoughts come through so much clearer. I don't feel like I'm busting my brain and running low on energy. I feel so powered up and inquisitive.
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asahicore · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
omg i love things like these cz any opportunity to talk about myself is a good opportunity !! thx for the tag @ozymandia-s i was reading thru ur answers like it was the morning paper, i'll tag @bbujiikseu and @ethereal-engene if u guys wanna do it <33
birthday: dec 13
favourite colour: purple-ish like lavender 
do you have pets? yaaaaah i have a white cat who's evil but also really cute and a dog named elbow
how tall are you? 160-2 cm i'm not sure
how many pairs of shoes do you own? a bunch but i mostly wear my platform docs, my beige platform converse, my black regular super old and beat-up converse or my knee-high brown boots that i got at a thrift shop for such a good price
favourite song: this is like the most impossible question everrrr but invu by taeyeon was my most listened to song in 2022 and i still levitate whenever i listen to it
favourite movie: twilighttt the girls who get it get it but i have lots of movies i love
who would be your ideal partner? my 2 most important things r someone who makes me laugh but also finds me funny and someone with good communication. i dont really care about stuff like sharing hobbies or styles or whatever but as long as we can have a good time doing whatever i'm in love (my ex...)
do you want children?  yessss not now for sure but in a few years like 2 or 3 i think
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i dont think so..?
what colour socks are you wearing? rn they're black
favourite type of music: kpop... 97 of my 101 most listened to songs were girl group kpop lmaooo but just pop in general
how many pillows do you sleep with? 2 !!!
what position do you sleep in? i try to sleep on my back but being on my tummy with one leg up is so much comfier
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: people who snore like i'm not a particularly light sleeper but it wakes me up immediately and keeps me from falling asleep
what do you have for breakfast: coffee most of the time but earl grey sometimes, i dont usually eat breakfast but if i'm feeling hungry i'll have a fruit or something. i'll also have a pastry at the uni café if i really cant wait until lunch to eat lmaoo
have you ever tried archery? i dont think i have but it looks cool
favourite fruit: lately i've been obsessed w physallis but that shit is expensiveee. otherwise i'd say mango and cherries
are you a good liar? nooo u can see it right away if i'm lying i get so tense and if i'm lying just to take the piss out of someone then i can only keep it for like 10 seconds cause 1 i start laughing and 2 i feel bad for making someone believe something untrue lmaoo
what’s your personality type? enfp i think?
innie or outie? (it really depends on my mood but i'm usually an outie i think, i just need a day in the week to really relax on my own) i’ve been informed this is about the belly button… well it’s innie then… why do u wanna know that about me tho
left handed or right handed? right handed. left handed ppl freak me out...
favourite food: it is so impossible to choose a fav meal but i'll say tiramisu cz its my fav dessert
favourite foreign food: sushi ig
am i clean or messy? i'd say clean
most used phrase:  i have no idea probably whatever stupid phrase i've coined as mine for the week
how long does it take for you to get ready: not too long cause in the morning i basically just make my bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my makeup.. but if i decide to have coffee at home or to read before leaving then it can take a while
do you talk to yourself? all the damn time bro i was actually tripping over the fact that you can hear a voice in your head without actually speaking just the other day i think its so weird but im thankful for my inner monologue.. shes a queen
do you sing to yourself? if theres music i'll sing along but i dont usually just sing out loud randomly
are you a good singer?  no lmaooooo but i love singing badly and my friends and i go to karaoke every week which is super fun
biggest fear? this is weird but my legs being wobbly like not havign control over them, so like when you're on those inflatable games or when the ground is slippery.. hate that
are you a gossip? yes lmaooo but only when theres reason to be
do you like long or short hair? ive been growing out my hair and its slayinngggggg but on other ppl idc
favourite school subject: i think french (not as a second language but as a french person studying french at a french school lmao) and english lit
extrovert or introvert: extrovert, like im sociable but also if you're a strange man dont talk to me
what makes you nervous: university deadlines also the amount of books in the world i'll never be able to read </3
who was your first real crush? i think when in like 4th grade i had a crush on this guy named matt, but ive had plennnttyyyy of crushes since then
how many piercings? eight and they're all on my ears !
how many tattoos? 0 but im debating getting one
how fast can you run? not fast lmaoo
what colour is your hair? dark brown
what colour are your eyes? dark brown
what makes you angry: misogyny <3 i had to watch this video of a debate between pro-choicers and pro-lifers.. i was gonna explode listening to the pro-lifers' arguments they're so fucking stupid man
do you like your name? its very unoriginal lol but i dont mind it, also my middle name is my grandma's which is genevieve and i think it slays
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? one of both tbh
what are your strengths? hmmm i think i'm fairly reasonable? like when i have an outburst (and i have a lot of those) after some time i'm able to calm myself down and reason with myself so usually im able to stay somewhat level-headed lol i also don't wallow, i get back on my feet pretty quickly and my friends have told me i'm generous :)
what are your weaknesses? this might sound like the opposite of what i just said lmaoo but i overthink too damn much and i jsut cry all the time like everything pains me but then at the same time im able to get out of that mindset quickly.. so idk bruh
what is the colour of your bedspread? i have like 3 houses but the one i currently am at is my uni dorm and the bedspreads are either white and grey or green/blue/pink and they're both floral patterns
colour of your room: at my moms and here they're white but at my dads they're a light greyish brown
this was fun and took me forever lmaooo good way of procrastinating tbh
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alchemistbee · 4 years
Back in your Arms
「Five Hargreeves x reader」
Ask: Could you write a Five reader fic where y/n gets kidnapped by the Swedes and Five saves them. Thx
Words: 2556
Warnings: mentions of blood and torture. Kidnapping. Season two spoilers.
A/N: this is the first fic I’ve ever got requested. I hope I did it justice. I hope you enjoy! I know I took long to publish it, I apologize, school is kicking my ass. Sorry for grammatical errors. Enjoy!
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[gif from @thisgameissonintendo ]
After having attended the horrific light brunch with the Hargreeves family, they were all feeling far more worse than when they had arrived. Five had explained to Sir Hargreaves each of their powers, Vanya had exploded a bowl of fruits, Allison rumored Diego, Diego got a very non-friendly slap of reality, Klaus seemed to have a seizure mid-dinner and Lurther confronted their father by ripping his shirt off in front of everyone.
In your opinion, it could have gone a lot better, but it could have also gone a lot worse.
Unlike the other siblings, Five had stayed behind and you had figured that it would be better to wait for him in the lobby. He was having a conversation with his father, whom he hadn't seen for over fifty years, he bet his ass you were going to wait for him. Especially after the horrible way he had spoken to the rest, you would be there for Five if he needed to. What you didn't know by then was that Five was trying to see if his father could tell him how to go back to 2019, one that didn't evolve making a deal with The Handler. Which, may I add, he hadn’t told anyone about, not even to you.
You waited patiently for Five, your back leaned against the wall while your arms intertwined in front of your chest. You counted the minutes that passed, not that you were in a hurry, but to hopefully make it seem like the time was passing faster. After almost twenty-seven minutes, the elevator emitted that one ‘bing’ it did whenever the doors were about to slide open. As you expected, it was Five, who now had his hands shoved inside his pockets and seemed quite puzzled. You asked him if he was okay, but Five only dismissed your question to tell you to go ahead of him to Elliott’s place. Apparently, there was something he needed to take care of, something he wasn't willing to explain to you just yet.
He knew that if he did tell you, you would either try to stop him or not let him do it on his own. Five didn’t want to drag you into Commission business. He found that not telling you of the plan all together was the easiest way to keep you from being in Commission's eyes, more than currently at least.
You nodded suspiciously towards Five, but did not push the subject any further. Maybe he just needed some time to let everything sink in, and it's not like you nor him considered the walk back to Morty’s dangerous. You could take care of yourself pretty well. You parted ways with Five, and walked back to Morty’s where you saw Elliott himself was just arriving too. He smiled kindly upon seeing you, to which you returned with a smile of your own. You had to be honest, you had grown to like Elliott more than expected. He was like that one cousin in the family, and you enjoyed hearing his rambles about any conspiracy he could think of. He truly was a sweetheart.
You followed Elliott up the stairs to his place, he carried a paper bag in hand, calmly telling you the things he brought back from the supermarket. You listened thoughtfully. Once inside. Elliott flickered the lights on and to both of your surprise, a cat sat in the middle in the kitchen. Elliott looked confused, but figured the cat must have somehow climbed in “Hey buddy, how did you get up here?”
He approached the kitchen casually, where he sat the bag down and looked at the cat as it meowed to him. You couldn’t help to feel your skin crawl. The nagging feeling of people watching you being present “Elliot?-” You turned your head to look behind you, swearing you had seen something lurking in the shadows. You averted your gaze back to him, now watching as he pulled out a tiny can of food for the cat and asked if it was hungry. You walked to the kitchen window, the one that let you view outside in case anyone was suspiciously close to the building. You saw nothing, but that was because you didn't know that they were already inside.
Your head snapped back to Elliot the moment a loud sound came from the living room, there you saw that one of the tall assassins had punched Elliott right on the side of his face. You felt your heart accelerate, and moved quickly to help him until you felt someone pull you up, stopping your tracks to help the man. The other assassin got a hold of you, if it hadn't been for your small body, you could have stopped the leader from hurting Elliott any further.
You saw the man try to scramble from his gun, but the other man was quicker to lift him up by the throat, asking the whereabouts of Diego. Upon receiving no answer, the man punched Elliott twice, this time letting his body fall harshly on the floor while blood dripped down his nose.
“Elliott!” You struggled under the second man’s hold. You couldn't move, you couldn't fight. The siblings were not even back and there was no way for you to contact them when the phone was this far “We don't know where Diego is! Leave him alone! He has nothing to do with this!” you pleaded loudly. The leader only shifted his gaze at you, studying the way your eyes flushed with fear. He was trying to figure out whether you were the one the woman had referred to not killing, you were merely a teen after all. Yet, not killing you didn't mean they could not use you for information.
After that little stare down happened, making you hope that maybe the men would not use Elliot as their little puppet..You were gravely mistaking. The man dragged Elliott through the living room, knocking over a lamp and breaking it before pinning him into the dentist chair violently. He kept asking for Diego, and Elliott is only able to answer with a “I d-dont know” while you keep battling for the second man to let go of you. At this point, you felt the tears welling in your eyes as you noticed him take the forceps, priding Elliott's mouth open and sticking them into his mouth.
“NO!” you cried out “ELLIOTT!”
Elliott’s screams filled the building alongside your pleas and cries, but as much as you told the men that none of you knew where Diego was, that didn't seem to make them stop. Not until Elliott’s body was drained from life entirely, the blood from his body splattered all across the floor and body. You couldn’t help the soft cries leaving your lips, calling his name out ever so softly in hopes of him still being alive but that’s when you felt a sharp pain come from the back of your head. The world turned black and your body fell not too far from Elliott’s chair after the second man got tired of holding you.
The brothers could use you. They could use you to lure Diego, the man they believed responsible for the murder of their younger brother.
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The next day, after Diego and Lurther find Elliott’s body, they try to figure out who did this to Elliott. Diego believes it's the feds, but Lurther claims that was no work of feds but of a psychopath. Believing the words written below are a name, they search through the phone book until discovering the phone number linked to whom they believe is responsible for Elliott’s death; They phone the number up.
Five jumped into the building, quickly noticing the blood painted words on the floor, making him hurry up the stairs to meet Elliot’s body. He can feel a lump forming in his throat as he approaches it. There were clear signs of torture, there was something stuck into his left eye. Five couldn’t help to feel guilty. He liked Elliot, he was a good man, he had helped them and welcomed his siblings in without the slightest complaint. He had become one of them, and for that, his life paid the price.
Five followed the voices of Lurther and Diego through the kitchen, taking off his blue and blood dripped jacked as he heard the brothers threaten someone over the phone for killing one of them “Hey! It's Öga för Öga, idiots. Swedish for ‘an for en eye’. It means The swedes killed Elliott '' He didn't want to think how the missions went after his run; It was clear Diego and Lurther shared one brain cell.
“Wrong number, have a lovely day” Diego hanged the call, looking at Five and easily spotting the blood on his clothes “Uh, you got some blood on your clothes”
“A lot actually”, Diego added as Five pushed by them, entered the bathroom and turned the sink handle to let the water flow down. He grabbed a white towel, carefully washing the blood off of him as best as he could “I found a way home”
“What? How?”
“All the details are irrelevant but i made a deal to get back to our timeline”
“What about doomsday? And the 2019 apocalypse”
“won't happen. Everything will be back to normal” Five remarked exasperated “All right? No more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the other and get back in 77 minutes. Luther, you get Allison, Diego go get Klaus, I'll get Vanya, Y/N-“ he stopped his pacing all suddenly, eyes roaming the room and back to his younger siblings “Wait—Where’s Y/N?”
Five’s eyes widened as realization suddenly hit him and his siblings. He saw you last night, you were supposed to be here, why weren’t you here?
“They stayed after the brunch, we thought they were with you…” Diego, Five and Lurther shared a look, all of them now realizing that you had been taken by the men who killed Elliott.
“Dammit!” Five exclaimed angrily. He had just gotten a way back home, and you...You had been taken. How was he supposed to find you in such little time? He didn’t even know where to start.
“Calm down. Okay—We’ll find them—“ Diego started while Five started to pace around, muttering words under his breath “This was so simple. So simple!” He turned his head to look at them “I am going to go find Y/N, and get Vanya. We meet here as planned, this is our only chance to go back” Five raised his finger at them both before started to walk to the stairs, but stopped abruptly when he Diego spoke up once more
“You expect us to not help you—“ before Diego could finish his sentence, Five jumped from the small distance to right in front of his brother, raising his fingers with a threatening look “If you don’t do this, I swear I’ll kill you myself” he said more sternly “there's not enough time for all of us to go in a search, I’ll tell Vanya to meet up here. If i don't make it in time just go back home, I’ll manage a way back”
“How are you planning on finding them?” Was what Diego last said before Five teleported out of the building.
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You woke up with a sharp breath. Your head was pounding and when you opened your eyes, you were welcomed with nothing but a blindfold on your eyes. You tried moving your arms. But soon found out they were tied down to your back while your ankles were tied against the legs of a chair “Shit” you muttered hoarsely, your throat was still dry from the crying. What the hell happened? Where were you?—
That’s when it hit you
“HELP! SOMEONE!” You tried to scream as loudly as you could, but considering the silence in wherever you were, you knew no one was coming to your aid. Strangely, the smell was like cat fur, and that was confirmed when you heard the several meows and the cat passing it’s tail over your leg.
How in the world were you going to get out of here now?
Five jumped all over town trying to find any clues, even the smallest, of your whereabouts. Even though he didn’t show it, he was extremely anxious and worried for your self being. He feared what the Swedes could be doing to you, or worst, what they had already done. The images of Elliott kept flashing back to him, and something in his stomach made him believe that if he didn’t hurry up, he would find you the same way.
He didn’t know whether it was luck or simple fate, but as he walked through the town he spotted the familiar milk truck that had followed them around for some instances. It was parked in front of an apartment, a quite small one, and Five knew that you should have been there. He kept looking down at his watch, counting the minutes they had left before having to go back to 2019.
They still had twenty minutes. He still had time, it was enough to save you and go back. At least he hoped so.
He watched The Swedes get in the truck, and without thinking it twice, teleported himself inside the cat filled apartment. His blue eyes roamed the place all over, scanning it for any trace of you until he heard a few knocks coming from a nearby closet. He didn’t waste time on pulling the door open.
Five’s eyes fell on you, and instinctively, you started to try and kick thinking that The Swedes were back again “Y/N!-Its me!-Y/N” he crouched down to your level, scanning your body for any signs of torture or harm. He sighed sharply, relieved to see that The Swedes hasn’t gotten their way with you. Gently, he reached out to pull your blindfold off. It broke him to see you like this.
Your eyes weren’t shining like they used to. They were completely flushed by pain, regret and fear “F-Five” you muttered softly, finding it hard to believe he had actually found you. You felt the ropes become loose on your legs and wrists, and the moment you had the chance, your body fell against Five’s. He held you firmly, worried that maybe you weren’t as okay as he thought you were. He was only relieved to have you back on his arms again, the place where he could make sure of your safety.
“F-Five—Elliott—I couldn’t s-save him” You started, tears stinging your eyes as you remembered what The Swedes did to the man “I c-couldn’t—“your shoulders shook alongside your small sobs.
“I know...It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have left you” Five said softly, his arms slowly wrapping around you, hoping that would comfort you in the slightest “We have to go...I found a way back, but we need to go now or we’ll be stuck here forever” He pulled you up the ground, his thump caressing your tear stained cheeks while his free hand took a gentle hold of yours.
“You w-what? How?” You blinked twice, sniffing softly “Five, what did you do?”
“I’ll explain on the way...Let’s go home”
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ajoycegallogo · 4 years
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( SEASONS ❄🍃🌞🍁)
love is such a fleeting concept nowadays , you can keep saying " I LOVE YOU " to someone and it wouldn't mean much .
I used to be one for romance, one of those who would sing about how love conquers all or one of those who still
believed that true love still exists , but as the seasons changed , so did my perspective on love .
It was during the first days of winter , the snow slowly falls on to the paved roads , the leaves have started
to wither , and my heart freezing over, reacting to what had just occured .
I was patiently waiting at the diner where my boyfriend and i frequented , the familiar smell of the eggs and bacon
from the kitchen , the soothing music of the jukebox permeating the room , and kind smiles of the waiters would always
put my mind at ease , we were set to meet there for our dinner date and i was planning to ask a very important question.
as I saw his figure approached the door , his face seemed gloom . he then sat down on the chair from mine .
" what's the matter baby ? " I asked
" We need to talk." he answered meekly , "This is not working out anymore ."
Taken back i answered , "what do you mean baby ?"
" stop calling me that! " he yelled at me.
after that everything was just a blur of colors and a jumble of word . that conversation lasted about 20 minutes before
before he decided to leave , i was too shock to give chase . as i sat there thinking about how everything went wrong ,
I took the small box from my coat pocket only to open it and wonder what am i gonna do with this couple ring that i am
planning to gave him as a gift for our anniversary . I felt as if my world has been turned upside down , after 2 years
into a relationship I thought that we were strong enough to last a lifetime . after wallowing in my sorrows for about an
hour , I decided to go back home and never come back to that diner but before i went out the door , i wanted to leave
a parting gift to the place that had hold so many memories .
I placed the the box with our two rings inside in the counter with a note that reads , " I didn't had much luck with this .
I hope that it would be more useful for you ." and left the place .
the walk home that night was a lonely one , the winds were singing a harrowing tune, the sound of the birds are nowhere to
be heared , and even the annoyance of traffic is nowhere to be heared , my heart that day was as frozen as the winter day .
Nicole , a few friends , and i went to the salon and went to buy clothes is done .
As we arrieved at the place , I can tell that the air is fresh and relaxing filled with the smell of vanilla coffee,
oh how i missed this place .
the girls took their time taking pictures and posting it on their social media accounts .
while I would love to join nicole listening to music while enjoying the view . I decided to step
out a little far from where they are and get some time alone feeling the place where i can see the swing
that reminds me of him .
I've always love the night air , the view of the city lights makes me feel lightened up the absence of car noises
is calming .I then decided to ride on the swing to emmerse myself , and to think .
looking back, I found myself asking questions like ; why i didn't see it sooner ? was it my fault ? and why
have I let myself go ? these and thousand more questions were swimming in my mind , a part felt like screaming at the
world , thinking what I did do to deserve such a fate . As I put my hands on my face , hurt at everything that had happened
, I found out that I was no longer alone .
" Wow, A guy said from other end of the bench , " you look terrible everything okay , there ? " i will never forget the
first time I looked upon that manly figure , his beautiful deep brown eyes pierced right through my soul .
"Hello? he exclaimed ," not much of a talker are you ? well dont mind me then. " he then takes out a little pad and
starts to scribble something on it .
"what you got there ? " I finally asked .
" we'll someone finally decided to talk ! he said and smile, " well if you really want to know , I usually go out on quiet
night like this to draw . and tonight I found myself drawn in this place .
" Are you like some sort of an artist ? '"
He then laughs a hearty laugh " oh I wish I was that good , but no this is just something I love to do to get my mind
off of the things that stresses me out . " she then caught eye that I kept looking at his sketch pad , " would you like
to see some of my drawings? "
" I would love to . " he then handed me his sketch pad and as i flipped through his work, my eyes laid feast on beautiful
pencil work of buildings , nature , people , and all manner of beautiful scenery . " Wow , you are amazing at this !"
" Thanks ... " he replied , " the name's Yuki by the way ." he then reaches out to shake my hand .
" I'm jillian , care to share what are you doing here by yourself ?
" we'll if you see right there , " I said as I am pointing at my friend taking pictures , I was with those girls a bit
earlier but I decided to step out and get some time alone ,"
" Well if you want to go have some fun , I know a spot that is pretty awesome ." he said while standing up and holding
out her hand , " so do you want to come with or not ?"
I took his hand and exclaimed , " alright , lead the way ." t
he said with a big grin on his face while he drags me to a place that I wa unfamiliar with . Thinking about it now ,
why did I trust him so easily? he was a complete stranger and yet I feel like I already know him .
after around 10 minutes of walking we arrined at the place called " solace "the place was not crowded but kinda lively
. it was a small cafe on the edge of the town , the atmosphere there was so much more realxing than the place that
i used to go . " what do you think of the place ?"
" wow ,I said while I was scanning the place full of vintage knink knacks and paintings , " this place is amazing . how
did you find this place? ' I've lived all my life in this city and I'VE Never found this place ."
" This place just opened up, a friend of mine owns it , So if you come here with me , you can get a discount ."
" sweet , you must have some interesting friends ."
" Ha - Ha yeah ." a moment of awkwardness then ensues .
" i think we should take a seat ." I said in attempt to break the atmosphere .
" Oh right , I know a good spot . " he then leads me to a spot on the roof everlooking the countryside .
" you're right . this is amazing spot ".
" yeah ... OH I already ordered us their most amazing drink , I'm sure you'll love it . It's bavarian coffee
and it is by far the best coffer I have ever tasted ."
" I'll take your word for it " , as I said that , the waiter brought us the drinks , " Well speak of the devil ."
" cheers ." he said as he raises his glass . as we drank the coffee , the bitterness of the coffee started to dance
on my toungue , as well as something sweet , is it milk / fruit ? or maybe it's the coffee itself? eaither way ,
that coffee huh?"
" definitely never tasted something like that before . i love it " the night then continue with some lovely conversation
between strangers . We were so preoccupied with each other that the staff had to kick us out because the place was
closing .
"Wow !" she exclaimed , I didn't realized we were talking that long ."
" yeah me neither ." I commented , But I had a really nice time with you."
he smiled shyly , Hey do you want to do this again sometime? "
" Yeah , I'd love to . " we then exchanged numbers and went on our seperate ways . that night I went back home that day
with my friends , a smile on my face , and once frozen heart started to bloom once more.
A few months passed and we kept seeing eachother , sometimes to small places , like our favourite hangouts , other times
to some place special , like a masked ball . we gotten to know eachother very well . and as the summer times roll in ,
we had dated for about two months , " hey there sweet cheeks ." he said to me in a sweet manly voice ,
" what do you want to talk about ?"
"hey there big butt." I said as I try to keep the atmospehere , what's the rush ? can't we just eat and drink first ?
he started to stare me down ,suspicious of my intentions , what's the matter yu?
" you're acting really suspicious right now," he said that as the waiter brought us our food , " did my food had poisoned?
"what ? no ! why would I even do that? "
" I dont know maybe you think im annoying but breaking up with me is too hard and now you're getting rid of me
the old fashioned way. "
I sat there with a bland look on my face . " yu that doesn't mean make any sense , If I found you annoying , why would
I be asking you to move in with me ?
he sat back with a stunned look on his face , " what ... you want me to move in with you ?"
" We'll we've been together for a while now and I think we're ready to take our realtionship to the next step ,"
as I said as I handed him the keys to my apartment , " so yu would you like to move on with me ?"
I stood up , he grabbed me and kiss me on the foredhead , " yes ofcourse I would love to but wouldn't it be better that
we built our own house after this ?
" we will get there yu ."
" I love you jill "
" I blushed ... " I love you too yu ."
at a loss for words , I did the onlt that I was appropriate to do , he ran to me and embraced me . " thank you , he said
our favorite stuffs and ourselves , we meant the world to eachother and nothing can separate the both of us .
I felt like the most luckiest man alive to have you by my side ."
A few more months passed and I our love only grew during those times . We knew everything about ourselves .
that day , we were supposed to meet by the park where we first met . The autumn leaves were starting to fall , the
wind had started to turn cold , and I was sweating with anticipation . WE were together for 10 months , that's not
a long time , I bought her the ring last week , it wasn't the fanciest ring out there but I thought that she would
okay with it , I waited for her at the bench where we met each other for the first time , I was lost in thought of
our future together , the family we would make , when I heared the screaming ,
I immediately ran towards it , it was a car crash and as I move through the crowd and I saw a body lying on the ground,
it was jillian ... I wa shocked , I immediately ran towards her , held her and yelled , " Somebody please ! Somebody
call an ambulance ! frustrated at the slow reaction of the crowd , I carried her all the way to a nearby hospital .
I slammed through the door and screamed , " Somebody help! Somebody help my girlfriend ! " One of the nurses took her
and send her to the operating room . I followed close behind but was stopped by one of the staff. ' i'm sorry you
have to wait here ." and then it started the most frustrating few hours of my life . it was agonizing , the uncertainty
of what is to happen , the self - blame that I had to endure , and the feeling of helpless was consuming me .
after a solid 5 hours , one of the doctors came up to me , " So doc , when can I see my girlfriend ? "
the doctor just stood there , unsure of how to break the bad news , but i could already tell.
I'm sorry ," the doctor said as I began to break down in tears , " we found this in her backpack . I think
you would like to keep it ." he handed me his a box and as I opened it there are two rings inside a couple ring
the last thing of hers that I held . I sat back down looking through her at the morgue with her cold body .
my eyes filled nothing but tears .
A week after her death , here we are now , at her funeral . Her family asked me to do a speech on her behalf .
I'm nervous , anxious about what to say . and worried that I don't get to say what I need to say . But as I
walk towards the altar and as her coffin is being burried , "My love for her will never falter and yet my heart
has dropped and may never rise again just as the leaves of an autumn ."
( END)
I would like to apologize sir for passing this after the deadline 🙏
BY : Angel Joyce Gallogo
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