#I'll only use the announcement tag when the next demo comes out
herotome · 3 years
You’re game is like ???? SO GOOD wtf
Love the idea, and I met you like two days ago.
Do you have any idea of when is it coming out???
Love it already 💓💓💓
Haha, my very first “when will it be done” ask… but nobody is more anxious for it to be done than me! So really, this is the first time I’m being asked by another person because I’m sitting here asking myself this question every day.
For when the game will be done as a whole, like most IF devs, all I can say for sure is “it’ll be done when it’s done” – better to play it safe than promise a due date and fail to deliver, right? ^^
As for the next installment…
I gotta say, devs tend to be rather overambitious by nature. I had wanted to include 19 scenes for the March 2021 early demo, but only managed to finish 6 scenes at the time.
Even now, I’ve only just started wrapping up the 17th scene.
If I were to cut the next installment to the first 19 scenes (like I initially planned), then the writing part of the game will hopefully be completed by the end of the year. Writing 2.25 scenes within the next 2.5 months? Probably doable! But the coding, the ensuring all the assets are in place (music, SFX, BG commissions, expressions, sprite positioning), the talking to and coordinating freelancers to work on various parts of the game… for those parts I can’t really give a solid estimate. I’ve known a lot of devs who have been burned by underestimating the timeline of actually putting the game together!
Alternatively, if I wanted the next installment to be longer (say… 30+ scenes), then the development time would take much longer. I’m leaning more towards cutting it at 19 though, as a treat. I’m tired of Warden being the only love interest in the demo!!! And anyway, I try to keep a habit of dividing the work into smaller increments and milestones to keep the project scope from getting overwhelming.
I am very glad you’re excited, it’s lovely to see so many new faces. And the hashtags in the reblogs. Y’all. I read every single one, some of y’all are too sweet <3
Much, much love,
PS this is doubling as an update post bc I was so tired after working on that pinned post I just skipped it yesterday haha ;;;; Devlogs should resume as normal next week!
If you haven’t already, you can follow the hashtag #herotome update for my weekly devlogs on how the game is going… Or you can just follow #herotome announcement if you wanna peace out until something playable drops.
To follow a hashtag, just search “herotome update” on tumblr and the option should come up!
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