#I'll personally travel to Japan and give Aka flowers if he canonizes this theory
skania · 1 year
Why did Aqua and Ruby have white star eyes on one side ever since they were born? Is there something that triggers it? Is it because they reincarnated?
When Ai's death they still have eyes with one star but sometimes Aqua is seen with his black star eyes at certain times with something that triggers (but only at that moment/not for a long time, only at that second)
Aqua -> After he found out that his father (Seujuro) had died, the star's eyes completely disappeared. Aqua feels free in revenge and lives his life as Aqua without Goro's shadow (living in his past. He has received his second chance to live a normal and happy life.) However, it turns out that his real father (Kamiki) is still alive. However, that fact didn't make Aqua awaken both black star eyes or his one star eye, why? The black star's eyes appeared as Aqua monologued in his mind thinking about Akane who was in danger and also all Aqua's worries for Akane, he also ended his happy days with Akane and chose the wrong path. Isn't this the trigger? The biggest trigger was that he was forced to end his relationship with Akane?(When he called, Aqua said he didn't want to end his happy days with Akane, Aqua also said he wanted to live happily ever after like that with Akane), Aqua also realized that Akane was in danger when Akane said she actually felt like the person was deliberately pushing her to make her fall (Aqua looked really shocked at that time). This black star eye continues to exist until the newest chapter.
Ruby -> Same with Aqua, she was also born with one star eye. Ruby activates her black star eyes upon learning the fact that Goro is dead and someone is purposely killing him. Doesn't that mean Goro's death makes him even more sick, suffering and full of revenge? Later, after chapter 123 came out, Ruby found out that Aqua was Goro and it seems that made her black star eye (which was the trigger) disappear. Leaving one white star as before, why? Has she still not come to terms with avenging Ai's death? or she haven't accepted herself as Ruby? Is her past as Sarina still lingering?
I can conclude both of them were born with 1 white star eye, then Aqua and Ruby awakened the black star eye because it was triggered by two people who meant something to them. Aqua -> Ai and Akane Ruby -> Ai and Goro
What do u think about this theory? I'm not a big shippers A or B or C. I'm enjoying the story more and i love Himekawa and Frill lol. I found your account so famous in this fandom for making good theories and giving honest opinions! Nice dayand happy weekend, Kanae!
Hi anon! First of all, thank you so much for the kind words!! I don't consider myself a good theorizer, but I do love analyzing stuff so I'm really glad people have been giving my thoughts a shot and sharing their thoughts with me in turn!
Listen, here between us: I love that theory! In particular, something that has always stood out to me is that Aqua's black stars don't come from finding out that Kamiki is alive. They, just as you say, only appear once he has given up on Akane and thus, on the "naive thought of being happy". So I'm really glad to see you mention that, because I do think it's huge!
I had a similar conversation with an anon the other day, and my thoughts basically are: I think the black stars are brought out by despair and negative emotions. I think that for Ruby, assuming that Goro was still out there somewhere and that he may find her gave her hope. It kept her going when things got hard. Knowing that Goro died and that his and Ai's killer is still out there makes Ruby despair, so she throws her naivety to the side and chooses to devote herself to the lonely road of revenge. Something similar happens to Aqua when he has to give up on Akane: it represents the moment he loses all hope of being happy and goes back to being alone, this time devoting himself to revenge for real.
That's the unbiased side of my brain, the biased side is 100% rooting for your theory, specially because I believe that Akane was a light to Aqua in the same way Goro was a light to Sarina 😂 In both cases though, I do believe that Aqua getting his white star back should have a link to Akane—be it through something that Akane does, or simply through the fact that believing that he can be happy again will allow Aqua to let Akane back into his life.
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I'm indifferent to Frill but I love Himekawa too! I'm eagerly waiting for him to show up again.
Happy day and nice week(end) to you too, anon!
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