#I'll post my piece for day 5 soon just gotta. actually draw it.
jabberwockjamboree ยท 3 years
Hi๐Ÿฅฐ! Sorry for the random ask and for likes/rbs spam๐Ÿ˜… but i just wanted to say that your artstyle is literally THE BEST??? Like, im in LOVE??? HELP??? So inspiring๐Ÿฅบ (im a begginer artist). I was wondering if u had any tips on drawing Naruto/Naruto characters? Or drawing in general? But feel free to ignore this and either way, have an awesome day/night๐Ÿ’œ!
dont apologize for your ask! i warmly welcome any and all questions!!! first of all you are so sweet!!! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– i am heckin delighted with any spam likes/reblogs so dont sweat it. i've never been asked for art tips before so i'll do my best!
kinda long post so
i've only watched og naruto so i'm only familiar with most of the characters in part 1 (design wise i think they all peaked too soon). what's helped me a lot is looking through screenshots of characters and using a character/reference sheet that can be found with google. reference is your best friend but i tend to get too nitty gritty about my piece looking exactly like my ref so use it as a guide for costume/accessories (i.e. can i see the tail ends of the headband with the angle i'll be using? is this a skirt or pants and how can i make it look like the fabric is flowing in the wind? )
of course practice drawing the characters you like often. as you draw you'll develop your style so experiment with faces, shapes, colors, and what have you. i don't know what your style is like so i can only be vague in these tips.
as for general art tips, TAKE BREAKS!!! i still struggle with going for hours non stop drawing and it's unhealthy 0/10 would not recommend! breaks can be anywhere between a few hours between drawing sessions to days or weeks without drawing. this is especially true with art block. and it is okay.
another tip i have is for when your drawing just isn't going the way you want. just get rid of it. you don't have to actually trash it or anything, just try again. you'll grow from doing multiple iterations of a piece and eventually you land somewhere that feels right. many of those naruto pieces i did were made after 5-10 or even more sketches that sucked. you gotta get all the bad art out and maybe something decent will come out of it. thats just how art is baby. but know that i believe in you. ๐Ÿ‘
tl; dr
naruto characters tip: use reference and experiment baby
general art tips: take breaks and delete your art when it's not working out, just keep trying until something does
i hope any of this is helpful if not things you've already heard. anyway thanks again for your kind words ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™ you also have a great day/night๐Ÿ’•!
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