#I'll probably change my pinned post to feature my DCA AUs sometime for ease of navigation but this will do for now too
cosmicfleurs · 7 months
"Lost in the Astral Seas" MASTER POST
Alright, finally buckling down and making a master post for this scatter-brained Mer AU that I oh so love to draw, but have yet to connect the story dots with! Summary: The lone survivor of a disastrous crash on an uncivilized ocean planet, simply known as D-125C, Y/N struggles to make a safe haven for themselves with the help of lone drone. They find unexpected allies hidden beneath the waves, but within this planets ocean lies a secret best left in its depths.
References (thus far!) :
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Y/N - Robotics Engineer, was part of crew of crashed ship, and is not adept to surviving in wild environments. They are stubborn in their pursuit to survive though, despite the occasional existential crisis of realizing they might be the only human left on an alien planet. Sun - Surface leviathan predator, hunts using shifting hypnotic patterns across his skin, similar to a cuddle fish. Least aggressive of the pack, and first to encounter Y/N, coming to see them as a fellow leviathan that is just missing their tail (he is lonely).
Moon- Nocturnal leviathan predator, lures prey in with complex bio luminescent patterns and then chases it down to kill. Is a very proud hunter, and saw Y/N as prey at first from how poorly their attempts at catching fish were. Is close with Sun though and allows Y/N to be part of the pack for Sun's sake.
Eclipse - Leviathan of the depths, eldest of the three and protector of their territory. His deep red colors make him almost invisible to creatures in the ocean depths, and he fights other leviathan to fend them off from his pack members hunting grounds. Is terrifying to encounter, but is surprisingly gentle with Sun, Moon, and even Y/N when they meet. Extra picture of Sun showing off how their flippers can work!
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AU Tag for when I post things about this AU!
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