#I'll probably delete it once rhe irrational anger wears off
shaevilux · 1 year
My most unhinged, irrational dislike is second person writing. Wait let me specify: in very special cases it could be really fucking good. Like in the book 'Story of Your Life' or 'The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty' or basically anything where the second person 'you' isn't the reader but like an actual character but there's an artistic need for the story to be told in the second person.
Aside from that I fucking despise reading second person when the 'you' is actually me, the reader. Or is vague about it. Like how dare you tell lies none of this happened to me how dare you put me in those situations and take the agency away from me I didn't consent to any of this. Like my reaction when I read the first 'you' is visceral. My face will just scrunch up and I'll immediately disregard everything I've read until that point and scroll off.
Anyway yeah I know it's stupid and I'm turning myself away from probably some banger reads and fics (let me specify again: I'm not kink shaming or looking down at the obvious 'reader x you' fics like those aren't for me but I respect them. I just don't like the second person writing that is actually purposeless. At least in my eyes.) but yeah I can't stop cringing when I'm scrolling through writing prompt replies and get hit with a 'You did bla bla'
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