#I'll probably update the size page when I figure out a better way to do it
lilliancdoodles · 1 month
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New Chapter with new character appearances? New art!! >:D (Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down by @tastytoastz) (masterlist of all my designs and art for this fic)
Click for better quality, Design notes and close up below!
"Now Lillian?" I hear you ask. "I thought you already did leo?" And you, observant tumblr user, would be correct. But guess what.
I went to look up lionfish again to make sure I did Roier right and looked at the tail again.
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So I redid Leo, and then I did Roier. :)
Roier is mostly just Spiderman colors. Focusing on the red and blue with hints of the black and white. I tried not giving him the headband and it didn't look right, so he gets the headband.
Also while looking for tail refrence, I saw that when out of water their tails kinda close up like a fan.
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So I just imagine that when out of the water and Roier smacks someone with his tail, it's like hitting them with a closed fan.
Pepito is this 🤏 big. Pepito is baby.
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Pepito normally wears the goggles but that didn't work with this my style here (if I do other art I'll make it work, but I didn't want to completely hide Pepitos eyes), so I just put them on Pepito's neck. 100% Spiderman goggles and you can't tell me otherwise. Pepito's ears are like an axolotl's gills, cause it was too perfect.
(art stuff rq on how i did pepe's ears if anyone wants to know) I have those hot pink colors on the side as swatches. The top most is the one in the back, or the one on top. The one off to the side is for the middle. and Bottom for the lowest. I used the csp effect bush 'Gauze cloud'
Apparently Q is also in this fic, so excited to draw him if/when he shows up. And anyone else. Mer's make me happy :D.
Happy Mermay! (I have plans)
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Common Knowledge 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, power imbalance, bullying, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Harald Halfdansson, tall & plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You untangle the strap of your knapsack from the folding desk. Somehow you always manage to caught up on something. Always a bit too tall, always a bit too much. You stand and leave your books on the empty seat next to you to unhook your bag.
You stand straight, the shuffle of students dispelling down the center aisle and out the doors. You reach for your books as a shadow approaches you. You look up at Professor Halfdansson as he approaches casually, a thumb in his front pocket.
Before you can grab the Norse Encyclopedia, he has it in his free hand. You stand straight, clasping onto the open mouth of your knapsack. You give him a tight-lipped smile, but it probably looks more like a sneer. You've been told your resting bitch face can be intimidating.
"Ah, you found it," he smiles, cradling it like a precious child against one arm and fluttering the pages. "I thought to offer you my own copy should you not."
"It's fine. No big task," you assure him.
"Humble," he praises, "so have you decided on your thesis?"
You push one shoulder up, "still thinking."
He grins and his blue eyes flick up from the book. He has a way of looking at you that makes you want to disappear. As if he's seeing right through you.
"Sorry, Professor, I have a class coming up--"
"You must be in Turner's class."
You hold out your hand expectantly. He glances at it and slowly hands over the book. You slip it through the zipper of your bag.
"How'd you know?"
"Birds of a feather," he says.
You nod and shoulder your bag. You have nothing to say to that. He watches you and steps back, waving you past him. You sidle around him in the tight aisle.
"Next week," he calls after you, "I think you'll very much enjoy the readings."
"Thank you, professor," you say as you turn down the steps, "I'll be sure to catch up."
You leave without looking back. He is an odd duck but many of your professors have their eccentricities. Professor Turner often can't figure out the projector. Funny how those regarded as so smart often have such glaring blindspots.
You sit down among the stacks, ready to tuck into a full day of studying. It isn't ideal and frankly fills you with anxiety. College wasn't made for you, nor were you it. Frankly, your interest in history is better sated in books off the shelf than the ramblings of scholars with an attachment to their overinflated titles.
History is vast, you can never know it all, and there are parts which hold little interest to you. Nordic myths left you indifferent. Never a subject you would choose for yourself but as you delve into it, not entirely dull.
You tap your pen as you wait for your laptop to update. Always at the best times. You flip open your notebook and flick through your notes. Right, focus, you just need a straightforward statement. It's not very difficult.
"Ah, a young aspirant on her journey to knowledge," the booming voice is much too loud in the hush of the library.
You look up as Professor Haraldsson approaches, he worn leather bag under his arm and a travel mug in the shape of a stein in his other hand, "very busy in here, do you mind if I invade your space?"
You give him a look between blank and surprised. You probably look dumb. You shrug and gesture at an empty chair. You suspect it was rhetorical.
He drops his bag unceremoniously and puts his cup down with a clank. You flinch and look back to your laptop, urging it to update faster.
"And so the Norns bring us together once more. I am starting to feel Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld's hands upon us."
You narrow your eyes and give him a look. You know the Norns but not by name. You try to smile and force out a scratchy chuckle.
"I guess…"
"May I?" He points to the large encyclopedia.
"Go ahead," you sigh as the login screen appears and you type.
He opens the cover and searches the table of contents. He finds his place among the many pages and leans in to read. You focus on the screen and your own work. Only a thesis statement, easy, right?
"I do find the illustrations rather immaculate," he comments as he runs his hand over a picture, a man with a sword before a woman of great stature. "Have you found it very useful?"
"Mmhmm," you hum and pull your notebook closer.
He slides the open book towards you and you place your notebook atop it, "and have we chosen a subject?"
You shake your head and look down. The small caption of the photo peeks out around the corner of the notebook. The professor slurps noisily from his cup.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out…"
Your voice trails off as you read the description; 'Frey declaring to the giantess, Gerd, that he will curse her to an eternity in Hel should she reject him.' You frown, many of these stories are dreadfully depressing. The womanly counterparts rarely meet a kind end.
"Well, should you have any questions," he offers as he pulls open the flap of his bag, "I do consider myself a bit of an expert."
"Thanks," you cup your chin as you lean forward, staring at your desktop.
You can feel him watching but refuse to acknowledge it, wondering if maybe you have something on your face. As with most people, you tune him out, pretending you are alone. You're always most comfortable that way.
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sewingsillythings · 8 months
TOS Dress Failures Post
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So as I mentioned, I'm beginning a little post here about things I did wrong with my first (yellow) Star Trek: TOS dress, and in the coming days I'll post a few updates about my second (red) dress, and try to show off what I'm doing differently! I am very much an amateur sewer, so maybe don't expect this to be super comprehensive, but I'm going to do my best to talk about the issues I had and just try to shed some light on what ended up being a pretty bare bones pattern. So much stuff I could have done better, some my own folly, some issues with the pattern.
To give you an idea, this is everything that came with the pattern:
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The instructions page is double sided, but the other side is just a sizing chart and recommended fabric types, in fact, the instructions occasionally mentioned diagrams that I did not receive, however, from my scouring the internet, this really is the best pattern if you want the right looking fit of the tos skant dresses, so I went with it anyway.
Some of the issue I ran into were:
Length: The little I saw online did suggest you lengthen the skirt and yeah, they were right. I did try to do this, but my lack a familiarity with the patterns made it really inconsistent.
Although the front is actually a good length, it's uneven because I tried to eyeball it (laziness strikes again), and the back (which I obviously didn't do as well) is waay too short for me to consider wearing in public. But the main issue was, being new to the pattern, I didn't realize that piece 'C' would also be forming part of the hemline, leading to this:
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As you can see this was a combo of my own follies and lack of comprehensive instructions.
Solution: add a specific amount of CMs to the pattern length and add it every piece (except the H&D sleeve pieces). I will make a post about this when I begin cutting my red fabric to show you all exactly what I'm doing, because I want to make some more measurements before I settle on a length.
2. Sleeves: The guides also said the lengthen and widen the sleeves, which I didn't do but definitely should have, I ripped so many seams just trying it on because the sleeves were too tight:
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I also used super stretchy fabric for this yellow dress, so with the cotton I'm using this time I will definitely have to be careful about adding a fair amount of width.
I will say the sleeve length is more of a matter of taste, but for an accurate costume I want them at least to my wrists, and this pattern's sleeve barely reached them, so lengthening is also a good idea. It's always easier to take something in than to let it out!
Solution: Add a few cm to the sleeve width and length, I will probably be doing 5cm extra for both because it's a nice round number, and gives me some wiggle room. For Americans in the audience this is about 2 inches.
3. Zipper: With the stretchy fabric I used I almost definitely did not need a zipper. So I didn't fully put it in. Basting the zipper is step 5 of the pattern, so I just sort of... basted it in and then never fully attached it or made the zipper opening because I was confused about where it went. This is where the pattern insists I should have been following a diagram I did not have:
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But I did have the little picture, where the zipper is hidden in the pleat, like so:
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As you can see there is supposed to be a slit in the fabric for the zipper to peek through, but the fabric I used was stretchy enough that I could basically just pull it on. Therefore, I never actually cut the slit and just pulled it on. With my less stretchy cotton I will have to put in a zipper, which will be okay because I figured out how to do it properly.
Solution: Instead of sewing the zipper all the way down right away (what I did) you are only supposed to sew it to the top part of the pattern, and leave the hidden/skirt part to sew in later. To be fair, the pattern does say this, I was just confused about the pleating due to my inexperience which led to confusion about the zipper. Generally though, next time, I will start at the top of the garment and work my way to the bottom... that maybe should have been obvious.
So those were the major problems I dealt with with this pattern, and they're also why I'm excited to try it again and make a better version!
I also had a lot of trouble with the pleating, but that was genuinely just my inexperience and not the pattern giving me issues. I could make another post about the problems I had with that if there are other beginners who might want some tips though.
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