#I'll try to make more posts dedicated to my OCs (and maybe finish my RefSheet someday lol)
frauleiiin ยท 3 months
Pain and hate for any oc(s)
Thank you so much for the ask!
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pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
My smuggler Kaaydan is very tough, he overcomes whatever life throws at him but there was a time he was WAY more vulnerable and that's when he experienced the worst pain ever. This is essentially the story behind his scars. Back when he lived in Nar Shaddaa, he tried to steal spice from a dealer's warehouse but obviously he got caught. [TW: assault/knife] The dealer's enforcers beat him up, then the dealer got out a knife and left two cuts across Kaaydan's face. And that, folks, was K's most painful experience (not counting also the mental aspect of it). Since then, nothing seems as painful, so he's definitely got high pain tolerance now.
If you ever wanted to know how he got to that point and what happened after I have written his backstory on his RefSheet ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ Kaaydan
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hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
This one is complex. Yuthuura sees injustice pretty much everywhere but what she truly hated was that no matter what side she was on, she was still caged and manipulated. She grew up as a slave, changed ''owners'', she got into a force cult and then the Empire sent her to Korriban. Almost every aspect of her life was choosen by someone else and it filled her with so much resentment. How did she act towards her hatred? At first, she tried to be a Sith, she tried to believe that the Sith liberated her, but she was only being used again EXCEPT this time she could do something about it. So at the end of the class story, instead of killing Darth Thanaton to join the Dark Council, she killed Darth Thanaton to earn her freedom and leave the Sith forever. That's how her healing journey began.
All her story revolves around freedom/hate/confusion, one day I'll write a proper backstory and explain this in details hihi. There's this line from the Sith Code that describes her perfectly ''My chains are broken, the Force shall free me'' Yuthuura
Here's the OC ask post
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