#I'll write them properly shagging soon; I just don't want to mess with anything else
nehswritesstuffs · 4 years
Whouffle Week 2020 - Day 3
I’m part of a Discord server called Clara’s Diner, where we mostly talk about Doctor Who, ns7-10 specifically, and they organized a Whouffle Week for Clara’s birthday/the anniversary of the show! I actually prepared this time for a daily prompt session (aka: did most of it ahead of time), so here’s my contributions.
948 words; this one is a bit wild so strap in kids; definitely contains some TARDIS hanky-panky (not that the ship is enjoying that); I kinda just stopped bc I don’t want to go and change the rating level of this set and it’s, like, already pushing it you’ll see what I mean in just a tic
Day 1 - 2 -
Prompt 3: misunderstanding/bad timing
Everyone in the room stared at Clara as she stood in the doorway, panting heavily as she attempted to catch her breath. Good—she stopped things just in time, and she didn’t care how sweaty and disheveled and absolutely not-invited-to-this-ceremony she looked.
“…what did you say…?” the priestess at the altar said. Her lip curled in disgust as Clara began to walk towards them, tracking mud and gunk across the very expensive rug.
“I said that you can’t let this wedding continue,” Clara said. She took note of how many people were in the hall, both Gallifreyanoid and not, and she could feel the pressure on her. Then again, she’d taught Year Eight—she’d been under worse pressure. “The grooms don’t love each other, they don’t even get along, and one of them is already married!”
“Then why is the Doctor standing here of his own volition?” the prince asked. He motioned at the man standing across from him, who seemed to be ignoring his travelling companion’s outburst. “He said he was a widow—you were there.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he’s not spoken for,” she hissed. The closer she got to the altar, the more the other guests began to wonder what was going on. “That was fairly sneaky, thinking that if you could get me out of the picture—hiding me in the dungeon—then the Doctor was free for the taking. Well let me tell you something: you thought wrong.”
“This… uh… must be a big misunderstanding…!”
“Not if you take this into consideration!” Clara was finally at the altar and her hand went for the Doctor’s head. The prince panicked and attempting to push the human interloper away, but it was too late: she pulled the blinking metal device out of the Doctor’s hair and let it drop to the ground, smashing it underneath her boot. The Time Lord blinked and shook his head slightly—there was quite the headache beginning to set in.
“Clara…? What’s going on?”
“This man,” she announced, pointing at the prince, “is guilty of kidnapping, brainwashing, coercion, and who knows all what else he was planning for after the ceremony!” There was a collective gasp from the audience; they were at least smart enough to connect those dots.
“…that explains a lot,” the Doctor muttered under his breath. He felt the little spot in his fluff of hair where the mind-control device sat and nodded, impressed. “That’s a nasty little piece of tech if it was supposed to take over my mind. It’s almost like you were planning on us showing up here.”
“That is absurd,” the priestess snapped. “Why would His Highness…?!”
“Don’t think you’re sitting safe and pretty either,” Clara growled. “You’re in on it as well. Why else would you agree to marry someone very clearly against their will?”
“Why would I be in on such a plan?!”
“…because what better prize than a prince and a lord of time?” Clara heard another collective gasp; this was almost too easy.
“…and what gives you the right to say all these things?” the prince asked. “Why must you stop us with these lies and that bit of destroyed metal that you quickly crunched?”
“This is why,” the Doctor said. He grabbed Clara and kissed her deeply, taking everyone in the hall by complete surprise, including Clara. For extra flair, he went and dipped her down, literally sweeping her off her feet, much to the prince’s anger.
“Guards! Seize them!”
“Oops, gotta run,” the Doctor grinned. He let go of Clara and they both began to sprint for the door. Guards that had been stationed there tried to put down their pikes to block their path, but the two time-and-space travelers slid once the rug ran out, utilizing the smooth stone floor instead.
“We’re finishing that later, I hope you realize,” Clara insisted as they continued to run through the corridor. They banked a hard right and avoided—at least temporarily—a fresh set of soldiers running to catch them.
“How did you know I wasn’t acting myself?” he asked. They slid down a bannister. “What was the major tell?”
“You couldn’t have seen me even if you tried with that thing stuck to your head,” she replied. They just barely dodged another set of soldiers and were at the TARDIS doors. After fumbling with the key and getting in, they locked the door behind them and both rushed for the console. Hitting things into gear was simple enough, and within moments they were back in the safety of the time vortex, no longer within the mechanizations of the Pywenihg High Court.
Looking at one another, the Doctor and Clara silently acknowledged the other’s state before crashing into a frenzied kiss. All the adrenaline they had just built up had nowhere to go, and at least this would release it semi-constructively. Clara hefted herself into the Doctor’s arms, holding onto his hips with her legs as she otherwise gripped his hair and shoulders tight. He stumbled backwards and eventually staggered into the stairs, sitting down on one of the steps. With his hands on her rear, he let himself melt in her grasp—he was absolutely powerless to stop her.
…then again, it wasn’t like he really wanted to stop.
Clara inhaled deeply as she broke the kiss, nearly drowning in the sea that was him. He gently took one of her hands in his and brought it to his lips, not breaking eye contact the entire time.
“I knew you had my back,” he said.
“Only because you have mine,” she reminded him.
She bent down to kiss him again—all was right in the universe.
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